Finally, the new and improved is now live! We tried our best to keep the hiatus short and to launch this as quickly as possible. There are still a few minor kinks here and there but nothing that we can’t fix in a jiffy.
So what do you think? I hope you love my blog’s new look as much as I do! As promised, to celebrate this launch, my blog’s 1st year anniversary and my birthday, I’m throwing a HUUUUUGE blog giveaway–12 giveaways, 25 prizes! Consider this my little thank you for all the support you’ve given me.
Are you excited? I know I am!
So here’s how you can win one of the prizes listed below.
- Follow me on Twitter and on BlogLovin’.
- Like the Facebook pages and follow the Twitter accounts of ALL the brands listed below, regardless of the prize you want to win. Remember, you have to have a Twitter account to qualify.
- Leave a comment below with your name, Twitter name and preferred giveaway number prize/s.
- Tweet this: “ is finally back up!!! I want to win the fabulous prizes she’s giving away! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways” No need to mention/tag me.
So easy, right? Deadline for entries is on April 22, 11:59 PM. No multiple entries please. Contest is open to Philippine residents only. To my international readers, don’t you worry! I’ve got something for you as well
Good luck everyone! As usual, winners will be announced via my Twitter.
Giveaway #1: 2 winners. Each will receive 1 Lash King mascara, 1 Blood On tint (perfect for the beach), 1 Lash Expander Plus mascara and 1 Majolica Majorca iPhone case.
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Follow Majolica Majorca on Twitter[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like Majolica Majorca on Facebook[/button]
Giveaway #2: 1 winner of Majolica Majorca press kit.
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Follow Majolica Majorca on Twitter[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like Majolica Majorca on Facebook[/button]
Giveaway #3: 1 winner of Call It Spring polka dot bag.
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like Call It Spring on Facebook[/button]
Giveaway #4: 2 winners of P5000 worth of SM Accessories GCs each.
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Follow SM Accessories on Twitter[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like SM Accessories on Facebook[/button]
Giveaway #5: 1 winner of MiLi Power Crystal external battery for iPhone, iPod, Blackberry and other mobile phones, Accutone Aquarius in-ear headphones with mic and Divoom i-Tour Pop speakers.
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Follow MiLi on Twitter[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Follow Accutone on Twitter[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Follow Divoom on Twitter[/button]
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like MiLi on Facebook[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like Accutone on Facebook[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like Divoom on Facebook[/button]
Giveaway #6: 3 winners. Each will get a pair of shoes of her choice from Comfit.
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like Comfit on Facebook[/button]
Giveaway #7: 5 winners of 2 celebrity fragrances each from Bench and Kashieca.
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Follow Bench on Twitter[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like Bench on Facebook[/button]
Giveaway #8: 3 winners of 1 Shine Element Brush each.
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Follow Goody on Twitter[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like Goody on Facebook[/button]
 Giveaway #9: 1 winner of 1 Soak Swimwear of her choice.
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Follow Soak Swimwear on Twitter[/button] [button link=”″ size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like Soak Swimwear on Facebook[/button]
Hi Ms. Camille!
I just wondering when will I get mine. :( I haven’t receive any messages from Comfit. Thanks! ☺
I received word from Comfit that they’ll email you by tonight or tomorrow :)
Thanks Ms. Camille! ☺
hi ms camilel! :)) i just got your package. thank you soooo much! i’m so excited! God bless you more!
Yay! Enjoy! :)
hi miss camille, im so excited to get the majolica set!!!♥ =)but did i miss the instructions on how to claim the prize?,,i havent gotten a reply yet =( #atatmuch
Sorry it’s my fault talaga! I promise I’ll reply within this week. A little busy lang! :)
Same here. I thought I didn’t followed the instructions too since I haven’t received a reply yet :| =))Hahaha. I’m excited too to have the prize ;>
Just send my replies to everyone! :) So sorry!
Do you mind if I repost my comment/tweet? I don’t think it was posted. :( I promise!
Ana Pamintuan
preferred prizes: All (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
giveaways 1,5,9
twitter: hellochichi07
name: faith joyce distor
Name: Allyssa Manabat
twitter username: yssamanabat
#3,4,6 :>
Happy Birthday!
Dobbe Sumalinog
mail: [email protected]
Twitter: iamdobbe
Preffered prize: #s 3, 6, 9
I dont know if I have entered my entry. Hahaha so here again
Name: shaynna manabat
twitter: shaynnapauline
Mark Joseph A. Yumang
Giveaway#4 ;)
Maria Corazon Letada
Preferred giveaways: #3, 4, 5, 7 and 8
Name: Paullette Flores
Twitter: pauuuuu_
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9
Twitter: Dioana de Mesa (@drdemesa)
Name: Dioanaros de Mesa
prizes: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8
Kristina Marie Letada
Preferred giveaways: #1,3,5,6 and 9
Lucia Anne Sacro
Twitter Username: @itsluciaanne
Preferred Giveaways #: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 :)
Danielle Mae Aquino
twitter : @aevensky
giveaway number 1
# 6 or #9 Thanks, and Happy birthday!
Name/FB: bianca nicole Cervania
Twitter: @bnicolecervania
Preferred giveaway: #3, 6, 8 or 9 :)
Name: Lourdes Arra Villanueva
Twitter: gaspille
Giveaways: 1/2/4/6/9
name: vanessa de castro
twitter: vanniedecastro
giveaway: 4, 6, 9
thank you so much! :D
Name – Pamela Chuateco
Twitter – pamela_lollipop
#8 #9 #5
Name: Janine Macmang
Twitter: @NinaMacky
Giveaway #s 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9
vanessa de castro
twitter: vanniedecastro
giveaway: 4, 6, 9
thank you so much. :)
Name: Alyssa Ong
Twitter: spellayssa
#2 / #4 / #5 / #6
Name: Brian James L. Avila
Twitter: @iamyan2xavila
Giveaways #s 1, 2, 3 and 4
Thank you! :) xx
Vanessa de castro
Twitter: vanniedecastro
Giveaway: 4, 6, 9.
Thank you so much! :)
NAME: ana irish i. alcovendas
TWITTER: ICEalcovendas
GIVEAWAY #2, 3, 6, 9
Name: Dale Butardo
Twitter name: @dhaletotbutardo
#9/ #6/ #3/ #4 :D
Name: Roma Beryl B. Dajay
Twitter name: romzdajay
Preferred giveaways: #2, #4, #8, #7
name: katrina alcazar
twitter: @theonlykatrina
preferred giveaway number prize/s:
#4 and #6
Hello Miss Camille Co :)) Belated HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thanks for the blog giveaways… #you’rejustsogenerous <3
NAME: Gizzelle F. Peregrin
TWITTER NAME: @owmygesh
PREFERRED GIVEAWAY NUMBER PRIZES: 3,4,6,7 [any of the above are actually must-haves :)]
Keep inspiring us through your blog <3 THANKS!!!
Name: Anna Leah Amanda Jaurigue
Twitter name: @amandajaurigue
Giveaway #: 4 or 6 or 9. :D
Name: Zacharie Camara
Twitter: HeyZachie
Giveaway #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, and #9 :)
God bless!
Name: Janine Montaña
Twitter name: @janinemontana
Preferred giveaway: #5
Twitter: trixiecteco
Name : trixie Chuateco
#2. #9
Prizes no 1,4,5 and 6
Name: Sarah Tirona
twitter: sarahtirona
Name: Aimee Luciano
Twitter: @aim_lucy
Giveaway #4 or 6
Name: Pamela Kathrine Ang
Twitter: pinkpampher
#3,4,6 :D
Name: Editha Gilmo
twitter: @catnipeeta
Sheehan Tolentino
Username: sheeecanfly
#2,6&9 <3
Rosana S. Nieva
[email protected]
3,4,5,6,7, or 9
thank you!
name: Katrina Alcazar
twitter: @theonlykatrina
#6 and #4
Levin Christelle Dela Cruz
# 1 3 4 6 7
Jessica Reyes
twitter: jessicar209
#s 1, 4, 6, 9
Amira Venida
#1,2,3,4,5 or 6
Name: Michaela Montemayor
Twitter: @McDoday
Giveaway #1,3,4,6,7,9
Name: Pamela Kathrine Ag
Twitter: pinkpampher
name: Anthea Ledesma
Twitter name: __theaamazing
#1, #4, #5
Love lots! And amaziiiiiiing new layout! xx
Name: Andrea Beatrice Felix
Twitter: chastityfrey
Preferred prizes: 1,2,3,4,6,8 or 9
Name: Narumi Nakabayashi
Twitter Name: @mockingnam
Giveaway: #1, #4, #6
Name: Jamille Carabeo
Twitter: @cocojamss
giveaway #1-9 ♥♥♥
Levin Christelle S. Dela Cruz
# 1 3 4 6 7
Auli Aine Plagata
twitter: auliiplagata
#’s 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Name: Jamille Carabeo
Twitter: @cocojamss
Giveaway #1-9 <3
Levin Christelle S. Dela Cruz
# 1 3 4 6 7
Ana Garcia
3, 4, 6, 9
NAME: Berlyn Velasco
Name: Zedrik Tandoc
Twitter: @zedriktandoc
Preferred giveaway: #6
Name: Charlote Gail Ventosa
Twitter name: @CharloteVentosa
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #1, #3, #4, #5, #6, and #9. :)
Name: Julia Crisostomo
Twitter name: @ohhhjulia
Preferred giveaway prizes: #1, #2, #4 and #6
Name: Anna Maria Jessa P. Calvan
Twitter: anna_mariaj
Giveaway #s: 2, 4, 6, 9
Belated Happy Birthday Achi Camille! More power to your blog! Thank you for inspiring us with your posts! :D
Ella Aclan
I would love to win any of these: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9
GBU Camille & take care! ♥
Name: Nica Almirez
Twitter name: itsmenicaohgosh
Preferred giveaways: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
Kris Bernadette Sta. Maria
#4 #5 #6 #9 :)
Name: Dana Bacud
Twitter: DanaBacud
4, 6 :)
Name: Shaynna Manabat
Twitter name: shaynnapauline
Giveaway 3,4,6 and 9.
Happy Happy Birthday Camille Co! More blessings to come. I love you and your style forever <3 I want to be like you someday. Best giveaway! Thankyou!
Name: Roszannee Irish Donasco
Twitter Name: @LoveIrishe
preferred giveaway: 1,2,3,4,6,8
Name: Shirley Mae Tabora
Twitter name: @smytabora
Prizes: #4,5,6,8
Name: Ayeen Regalado
Twitter: @ayeenregalado
Prizes: Giveaway #1 and #4
Vea Maravilla
I’d love to win 4, 6, or 9!
Happy birthday to you and your blog, Camille! :)
Name : Ycee Caparoso
Twitter : Superycee
#1 #2 #3 #4 #6 #9
Alecs Alovera
Twitter Name: iLecs82395
Preferred Giveaway Prize/s: #1, #2, #7, #9
Name : Jolina Sioting
Twitter : @momaisiomai
Giveaways #1 , #4 , #6
Name: Kriztja Marae G. Labrador
Twitter: kriztjamarae (!/kriztjamarae)
Preffered prize: #s 1,2,3,4,5,7,8, & 9
Mariel Charmaine Tanteras
twitter: quiateeyam
I would love to receive Prizes # 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
Name: Gelline Suderio
Twitter: @gellinesuderio
# 1, 2, 9 Crossing my fingers :)
Name: Camille Nabong
Twitter: @ellimaCamille
Preferred prizes: #2, #4, #6
Name: Siena Cajilig
Twitter: SieCajilig
Preffered Prizes: #2, #3, #4, #6, #8
Name: Kayley Anne P. See
Twitter Name: msZEEtweetsOut (:D)
Preferred Giveaway Prizes: 2, 4, 6
Name: Romina Fiel M. Tan
Twitter: TanMinaFiel
Preferred Giveaway: #4, #5, #8, #9
Name: Carol Abedania
Twitter: @carolabedania
Price #4
Name: Cerize Sicat
Twitter: @ceweezim
prizes #2,#4 and #6
Hi miss Camille :))
Name: Camille Solis
Twitter name: @camillexi
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #3, #4, #5, #6, #9
Name: Shiela Apalis
Twitter: @maerish
Preferred prizes: #4, #6 and #9
More power to you, Ms. Camille!
Aiza Jasmin Campos
GIVE AWAY #3 #5 and #6 =D
Name : ollyvia laura arnold
Twitter : @ollyvialauraa
#3 and #6
Name: Krtistin Abigail P. See
Twittername: iamkristinsee
Giveaway/s : #2, #4, #6
Twitter name: erikaaauy
name: Catherine Kate R. Rabino
twitter name: @iamkrazykitty
preferred giveaway number prize/s: #1 #4 #5 #6 #9
Andrea Zacarias
I ♥ giveaway #1 #6
twitter ID: tessajuachon
Preferred giveaway: #4, #6, #9
Twitter id: tessajuachon
Preferred Giveaways: #4, #6 or #9
Name: Czarina Callanta
Twitter Name: czacee
Preferred Giveaways: numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6. :)
Name: erika mae hapitan
Twitter: ereekamii
giveaway: #6 and #4
Name: Barbara Anne Arguelles
Twitter name: @babajie
Preferred prizes: #3, #4, #5, #6, and #9 :)
Mich Wong
1,2,3,4,6,9 ;)
Name: Charmaine Joy Diloy
Twitter: xanejoi
Preferred prizes: #5, #6 and #9
Name: Carolyn Ong
Twitter: @OngCarolyn
#3, #4, #5 & #7
Name: Carla Mae Penacuba
Twitter: therunawayteen
# 3, 4, 5
Name: Sabrina Anne Sarino
Twitter: @sasabr09
Giveaway number: 3 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8
ops sorry! my twitter name is @sabr_anne09 :)
#’s 1,4,5,9
Name: Danielle Mae C. Aquino
Twitter: @aevensky
Preffered Giveaway #1!
Name: Ralph Joshua A. Arambulo
Twitter: @joshuaarambulo
Preferred Prizes: #1, #2, #4
Happy Birthday Ms. Camille CO and more power to your blog! :)
Name: Jeniffer Gangan
Twitter: jenyOnDBlock
Preffered Prizes: Numbers 3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 :)
They are all incredible:)
Name: Anthonette E. Santos
Twitter: @anthnttesntos
#4,6 & 9. Hih thank you! :* :-)
Name: Patricia Hernandez
Twitter: patph81
Giveaway nos. : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. in short, ALL! Haha.
Happy birthday, Miss Camille! stay beautiful! :)
Name: Veronica Perote
Twitter: MVPerote
Giveaway #s 1, 2, 6 and 9
Name: Aira Mercado
Twitter: aiiraamae
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #4, #5, #7
NAME: Kristine Miranda
TWITTER NAME: tineeepie
Name: Via Cadelina
Twitter name: viacadelinatoo
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #3, #4, #6, #9
Name: Jerika Riz Impas
Twitter:!/JerikaRiz or [email protected]
#3, #4, #6, #9 :)
i really love your blog since then im so glad your back and a new improve one i so so LOVE it!!
Thankyou for blogging your passion for Fashion <3
Name: Angela Dimaculangan
Twitter: hairgelz
Giveaway #4 or #6
Name: Carlota Faria Rodrigues
Twitter name: _carlota87
Facebook name: Carlota Faria
#6, #4, #5, and #3
*-* beautiful!!!!
