Blog Giveaway: Shop with me and win a dress from WAREHOUSE! (CLOSED)

As I’ve previously mentioned, WAREHOUSE’ end of season sale is happening tomorrow until February 12. So what’s a girl to do? RUN (don’t walk!) to a Warehouse branch near you! This is your chance to score that blazer you’ve been lusting over for weeks, or that dress you’ve been wanting to buy for your prom!

Still not excited? Why don’t I entice you with just some of the items that will go on sale:

Still not convinced? THEN WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! This is one sale you definitely CANNOT miss!

So what’s my giveaway? One lucky winner will get the chance to join me at Warehouse, Robinsons Galleria on February 17 (tentative date) where I will personally choose a dress from Warehouse to be given to her/him. Interested? Want to win that Warehouse dress and spend time with me?

Here’s how you can join:

  1. LIKE Warehouse Philippines on Facebook.
  2. Follow me on Twitter and Google Friend Connect (GFC). (You can find the link to my GFC on my sidebar to your left, right below Bloglovin’. Just click “Join this site”)
  3. Tweet this: “I want to win a dress from Warehouse at!!! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways” No need to tag or mention my Twitter name.
  4. Post this on your Facebook wall: “Warehouse Philippines’ end of season sale starts on Jan. 13 until Feb. 12! Up to 50% off! AHHHHHHH!” Make sure to tag Warehouse Philippines in your post.
  5. Gather the troops and encourage your friends to LIKE Warehouse Philippines on Facebook. The person with the highest number of friends in common with Warehouse Philippines by the cut-off date wins!
  6. Leave a comment below with your Twitter name, GFC username, Facebook name and # of common friends with Warehouse Philippines.

Contest ends on Jan. 29, 2012, 11:59 P.M. Winner will be announced via my Twitter. If you do win, I will ask you to provide screencaps. Good luck! :)

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