Not So Mini Skirt

It’s been a long time since my last outfit post, yes? It’s about time I post one again now that my blog’s facelift is finally done. Yay!

Hype this look on here.

If you remember my post before, I mentioned that I had a shoot at the newly opened Mind Museum for a prestigious magazine. The magazine is finally out! It’s for MEGA Magazine’s 20 Most Stylish Women of 2012. I was also part of their list last year (10 Most Stylish) so I was really surprised and honored to be part of it again. Thank you MEGA! I’ve already seen the list and I must say, I’m in really good company. Most, if not all, of the women on the list are those that I look up to so it’s a HUGE compliment to see my name beside theirs! I’d probably get intimidated when I see them all later at the Most Stylish party. Ack!

So anyway, for the said issue, here’s one of the outfits that I wore. I chose to wear something sophisticated and simple but still striking in my own little way. The photos below are not the ones shot by MEGA. I’ll probably post them in a separate entry when I get my hands on a copy! I haven’t seen the actual editorial yet but I’m sure it looks so cool because we shot inside the Mind Museum. Plus, our photographer, Joanne Bitangcol, is awesome! If you haven’t gotten yourself a copy, go grab one now!

ZARA top | Pinkaholic skirt

Extreme Finds necklace

(From L-R) SM Accessories ring |YSL Arty ring

Zara belt

YSL shoes

There you have it! For me, my outfit here is the perfect example of mixing high, medium and low-cost items. Fashion is so much fun when you mix and match. If it’s really beautiful, it’s beautiful no matter what the price is! Agree?

196 Responses to “Not So Mini Skirt”
  1. Chantel :)

    Awesome outfit Cam’s, i cant say anything na! love you. xoxo

  2. kesta

    hi camille!your so gorgeous, your my number one fashion blogger idol, you inspired me in so many way, your creations are beyond perfect. I’am also one of those people who dream to be fashion designer one day!hahaha..It may sounds funny tome, but really, i’m dreaming for it ever since i was young.(walang bayad mangarap!haha)..Camille keep doing what you love, cause you really inspire us!hihihi. More power:-)

    • itscamilleco

      Tama! We all started from there, pangarap lang at first na natupad :) Thank you Kesta! :)

  3. apple de guzman

    camille ur amazing! l love the way you put up dresses even a piece of strand will be magically be a fantastic when your the one who wears it!

  4. Tasha D.

    The pronunciation of YSL is really bizarre. haha! I was surprised that it was pronounced that way. I wonder if they teach you how to pronounce their brands with every purchase. haha!

  5. Dheya Suzuki

    cute skirt! kinda corporate outfit. haha. well, it`s just my opinion. but it`s very classy.

  6. Molly

    This made me wonder. Does a Camille Co buy (or at least tried?) her other stuffs from tiangges? Or tried an… ukay? :p

    And btw, is that belt from Zara, stretchable? :)

    • itscamilleco

      Of course I have! :) The Zara belt is stretchable :)

  7. Pat Hernandez

    I am not updated with your blog anymore! I need to catch up! Hehe. I love your outfit! <3 Do you feel comfortable wearing that kind of shoes? I am just curious. Hehe.

    • itscamilleco

      Tsk tsk! I’m judging you! Haha I kid :) These YSL shoes are comfortable, just not for dancing the night away.

    • itscamilleco

      They’re available online. :) Forgot to put the link! So sorry! I already placed it. :)

  8. dennysy

    Wow this is really nice!! where did you get your shoes? I love your outfit!!!=)

  9. Nikki Loren Libunao

    Miss/Ate Camille!
    How come you so pretty and gorgeous and fashionable?
    All time idol :”>
    You got natural curls right? They’re awesome.
    I envy you so much :(

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Nikki :) I have naturally wavy hair but not as pretty as this. :) This was styled :)

  10. Carla

    I love the layout of your new blog!:)

    This look is amazing.:) I love everything from head to toe.:)

    You have lovely photos.:) Do you mind if I ask the lens you use for these photos using your D7000?:)

    Thank you.:)

  11. Mika

    Camille, I’m sooo loving your “new” blog! And I love the fact that you’re also using WordPress! Heehee. Keep up the good work!!! :)

    Mika xoxo

  12. Jaszel

    oh gosh! I’m alive again, been waiting for your next outfit post and it’s now here! Love it, you never fail to amaze me Camille! xx

  13. Keightie

    I love this look. Your hair is perfect too. :)

    The look of your new blog is so pretty. You made me think of going to WordPress. :)

  14. Lai

    “Fashion is so much fun when you mix and match. If it’s really beautiful, it’s beautiful no matter what the price is! Agree?”