Michelle Guiritan
I’d love to win any of these: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
Thanks! Happy blognniversary and happy birthday! <3
Mikhaila Manalastas
Giveaway # 6
Francesca Louise E. Martinez, @chessssssssssca, Giveaways #1, #2, #5 and #9
name: Viella Morales
twitter: @MrlsViella
preferred prizes: 4,6,9 :)
Name: Marinelle Buenafe
Twitter name: @maneliestar
Giveaway #: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Name: Adelyssa Santos
Twitter Name: @adelyssasantos
Giveaway #1, #4, #6, #8
Name: Celina Jean Durante
Twitter Name: CelinaDurante
Preferred Giveaway number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
Franz Vallerie Bueno
twitter: @princesafuranzu
#1,2,3,4,5,6,7 :)
Name: Ren Santos
Twitter Name: renlsantos
giveaway # : 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, / 9
TWITTER: khayedee
giveaway# 1,2,3,4 or 5
Name: Irra Mariñas
Twitter: @irramaemarinas
Preferred numbers: #3, #4, #6.
name: Caitlin Yu
twitter name: @munchthepunch
Sally Ramos
any of these: 1,2,3,4,5,6,9
Thanks and happy birthday !:)
Name: Iny Montallana
Twitter: @inymontallana
Prizes: #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
Twitter account: @regin1Dgreat
Giveaway #2, Giveaway #4 and Giveaway #6
Name: Faith Feraren
Twitter: @l0vertronic
Giveaway: #1, #2 or #5
So happy for your site’s reopening! More power, Ms. Camille! :)
Happy anniversary to your blog! You are one of the finest fashion bloggers ever! And happy happy birthday to you!!! xoxo. I was truly inspired and motivated to continue to love fashion more!!! I’m just a sixteen-year-old girl and still pursuing my dreams to be one of the country’s fashion icons in the future! hahaha. You are really an inspiration to me! May God bless you! Much love from Demi!!! ♥
Name: Demi Gail Fanio
Twitter: @_seaweedbrain
Preferred prizes: 1,3,4,5,6(i really want this! ♥),7
Would really be grateful if I’m one of the lucky winners! Means a lot to me! Love love love. ♥
Name: Grace Ann Mamiit
Twitter: grace_ann_010
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #3, 4, 5 and 6
Name: Maria Gellica Alexis S. David
Twitter: alexisdavid1892
Preferred Giveaways: 1,2,3,4,5,6,9
thank you! :)
Name: Ella Sayon
Twitter: missellaknows
#1 #2 #3 #4 #6 #9
Name: Katherine Austria
Twitter Username: ineesays
Preffered Giveaways: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #8, #9
Name: Mona Fhe
Twitter: @monafhee
preferred giveaway: #4, 6 and 9
Name: Nikki dela Cruz
Twitter name: @ThisIsMeNikkiD
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 1, 2, 4, 6, and 9
Name: Aletha Jane Infante
twitter name: altainfante
Giveaway prizes #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9
Name: Carmi Zate
Twitter: @happy_cee
# 1,2,4,6,9
Thanks Camille! :D
Name: Edraine Grace L. Bernardo
Twitter Name: edraineee
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #9
Thank you for the giveaway Miss Camille Co:)
Jean Marie Villondo
Prizes: 1,2,3,4,6,9
name: maria kate bisquera
twitter: @cestlavie05
#’s 1, 4, 5, 9
Name: Agnes Dela Cruz
twitter: magz_dc
I would want #4,#5,#6,#7,#8
thank u! :)
Juncelle Resurreccion
@Juncelle R.
#1,2,3,4,6 and 9 :D <3
Twitter: @juncelle
#1,2,3,4,5,6,and 9. :D <3
Sorry for repeating :)
I got my twitter username wrong :)
Please this regard my other entry :)
Name: Aireen Valdez
#6 #1 #3 #4 AND #9
Keanna Magracia
[email protected]
Giveaway #4: 2 winners of P5000 worth of SM Accessories GCs each.
Name: Harlene Shio
twitter: @lyndt2
giveaway 1,2, 5 & 6 :)
Name: Shigemi Muramatsu
Twitter ID: museofthetoast
Preferred Giveaways: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 :”)))
name: Ivy Jane Sumabong
Twitter name: _biang_
preferred giveaway number prize/s: 3,4,5,6
Thanks Ms. Camille!
Name: Patricia Escobedo
Twitter: @PattiEscobibo
#2, 3, 4, 6, 9
NAME: janina cinco
TWITTER ID: cheapestxstuff
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 :)
Name: Eden Grace Naval
Twitter name: OhSoEden
Giveaway: 1 2 4 6
Everything’s really great! ♡
happy bday camille!
jewel catingub
Angelica Asuncion
#s: 2,4,6
Name: Steffi Kay Diaz Pantino
Twitter Name: Steffi Kay Pantino (@steffipantino)
I prefer giveaway #1, #2, #3, #4 and #8
Name: Waiva Ann M. Galang
Twitter: wamgalang
2, 4, 5, 6, 9 :)
katherine joy baldovino
twitter: mallowkatz10
hey camille,wishing you a happy happy bday!hoping for lots of more fashion bday’s to come..more success!
giveaway #4 and #6 would be a blast, it’s something mama and i can share..:)
good vibes!-kathy
Name: percel espina
Twitter name: @fashionkhalessi
Preferred giveaway prizes: 3, 4, 5 and 9
Happy Birthday Ms. Camille! More blessings. love and happiness!:)
Jennifer Torculas
1, 3, 4 and 6
name: Nichole Anjelica Ogacion
Twitter: @nickszaay
Name: Kimberly Dy
Twitter: kimmiieekimkim
prize #: 2, 5, 6, 9
Name: Erica Bianca Lucas
Twitter Name: ecabianca
#4 /#6 /#9
Twitter: olibeolibe
Prizes: #1, #3, #4, #5, #6
Hope to win one of those. Big Thanks!
Name: Brenda Marie Santos
Twitter Name: beedazzledd
Giveaway Numbers: 3, 4, 6 and 9 :)
name: cherry marie delfin
twitter: @chamie16
preferred prizes: 2, 3 or 4
<3 fingers crossed!
Name: Reana Ong
Twitter: @ReanaOng
#1, #3, #4, #9
Thea Denesse Fernandez
Twitter: iamtheadenesse
Giveaway 1,4,6
name: marie rivera
twitter: mangonango
1, 4, 6
name: Vanessa Tagapulot
twitter: @sunshinewashere
Giveaway: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 :)
Name: Patrycja Åšwiergiel
Twitter Name: @PatrycjaQueen
#1, #3, #6, #7,
Name: Marcy Miniano
Twitter Name: @MarcyMiniano
#’s 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 :)
Name: Demimoore Chosantos
Twitter: @Demimooree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Bea Marin
#1, 2, 4, 6, 9
Name: Leah Jane Mendoza
Twitter name: @thisisleahjane
Preferred giveaway number prizes: 3,4,6
Thanks! God bless!
i’m a big fan of fashion bloggers like you. i’m hoping that you’ll pick me up. just a super advance birthday gift. (hahaha! :D) i want to be a blogger like you soon. and i’m looking forward that my first post would be one of the prizes that i could win here.
Queen Elizabeth Tupas!/quenelizabeth
numbers 4, 6 and 9.
Roxanne Salas
#1 to 6…
Happy birthmonth!!!
NAME: Kyla Nicole V.Valmonte
TWITTER: @pastaislove
Name: Kristine Chong
Twitter: kristinechong
#4 and #6
Name: Pauline Plata
Twitter name: littlemisspolyn
Referred Price: #3 #4 #6 #9
Name: Xyza Faye Foronda
Twitter Name: shengforonda
Preferred Give-away: Give-away#6
Name: Arielle Jana Bayot
Twitter: Janaaapot
1, 3 or 4, actually.. any! :)
Name: Caryl Lyca Dematawaran
Twitter: @caryllyca
Preffered Giveaways: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #9
Name: Andrea Ramos
Twitter: AndreaaRamos
#s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 :)
name: Patricia Sy
twitter: @sypatricia
preferred giveaways: #2,3,4,6 :)
TWIITER: NIKonismytoy
giveaway # 3, 4, 6, 7
NAME: Roselyn Nuqui
preferred giveaway number prize/s: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9
# 3, 5 and 6 :)
leilani sonza
twitter: lilaec
Name: Jusan Sison
Twitter: jusansison
Preferred Giveaways : #2,4,6,9
Name : Claire Baldueza
Twitter : @ClaireBaldueza
#s 1-7 :)
Name: Deanna Mae D. Alcantara
Twitter name: DMDAlcantara
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 2, 4, 6, 9
It wud make me the happiest girl in the world if I cud just win the Soak Swimwear set :)
Irish Lorraine Lubrico
@ishikinsdoll on twitter.
Sophie Ramos
preferred giveaway number prize/s: 3, 4, 6 :)
Name: Charmaine G. Gesmundo
Twitter Name: charmgesmundo
Prizes: #4 & #6
I really love the new look of your blog Ms. Camille! ;)
Name: Aerielle Nuestro
Twitter: ayeahyeah
Giveaway #3, 6, 9
name: Angel diaz
twittername: @heyangeldiaz
#2 and #6
Alethia Lampauog
Blog giveaway #1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #9 ;)
name: hannah diaz
twitter: @diaz_leeteuk
Melody Co
preferred giveaway number prize/s
Name: Lizelle Te
Twitter: @fragiliztic
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Name: Nadine Frisnedi
Twitter: @NadineHawthorne
Prefered Giveaway #4
Name: Yssa Maunay
Twitter: @sassychin21
Giveaway #’s 4, 5, 6, 8, or 9
Warlou Joyce Antonio
#1 #2 #4 and #6 YAY! :)
Elisha Mae Indiongco
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Name: KC Borja
Twitter: @itskcborja
Giveaways: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #9 :3
Name: Jypsy Borja
Twitter; @siscyborja
Giveaways: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #9 :)
Najja Hao
Twitter: najjahao
5, 4, 6, 9
Elaine Mae Galeon / @elainegaleon / i preferred GIVEAWAY #4 ;)
Name: Maine Uy
Twitter: MaineUy
#’s 2,4,6
Name: Shella Mae Amante
Twitter name: @shenghymz22
preferred giveaway number prize/s: # 3, #5, # 6 and #9
Name: Camille Franchesca C. Go
Twitter Name: @camsgo
Preferred Giveaways: Everything! They’re all really nice giveaways! Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 :D
Name: Cassandra Neria
Twitter Name: @cassandraneria
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9
Name: Patricia Romasanta
Twitter Name: @PatRomasanta
Like to win numbers: 1, 4 & 5.
Name: Ashleiy Kasala
Twitter: ashleiykasala
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #4, 6, 9
Name: Xaviera Zoe Balares
Twitter Name: imxaviera
#: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
Hi Ms. Camille :D
Name: Camille T. Cabardo
Twitter name: @lilmisskamila
#1, 2,4,6,8,9
Name: Kristel Hufalar
Twitter: @illthelyou
1, 3, 4, 6, 9
thanks! ♥
Name: Ysabel Maunay
Twitter name: yssamaunay
Preferred giveaway number prize: #4, 5, 6, 8, 9
Charmaine Basubas
1, 2, 6, 9
Name: Stephanie Choi
Twitter: @dwitanic
Preferred giveaways: 5, 6, 8
Name: Hazel Tiosejo
Twitter name:@cHAZELove
I would love to win nos. 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6,7,8 9. :)))
Name: Katrina San Juan
Twitter: @Bakaonnadesu
Giveaway #1 #2 #3 #4 #6
Hope I win! They’re all fab! ♥
Name: Alleana Fuentes
Twitter: @alleanaaa
Giveaway numbers: 3, 4, 5 and 6 :D
Jean Gargoles
[email protected]
I would love to win giveaways #1, #2, #3, #4, #6, #7, #8 and #9
merci camz! :)
Name: Camydes Legaspi
Twitter Name: @camyxieAspi
#2, #4, #6 and #9
Name: Mary Lotte Legaspi
Twitter Name:@malowslotte
#4, #6 & #9
Name: kea camporazo
Twitter: empresskae
i really love your blog <3 especially lookbook :D
Name: Alyssa Cabel
Twitter: alywhut
giveaway 1,5,6,9
name: faith joyce distor
twitter: hellochichi07
name: kea camporazo
twitter: empresskae
#s 4,6 and 9
love your blog <3 :)
name: Camille Abrajano
Twitter name: biiyacmille
preferred prize #: 6
Name: Camille Quiambao
Facebook: Vintagekawaii Onlineshop
Twitter: @quiam
All the prizes are great :)
Name: Alyanah Alumbro
Twitter Name: missyananah
Preferres prizes: #’s 2, 3, 4 and 6
Name: Alyanah Alumbro
Twitter Name: missyananah
Preferred prizes : #’s 2, 3, 4 and 6
Name: Madeline Camille Agustin
twitter username: mimicamzfierce
Giveaway # 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9
Myla Enriquez
twitter: mylalalove
Name: Esther Rico
Twitter account: @itzmeEs
preferred giveaway numbers:
liked and followed all :)
hope I had a sister like you,you’re such an inspiration,keep it up:))))
THANK YOU <3 btw :)
Name : Donna Unidad
Twitter: donnaunidad
i prefer #1, 3 , 4 , 6 AND 9. Love those thingy!
My birthday is on April 23, If your still in boracay, we will celebrate our birthday there! I really wanted to see you in person. And im always updated to your tweets,blog,intagram. Actually im planning to visit the coexcist shop in makati with my friends. Stalker? hehe I love you camille co! :)
Warm Regards,
Donna Unidad
Name: Rose Ann Marollano
Twitter name: @RosaaAnna
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 2, 3, 4, 6, 9
Carla May Alcantara
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 :)
Name:Florievic Cortes
name: katheryn joy m. ocampo
twitter name: @km_ocampo
name: Zeilina Tandoc
twitter: zeilina_tandoc
#1 #2 #3 #4 #6 #8
Giveaway #3,4,5,6,8
Name: Mariel Angelica Santos Perez
Twitter Name: @anjeyica
Preferred Giveaways: I like all! they’re fabulous :))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1,2, 3, 4, 6, 9 :)
Name: Mercedita Abing
Twitter name: @MercyAbing
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: # 1,2,4,9
Done following and liking everything!
Name: Iva Abigail Espino
Twitter Name: @theonlyiva
Giveaways: 2 – 4 – 6 – 9 :))
Name: Agatha Bongosia
Twitter: @LadyAgaaa
Preferred prizes: 1,2,4,6 :)
Jonna Marie Ibuna
Twitter name: IamJunanaks
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 2 3 6 7 9
Name: Xanndra Torres
Twitter name: prettyxandra
Giveaway: 3 4 6 9
Thank you Camille!
