I Am Super!

Perfect day to wear a cape top! It was quite windy so I felt every bit a superwoman!

Cape tops are usually styled in such a strong and powerful way–you know, the we-run-the-world/independent-woman type of dressing. But when your cape top is in a happy and bright yellow, it’s hard not to think of all things sunny and cheeriooooo.

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The Closet Goddess cape top

Stylista.PH necklace

ZARA shorts

Kiss & Tell shoes

P.S. I’m going to Malaysia next week! Woot! I have been invited by the Embassy of Malaysia to tour around the country and to experience its Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival. I’m so excited to go back!!! More so because our itinerary includes a meet & greet with Jimmy Choo!!! Definitely bringing a Jimmy Choo purse with me!!!! :)

134 Responses to “I Am Super!”
  1. Glimmer Hazie

    Hi Achi Camille! Where do you make the little badge the twitter look book and etc how can I make one?

  2. Ellaine

    You are so lucky Ms. camille. You get to travel and be in style at the same time. Nice outfit post. You definitely prove to us that you can run the world. Good luck on your Malaysia trip. You take care and enjoy!! :)

  3. Jana

    My love affair with your itscamille.com started when I saw your blog about the orange cape dress. (“,) For some reason, I bumped into your blog and I have been hooked ever since!

    And I still have to own one cape dress. huhuhu.. The Closet Goddess has it now. teehee! Makapag order na while supply last. :)

    Thank you for being an inspiration..

  4. kyension

    Wow! Selamat datang (Welcome in Malay)!

    I’ll definitely look forward to seeing your updates about your trip to Malaysia! Can’t wait to read about shopping in Malaysia from a fashionista like you!

    I’m looking forward to the upcoming Mega Sales Carnival too! Let’s shop till we drop! =D

  5. Sarah Barlis

    Goodluck Camille! Please share with us your trip to Malaysia. :D

  6. Hazel Tan

    Hi Achi Camille! Can I ask you a question? Saan to na powered ( comment bar )
    and paano ma ppapapowered yung tumblr to a website parang itscamilleco.tumblr.com insteade it will be mbrjlmcn.top? Plese help me! :*

    • itscamilleco

      I’m actually on WordPress so pati my comments are hosted on WordPress. :)

  7. Dheya Suzuki

    OMG. prettyyyyyyyy. :> I love this. especially the shorts and the shoes. <3

  8. Dana Alulod

    You’re really pretty :D Goodluck for your tour and Enjoy :D Take Care ! <3

  9. ariannefromthenorth

    Hi Camille!Nice post!Really,i just want to ask why you didnt blog about your guesting in Projest Runaway too much?..hehe..and where did you wear the winning piece?..did you blog it?..hehehe

    • itscamilleco

      Hi Arianne! I must’ve just forgotten to, if I find time, I will. As for the dress, I still haven’t worn it but I will! :)

  10. Dudix

    I love those shoes! I’m not sure, but I believe that you’ve never shown them to us before. Boohoo! How many pairs do you have, by the way?
    Have fun in Malaysia, Camille!

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Dudix! Yes it’s the first time I blogged about them. :) I don’t know how many pairs I have now :)

  11. Nicole

    Hi, Camille! What would you recommend to wear on a debut which isn’t a formal party @ a bar? I don’t want to look like a party girl though. I still wanna look sweet and girly. :) Thanks!! :) ♥♥♥
    Love your outfits forever!

    • itscamilleco

      Hmm I’d recommend a dress still but maybe not bodycon to look sweet and not so much a party girl. :) Thanks Nicole!

  12. nhik's

    yeah your right your a super..supermodel,superstylist and super great designer..evrything you wear is so nice and inspiring to all girls..=)
    take care on your flight in malaysia ..ill wait your new post that you will blog in malaysia..=)

    • itscamilleco

      Pair it with bottoms that are above the knee :) Higher hemlines make your legs look longer :)

  13. cath ocampo

    Yay!Those legs :”> Good luck to your tour!please share some pictures when you go back! (excited) Your a superhero in real life i think. coz you keep on inspiring women to dress well *saying it with love*

    • itscamilleco

      Haha while packing daisies! My opponents won’t take me seriously then! :) Thanks Nicole!

  14. Aqui

    I can’t wait for your blog about your tour in Malaysia!! Take care!!

  15. Lydia

    Welcome to Malaysia (next week) :D

    Weather here is mostly sunny.. but lately it’s been very hot and humid.. occasional rain…
    Lots of good shopping places :p You’ll definitely go back with loads of stuff…

    Hope you’ll have an awesome time here!

    And I love the colours of your outfit :)

    KL girl

  16. CC

    You look so cute but fashionable, not everyone can pull off the cape top well!! have a safe trip to malaysia! do share with us how cool the trip was!!!! ;) oh and i really hope you could come to Singapore!!!! xxx

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Inah! I do drive but really seldom, like on Sundays. :)

  17. Zaira

    OMG OMG. I love your whole outfit ate Camille!
    And please take me with you to Malaysia! Hahaha. KIDD!

  18. Phie

    omg the yellow cap is super cutee<3 i probably have to lose some weight to wear something like that thoughT_Ti'll look like a big blob of yellowwww;(

  19. Jessica

    Hi Camille! Lovely outfit, but where are your bracelets from? Thanks :)

  20. panyang

    Love the cape! And its like your shoes and shorts are made for each other. :D
    Am very excited for your posts about Malaysia. :) ingat po kayo. :)

  21. jamie

    I love those shorts!!!!!!!! They look so perfect with that top. And the cape is really unique too.
    Great look!

    Have fun in Malaysia!


  22. Colleen

    You’re my fashion superhero! Great style as always Ms. Camille! <3

    • itscamilleco

      Awww I’ll gladly be your fashion superhero! Thanks Colleen!

  23. MissLilly

    Love your look, love the yellow, the way the cape top flows with the wind! It must be quite funny to dress it in a windy day.
    Meeting Jimmy Choo???? Wants!!!

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks MissLilly! :) Yes it was a little funny, I really felt like a superhero haha!

  24. Myka

    I love the cape!!! You look like a super hero on her break. HAHA. :) I’ve been wanting the cape styled coats, like the ones in the 50’s since it’s super stylish, but I think it’s just expensive. Plus, I haven’t seen a pretty one… Anyway, I just love the outfit. ;)

    • itscamilleco

      Hahaha in short, superhero on her day-off perhaps? :) Thanks Myka!

  25. zsa

    nice outfit! been reading all your blogs! take care and have a safe trip!

  26. Anaivilo

    OMG, meeting Jimmy Choo, that is amazing!! O.O And indeed that cape-top looks so powerful! Great choice of shoes , they are adorable! :X

  27. Lila

    You’re Cape top is awesome and so is your necklace… ~♥~
    It’s so cool that you’re going to meet Jimmy Choo and can’t wait to see your purse.. :D

  28. Pia

    You’re the prettiest and most stylish super woman I’ve ever seen. Fan girl forever <3

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