    Amen! :)

  15. Charm

    wow! itso rare for popular bloggers like you to respond to all the readers’ comments! only shows u remain humble despite all the fame! :) mag artista knlng te! haha. i kid. such a big fan of yours! sana matuloy ka na sa cagayan so that i could finally meet you! isa lang nmn gusto ko eh, picture with u! hehe.

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Charm! I’m sure they’re all grounded and humble. Baka sobrang dami lang talaga and they get busy at times too. :) I hope I get to visit Cagayan again as well. :)

  16. anicorpuz

    you’re photos are awesome ♥

    Congratulations for being part of MEGA Magazine’s Stylist women!

  17. Kamille Carreon

    as always, gorgeous outfit!!

    do you know where can i get the same style of the belt you’re wearing but in a smaller/thinner belt and gold plate? thanks! =)

    • itscamilleco

      Thank you Kamille! I’m looking for one as well! I don’t know where to find one though. :(

  18. Mariel

    Hi Ms. Camille! You look so gorgeous! (You always are.) Hihi and you’re so nice for putting an effort to reply to all these comments on your blog. Hihi

    Anyway, Ms. Camille what camera do you use on these photos? Do you still edit it? Hihi

  19. xpockiex

    Absolutely gorgeous skirt :) You totally deserve to be one of the most stylish people in the Phillipines! :D

  20. Pia

    “Is she a mannequin?” – my little brother complimenting you. You are so stunning Ms. Camille. <3

  21. Charity

    Hi! Just dropping by to tell you that your blog is one of my daily-reads. And since then I became bolder on my take on fashion. I love it that many of your outfit posts I can wear in my office which is stereotyped ultra conservative. Lavet!

    Anyhow, I like the new look of the website, but I must say that I do miss seeing your picture that was then posted on the left marginal portion of your old site (the one published in one of your features in a mag). Just the same, a big congratulations to you: for the new site, the recent mag feature and the first anniversary of your blog! So happy for you!

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks so much Charity! The photo you’re pertaining to is still there! :) Click the “About Me” on my navigation bar to see it. I’m happy you find my blog inspiring! Thanks again!

  22. Kale Alexa "Alex"

    hello, very nice outfit, especially the shoes! ;) i like your style ‘chic’, simple but elegant “bongga!”. Where did you usually shop at Hong Kong??

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Kale! I shop everywhere haha!Causeway Bay, Central, etc. :)

  23. Nana

    As always, you look stunning! :) btw, is your hair naturally wavy or do you curl/style it everyday? :)

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Bonna! My hair is naturally wavy but this one was styled/curled. :)

  24. Therese

    I love your new blog and I’m glad that you moved to a new platform! :) congrats for being one of MEGA’s most stylish – you deserve it!

  25. Candy

    I love this outfit! expecially the shoes! and the dress! you look so tall! how tall are you if you dont mind? coz i’m really tall but i’m scared to wear high heels :(

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Candy! I’m 5’7″ :) I’m scared to wear heels too but i try my best to brave it haha!

  26. Patrice

    The second photo is gorgeous, Camille! You look stunning. And congrats! You definitely deserved to be part of Mega’s 20 Most Stylish :)

  27. Darren Mae de Torres

    congrats ms. camille! :D you really deserve to be part of MEGA’s 20 most stylish. i love your outfit here! lalo na yung skirt :”> so fab! happy 1st blog anniversary and advance happy birthday! :) lalalalove your blog’s new look! <3

  28. Inez

    Heart your skirt. Great shoes! Lovely belt too. Congrats on making the 10 and 20 most stylish, you deserve it.

  29. reese

    hi ms camille! i just opened an online shop for accessories. i was wondering if paano kita mpapadalhan? hehehe.. you can check the site if ever you like something, i could send it to you :)
    btw, i won’t praise your outfit. it’s already gorgeous! what i do like is your legs! i’m jealous! :( i hope you could make a post of how you maintain a nice, flawless legs. hehe

    ps: congrats for being most stylish women for 2012!

    • itscamilleco

      Hi Reese! Thank you! I don’t know how to maintain them though haha! Try to avoid scratches maybe? As for the accessories, you can email me if you want! :)

  30. Marcel Gemilga

    I really love your new blog, Camille! Congrats on the success of pimping your blog, and congrats on being one of MEGA’s Most Stylish. I’m so proud of you. You totally deserve the title.