Giveaway # 1, 3, 4, 6, 9
twitter: @czarinahgarcia
Amelia Alegria
Giveaway nos: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 :)
Name: Joyce M. de Leon
Twitter name: @asdfghjkl06039
Preferred Prize/s: 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 ♥☺
First, I want to greet you Happy Birthday Camille! Happy Anniversary to your blog and I totally adore this new style of your blog, so chic! :)
Name: Joanna Ayra Dalisay
Twitter name: @ayradalisay
I like Giveaway #4 and #8
Name: Jolienne Villaruel
Twitter: JolienneV
I prefer #2 #6 #1
Name: Lya Ivana Sayson
Twitter: Lya__
# 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
ELaiza Presa
Name: Isabel Bernardo
Twitter: @rockybernz
Name: Alaine Chelsea S. Nagamos
Twitter: @chelSSeah
#2, #3, #4 or #6 :))))
preferred prizes : 1,2,3,6,7,9
Name: Mars Constantino
Twitter: @constantmars
Preferred Giveaway: 3, 4, 5
NAME: Nicolette Anne Yambao
TWITTER: @aioi_yambao
GIVEAWAY # 1,2, or 4
Thank you! :))
Name: Marese Coco
Twitter Account: @Gelamarieee
giveaway number 4 :)
Name: Marese Coco
Twitter account: @Gelamarieee
preferred giveaway numbers: 1,2,3,4,6,9 :)
Liked and followed all
Angeleen Adaptar
9, 1, 4
Name: Vanya Peralta
Twitter: vanyaperaltaaa
1, 2, 4, 6, 9 :)
Name: Lori Ann Duro
Twitter: @doroughlori
giveaway #s: 3, 4, 6 AND 9
Name: Sydney Crespo
Twitter name: @sydneycrespo
Giveaway numbers 6 & 9 :)
Name: Ma. Sofia Blanca D. Trinidad
Twitter: sooofianca
Preferred giveaways: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 :)
Name: Abbey Jimenez
Twitter: @abjmnz
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Bettina Quiambao
3, 4, 6, 9
Name: Patrice Aliman
Twitter: @PatriceAliman
Preferred giveaway number prizes: #s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 9 (all except 7)
Nikki Loren S. Libunao
#4 or #6 please :””> But anything, I will gladly accept!! YEY :D
Name: Bettina Elaine Macan
Twitter name: @bettinaelaine
Preferred giveaway: 1,3,4,6,8,9
Name: Maricar Mabulac
Twitter Name: Tangerine Tango
Giveaways # 1,2,3,6
Name: Ghea Macalaguim
Twitter name: @Megagewa
#1, #3, #4, #6, #12 :)
Name: Kathleen E. Tolentino
Twitter name: ketolentino
Preferred giveaway number: 3
Name: Regine Salumbre
Twitter: @reginethepotato
Giveaway #6 and #9
Name: Michelle Andrea E. Laurio
Twitter: @lalalalaurio
# 2, 4, 6, and 7
Name: Via G. Conda
twitter: @vee_conda
preferred prize/s: 2,4,6,9 :)
Name: Franmar Manalili
Twitter: @heyfranmar
preferred giveaway number: #3 or #6
thank you!:)
Name: Sarah Andrada
Twitter: @wawandrada
preferred giveaway number: #6 please :)
Twitter name: sammiebiolena
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Name: Reina Margarette de Guzman
Twitter: Mynameisreign
Giveaway # 1,2,3,4,6,9 :)
Name: Zenith Capinpin
Twitter: Zenith Capinpin
Preferred: ( 1,2,3,4,5,6)
Twitter name: SushMrie718
Preferred prizes: #4, 5, 6, 9
Name: sheila tan
twitter: black
preferred prize: #3, #5, #6, #7, #9
Name: Christine Lavarias
twitter: @chrstnkh
Preferred prizes: 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Name: Allison Loyola
Twitter: @allisonloyola
Prizes: #1 #3 #6 :))
Quima May Renegado
Giveaway #3 #4 #6
celine ong
#s 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8
Emmeline Co
Giveaway# 2,3,4,6,9
Name: Crystal Marie Cañete
Twitter: @dearcrysy
I’d love to have Giveaway #9 so I can use it in my upcoming Palawan getaway. The rest of the prizes are also fabulous and great to have. =D
NAME: Felisa May Tan
Twitter: @felisamay
Preferred Giveaway Prizes: 1, 2, 4, 6 <3 <3
Name: Johanna Clariza Diño
Twitter name: @JohannaClariza
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9! :)
Name: Dineree Caberic
Twitter: dynerific
Give away #: 1, 2, 3 or 4 please ;))
Jackie Lee
twitter: imnojackiechan
Email: [email protected]
I’d like to win 1,2, 4, 8, 9
Sorry I forgot to put something on the last comment I sent
Jackie Lee
Twitter: @imnojackiechan
Email: [email protected]
Name: Zherlyn Eve Bacomo
Twitter Name: @zheve ; Zherlyn Bacomo
#4 SM Accessories. Pretty please;)))
Janelle Sangalang
Giveaway no. 1, 2, 4, 6 or 9 :) :)
Name: Charmaine Chamilla Tan
Twitter: chaachii19
giveaway # 4 or 5
Name: Hillary Ang
Twitter: @HillarySwang
Ayesha Alonto Mambuay
prize #4 / #6
Name: Sherry Ann Lim
Twitter: @sherrybliss
Prizes: #1,3,4,6,9
Jerry Culala
giveaway 5
Name : Alyssa Macalanda
Email : [email protected]
# 4 or # 8
Name: Luis Lobaton
Twitter: @MrCarbs3
Preferred giveaways: ALL!! :D 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9!!
Goodluck to me!
Mary Josephine Culala
giveaway no.4
Name: Czarina Patrisha Jael
Twitter name:@tetrishh
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #s 4, 5 & 6.
Name: Chynna Carlos
Twitter: chynnacarlos
#1, #2, #3, #6
Name: Danelle Abreu
Twitter: danelleabreu
Prize: #2,#4,#6,#7
Gian Carla Garcia
Twitter: @misscarlaloves
preferred prize/s: 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Name: Alyssa Mae Malacad
Twitter name: ilovemalacad
Preferred giveaway: ALL!!! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 :)
Name: Maria Cristina Meriales
Twitter name: Maria
Preferred give-aways: 1,2,3,4,6,9
Name: Polly Policarpio
Twitter Name: pollypolicarpio
Giveaway: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Name: Rika Jane Tano
Twitter name: superkane_
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9!
Jewel Ann N. Garcia
Preferred Numbers: 4, 5, 6, 9
Name: Mary Chrystille Plaza
Twitter Name: demendtedtelle
Preferred giveaway: 5,9,6,4,1
Twitter Name: dementedtelle*
Shaira Liezel Landicho
Name: Roxanne Limpante
Twitter: @speakingofroxan
give away: #3,4,6,9
Maple Palacio
prize #6
Name: Ara Reyes
Twitter: iswallowshoes
#2, #4, #6
Name: Kate Cabalitan
Twitter name: @itsmekeightie
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: I prefer all. But as much as I would like to get the Comfit shoes. I guess I can’t since I have such a small feet, size 4 1/2. So that’s prizes 1-5 and 7-9
By the way, I super love the look of your new blog. :) Thinking of moving to WordPress too :)
Frances Carolyn Tan
Giveaway # 1,2,4,5 :)
NAME: Kyla Nicole V. Valmonte
TWITTER: @pastaislove
PRIZES: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9
Name: Patricia Anne Banting
Twitter: kaspay
Preferred prizes: 1,2,4,8,9
Quima May Renegado
I want to win either 3, 4, 6
:) Thanks!
Carla L. Alferez
twitter: @carlaswaggg
Giveaway #9
Thank you and God bless! :)
Name: Ella Marie M. Cayao
Twitter name: eiramalle
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: # 2, 4, 6 and 7
joined your giveaway! hope i’ll win! :)
Name: Jody Caitlin Dizon Morales
Twitter: jodycaitlin
Preferred giveaway number: 2,4,5,6,9
name: Junelie Tabangco
Twitter name :@itsMeLiecious
#: 4,6,9
Name: Jenna Rose Lansangan
twitter name: jennalansangan
Preferred giveaways: 1,2,4,6
**so generous of you!!
Name: K Concepcion
Twitter: andsoiamkaye
1 and 5 :)
Name: Mimi Magsino
twitter: michaaan28
preferred give away #1 and #9 :)
name: jen lapis
Twitter name: michmichelene
preferred giveaway number prize/s: #3 or #4
Name: Patricia Ocampo
twitter name: @pattyocampo
prizes: 1,3,4,8,9
Name: Astley Golosinda
Twitter: @lallehloo
Prize #s: 1,2,3,6 & 9
Name: Mary De los Santos
Twitter: @supmariadel
Preferred prize/s: Giveaway #2, 3, 4, 6
Name: Anna Fatima Salas
Twitter: TimmySalas
1, 3, 6!! =)
Ericka Angeles
twitter: meerichan
Prize #1
name: Lea Ducay
FB name: MariaLea Ducay
Twitter name: cloverleaf123
preferred giveaway prize: #5 or #1
Name: Angela Omangayon
Twitter: @angelaoxx
I prefer prizes #1, 2, 3, 5, 6 or 9!!! :D
Name: Joanne Cyrielle Gonzales
Twitter: @jxyrielle
Any prize would be great but…
Preffered giveaways: 1, 3, 4, 6
love your blog’s new look! the bows/ribbons are so cute :)
Name: Ma. Shelby Suarez
Twitter: sogirlyshelby99
Preferred Prizes: #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8
Happy Birthday to you Camille! May God bless you as you take a new lift in your life. Always here no matter what <3
Name: Mariel Jane D. Reyes
Twitter: @Yelifeaholic
I LOVE #1, 2, 4, 6, 9
Godbless you Ms. Camille. Stay Pretty & stunning! :)
Name: Paula Palo Panlaqui
twitter: paularoyale
preferred prizes: #2 and 4
whee!! <3 <3 everything!
Name: Crinezza Mendoza
Twitter name: @crinetza
Preferred giveaway/s: 1, 2 ,3, 4, 6
Name: Shey Ann Asuncion
Twitter: @sheyasuncion
#1, #4, #6, #8, #9
name: Ernestine Ricardo
twitter: iamtinricardo
preferred: ALL ^_^
Czaroma Roman
Twitter: @czaroma
giveaway number 4, 7, 8
Name: Marga Alcantara
Twitter: @IAMyouaholic
I would love #’s 3, 4, 5, or 6 :)
Nicole Beatriz Cruz
Twitter: @ohmybeatrix
I prefer #1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 <3
name:Ma.Colleen Q.Bernardo
twitter: @colleenbernardo
giveaway #1,3,4,6,8,9
Patrixia Ley P. Gomez
Twitter: patitgomez
#1 #2 #4 #6 #9
Name: Sheena L
Twitter: @sheena092096
prize: # 3, 4, 6 :)
thank you :)
name: Glaiza G. Tominio
twitter: @kaydetbride
I wanna win 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 and 9! Perhaps all!? :)
Name: Chayenne Saul
Twitter: Bloggerwannabe
Preferred giveaways: 1,2,3,4,6,8,9
My name is Bea Almeida.
Twitter name is @beialmeida.
Preferred giveaways are numbers 3, 4, 6 and 9.
Thank you! :)
Name: Ma. Carmela S. de Guzman
Twitter: melaideguzman
Giveaway #: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 8.
Hoping to win this time <3
Michaela Juanson
Twiiter: michaelajuanson
Preffered giveaway: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 :)
Name: Maria Isabella Militante
Twitter: bookequalslove
Prizes: #2, 3, 4, 6
Name: Myles Acosta
Twitter name: @mylesjanine
Preferred giveaway number prize/s : 1, 3, 4, 5, 6.
*Thank you Ms. Camille! :))
name: Marianne Jane Navarro
twitter: @yannelovesyou
preferred prizes: 1,2,3,4,6,7
Jenica Bardos
Twitter: @j0hanina
nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 9
Julie Cu Siy
Twitter name: jhosiy
2, 5, 6, 8, 9
allana jane fuchigami
[email protected]
Joined! Liked and Followed everything! :)
Name: Katrine Lao
Twitter: @katriniszm
Prizes: # 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9
Thank you! :)
name:Carabeo jemlynn
Twitter name: @jemmcarabeo
preferred giveaway number prize/s. #1 #2 #3 #4 #6
Name: Divine Macapagal
Twitter Name: divinemacapagal
#s 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Name: Shiny Bliss Ortilano
Twitter: @seventhbliss
Preferred prizes: ALL
Name: Carmela Vinzon
Twitter: iammaputi
1, 3, 4, 6
Thank you for hosting this giveaway, Achi Camille! :)
I’m sorry, i forgot to add 11, 12 and Grand Prize :) (is it okay to vy for those prizes as well? :D)
You have to leave a comment on my other blog post for those :)
Okay, thank you Achi Camille! :)
I’ve bookmarked this site of yours since like, forever and I keep coming back on this post of yours wherein you made this pearly cream bride gown for Veejay Pilapil-Chavez . The design is very polished and detailed. The color is so sophisticated by itself that the lace adds all the drama. Ang bongga! Hahaha! :D I even saved some of your pictures so that I can learn more from fashion than what I already know. Been wanting to tell you that but I was shying around :> So. A bajillion thanks. Kudos to your fashion prowess!
Aww thank you Elisha! Your comment made me smile :) I get most kilig whenever people appreciate my designs :)
Name: Gianina Faye Alvarez
Twitter name: Gianinafaye
Happy Birthday Camille thank you for sharing your blessings with your followers!
Wishing on #4 to share it also with my 15 year old daughter or # 9. Thank you!
Name: Daniel Kaity Mercado
Twitter: @danielk8y
Prize #: 1, 3, 8, 9
name: Lovely Joy Merced
Twitter name: @joyluck_614
preferred giveaway number prize/s: i love them all :)
thanks for this awesome giveaway!
Name: Elisha Charlet C. De Los Reyes
Twitter Name: sachingsacha
Preferred Giveaways: #s 3, 4, 6
Nadine Cabe
1,2,4,6 *u*
Name: Charisse Cryslee D. Roa
Twitter: @charisseroa
Preferred giveaway prizes nos.: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9
This is really is a big treat for everyone! Happy birthday, Miss Camille and keep inspiring! More power to your blog site! ♥
twitter: @princessjelai (angel pancho-ong)
give aways #3, 6, 9 please. =)
Bea Louise E.J. Robles
#1 #3 #4 #6 #9 ^^
Name: Arianne Lucena
Twitter: @ariannelucena
ALL! They’re so awesome!
Name: Maritess Pesare
Twitter: @MaritesPesare
Preferred prizes: 4, 6 and 7 but any would do =))
Trixy Rañon
Prize 6 & 9 :)
Krizia Mareez Umali
Give Away #1, 2, 11
name irina tan
twitter: selfishirina
#2 or #4
Name: Erika Anne C. Dela Cruz
Twitter Username: @ekekdelacruz
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #3, #4, #6
Name:Alyssa Albaira
Twitter name: chochoigeng
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7~
^ ^
Name: Cherry Dizon
Twitter: @cherrydizon_12
preferred prize: giveaway #6
Name: Kimberly Pesare
Twitter: @kimpesare13
Preferred prizes: 4, 6 and 7 but any would do =))
Twitter Name: @zarajanesy
Preferred Giveaway: #6! I hope I’ll win comfit shoes! :)
More Power to Ms. Camille Co! :)
Leave a comment below with your name, Twitter name and preferred giveaway number prize/s.
Makie Bautista
Preferred giveaway: #1, #2, #4, #5 and #6
Leah Osayta
Preferred prizes: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, & 9 :D
Monique Palma
all numbers preferred! :)
Jen Cruz
I want the giveaway #1 3 4 6 7 & 9 :)
Advance Happy Birthday, Camille! Keep up the good work!
mika beratio
twitter: nichardwic
Name: Erika Iwakawa
Twitter Name: @etyiwakawa
I wanna win giveaways #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, & 9!
Maria Janina Salta
twitter: ninapo
Name: Angelika Aquino
Twitter name: @angelika2696
Preferred giveaways: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8
name: katryn dulaca
twitter: @Misskatryn
preffered #’s: 3, 6 and 9
All done! Congrats to your new and very lovely! What a cozy design. I really love the every piece of it. Hahaha. (No lies!) Wish yo all the best and for this blog. You’re really a great blogger.
God bless and more powers!
Name: Vanessa Jane E. Castillo
Twitter name: @cassie_vjc
~ I prefer all the giveaways, hahaha give away #1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,and 9 :D
Name: Ria Pauline Tejada
Twitter name: @BreakMyStyle
Giveaways # 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9
Maria Cristina Acedo
Numbers 1,2,4,5,6,8 and 9 <3
Name: Valerie Fay Remorosa
twitter name: val_remorosa
prizes: no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. :)))
2, 4, 6, 9
Name: Allyzon Mae Sabio
Twitter name: itsmeAllyzonMae
I prefer #1, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9
Name: Maria Ali P. Gimena
Twitter name: zzher0
preferred giveaway number prize/s. #1 & #2
name: Armie Arambulo
Twitter name: rmiarambulo
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Name: Marymay Almoguerra
Twitter: Marymay Hontiveros @Viatadolce
Giveaway #4 #3 #6 #7 #8 and #9
Hope I win this time. :)
Happy Birthday!!
name: geli tilos
twitter: @yellownstripe
preferred: 3,4,6,9 :))
more power!
Name: Kathrine Tan
Twitter: @katrintan
Giveaway number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9!!
