Blog Giveaway: Market HQ (CLOSED)

So you’ve probably already seen my awesome dress and skirt from Market HQ, right? I’ve gushed about the online store countless times (and it’ll probably continue because they just have too many pretty things). Now it’s your turn to gush about Market HQ! They heard how much you love them so they’re throwing a giveaway for you!!!! Woohoo!

So what’s up for grabs? Market HQ is giving one lucky winner more than $150 worth of products, namely these Mink Pink “Paparazzi” sunnies, Mink Pink “Eye In The Sky” tote and I Like Wolves “Palm Spring” dress. Ack! I wish I can join my own giveaway haha!

So here’s how you can join:

  1. Follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin’. If you don’t have these accounts, it’s easy to make one!
  2. Follow Market HQ on Bloglovin’ and LIKE them on Facebook.
  3. Leave a comment below with your name, twitter name and email address.
  4. Tweet this: “I hope I win the @shopmarkethq outfit at! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways”

This contest is open to everyone! Both foreign and local readers are eligible to join. Deadline for entries is on October 7, 2012 at 11:59PM. No multiple entries please. As usual, I will be choosing 1 winner via and announcing who it is via Twitter so make sure you check your Twitter account!

Good luck everyone!

498 Responses to “Blog Giveaway: Market HQ (CLOSED)”
  1. Christy Ann

    Thank you!
    Name: Christy Ann
    Twitter: @babybraddy
    Facebook: Christy Ann
    Email: z853www at hotmail dot com

    • Rachel

      Hey! Do you have any giveaways that can be found as well from There are great stuff that can be found there. I was hoping na meron din kayo hehe. Anyway, thanks.

  2. Catherine Joyce Gayo

    Name: Catherine Joyce Gayo
    Twitter Name: @cathjoyce010
    Email Address: cathjoyce_010@yahoo,com

  3. Cheli

    Name: Rochelle Alejandria
    Twitter: @chelalejandria
    Eadd: chelalejandria at yahoo dot com

  4. Loubna

    I’ve alwas loved to own a dress like this one, I’m always afraid of wearind printed patters so I would like to try.

    Name: Loubna Asrih

    Twitter: 1192Asrih

    [email protected]

  5. Abby

    Leave a comment below with your name, twitter name and email address.

    Abby Sanchez
    notesandstaffs at gee mail dot com

  6. Rawinia Andrews

    hi just thought I enter to try win something although I’m really skeptical I will. :-/

  7. Sharmaine C

    Name: Sharmaine Chan
    Twitter name: @shaine_c
    email address: me_winy AT yahoo DOT com DOT ph

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