  31. Valencia Maximillian

    Just like everyone says, you really deserved to be the most stylish ppl!! Pretty rings and that belt match perfectly with the skirt, gorgeous!

    and congrats with the new website!! super love it!

  32. Darleen Atienza

    I’m really happy that you have an outfit post again. You look so gorgeous! Congratulations for being one of the Most Stylish Women for 2012. You really deserve it!

    Btw, may I ask you something? What would be the best look for an interview? What would the hair should look like and also the outfit? I hope that you’ll give time answering this.

    More power! :)

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Darleen! For job interviews, wear a collared blouse, closed shoes (preferably with heels) and slacks/long skirts. Make sure you look neat and simple. Keep you hair up to achieve this. Good luck!

  33. Anitha

    yeeey beautiful blog Camille and you look very chic as usual ah to be young and skinny #nolstagicformyyouth

    a fan all the way from East Africa

  34. Rikki

    Wow Ate Camille! Congratulations!! :) You really look like a goddess here!! Uwaa I just really love your style!!! Idol na idol :)

  35. Kendra

    Congrats Ms. Camille!
    You look so pretty, classy and elegant as always like Victoria Beckham. :)

  36. Ana Reynoso

    Yaaay you totally deserve it ;) looks like every year’s getting better and better :) Oh, will there be another birthday month sale over at Coexist? :> heehee

  37. daphne

    Yay, you’re on WordPress now! Congrats, the new layout looks amazing and professional. I’ve been an avid reader of your blog since your first post and I must say you’ve done a wonderful job blogging <3 You've most likely met thousands of your readers-slash-fans, but I hope you remember me. Haha. :))

  38. colleen

    Omg I love your belt! I dint see that in zara! :( where else can I get one? I’ve beeenn looking for one since last year!

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Colleen! Try Greenbelt’s ZARA, they might stil have one :)

    • itscamilleco

      Thank you! I don’t know what it’s called though because i just let my hairstylist do whatever. I go to Park Jun Salon if it helps.

  39. Ericka Garcia

    I really, really, really love your new blog Miss Camille!

    I really, really, really love your mini/long skirt!

    I really, really, really love your outfit!


    Ericka :)

  40. Mariko Ogata

    Congratulations Ms. Camille!!!

    Love the outfit!!! Stylish and really classy!!! You’re definitely one of my fashion icons.

  41. KC

    GEEZ your hair looks amazing. Is it the same color as before? Looks a little darker?

  42. Rach Nathanielsz

    You’re just so fabulous, Camille!! I hope one day I can achieve what you have achieved in the fashion industry. xx :)

  43. Mira

    your new web site is awesome! way better than the old one.
    what a sophisticated outfit. lovely.
    going to hype you on lookbool

    love Mira

  44. Katherine Fernandez

    I was wowed! very simple yet elegant.:) Did you out on the make-up by yourself?:) that’s pro right there.:) thank you Ms. Camille for living your life to inspire others.♥♥ Blessings more!

  45. Cat

    Hi Camille! Who designed your site? It’s really nice. :) I also like your outfit here. You achieved the simple yet elegant look.

  46. Mark U

    A long backed skirt… Kinda reminds me of the cape in your previous post. And that’s one shiny belt buckle. Love how the red pumps accent the entire outfit by being the only brightly colored one.

    And if I may say so… Mind meltingly fabulous legs. :3

  47. michelle c.

    it must be this…

    your back happy. i always checked your blog..i learned alot from your style.. :D ♥

  48. Jamille Heart

    Hey. I’ve been loving how classy each and every outfit you’ve been posting. Though it’s quite out of the question, I’d like to ask what kind of Camera do you use? If you don’t mind me asking.

  49. AC

    Congrats! You really deserves to be part of the MEGA Magazine’s 20 Most Stylish Women of 2012. You’re one of the fashion icons I look up to. :)

    I love your hair – BTW. :)

  50. Isa Reynoso

    really classy outfit! very Camille Co :) You really deserve to be a part of the list! There is not one look in your blog/lookbook that failed to amaze me :) Congrats! <3

  51. Kathleen Mendoza

    Indeed, you are surely the most stylish. :) I’m a big fan of yours, Ms. Camille! :D

  52. Gilbert

    your blog is such an amazing one and both my sisters have always see you as their idol in the fashion term! you are such an inspiration

    this outfit is really nice! <3

  53. Dianne

    love the skirt! very well put together. I like looking at your blogs :)

  54. Maine

    Congratulations, Camille! You really deserve to be part of the most stylish people in the Philippines! :)

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