You have a lovely layout!! God bless.
Name: Lara Macrohon
Twitter: abracalara
Preferred giveaway number prizes: #1,#4,#6 and #8 :)
Advance Happy Birthday! :)
Name: Ruby Valerie Tagoon
Twitter: @rubyvalerie
preferred giveaways #: 1,2,3,4,6,9
Name: Rayne A. Flor
Twitter: @rainebums
preferred prizes: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 :))
thanks Camille! :)
Name: patricia tan
Twitter: @PattyTan27
I would like to win #2, #3,#4, #6, #8 or #9
Name: Mica Ella P. de Jesus
twitter: @micaloveirish
preferred prizes: #1, #2, #4, #6, #9
Sharmaine C. De Castro
Fatma-Aliya Quiling
twitter name : fatma_aliyaq
Name: Krisella Lao
Twitter Name: krisellalao
Preferred Giveaways: 9, 5, 4, 1, 3 (in this order)
Thanks. :)
Christianne N. Patay
Prize #1, #4, and #6
Name: Joan Pacalioga Abejuela
Twitter: @bok2joan
Choices: 3,4,7,8,9
Name: Denise Recomono
Twitter: @recomonsters
Preferred Prizes: 2, 4, 6, 9
Name: Anjelica Mae Mangahas
Twitter: @ammaezing
Prize #: 3, 4, 9
Name: Ericka Juanson
Twitter name: erickajuanson
giveaway #1, 2, 4, 5, and 6
Name: Raisa Montoya
Twitter username: Saichii
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 ♡
Michelle Hung
1,2,4,5,6 :)
Name: Maria Pauline Evangelista
Twitter: popoyen
#3, 4, 5, 6, 7
name: jed tocayon
Giveaway #1,2,3,4
Name: Yssa Cardona
Twitter: @ayeitshazza
Giveaways: #1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8
Name: Arra Abella
Twitter: @arraabella
Preferred giveaway: #3, #4, #6, #9
Name: Pia Ylisa Alday
Twitter: itspiapie
Preferred giveaway: #3, #4, #6
Awesome new site Ms. Camille! =)
I’d loooove to have one of each or the choice to raid your closet. heheheh =)
Name: Teohara S. Yorong
Twitter: chosarsaba
A new Soak swimwear would be just about perfect for summer, or the GC from SM =)
My first time to join an online contest. Here’s to hoping I’d win. =)
Name: Patricia Da Silva
Twitter: @DSTrish
Prize Nos.: 4, 6, 9
Twitter: acrossthelaine
Prizes: 2,3,4,5,7,9
Prizes #3,4,8,9 is my choice but I will be so happy if I will win any of the prizes:)
Your new website looks so cute and girly Ms.Camille:)
Arra Morta
[email protected]
Give away: #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9
Christin Marian Rocillo
I prefer all! :)))
Name: Emma Aleli Alonday
Twitter name: Lili09D
Preferred giveaway: ALL!!! :) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 :)
Mara Medalle
4, 6, 9
(Trying my luck again to post – been getting Error 404 (T_T) huhuhuh)
Name: Chai Domingo
Twitter: @chenmeicai
Giveaways: I prefer # 3,4,5,6,7 (or 3, 4, 6 in terms of priority haha)
Good luck to all! I wish I can win this time hehe.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Thanks! (^_^)
Anna Alexis Palaspas
Prizes: 1, 3, 4, 9
Name: Gail Te
Twitter: zeerzoid
Prize: #6
*#6 & #4
Name: Ronelly Rae D. Boligao
Twitter name: eternalie
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #3,#4,#6
Been following you on Twitter and Bloglovin ( for awhile. Followed all the brands. Tweeted:!/zanyside/status/192298622736535552
Twitter: @zanyside
Facebook: Patricia Pedro
I’d love to win (either) Giveaway 4, 5, 6. :)
Monica Hiceta
#1 #3 #4 #6 #9
Name: Rianna Custodio
Twitter: RIANNAninjapwet
#1 or #2 :)
name: Viness Geronimo
twitter: vinessg
giveaway #1, #2, #4 and #5
Name: Christian Raymarc Wigan
twitter : @SiIstanAko
prefer giveaways: 1,2,4 and 6 . :))
Name:Alonica Abad
Prizes #’s: 2,3,5,6&9
name: Milafe Maranon
Twitter name: milafesays
preferred giveaway numbers: 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8 :)
Advance Happy Birthday! :))
Name: Maria Eleazar
Twitter: @mymariia
No. 4 or 6
Name: Kamilah Chua
Twitter: Kamilah Chua / @kkyc
Giveaway: 4, 5, 6
Name: Gidjette Arguelles
Twitter: hellogidjette
Preferred Prizes: 4, 6 and 9 :)
Regina Grace B. Mateo
giveaway # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Name: Marian Andrade
Twitter: marianidas
Preferred Prize: 4, 5, 6
Name: Lourdes D. Espanol
Twitter name: kikayprincess02
Preferred giveaway prizes: 1, 2, 4
Name: Eunice Claire Capili
Twitter: EuniceCapili
Prizes: 1,2,4,5
Name: Ricka Puspita Atmadja
Twitter: @rickaicka
Preferred giveaway number: #1, #2, #4, #9 ♥
Name: Yuleen Anatan
Twitter: @aulinnie
giveaway # ♥1♥, ♥4♥ & ♥ 9 ♥
Name: Danie Ballais
Twitter: @tvxqilove
Prize: 2,4,5,6
Name: Nina Morfe
Twitter: @akasupernini
Prizes# 1, 2, 3
name : dana krizel eata
twitter: xtudinairexdana
no. 4
*crossing my fingers*
Name: Sheila Lu
Twitter: @MrsLovettesPies
Preferred Prizes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 :D
Congrats to your updated webiste!
I hope to win #1 or #2 :)
Katherine Co
Twitter: Stylestat
Name: Adlyanna Velasco
Twitter: adlyvelasco
Giveaway #1, 4, 6 & 9
Name: Marie Paulyn Dela Cruz
Twitter: @MariePaulyn
#3 , #4 and #6
Name : Jenie Belle Munji
Twitter : Jenie Munji @itsjeniemunji
Giveaway #1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #6 , #9
twitter name: maggiepandemic
preferred giveaway/s: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9
Name : Daphne Calilap
Twitter username : @fbtlmanila
Link to tweet :!/fbtlmanila/status/192263466638262284
FB username : fbtlmanila
Giveaway number 4, SM accessories GC please :))
Have an awesome birthday with your loved ones Camille! Cheers! :))
joining congrats dear love the new look of your site ♥♥♥
Twitter: @sombrito
Prizes: 3,5,6,9
Name: Stella Fredeluces
Twitter: Hertopia
2, 3, 4, 6, 8
Name: Jem Atienza
Twitter: @jematienza
Prizes: 2, 3, 4, 6, 9
sorry i mistakenly typed the wrong giveaway number i want to win..
:-/ dont know how to delete my previous comment..or would i be able to erase it. sry again. :-/
Name: Kathleen Cedeno
Twitter: kaakaaT
Preffered giveaway: #6
Name: Derya Kırsever
Twitter: drykrsvr
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
Name:Pauline Vernice Garcia
Twitter: @pvvg
Giveaway: # 1,3,4,5,6,9
Name: Rochelle Alejandria
Twitter: chelalejandria
#1, #5, #6, #9
Guinevere Qua
Twitter: @qjoie
#1,2,#3 :D
Name: Fenella Samano
Twitter Name: fenellasamano
Preferred Giveaway Number: #3, #4, #5. #6
Valerie Natalie Itom
I’d love to win #2, #4, # 6
Jose Lorenzo Manongsong
giveaway 4 and 5 :)
Name: Veronica L. Grospe
Twitter: Veronica Grospe
Giveaway # 1, # 2, # 3, # 4, and # 6
Fritzie Castro Yabut
#1, 2, 3,4 ,5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Name: Pia San Felipe
Twitter: piattoes
Preferred prizes: #4, #6, & #9
Dayanara P. de Lima
Dayanara de Lima
#1, #2, #4 and #6
Twitter: @jomatichio
Preferred prizes: 3, 4, or 6
Trixia Mae Cruz
Name: Jessica Hazel Brito
Twitter: @jesshazelbrito
Preferred giveaway: 4 or 5 :)
Angela Beatriz S. de la Vega
#2, #4, #6, #9
Name: Mae Viñas
Twitter: MaeVinas
Giveaway #: 6 or 9
name: krisler piodos
twitter: KPiodos
preferred prizes: #1,2, 3, 6, 9
Name: Mae Viñas
Twitter: MaeVinas
Giveaway #: 6 or 9 :)
Name: Valerie Tio
Twitter: @thevalley93
Give aways: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 :)
More power Achi Camille! :D
Name: Therese Ramos
Giveaway 3, 4, 6, 9
Name: Patricia Rose Ocampo
Twitter name: @pattyocampo
Prizes # 1,3,4,6,8,9 :D
Name: Valerie Tio
Twitter: @thevalley93
give aways # 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.
More power Achi Camille! :)
Name: Charmaine Manlangit
Twitter: @secretcharmm
Prizes: #1, #2, #4, #6, #9
Twitter: @dancewithMON
#3, #5, or #6
name: MArie Coleen Mabitad
twitter name:coleenspeaks
3, 4, 6, or 9 :)
Twitter: chrstnetweets
Giveaway 1,2 and 3
Name: Daryl Angela Ygnacio
Twitter: @darylangela
Giveaway 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Karla Marie Cardones
Numbers 4, 6 & 9
Daphne Siy
Twitter name: daphnesiy
1, 5 (MiLi), 6, 8, 9
Name: Juliene Buelos
Twitter: @theloudwoman
#4, #12 and Grand Prize :))
Glizia Eina P. Barrido
Giveaway #1,3,4, or 5
Name: Rose Samson
Twitter: @sammiisamson
#1 or #4 or #6 or #9
*cross fingers*
Name: Krizza Mae R. Isla
Twitter: krizzaisla
Giveaway #3 or #4 or #6 or #9!!!! :)
NAME: Roger E. Tadefa
Twitter: @iheartGEM
#3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9.
Paola Kathrina Marpuri
Twitter: @paolamarpuri
Giveaway #3, #4 #6
Jorese Chan
Name: Rochelle Sacdala Ostonal
Twitter: @superOche09
Prize/s: # 1, #3, #4, #6, #9
twitter: @risingstarscats
preffered prize: 1,4,6
Name: Ivanne Laxamana
Twitter name: OWLitsvinnie
Giveaway #: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
name:kathleen candis yu
Twitter: @kathleencandisy
Giveaway: #2,5,6,8 and 9
Name: Kathleen Kho
Twitter Name: kath_kath12
Preferred giveaway prizes: #s 6, 2, 4, 3
Name: Rachelle Joy Gamboa
Twitter name: @joygamboa
Preferred giveaway: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
*fingers crossed*
Name: Joyce Ann G. Castisimo
Twitter: aztannah
Giveaway Nos: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9. =D
Like the new page :)
king gregorio
preferred giveaway number prize/s.#4, #6 #7 #8
Chey Jose
#1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9
giveaway #2,3,4, and 6. :)
P.S. Love your blog. :)
Name: Mariel Mangubat
twitter: @ayenahmariel
giveaway no. 1 & 6
Name: Dianne Carino
twitter id: dmcarino
#3, #4, #6, #9
Name: Cillalois Marie Famero
Twitter: @Blairful
Preferred Prizes: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #9
NAME : Alyssa Macalanda
TWITTER : Alyssacher24
Preferred Giveaway Number Prize: #4
Name: Kathlynn Gan
Twitter: @katchoygan
Numbers 1, 3, 4, 6 and 9!
Name: Czarina Jean Anonuevo
Twitter: zhajean
I love giveaways #1,#2,#4 or #6!
Rovi-an Causing
twitter: @viacausing
Giveaway: #6, #9
name; Sabrina Flore
Twitter: ssabfloress
preferred giveaway number prize/s.#4, #6 #7 #8
Chax Lukban
1, 5, 6, 8 and 9 :)
name:alyssa santiago
twitter name: alyssasantiago8
prizes 3,4 or 6
Name: Rachel Canales
Twitter: @rachelchi_beybe
#3 , #4 , #6 , #9
Name: Coleen Talla
Twitter: @coleentalla
Giveaway #s 3, 4, 6, 7, 9
Cheska Que
Twitter: @cheskasdf
Grand Prize, #12, #1, #2, #4
Name: leah mae de vera
Twitter: @imacutestranger
giveaway prize: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 or #9
Name : Joharra Nicole C. Agdigos
Twitter : @harranicks
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 :D
Name: Lyniel Ava Sy
Giveaway #4 & #6
NAME: Aleriz Chang
TWITTER: alerizchang
GIVEAWAY: #1, #2, #4, #6, #9
Janine Avenido
#1 #2 #4 #6 #9
Name: Eloisa Arceo
Twitter: eloisaGarceo
#s 1, 3, 4 or 6 :)
Name: Myna Katrina Calangi
Twitter: @ktrnacal
Preferred giveaway number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
name: Jeffrey John Imutan
twitter: iamjimutan
giveaway 1, 2 3 and 5!/iamjimutan/status/192187618186895360
whew! liked and followed all. thanks
Preffered giveaway:#1,#3,#4,#6
May Bantigue
6 or 9
Shalimar Guerlain Diago
Giveaway #3 #4 #6 #9
Name: Trisha Sto. Domingo
Giveaway: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9
Name: Trisha Sto. Domingo
Twitter:!/triiiiisha @triiiiisha!/triiiiisha/status/192204114195791872
karina joy gimay
twitter: @anirakyoj
love ♥
allana jane fuchigami
[email protected]
giveaway #5
Name: Farrah Garcia
twitter: @farrahgarcia
1, 2, 4, 6, 9
Name: Hannah Lee
Twitter: @leesuyen
Jill Roque
I want 1,3,4,5,6,8,9 :)
Name: Hannah Ramos
Twitter: HanaJRamos
Preferred Giveaway Prizes: Nos. 1, 6, and 9
name: Karen Christine S. Gerona
twiiter: @kcsoygerona
prizes: #4, #6 and #9
Name: Janine Armie F. Palomo
Twitter : janinearmie
Giveaway # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Gellie Balbuena
# 3, 4, 6, 9 (but I love everything!!!!) :> :> :>
TWITTER: @golebiral
GIVEAWAY #: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,9
Alvi Clemente
Either giveaway #1, #2, #3, #4, #6 or #9
Name: Nica Firme
Twitter: @theninetieskid
Giveaway #3 and #8
donabel acero
giveaway #5, giveaway #4 or giveaway #1
Twitter: @gherhald
preferred giveaway number prize/s:
#3 Call It Spring polka dot bag. – for my mama
#4 P5000 worth of SM Accessories
#5 MiLi Power Crystal external battery, Accutone Aquarius in-ear headphones and Divoom i-Tour Pop speaker
#7 celebrity fragrances each from Bench and Kashieca
Thanks for this! :)
Name: Jessiemer Abing
Twitter name: @JessieDCa
Giveaway number prize: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #9
Name: Aileen Adalid
Twitter name: iamaileen
#1, #2, #3, #4, #6, #9
Name: Patricia Lauren A. Domingo
Twitter: @plaurend
Preffered giveaway: #9
Eden Cagas
hi.. i’m joining :)
name: theresa montino
twitter name: @jayresa03
preferred giveaway number prize/s: #1-36.. But I would love to receive #4 the most!
~ thank you for sharing this Ms. Camille.. :)
twitter: syiobe (!/syiobe)
Preferred: #1, #3, #4, #6, #7, #9
Like on Fb
giveaways #3 and #6
Name: Lea Bernardino
Twitter: leabernardino
Giveaway #1, #2, #3, #4, #6 ♥♥
Congratulations on the new website Ate Camille! :)
Maryss Ong
Twitter: maryssonggoy
#2, #3, #4, #6, #9
Name: Stepfanie Izzel B. Lopez
Twitter name: @izzellopez
Giveaway: #2 #4 #6 #7
Name: Marie Lyzette Cuenca
Twitter name: @zeticuenca
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #2, #3, #6, #9!
Name: Lexi Tiutan
Twitter username: fLEXIngbiceps
Prizes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 :)
Mariam yousuf
Twitter: MariamYousuf23
Preferred giveaways: 3 and 4
Name: Kathleen G. Mendoza
Twitter name: @itskathmendoza
Preferred giveaway prize numbers: #4 & #6 :)
Name: Kris Angela S. Datiles
Twitter Name: krisrafkhalil
Preferred Prize/s:
# 1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 and #9
name: Pamela Bongato
Twitter name: @pamelabongato
preferred giveaway number prize/s: 1,2,4,6,9
name: Frances Diomano
twitter: frncskadiomano
giveaway: 2,3,6
Name: Kimberly Torculas
Twitter : kim_torculas
name: Daphne Manaog
twitter: @dphmng
preffered giveaway: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9
Name: Aieleen Denise Tecson
Twitter: aieleentecson
#3 #4 #5 #6 #7
name: Julie Irish S. Apacible
Twitter: @ayisssh
I wanna win giveaway #2, #3, #4 and #6 :D
Twitter: @mariatheresaso
Giveaway: # 4 , 5 ,6 OR 9
Liza Dinopol
twitter: cucuface
Giveaway # 6
Name: Erika Svetlana Nase
Twitter: ErikaSvetlana
#3, #4, or #6
I love your blog’s new look, btw!
Name: cacharel Anais She
Twitter: @mariatheresaso
Giveaway # 4 , 5 , 6 or 9
Rowena Marie Tolin
#3, #5, #6, #9 ♥
Name: Bettina Rose D. Malveda
Twittername: @bettinamalveda
Giveaway # 4,6,9
Twitter: @mariatheresaso
Giveaway # 4 , 5 , 6 or 9
Ella Gener
#3, 4, 5, 6
Name: Charlene Elio
Twitter name: @charleneelio
Giveaway #: 4, 6, 9
Name: Steven P. Coralde
Twitter name: stevenxcoco
# 2, 3, 4
Name: Ria A. Collantes
Twitter: @Rheeeyyuuuuhh
#3, #4, #5, #6, #7
Name: AC Macatangay
Twitter: @acMzeta
Prize: 2,4,5,6,9
Name: Pearl Aton
Twitter: @lestarfreak
I want to win giveaway numbers #3, #4, #6, #7, #9
*fingers crossed* :) Thank you for this opportunity, Ms. Camille :)
Name: Khristelle Yehdah Mina
Twitter Name: @yehdahmina
Giveaways #1,3,6 and 9 :))
Name: Edilyth Maribojoc
Twitter: @DilMari2
Preferred Prizes: 2, 4, 6 and 7
Name: Pixy Umali
twiiter: @iamawemazing
Giveaway #3 #4 #6 :)
name: Mariel Castillo
twitter: marielccastillo
giveaway # 5
Name: Kara Amanda C. Macadangdang
Twitter name: kararrific
Giveaway # 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9
I love everything! =)) I looove the new look of your blog, Ms. Camille! It really suits you. :)
name: bernice gayle tanlo,
Twitter name: bernicegayle
preferred prize/s: #4, #6 and #9
Patty Balquiedra
Twitter: PattyB00
Prizes 1, 4, 6, 9 :)
name: Vrea Rey Enriquez
Twitter name: [at]vreareyenriquez
preferred giveaway number prize/s: #2 and 4
FB: Maureen Anthea Lacuesta
Twitter: @maureenlacuesta
#4, #6, #9
Name: Hanna Dee Yoon
Twitter: @itsHannaYoon
Preferred giveaways: #2,3,4,5,6,8,9 :)))))
love it
michelle condesa
[email protected]
giveaway #5
name: Emmrose Villasfer
twitter: xxemmrose
#3 #4 #6 #8
Name: Penny Leong
Twitter: spizyness
Giveaway no: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 or 9
name:Phylicia Pineda
Twitter name @phyaboo
preferred giveaway number prize/s : #2, #3, #4, #6, #9
camille rentoy
#1 ,#2 , #3 ,#4, #6 and #8 :)
Name: Isabel Tan
Twitter: @aeyiu
Name: Kayelene Pintac
Twitter: cupkaye
#4, 6, 9
Kristal Jade Naguit
#1, #2, #3, #4. #5, #7
Really fabulous prizes! I love them all. :))
Krizia Lorraine D. Acevedo
1, 2, 4, 6 or 9
Name: Mariz Echavez
Twitter name: rizhush
#3, 4 and 6 ;)
Name: Valiene Refuerzo
Twitter name: KRE_ISHCA
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 5, 2, 3, 8
Thank you for having this giveaway!:)
Marianne Kimberly Gonong
Twitter: maryanatrix
Giveaway #1, #2, #4, #6, #8, #9
Name: Shannen Macatangay
Twitter Name: @MaShannen
Giveaway: #1,#2,#3,#4,#6,and #8 =)
Name: Angelica P. Aragon-Manalata
Twitter Name: Angelamhiere
Preferred prize/s: Giveaway numbers 2, 4, 6, 9
NAME: Kimberli D. Denaya
TWITTER NAME: @beybehpandan
prizes i want to win : #1, #2, #3 AND #9 : )))
*fingers crossed. i hope i will win! :D
– super nice and GORGE blog you have Ms. Camille :) two thumbs up!
name: Joanna Copo
Twitter name: j_nightress
preferred giveaway number prize/s: #5
Name: Frances Ong
Twiitter name: fffrancess
Preferred giveaways: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 :)
Name: Paulina Paras
Twitter Username: pauliiinaaa
Giveaway Numbers: 1, 2, 6, 8, 9
Name: Dianne Elaine Mijares
Twitter: diannedoll
Prize/s: 2,3,4,6,9
name: Alleyson Laurice R. Rabino
twitter name: @alleysonlaurice
preferred giveaway number prizes: #1 #4 #5 #6 #9
Name: Mericon Navarro
Twitter: @blairbitchbunny
preferred prize: 1, 2, 4 & 6
Name: Jem Vergel de Dios
Twitter: JemVdd
#s 1, 4 and 9!<3
Name: Allysa Petros
Twitter Name: @AiLabYou_ALY
Giveaway #6
Iko Hanajima
Name: Allysa Petros
Twitter Name: @AiLabYou_ALY
Giveaway #2
Marianne Kimberly S. Gonong
Twitter: maryanatrix
Giveaway #1, #2, #3, #4, #6, #8, #9
name: Mary Jane Gumabay
twitter: @blackpetalsMJ
giveaway number prizes: #5, #6, and #9
Name: Katherine Michelle Co
Twitter Name: KadieCo
Preferred Prize: 1, 2, 4, or 6
Janice Pinto
Name: Paulene Lim
Twitter: paushi
Giveaway: #3, #4, #6
Name: Anjelie Dawn Mendoza
Twitter Handle: @csanders12
I’d like # 2, 5, 6, 9! Thank you for this contest! I hope I win ^_^
Name: Aizel Kristel Do. Goñez
Twitter: @Aizelyy
Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Name: Camille Mendoza
Twitter: camiecamcam
#1, #2 or #4 please. :)
name: franchesca yna rita ysabell g. ramos
twitter name: @yna_ramos04
giveaway# 2 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 9
Name: Nina Clarisse Yongque
twitter name: @island_in_d_sun
prize #1,2,4,7
Name: Geela Garcia
Twitter @geelagarcia
Giveaway #3, #4, #6
Name: Azmarrah Biruar
Twitter: @azmarrahb
Preferred prize/s: Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Rowena Marie Samares
#2, #3 or #4
Name: Maylene Bernice Uy
Twitter name:
Giveaway #: 3 / 4 / 6 / 7 :))
name: Jocelyn Chua
twitter acct:@jochua05
Rowena Marie Samares
#2 or #3 or #9
Name: Hilary Hao
Twitter name: Azure Demonwitch
1, 2, 3, 9
Name: Beia Policarpio
Twitter Name: BeiaPolicarpio
Giveaway: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Name: Lei Angelique Cruz
Twitter: lei_angelique
Preferred Giveway Prizes: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 :)))))
Name: Bonna Crisostomo
Twitter name: @bonnacrisostomo
3,5,6 & 9
Name: Janice Marjo Nuevas
Twitter: @jongcute
Giveaways # 1,3,4,5,6,9
Gudluck to us :)
name: Denise Joy San Pedro
twitter: shiawaseDeng
desired giveaway prize/s: Sm accessories GC or Comfit Shoes
Rowena Joy Cutangco
twitter: rycutangco
I want Prizes # 3, 4 or 9!!! :)
elisa marie opena
#1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 9 =)
Name: Loraine Ira A. Ompad
Twitter name:ItsLoraineIra
#3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9 :)
Nicole G. Moscare
Ely Vien Asuncion
twitter name: @vienasuncion
#1, 2, 3, 4, 6
Name: Kristine Villano
twitter: @kweshiedoodles
Preferred Giveaway: 3, 6, 9
#2,4,6 :)
Name: Grace siy
Twitter: siygrace11
Name: Gracelour Naputo
Twitter: @purpleclues
giveaway nos. 3, 6, and 9
btw, congratulations on your new blog! :)
Stephany La Guardia
Twitter Name: imstephany
# 3, # 4, and # 5
Name: Tiara Marie Leopoldo
Twitter Name: madmoiselle_T
#’s : 1,4 ans 12
NAME: Steffi Marilao
TWITTER: @steffimarilao
Giveaway : #1, #2, #4, #6, #9
Name: Rue Rae Villegas
Twitter: raeville
Preferred: 4,5,6,9
Name: Abigail Joy S. Perez
Twitter name: @puffingclouds
preffered giveaway nos: 4, 6, 9
Arvy Keith Chung
Preferred prize: #1, 4, and 6
Name: Stephanie Merced
Twitter: @stephaniemerced
Preferred giveaway prizes: # 4, 7 , 9
Name: Myra Sena
Twitter Name: myrasena (!/myrasena)
Giveaway#: 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 :)
Name: Geneva Garcia
Twitter: @thegenevagarcia
Preferred giveaways: #s 1,2,4,6,and 9
Congrats on your new blog! I wish to win! :)
Christianne Enriquez
Preferred Price : #’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9.
Hahaha. Love your blog! Hope that I’ll win. :D
4,5,6,9! :)
jamie tan
Jomarie L. Anito
#1 #4 #6
Name: Francesca De Ocampo
Twitter Name: misspiggy18
Giveaways: 2, 3, 4, 6
Name: Jenny Chua
Twitter: @chuajenny
Preferred giveaway: #6, #11, #12.
have a nice day :)
Name: Jasmine Yongque
Twitter username: @gimmemygumibear
Preferred prizes: #’s 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7
Name: Francesca De Ocampo
Twitter Name: misspiggy18
Giveaways: #2, #3, #4, #6
Julie Angeline Dujale
name: kathryn clamor
twitter name: @iam_kbc
prefered prizes: no. 3,4,6,9
Name;jhessica recto
twitter;@ heartrulez25
#2,#4 and #6
thank u and happy anniversary..=)
Twitter: @ciaooobella
Giveaways: 3,4,6,9 :)
or lahat nalang!
Giveaways: 1,2,5,7,8 :))
Name: Lalaina Faith H. Acop
Twitter name: lalainaafrvr21
Preffered prize: 4 or 6.
Happy birthday to the very beautiful Camille Co! :) Thankyou for your generosity. xx
name;jhessica recto
twitter; @ heartrulez25
#2,#4 and #6
thank u and happy anniversary..=)
jen dee
Prize: 4, 6 and 9 :)
Name: Sarah O. Tan
Twitter: mesarahtan
Giveaway: 1,2,4,6,8,8 :))
Trisha Duncan
#2, #4, #6, #9 :D
Name: Tina Abelita
twitter: @winawobelituh
#4, #6, #8, #9
Rosa Marie Gonzales
twitter: rosadesu
#1, 2, 6 or 9 :)
Name: Celene Floro
Twitter: celenemarieF
Prize # 1 :))
Kimberly Anne Capeding
Giveaways 3,4,6,9
Loving your new blog layout! :)
Name: Katrina Munoz
Twitter Name: @katmunozz
Giveaway: 3,4,5,6
Name: Tanya Mallillin
Twitter: @tanyamallillin
Preferred: #s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
I love the new look of your blog! \:D/ Your giveaways are really overwhelming.
Name: Marie Asterlu Limon
Twitter: Iamashie
Name: Kristina Jonas Mendoza
Twitter name: TINYpunysmall
Preferred giveaway: #1, #4, and #5.
Gia Densing
1, 2, 4, 6, 9
Name: Gia Densing
Twitter: @gdensing
Preferred giveaway: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9
name: Jessamer Abing
Twitter name: @jexxaaaaaa
#1-6, 12 and the grand prize!!!! :)
Hope to win this giveaway! :) Love the prizes! :)
Name: Romelyn Austria
Twitter name: AilynAustria
Giveaway #1,2,4 or 9 :)
Happy Birthday to you and Happy Anniversary to your blog :D
Name: Christine Cometa
Twitter: trinipot
Name: Romelyn Austria
Twitter name: AilynAustria
Name: Caitlin Hao
Twitter name: h_caite32
Giveaways: #1, #2, #4, #5, #9
Name: Shannen Goco
Email: [email protected]
Preferred Prizes: #1, #2, #3, #6, & #9.
Name: Moses Fetalvero
Twitter: mosesfetalvero
Preffered giveaway number: #6
Alyson Ting
#2 #4 #6 #9
Name: Levin Joy Marollano
Twitter Name: @binbinaaa
Preferred Giveaways: #2 #3 #4 #6 #9
Name: Hazel Siy
#3, #4, #5, #6, #8
Lora Leung
#3, #5 #9
Name: Jobelle Gesmundo
twitter: jayeannev
prizes: #2 or #1 :))
Name: Christine Joy See
Twitter: @ceazane
Giveaway # 2, 4, 6
Thank you!
Twitter: movelikeGEgger
Preferred giveaway prizes: #2, #4, #5, #6, #9 ♥
Hi Ms.Gorgeous! ♥ Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to your blog! :)
Name: Aiza Bautista
Twitter: aysabau
Givaway#’s: 1,4,6,9,12
Name: Mia Durano
Prizes: #2 , #3, #4, #6, #9
Name: Abigail Chang
Twitter: abbychang24
Preferred Prize: #2, #5 and GRAND PRIZE
Name: Lovely Llamas
Twitter: @asdfghjkELLE
#s 2, 3, 4, 6, 8
NAME: Andrea Cortez
TWITTER NAME: @andengcortez
GIVEAWAY #: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9
Name: Alyssa A. Daguro
Twitter: AlyssaDaguro
#4, #6 & #8
Name: Yeda Pauline DC. Palaypayon
Twitter Name: YedaPauline
Giveaway: #1, #2, #3, #6 and #9
Name: Arcee Grande
Twitter: @arceeeeeeeeeee
Preferred Giveaways: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 :)))
Name: Neilma Francia
Twitter: @neilmafrancia
Giveaway #s 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Name: Aiza Bautista
Twitter: aysabau
#’s 1,2,4,6,9
Name: Isabella Baquial
Twitter: @mixingmelodies
giveaway #5 please :)
Name: Paolo Miguel C. Mendoza
Twitter Name: @UNIrainbowCORN
Giveaway: #4
Maxine Pinson
twitter: enixamenna
#s 4, 5, 6, 9
Name : Mary Joy Brazil
twitter : @bajhojoii
giveaway # 1,3,4,5,6,7,9 :)
love the new look of your blog :) Congrats ms.camille ^^ .
Name- Nirvana Sydney S. Robea
Twitter- @VanaRobea
2, 3, 4, 5, 6
name: Ma. Aiza Rose Abunda.
twitter: wanderingchic
love to win: 1, 3, 6
Name: Eileen Siriban
Twitter name: @eieesiriban
Give away #s 1,2,4,5
Facebook: Hope Alimboyong
Twitter: @hopeealimboyong
Giveaway: 1,2,4,6,9
Name: Valerie Mae A. Basinillo
Twitter name: @valbasinillo
preferred prizes: 1,2,4, or 8
France Irish Camposano
Name: Ysabel Piela DC. Palaypayon
Twitter Name: HugsForDaniel
Giveaway: #1, #2, #3, #6 and #9
Name: treshia jean tan
twitter name: eeshiajean
#1, 5 or 9.ü
Name: Tamia Fernandez
Twitter name: @TAMIAmiheat
Giveaway #: 1, 4, 5, 6
name:sheila francisco
twitter name: @unmeinoitazurah
2,4,7,9 :)
name: sayuri sarabosing
twitter name: iamsay11
preferred giveaways: #s 1,2,4,6,9
NAME: sheila francisco
TWITTER NAME; @unmeinoitazurah
2,4,7,9 :)
Name: Maria Rufina Nachor
Twitter: @imninaccent
preferred giveaway #s: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 9
Totally loved the whole new look of your blog Miss Camille. Simple yet so CHIC. <3
Megan Tanco
Twitter name: @megtanco
Preferred prizes: 1,2,4,6,9
Name: Catherine Go-Mendoza
twitter name: soulstar88
#9,#12,Grandprize, #1,#4
name: afrile susie e belda
twitter: @verlien
Rhea Suzette Mocorro
4 and 7
Deniece Liza
Name: Katrina Santos
Twitter: @katisaninja
1, 2, or 6 :D
Name: Danielle Mari A. Quico
Twitter: @danichuuable
Giveaways: #1, #2, and #6
Name: Salvee Langella M. Retuya
Liked all pages and followed all!:)
Preferred giveaway: 1,3,4,6,9, 10,11,12,GRAND PRIZE:)
Name: Erika Aguila
Twitter: @erikadaguila
preferred giveaways: #1, 2, 3, 6
name: Zyra Daaong
Twitter name: @itsmezyramae
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 1,2,3,4,6
Thank You! :)
Name: Amanda Paredes
Twitter Name: @amanda0201196
#2, #4, #6, #7
name, Twitter name and preferred giveaway number prize/s.
Name: Yna Pamela DC. Palaypayon
Twitter Name: YnaPamela
Giveaway #2, #3, #6 & #9
Name: Yshy Igdanes
Twitter Name: @yshyigdanes
Prize #1
Name: Zyra Daoang
Twitter name: itsmezyramae
Name: Estelle Marie R. Tan
Twitter: estellewilltell
#3 #4 #6 #9
Name: Charmaine Pauline Conrado
Twitter name: @charconrado
Preferred prizes: #1 #2 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
Name: Flamae Faye Uong
Twitter: @flalalala
Giveaway #: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8
Name: Chennie Marie Montero
Twitter Name: @ChennieMontero
# 4, 6 and 9
Name: Monique Florendo
Twitter name: munikflorendo
Preferred Giveaway #s 2,4,5,6 and 9
name, Twitter name and preferred giveaway number prize/s
Name: Kat Aquino
Twitter Name: @asdfghjkat28
Preferred Giveaway Number: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8
Name: Daphne Dionisio
Twitter: @daphbenteotso
#’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9. :D
NAME: Janine Victoria Dagcutan
TWITTER NAME: janinedagcutan
PREFERRED PRIZES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9.
Name: Kimberly Jane A. Roxas
Twitter name: @kimroxas_
Name: Gizel Honeylette Menor
Twitter: thegorgeousGZL!/thegorgeousGZL
Prizes # 1, 3, 4, 6 :)))
Hi!! So excited that ur finally back!!! ;) <3 all the giveaways..
Name: Lia Carmela Y. Delfin
Twitter: meladelfin
Preferred prizes: #3, 4, 6, 9
Name: Kimberly Bautista
Twitter: kiannbautista
Name: Charie Kay Gonzales
Twitter Account: @chariegee
Prizes I would love to have: #1, #2, #3, #5, #9
Name: Kamelle Reigh Etang
Twitter: @thisiskamrei
I would love to win giveaways nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9.
PS. I so love the girly feel of your website! Advance Happy Birthday Camille and Thank You so much for your generosity. :)
Name: jhaz deuna
Twitter name : Jhaz deuna @wtfjhaz
# 1, 3, 4, 6
Pamela Angelica L Capon
#s 3 4 6 9 :D
Twitter Handle: @eeunieq
#s 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
name: Lilli Abatayo
twitter name: @LilliAbatayo
prefered prizes: no. 4,6,9
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9
Jessica Arceo
#1 #2 #4 #8 #9
More power miss Camille! Ur new blog is so pretty! :)
Name: Rialyn Marie T. dela cruz
Twitter: IyahTrinidad
Preferred giveaways: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
Hope to win ^^
Thankyou Ms. CamilleCo..
Twitter: isaiiabustan
#’s 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9.
Janneth Garcia
twitter: otaywho
preffered giveaway: #4 & 5
Darlene Anne Armada
2, 3, 4, 6, 9
Congratulations on your new blog!
name: katherine rose pablo
preferred prizes: #1, #3, #4, or #6
Thank you! ^_^
Name: Farrah Espina Twitter: farrahespina Email: [email protected] Preferred prize/s: 1, 2 or 6 :3
Name: Ariane Mangiliman
Twitter name: @eypiem
#2 3 4 5
Name: Elena Jeane Dela Cruz
Twitter: @ejdcruzz
Number: 3, 4, 6, 9 <3
Name: Natasha Pauline Go
Twitter: TaaashGo
Preferred Giveaway: #s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9.
Name: Bianca Acosta Magsino
Twitter: biancaaaalove
Preferred giveaway number: 1, 6 or 9 :)
Name: Ariane Mangiliman
Twitter name: @eypeim
#2 3 4 5
**sorry, wrong spelling of twitter name.
Name: Jocelyn Co
Twitter: joy_co
Giveaway numbers 1,2,3,6,9
Twitter: serenibee
Prize/s: 3, 4 ,6, 9
Name: Maria Loretta Martin
Twitter: ohsomei
#1, #3, #4, #6, #9 :)
Name: Melanie Santiago
twitter: lan_santiago
#1, 2 or 4
Name: Patricia Castor
Twitter Name: patticaster
Preferred Giveaways: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
Jeline Catacutan
Giveaway #6 and 9
Philaine De Armas
#1,2,3 and 5
hope i win this time! :)
Name: Genevieve Anne E. Diocos
Twittername: genbibanne
Giveaway nos: 1, 4, 6, & 9
Rachel Chan
Prize nos. 1,2,3 & 4
Jilliane Bulatao
Twitter: jillianebulatao
# 1,2,3,6
Name: Desiree Gutierrez
Twitter: desgutz
Preferred giveaway: #1,3,4,9
Name : Jen Ching
Twitter Name : @jenching_
preferred giveaway: giveaway #4
Arriane Evangelista
Twitter: arrianeve
Giveaway # 4, 5 or 6.
Name: Darleen Atienza
Twitter: darleenatienza
Preffered Giveaway#: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9. :D
Christine Pigtain
Preffered giveaways #3,4,6,9
Name: Eiz Bangal
Twitter: awesooomeiz_
#3, #4, #6, #8.
New fan here! ;)
Name: Stefani Marie
Twitter: stefpanyang
Preferred Giveaway prize: 9
Name: allison loyola
Twitter: @allisonloyola
#3 #1 :)))
Name: Patricia Castor
Twitter Name: patticaster
Preferred Giveaway: 1, 4, 5, 6,7, 9
Name: Ariane Mangiliman
Twitter: @eypiem
Preffered giveaway: #3 #4 #5 and grand prize
Diana Catampongan
giveaway #3,4,5 or 6 :)
Twitter : @itsmeandiee
Preferred giveaway : 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 7
Maria Lourdes Santos
Twittername: happyheartlou
Preferred: #2,3,5,6
name: Jessica Clariz Julian
Twitter: @aylabjess
Preffered giveaway #’s: 1, 2, 5, 6, or 9.
Name: Krista Lynn Inson
Twitter Name: XOXOkristalynn
preferred: 4, 6 and 9
Name : Gena Tabarangao
Twitter Username : @urRayofSunshine
Preferred prizes : # 4, #6, #7, #11, #12 :)
Glenda B. Mantaring
1, 2, 3 & 6
Name: Marion Ritz Luzod
Twitter account: @yonyonsofab
Congrats on your new blog! It’s so pretty! And your giveaway is tromendously fabulous!
I want #3, #6 or #9 please pick me!!! ♥
Name: Anna Kattrina A. Merro
Twitter: @nikkamerro
Preferred prize: #4, #5, #6 or #9
Name: Marie Ruffa Pacubas
Twitter: muffin_muffy
#1, #3, #4, #9
been reading your blog for a long time already. i love your love about fashion. Thanks for sharing us your lifestyle and girly stuffs picks. hoping to meet you someday. :)
Happy birthday pretty! :)
Rosanna Balotro
nos. 1 2 3 4 6 9
Name: Frances Micah Luyahan
Twitter: @akosiyuka
Preferred prize/s: #’s 4, 6 and 9
Name: Larissa Manguba
Twitter: @larissamanguba
Preferred Giveaway: #s 1, 2, 4, 6
Thank you! :)
Regine Therese I. Batol
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9
Name: Michelle Jan Bacolod
Twitter: @MishelJan
Preferred giveaway/s: #s 1, 3, 6, 9!
Marie Danicia Castro
Preferred Giveaway: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9
Thank you Ms. Camille! :)
Name: Marites Quitoriano
Twitter: marites
I would to win #1, #2 or #4. Super thanks :)
Eliza Tan
Twitter: elizuhpizza
#1, 2, 4, or 6 :)
Name: Rachael Melissa L. Nathanielsz
Twitter username: RachNathanielsz
Preferred giveaway prize numbers: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 :)
Congrats on your new blog, Camille!! Happy Birthday as well! May you have more blessings to come. You’re such a good person. I can say that even though I met you just once during the Candy Fair event last year. You are one of my fashion inspirations. Just so you know. :) Hope to see you again soon!! :>
*thank you for replying to my tweets. lol :))) I hope I win one of your giveaway prizes!! *cross fingers*
name: bernadin magbiray
twitter name: nadinmagbiray
preferred: 1,2,3,4,5,6,9
Name: Kaye Galang
Twitter: kayegalang
1,3,4,5,6,9 :)
Name: Lovely Go
Twitter Name: @labliann
Preferred Prizes: #4,#5,#11, & Grand Prize. :)
Name: Minh Chau Do
Twitter: @iamC-
#1, #3, #5, #6, #7
Twitter: ilovecashee
Giveaways: #s 1,2,4,5,6,8,9 :D
Name: Joyce Ann Bognot
Twitter name: joyceannb
preferred giveaway number prizes: 2, 3, 4, 6, 9
pretty pretty please :) <3
Name: Denise Tom Wong
Twitter: DTlittlesecret
#’s 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 :)
Name: Liljanah Wong
Twitter: @liljanahchrissi
preferred prize: 1,3,4,6,9
Name: Chealsy Allen G. Dale
Twitter: @thecrazychealsy
Preference: Numbers 1,2,3,4,6
Name: Mirzi Sarte
Twitter: @mizichic
Giveaway #2, #3, #4, #9
Happy Happy Birthday :D
Name: Kurt Palapo
Twitter name: kurtyperry
preferred giveaway number prize/s.: 1, 2, 4, 5
john rio pria
giveaway # 4 5 6 7
Name: Marvs
Twitter name: @MarvsLovesYou
#1 #4 #6
Name: Krystelaine Aguda
Twitter: krystenbee247
Give away: 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 should’ve been this: krystennbee247
Hi Miss Camille! I’m Stephanie Co, we have same surname :)
#6!!! or 2, 4, 9
Happy 1st blog anniversary!
god bless and more power! xoxo ♥
name: Jacklyn Rachelle Pelayo
twitter: jacklynpelayo
#’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 :))
Name: Shannon Kim Palapo
Twitter name: gottaloveKimmy
Preffered giveaway number prize/s: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9
name: Jazmine Manzon
twitter: @jazminemanzon
numbers 1,2,4,5, 6, or 9
Name: Mariel Anne Pardo
Twitter Name: xomai18
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9! :D HAHA
Ms. Camille! Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to your blog! I wish I can be successful like you someday and hope you can visit my blog :) I’ve been always a fan. :) I also wrote how you inspire me to pursue my passion :)
Trishie dela Cruz
twitter name- trishiedc
give away #4, #6, #9
Jen Destura
#4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Andree Patricia dela Cruz
twitter- trishiedc
#11, #12, grand prize!
Name: Nadine Sagales
Twitter: nadinesagales
Preferred giveaway: 2, 4, 6 9
I love the new look of your blog, btw! It looks so girly and very soothing in the eyes. ♥
Name: Marianne Joyce Sarsonas
Twitter name: mariannejoycee
Preferred giveaway: #4, #5, #6, #7
trishie dela cruz
@trishiedc -twitter
#4 #6 #9
Inna Isabel M. Gaerlan
3 4 5 6 9 :)
Name: Kurt Palapo
Twitter name: kurtyperry
Preffered giveaway number prize/s: 1,2,4,5
Name: Nicole Abalena
Twitter: @itsnicoolio
Giveaway #1 #2 #3 #4 #6 :-)
Name: Megan Claudine M. Ponce
Twitter: @meganponcee
Giveaway # 4 or 6
#3 #4 #5 and number #6!! ^_^
Name: Flerika Vei Villagracia
Twitter name: @flerikavei
Preferred giveaway: #4, #6 or #9
Name: Adrie Cu
Twitter: Adriemer
Name: Johanna Bilgera
Twitter name: johannabilgera
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #1, #4, #6 and #8
Name: Richelle Ramirez
Twitter: @richibellissima
Preferred prizes: #2, #3, #6 :)
Name: Johanna Bilgera
Twitter name:
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #1, #4, #6 and #8
Name: Jamie Isabelle Arellano
Twitter: isabellekhan
Preferred giveaway number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 7 :)
Name: Victoria Ysabel Ramos
Twitter: @BieberandOneD
Number: #4 and #6
Name: Samantha Ramos
Twitter: @lovegenevie
Preferred giveaways: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
Kristin Mendoza
twitter: marielccastillo
giveaway #5
Name: Victoria Ysabel Ramos
Twitter: @BieberandOneD
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #4 and #6
name: Mariel C. Castillo
giveaway # 5 please!
Name: Stephanie Siao
Twitter name: @stephearty
Giveaway : #1, #4, #5 or #6
Name: Cui, Deo Eloi
Twitter Name : @iamsomatdeo
giveaway no: 4, 5, and 7
Name: Krizzia Mae M. Carlos
Twitter Name: krizziacarlos
Preferred Giveaways: #1, #4, #5, #6, #9 :)
Hi Ms. Camille Co! :) I really love your blog. ⤠I always give time to visit it and see your latest fashion trend. I never get tired and bored looking on your lovely photos. A very pretty girl indeed! :) You serve as my inspiration in expressing myself through the clothes I wear. :) Thank you so much! :*
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! :) God Bless.
Stay pretty! â¤
Name: Michelle Christie Lim
twitter name: christielim
Name: Carvey Samonte
Twetter: carvey_sam
Preferred giveaway number: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Bianca Rae Danao
Twitter: raepop
Nos. 1, 5, 6, and 9
Name: Riza Pagayon
Twitter: aziryam09
Prize: #5,3,1,4
Thank you Camille!! Happy birthday and congratulations on the first year of
Mabuhay! :)
zeng daria
# 3, 4, 6
Name: Iola Katrina Sabio
Twitter Name: iola0923
Preferred: #2 , #4, #6
zeng daria
# 3 /4 6
Name:Valerie Claise Fermo
Twitter: valclaise
Name: Eleigh Llaneras
Twitter: @misseleighneux
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9!!! :D
Name: Pola De Vera
Twitter: @poniesey
Giveaway: 1,2,4 and 9 :))
name: Katrina De Jesus
twitter: @katrinadejesus4
numbers 1,2,4,5, 6, 8 or 9
thanks camille! good to have you back! :)
Gillian Nicole N. Liboon
#s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9
Twitter Name: @kathfernandez
Preferred Giveaways: #2, #4, #6
Happy blog anniversary and birthday to you, beautiful camille! Congrats on your successful blog launch! Blessings more loves♥♥
Name: Marisol Benalayo
Twitter : PrincessEmri
giveaway # 1, 3, 5, 9
Name: Chedimae Escala Sabueto
Twitter name: @chidimuy
Preferred Prizes: #’s 4, 5, 6! ^_______^
Name: Kate Santelices
Twitter Name: @katytammy
Preferred give-away number- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9! :)
name, Twitter name and preferred giveaway number prize/s.
Maine Cordora, SharrCordora
#2, #4, #9
Name: Elaine Wong
Twitter: starrystarrynyt
Preferred Giveaway: #1 #3 #5 #6
Name: Ulla Sy
Twitter name: ullasy
preferred giveaway number prize/s: 3, 4, 6, 9 :)
Name: Alessandra Sabrina M. Pinili
Twitter Name: @RAYAbuwaya
Preferred Prizes: 1,2,3,4,6,9
I know it’s a lot but I’d really be happy if i won one of these!
Name: Charm Pasagui
Twitter: charmenskinot
I want #s 1,2 and 6
God bless you abundantly, Ms Camille!:)
Job Galido
Giveaway #4 & #5
#6 #3 #4 #5 #9
Twitter: keshy_pragii19
Very “romantic” new page.. love the ribbons.. first time to actually join.. best of luck for me.. =)
Name: Rhea Chavez
Twitter name: rheyangC
hope to win items # 2 or #3.. ^_^
Name: Jessica Tang
Twitter: OhNoItsJec
Prize/s: #5, #4, #9
Name: Amae Guerrero
Twitter: @amaeguerrero
Preferred Prizes: #1,3,4,6,7,8,9
Name: Sam Reboja
twitter name: samreboja
#s: 3, 4, 6, 9
name, Twitter name and preferred giveaway number prize/s
Carmina Chu
Giveaways # 3,4,5,8
Name: Giacca Tugob
Twitter name: Gia Tugob (giaccalee)
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 1, 4, 6, or 9 :)
Name: Amae Guerrero
twitter: @amaeguerrero
Preferred prized: #1,3,4,6,7,8,9
Jassie ajoc
#4 #6 #9
Name: Carla Velasco
Twitter Name: @CarlaVeee
#4 #6
Name: Dasha Carmiel Corpuz
Twitter Name: @dashacorpuz
Preferred giveaway number- 1, 2, 3, 4, 6! <3
Name: Samantha Ramos
Twitter: @lovegenevie
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #9
Name: Angel Ann Feliciano
Twitter: axleismymaster
Preferred prize= 6 or 4
name: Edna Garcia
twitter: edzgarci
giveaway # 4
Name: faith mari baquirquir
Twitter: @peytchu
#3, #4, #6, #9
Twitter name: theexcessoriest
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 5, 6, 9
Macky Pangan
#4, #6, #9
Hannah Tio
twitter: hannahlogy
giveaway #s: 2, 5 or 6 :)
Name: Faith Mari Baquirquir
Twitter: peytchu
#3 #4 #6 #9
Name: Darren Mae M. de Torres
Twitter: Darren Mae de Torres @darrendetorres_
Preferred giveaway number prizes: #2, #3, #4, #6, #9
Name: Charisse Garcia
Twitter: clengched
giveaway #6
Name: Maan Adelantar
Twitter Name: @mynameismaan
Preferred Giveaway numbers: #6 and #9 ♥
Fantastic give away! I hope I win. Big Camille Co fan here :>
La mode passe, Le style reste ♥
Twitter: @sophiesantos
Preferred prizes: #1, 4, 6 and 9
TWITTER: aizcuaresma7
Wilhelmina Balondo
i would like to win any of these: #3, #4, #5, #6
Your new site looks very chic! Wow!
Name: Jaina Decena
Twitter name: itsjaina
Giveaway #4 and #7
TWITTER : aizcuaresma7
Jeemah Villaverde
Twitter: @jem_villaverde
#s 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 :D
Name: Jhasy Osias
Twitter name: theexcessoriest
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: Giveaway No. 5, No. 6, No. 9
Name: Allyssa Clutario
Twitter: allyssaclute
Giveaway #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
hihihi! <3
Name: Ashley Chua
Twitter: itsashchua
Prizes: #3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Twitter name: istin21
preferred giveaway number prize/s. # 3, 4,6,7,8,9
Name: Bianca Umali
Twitter: biancaumali
Giveaway # 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 & 9
Name: Ana Katerina Valdez
Twitter: kattvaldez
Giveaway #1,2,4,6 and 9
name: Regine Anne Sibayan
Twitter name : @rejjisheart
preferred giveaway number prize/s: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9
Marie Lyn Vina Yabut
Twitter: @vinayabut
Preferred giveaway prizes: 2, 4, 6
Name: Joan Lee
Twitter: PA @itsPAofficial
Preferred: #4, #6, #3
name: Elise Cai
twitter username: elisecathlene
Preferred giveaways : #1, #2, #5, and #8
Thank you for all of these wonderful giveaways, Miss Camille!
I wish us an advanced happy birthday! God bless you! :D
Haha! :) Sorry!
Name: Ivana Arcillas
Twitter Name: arcillasivana
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: Giveaway # 3, #4
Tia Hipona
twitter: teeeahipona
Preferred prizes: 1,4,5,6,9
:) Thank you!
Camille Joy R. Magnanao
preffered giveaway : pwede lahat ? :D #’s 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
Margaret Christine D. Gomez
@mcdgomez25 = twitter
Giveaway # 4 :)))
Yehey. Awesome giveaway :))
Charmaine Montes
#s 3, 6, 9
Name: Meryll Faith Ablong
Twitter: @meryllfaith_08
Preferred Giveaway: #2, #3, #5, #6, #8, #9
Any of those will do. But #9 is perfect for summer. :)
Name: Gladys Pena
Twitter: @gladful
I want to win Giveaway/s # 1, 4 or 9
Name: Raquel Anne A. Mallillin
Twitter Name: RxquelMallillin
Preferred Giveaway Number Prizes: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9!
I love your blog’s new look! Have a happy birthday Ms. Camille Co! :)
Name: Binky Pitogo
Twitter name: @misspinkybinky
Maika Lalaine Manuel
Twitter Name: @maikalalaine
Giveaway #s 3, 4, 6
Name: Djoharra Galut
#’s 1,3,4,6,9
Name: Althea Alexis Arellano
Twitter name: @yoursweetiethea
Preferred giveaway number prize: #3, #4, #5, #6
Name: Agnes Ines
Twitter: breathingsisa
Prizes: #2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 :)
Liza Marie Tan Lorenzo
twitter: @lizalorenzo
# 4, 1,6 or 9 <3
Maricar de Dios
Twitter: Maricardedios
Giveaway: 4,6,3
Lace Marquez
twitter: IamLaacey
I love the numbers, 3, 4 and 6!
Extra nice layout! <3
Laarnie Pagad
twitter: LaarniePagad
#1, 3 or 9:’)
Liza Marie Tan Lorenzo
twitter name: lizalorenzo
# 4, 1, 6 or 9 <3
Wally Ann Yumul
Twitter ID: @yumulwally
Preferred Prizes: #1, #4, and #5
name: Reina Cecilia Tee
Twitter name: myreindrops
and preferred giveaway number prize/s: 1,2,3,4,6,9
Hi Camille! Since my Twitter account @myreindrops is currently suspended, I used another account to follow again the sponsors.
Twitter: daintyhues
Thanks! :)
Raine Navora
Name; Raffi Alcantara
Twitter: Raviolee93
preferred prizes: #6 #5 #4
Name: Mary josephine Fuentes
Twitter name: @fuentesmarjo
Preffered giveaway: #1, #4, #5
Sheilah Marie Velasco
twitter: sheilahmv
prizes 1,2,3,4,5,6 :)
Name: Katherine Hing
Twitter: kayehing
Giveaway # 1, 2, 4, 5
Thank you and happy happy birthday! :-)
name: nicka casimiro
twitter: @nickachuii
Giveaway #3:Call It Spring polka dot bag.
Giveaway #5: MiLi Power Crystal external battery for iPhone, iPod, iPad, Blackberry and other mobile phones, Accutone Aquarius in-ear headphones with mic and Divoom i-Tour Pop speakers.
Giveaway #6: pair of shoes of her choice from Comfit.
Giveaway #4: P5000 worth of SM Accessories GCs each.
Giveaway #9: 1 Soak Swimwear of her choice.
Twitter: @rhamichubizarro
#4 please! :))
Giveaway # 4,6,9 :)
Name: Abigail Dane Pena
Twitter : @AbiLefabulous
Preferred Prizes : 1,2,3,4.6.9 :]
hope i win!! been a really big fan since i discovered your blog , never really win any contest hope this the first! ;)
Raine Navora / yhen_sayitloud / #6
giveaway #4
Name: Raffi Alcantara
Twitter name: Raviolee93
preferred price Giveaway: #6 #4 #5
Name: Anne Monique Calabon
Twitter name: @moniquecalabon
Preferred giveaway: #9 :)
Name: Princess Dane Recabe
Twitter Name: danerecabe
Preferred Giveaway # 1, 4 and 6
Name: Josephine Therese Go
Twitter: JthereseGo
#1, #4, #5
Name: Rachel Ang
Twitter: rachielle11
Preferred giveaway: 1,2,4,5,6,9
Sorry for being so indecisive! It’s just that everything’s so pretty and I want them all:))
Monique Carreon
Name: Jennisel B. Brillantes
Twitter Name: @benisel
#3 #6 #8
Cheska Balingit
Giveaway 1, 2, 4, 6, 9
Monique Carreon
#9 prize
Name: Pauline S. Plata
Twitter: @littlemisspolyn
Prefer giveaways:#3 #6 #4 #9
Janina May Amores
twitter name: @girlyYNA
preferred giveaway prizes: #4 and #6
Shania Marce Rose C. Carbon
Twitter name : iamshaniacarbon
Preffered Price: #5
Maria Christine U. Parong
Preferred Giveaway: #s 4, 5, 6. :)
Fingers crossed that I’d win! :) It would be so amaaaazing!
Twitter: @turaaacy
Preferred Prize: #2 #3 #4 #9
love the new look!! so cute <3 Joined.
Erika Taduran
Twitter: @Etaduran
Giveaways # 1,2,3,4,5,6,9
NAME: Jen Mataya
PREFERRED GIVEAWAY: #s 1, 2, 6, or 9
Name: Katrina Sunday Ruiz-Banzon
Twitter: MrsKatB
Preferred giveaway: #1,2,4,5,6,9
Janina May Amores
twitter: @girlyYNA
preferred giveaway prizes: #4 and #6
I love the new look of your site! More power Camille!
Name: Gladys Villasaya
Twitter name: @dyzsoloveit
preferred giveaway number prizes: 1, 4, 6, 9
i like your blog theme it is simple yet elegant.more power! :)
Trish Medalla
Name: Alyssa Krista D. Laguitan
Twitter: @imyourAKDL
prefered giveaway # prize: 4, 6. 9
Leslie Kho
twitter name: leslievaline
preferred giveaway #’s: 4,6
Name: Athena Racca
Twitter name: arveralois
Giveaway #4, #6, #9
Name: Tala Valino
twitter: @talavalino
#1, #4, #5 :)
Shane Yehlen Garcellano
Twitter name: shaneyehlen
Preferred giveaway number prize: #9
twitter @ailabyu25
preferred giveaway #4 or #6 or #9
Name: Nadine Macandog
Twitter: @nadinemacandog
Preferred prizes: 1, 4, 6
Giveaways 4, 5, 6 or 9
Name: Samantha Lopez
Twitter name: @samlouperlop
Giveaways #1,2,3,4,6,8,9
Name: Karmel Fatima Ticman
Twitter: @atomende
Giveaway: #’s 4, 6, 9
Giveaway number 6 :)
1. Following you on Twitter & Bloglovin’
Twitter username: @geetiful
2. Alredy liked the FB fanpages and following the twitter of all the sponsors.
FB profile link:
3. Preferred giveaway prize: #3 #4 #5 & #7
Hehehe. Well, I like ’em all. Sana pwede lahat. :))
4. Tweet link:!/geetiful/status/191901289523847168
Happy 1st blog anniversary! Happy Birthday Miss Camille! & Happy blog launching!
More power & God Bless! :)
Name: Paola Elaine B. Lee
Twitter name: PaolaElaine :)
preferred giveaways: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
thank you :)
Joyce Realon
Twitter name: @MSJYC
Preferred giveaway number prize: # 4
Twitter name: mapetiteangela
preferred giveaway: #1, #2, #4, #6, #9
1, 2,4, 5, 9
Name: Shainna Angela Rubin
Twitter name: @imshainnaangela
Preferred giveaway number prize: 3, 4, 6
name : marianne magno
twitter: @ailabyu25
preferred giveaway : #4, #6 or #9
Denena Zoe Paduganan
Twitter: zeepaduganan
Giveaway #4
Name: Maria Angelica P. Baroma
Twitter: @angelbaroma
Preferred giveaway: 1, 2, 4, 6
Sara Flocette V. Romano
twitter name: @SaraRomans
preferred price: #1, 4 or 6 :)
NAME: Julienne Beltran
Twitter: @grandkaiser
Preferred Giveaways: #4 & 6
I prefer prizes 1, 3, 4 and 9. But of course, being one of the winners among your thousands of readers and followers is of great pleasure. Any of those will do :)))
Prizes: Number, 1,2,4,5,7,8
Gisselle Catherine Torres
Twitter name: @gceltorres
Preferred giveaway price: #5
Name: Carlislei Aurea
Twitter: @AkoCarly
Preferred Giveaway numbers: 3, 4,6, 9 :)
Name: Stephanie Luber
Twitter: @stephaaaaaaaay
Preferred giveaway number: #1 #3 #4 #6 #7
Name : J-Mea Catrina Callet
Twitter Username : @jmeac
Giveaway #1 #4 #9
Twitter name: Hanz L (@iamhanzlibato)
Prizes: Numbers: 1,2,4,5,7,8
Mary Grace Dumdum
Twitter name: itsmeBettinaa
Number 5 , 8 and 9
Thanks Miss Camille.
Btw, I sooooo love the new look of your blog. :>
Name: Isa Reynoso
Twitter Name: _IsaReynoso
Preferred Giveaway Number Prize: 2, 3, 4, and 6 :)
Jewel Anne Kho
Twitter name: jewelannekho
Preferred Prize number: 1 or 6
Name: Katrina Tadeo
Twitter name: omgitskatsy
Preferred giveaway number prize/s.: 1,2,4,5,6
Hafsha Mangompia
Giveaway #5
Name: Denise Gabrielle U. Jugalbot
Twitter: @denzgabrielle
twitter: @emarteja
#4 !
aww. nasend pla yung una kong entry.. nagdatabase error poh kasi . :((
name: Moise Santos
twitter name: moiselita
preferred prize: #5, #9
Dear Miss Camille Co,
The new look of the site is so cool. I really love it! The colors of the site is so feminine. It’s also simple yet elegant which is super cute because I love the color pink. I love your site Miss Camille Co! It suits you a lot. I’m super excited for more of your posts here in your blog. I really love your taste in fashion and everything else you post here because it’s interesting & fun! It’s really awesome and I enjoy checking out your blog. I love reading your posts here in your site. Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary! My twitter is @iiamgagalicious I prefer Giveaway #6 the free shoe from Comfit. God bless you po & take care always!
Name : J-Mea Catrina Callet
Twitter Username : @jmeac
Giveaway # 1 #4 #9
Name: Marla Jade Villanueva
Twitter: mynameismarlaaa
Preferred prize : # 2,4,6 :)
Thank you! <3
Name:Veronica Caceres
Twitter Name: ilovevero07
Giveaway #3 and #4
Name: Mariel C. Castillo
twitter name: marielccastillo
Giveaway # 5 please!
Name: Gabrielle Ann Reyes (G-ann :) )
Twitter name: reyesgabrielle
Preferred giveaway: Number 4 (SM Accessories P5000 GC) && Number 6 (Comfit shoes)
Name: Hafsha Junayyah Mangompia
twitter name: @hafshajunayyah
preffered price: Giveaway #5!
Welcome back, Miss Camille Co! :)
Denise Gabrielle U. Jugalbot, @denzgabrielle, GIVEAWAY #6
Name: Lea Aranjuez
Twitter Name: LeaAranjuez
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 4,5,6,7.9
Kristin Mendoza
Dorina Luisa Reyes
twitter name: @luibelles
giveaway number: 4
Katherine Te
[email protected]
All of the prizes! :)
Btw, I looove your layout! :D
Name: Patrizia Stephanel Yap
Twitter: @PatriziaYap
Giveaway: #3 #5 #6 #9
Name: Maricar M. de Dios
Twitter: Maricardedios
Preferred Giveaway: 4,3,6
Shelly Crisostomo
Twitter name: shlykn
Preferred prize: Giveaway #4
Love your new blog! :)))
Aire Desamero
no. 4
Name: Ma. Franchezca F. Dayrit
Twitter: @franzdayrit
Preferred prize: Giveaway #3, 4, or 6
Name: Roxanne Fajardo
Twitter: @missavondale
Giveaway # 1,2,4,6 an 7! :)
Alyssa Verano
price # 1, 4, 6, 9
Name: Patricia April Hisugan
Twitter: @kikaypatchicha
Preferred Price: # 4 or # 6 :D
Shelly Crisostomo
Twitter name: shlykn
Preferred prize: Giveaway #4
Name: Helyn Belen
Twitername: KalmYourTits
Giveaway prize: #4
Name: Trish Medalla
Twittername: crazeetrisha
Preferred: 9,6,4,3
Name: Alessi Brugada
Twitter name: @alessibrugada
Prize: #1, #2, #6, #9
Name: Michelle Katherine Tan
Twitter name: mitchkatsytan
Prize number: 4, 5, 6
jamie dy, @/keyrang
number 6 would be great
hope i win!
name: Trisha Janine Caranto
twitter: miiss_triish
preferred giveaway number prize: 1, 4, 6, 7 :)!/itssuperanna
preferred prize: 9
Cyrene Joy Reyes
i want : 4, 6 and 9 :)
Name: Marcel Gemilga
Twitter Name: @marsh_harsh
Giveaway Number 4
name: Mariel C. Castillo
twitter: marielccastillo
Giveaway #5 please Ms. Camille
Thank you! :D
Welcome Back Camille Co! Hiatus no more! :)
NAME: Venna May Bedua
TWITTER NAME: @vennavenvens
PREFERRED PRICE: #1 (Majolica Majorca) and #4 (SM Accessories GCs)
preferred price: #6
Lorraine Carla Laplap
#1,3,4 and 6
Name: Nina Caragdag
Twitter name: nina_caragdag
preferred giveaway prize: i like #’s 3,4 & 6 :-)
leo rances garcia
twitter name: @leyo2809
i like Giveaway #5:
Alyssa Lim
Giveaway #2, #5,#6, or #9!/itssuperanna
prize : 6, 9
Name: Gemnikka Alcantara
Twitter name: icraveforbliss
Preferred giveaway: #6
Joanna A. Pastor
# 3,4,5 yay! :)
welcome back :) love the new layout.
Name: Ingrid Borja
Twitter name: @borjaingrid
Giveaway #4
Michelle Ma
GIVEAWAY #3 or #9 :D
twitter name: marielccastillo
Giveaway #5: 1 winner of MiLi Power Crystal external battery for iPhone, iPod, iPad, Blackberry and other mobile phones, Accutone Aquarius in-ear headphones with mic and Divoom i-Tour Pop speakers.
I want this Ms. Camille!!!!! Love your blog!
twitter: itssuperanna
preferred prize: 6, 9
Name: Tristan John D. de la Cruz
Twitter Name: THE3stan
Giveaway Number 4
Thank you Miss Camille. Looking forward to a new and bright
We LOVE YOU. will feature something about you on my blog as well.
I thoroughly wondered of this for a hundred times about what to write about you and your oh-so-gorgeous looks.
THANKS for having this kind of somewhat games/gimmicks.
We as well your followers are enjoying every piece you give from your lovable blog.
Thanks Again and more power!
Name: Janeil Sapida
Twitter: @janeilsapida
Preferred price: Giveaway #3
your new page is so cool. daming ribbon! haha cute.
i want to win giveaway #9 SOAK SWIMWEAR!!! im sure you could help me choose the right one for me. :)
katquintero (twitter name)
amazing layout :) super girly :)
giveaway number 1, 6 or 9 :)
Name: Rica de Guzman
Twitter: ricadguzman
Giveaway: #5
name: Ma. Lillibeth Ruiz
twitter name: mmikaeR
preferred giveaway number prize: Giveaway #4, giveaway #6 and giveaway #9.
Hope I win one of those! Fingers crossed! (:
Name: Alyssa Lim
Twitter: @ahhlysuh
Preferred prize: #2 Majolica Majorca Press kit <3
Name: Kathleen Joyce Ang
Twitter name: KathleenAng
Preferred giveaway: Number 6 (Comfit Shoes)
Name: Salina Teo
Twitter: @salinahhh
Preferred giveaway number prize: 9 :)
This is the most charitable and awesome give away to date! And I;m loving the new look of this site too. ^____^
Kamille Liza G. Ampong, @kayersz, Giveaway no. 3
Kudos again!
Name: Rachel Ang
Twitter: rachielle11
Preferred price: 1,2,4,5,6,9
Sorry for being so indecisive! I want everything HAHA!:))
Lex Cutamora, @cutlex #s 1 2 4 6
Name: Allysa Petros
Twitter Name: @AiLabYou_ALY
Giveaway #9
Name: Eirelle Casiguran
Twittier name: Eirelle Casiguran / @eirellesienna
Giveaway #1 / #3 / #4 / #6
Twitter name: erikaloca
Preferred prize : #4, #5 & #9 :)
Love your new layout Camille!
Name: Meinell Victoria V. Dela Cruz
Twitter: minnymein
Preferred giveaway: #1,2,3,4
Name: Jessa Marie T. Lacadin
Twitter Name: @iamjellyyy
Preferred price: #2, #3, #4, #6, #7
sharmainesecret- Giveaway # 4,6,9.
Janille Kaila Pasion
Preferred prize: #4
Oh please let me win this, it’ll be a perfect birthday gift. Hahaha.
1 2 3 4 5
Jen Martelino
either number 4 or number 6 ;)
Kryzel Saldua
twitter name: kryzsaldua
preferred prize: # 4, 6, or 9. :)
Janine Alicia Lucero
Preferred price #: #3 and #4
Name: Carizza Chua
Twitter: @carizchua
Giveaway 4
Advance happy birthday and happy anniversary to your very successful blog! :D
I love your blog giveaways that I had a hard time choosing :) I love your new website, it so girly and stylish. :)
Frances Carolyn G. Tan , @francesstan, Giveaway#5
Fate Natividad
Giveaway # 2
Name: Allysa Petros
Twitter Name: @AiLabYou_ALY
Giveaway #4
Joanna Kristel Viernes, @Stelxordinaire, Giveaway #6
Name: Joanne Olaes
Twitter: @JoanneOlaes
Preferred Prize: 3, 4, 6
I love your new blog layout Ms. Camille, simple yet fabulous. :)
Name: Ledie Xandra Jumuad
Twitter Name: @superxxan
Preferred price: Giveaway # 2
Christina Salipot
twitter name: everylittletin
preferred price: #1
Myra Kaye Blanco
twitter name: arymeyak
giveaway 4,6,7 :))
Zhanyl Juson
Twitter: @Zhazhing17
preferred price: #2
Thank YOU!
Name: Bianca Lorraine Sing
Twitter Name: singbianca
Preferred Prize: #6
Name: Maria Ysavel V. Sanchez
Twitter Name: samheartssyou
Giveaway number: #3
Name: Maria Ysabel Maunay
Twitter name: yssamaunay
Preferred giveaway number prize: #5
i sooo love your new layout and the super bonggang April giveaway!!
Twitter name: @zmaked
Giveaway #s 1, 3, 4, 6, 9
I hope I can win all of these, if not keri na bongga pa din eh =)
Hi Camille! It would really be nice if I would receive Giveaway #4. Imagine a Birthday gift from your idol? :”> heaven! hihi Take care, Ms. Camille Co >:D<
Name: Mariella Joy T. Lardizabal
Twitter name: IamEllaLRDZBL
Preferred Prize: Giveaway #1 or 2 or 3 or 5 or 6
hi! :) im Claudette Charmaine Plamenco. my twitter name is charmeeeey. I preferred Giveaway #6. thank you :)
Rachel Anne Francisco
Giveaway No. 6
Name: Hannah Christianne D. Pascual
Twitter name: @PascualHannah
Preferred price: Giveaway #4
Name: Kayra Magracia
Prize: #4
Giveaway Number 6
Dianne Grace Parantar
Twitter Name: its_ennaiid
The long wait is finally over! *wipes sweat* Thank God you’re back. I missed you, my inspiration/idol/guru *and so on* Have a blast on your summmer break Ms. Cams!
Jessica Rondero
1, 2, 3, 4, 6 :)
Angelica Monique Mamalio
Giveaway #9
Name: Patrice Gallardo
Preferred giveaway number: #6: Comfit: Free pair of shoes of your choice
sharmainesecret- Giveaway # 6.
Name: Tamara Niña O. Pleños
Twitter: @aninaplenos
Giveaway # 4
Bonggacious blog giveaway! Ikaw na talaga Camille! :)
Hoping to win the GIVEAWAY #9 :)
TWITTER: @iaerikacaira
bonggacious blog giveaway! Ikaw na talaga Camille!
really nice layout! it’s so you :)
Hoping to win the GIVEAWAY #9
Name: Michelle Choa
Twitter Name: @itsmeeeemich
Preferred Giveaway Number Prize: #6
ribbons are ♥ :)
Twitter name: erikaloca
Preferred prize : #4 SM Accessories GC
Name: Rachel Ang
Twitter: rachielle11
Preferred Giveaway: Giveaway Number 5
Twitter name: exquisitelybei
Giveaway # 6
<3 I love you blog CC.
Mariella Joy T. Lardizabal
Giveaway #1 or 2 or 3 or 5 or 6
I’m so glad and excited your blog is back and so much looking forward to astounding blog post about your fashion supremacy.
Janine Alexis L. Buenviaje
Twitter: @janine07alexis
Name: Arlyn Bendal
twitter name: @akosinylra
preferred giveaway prize number: #4
i want to win giveaway number 3 because i love polka dots its so cute… :))
Yna Trajano
Twitter: @supertelle17
Giveaway #9
Name: Jessa Marie T. Lacadin
Twitter name: @iamjellyyy
preferred giveaway number prize: #6
Lovely! :))
Name: Tina Elaine Resuello
Twitter name: tinaelainer
Giveaway number prize: #4
Dear Miss Camille Co,
The new look of the stie is so cool. I really love it! The colors of the site is so feminine. It’s also simple yet elegant ;) which is super cute because I love the color pink. I love your site Miss Camille Co! It suits you a lot. I’m super excited for more of your posts here in your blog. I really love your taste in fashion and everything else you post here because it’s interesting & fun! It’s really awesome and I enjoy checking out your blog. I love reading your posts here in your site. Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary! My twitter is @iiamgagalicious :) I prefer Giveaway #6 the free shoe from Comfit. God bless you po & take care always! :)
Angelli Rae Cruz
#3, #4, #6
1 2 3 4 7 :D
Uh… I don’t think your giveaways are gonna be of much use to me but I’m just gonna go ahead and retweet/reblog that your blog’s back up. =D
Name: Irene Faye
Twitter: @ireneslmt
Prizes: Giveaway #4 and Giveaway #6. :)
Name: Andrea Comia
Twitter Name: @andicomia
Giveaway # 9
Love your site! :)
# 6, and @ohitstine
Janine Gesalem
TWITTER: aniiine
Kirstine Louise G. Isaac
Twitter: @kiirrsss
Preferred giveaway number prize: #4, #6, #9
I so love your style Camille! Hope to win this giveaways. :*
Nadine Co
1, 4, or 6, but any would do, really! :)
Essa Polanco
Giveaway #5 and #6
I hope I win! I want giveaway #6 – comfit shoes!:)
Name: Yvette Marie Fernandez
Twitter username: @imyvettemarie
Preferred giveaway prize number: #4
Name: Paola Quidlat
Twitter: @paolaquidlat
Preferred Prize #: 4
I want prize number 1! <3
Name: Rica de Guzman
Twitter: ricadguzman
Giveaway: #2
Name: Meryl
Twitter: meryl13
Preferred giveaway prize #: #5
I love the new look of the website! It’s really cute! I love those little ribbon details!
Giveaway #6 (:
I hope I win! I want Giveaway #6: Comfit shoes :D
Name: Kayra Magracia
Twitter: @kayramagracia
Prize: #4
Name: Joy Caasi
Twitter: iamjhoysi
I want to win giveaway numbers 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9! Yay!
Welcome back!
Jenna Baldeo
Giveaway #4
Denise Martinez
I would love to win giveaway #9 :)
Name: Yvette Marie Fernandez
Twitter username: @imyvettemarie
Preferred giveaway number prize: #4
Frederica Mendez
Giveaway #2
Name: Ghia Somblingo
Twitter: @GoddessWannabe
Preferred prize: Giveaway #6
Pamela Ng
Twitter id: @pammmpers
Giveaway # 9 :)
Name: Kathleen Joyce Ang
Twitter name: KathleenAng
Preferred giveaway: Number 4 (SM Accessories P5000 GC)
Jennifer O. Ferrer/ @junniperer/ Giveaway #4: 2 winners of P5000 worth of SM Accessories GCs each.
Name: Mylene Grace Romero
Twitter name: @mylzaway
Preferred giveaway number prize: 6
Angela dela Cruz
twitter name: itsmegelala
preferred price: #4! :D
LOVEEEE YOUR BLOG’S NEW LOOK!!!!! <3 what a super gorgeous giveaways!! this might be the best giveaway i've ever seen :D
wish i could join :)) Giveaway #9
Lovin’ the new look!
1) @hannasalta
2) Giveaway #2
It was fun to see that your giving away extravagant giveaways. AWESOME! :)))!
twitter name: @ShaiiCeniza
Mei Antonette Untalan
Giveaway # 4
Jamie Kris B. Mendoza
Giveaway # 1
Name: Hazel Marie Peralta
Twitter: @hazel_peralta
Giveaway #4 or #6 ‘I wish I can win ALL’ hahaha!:D
Sharlene C. Calderon
Giveaway #4
Name: Meinell Victoria V. Dela Cruz
Twitter: minnymein
Preffered giveaway: #1
Carelin Cadapan
[email protected]!/carelyhnx
give away #1,2,6 and 9
Name: Judecen Ivy Torres
Twitternamel ivytorres18
Giveaway #2 <3
I hope I win! I would prefer the goody brushes!
give away #1,2,6 and 9 :)
Twitter name: @Joicyliciousz
Name: Riczanelie Pandaraoan
Twitter name: Riczanelie
Minori H. Castro
Minori Castro
Name: edrelyn santos
Twitter: edrelyns
# 4 or #6