As I’ve mentioned, my sister is a huge Harry Potter fan. Our trip to Universal Studios Japan was really just for her to experience the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Of course, she did her research well and she learned that during peak seasons it may be difficult to get into the attraction without a timed ticket. Since we were in Osaka during April (Japan’s peak season for tourists), she bugged me incessantly to buy advanced tickets for us. Normally, this would’ve been a piece of cake. Just go online, purchase the tickets then we’re done! However, in USJ’s case, you can only buy tickets online from its Japanese website, not the English version. Local tourist agencies in Manila don’t sell them as well. So what’s a girl to do? Get resourceful! Luckily, I have a friend who knew how to read Japanese and was kind enough to walk me through the entire process of purchasing tickets online. We were on the phone for 2 hours, I kid you not. But at least I got the tickets for us, plus Universal Express 5 which would allow us timed entry into The Wizarding World of Harry Potter’s most famous attraction, Harry Potter and The Forbidden Journey.
So the day for us to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter a.k.a the best day of my sister’s life finally came. The attraction is better than what I expected! And to think, I’m not even a Harry Potter fan. I kept bugging my sister to explain who is who and what is what. It was a Harry Potter crash course. LOL! I was in awe. I’m sure you saw my delight on all the snaps I posted on my Snapchat. Personal highlights for us include wandering around Hogsmeade, experiencing the Hogwarts castle through Harry Potter and The Forbidden Journey, watching the Ollivanders’ show where my sister was chosen by the wand (the wand knew who’s the biggest Potterhead in the room. I now believe in the wand), and most of all, drinking the most delicious non-alcoholic frozen butter beer. Check out my photos below and enjoy this journey with me! I included a few photos from other attractions as well.

Just want to clarify something about the QR code of the express passes. Where do I present it to claim the booklet? Do I just present it along with the QR code of my studio pass at the gates? Or do I need to claim it somewhere before lining up for the gates? TIA!
We had to claim ours after the entrance :) Tourist office I think if I remember correctly :)
Hi Camille,
May I ask where you buy your express ticket? Thanks!
We got it online but at that time, they only allow online purchases on the Japenese version of the website so I asked my friend who knew how to read Japanese to help me out. :)
Hi ms. Camille! I love your photos and i enjoyed reading your blog :) like you, i’m not really a Harry Potter fan, but seeing the Wizarding World of Harry Potter was awesome! Been there last July and indeed it was a beautiful experience! Just wondering if you took the harry potter ride? That was really great!!! :)
Thanks Shaira! :) We only rode the Forbidden Journey ride because we heard the others are too kiddie :)
Hi Camille! Just wondering what camera are you using in your travel photos? I’m planning to buy a camera soon for my future trips. :>
Canon 5D Mark III :) But if you want something lighter, Sony A6000 or A7s :)
Next year goal! Waaah.
You must!
Looks like you and your sister had a lot of fun, judging by your beautiful smiles. Hehe it was actually a delight following your adventure through snapchat. I’m so glad I was able to take a sneak peek before the diary be published here in the blog. Now I wonder which hogwarts house you belong based on the sorting hat. Lol :)
Snapchat is awesome! Glad to share my travels there! :) I didn’t get to find out which house I belong to though.
OMG!!!! I’m sooooo jealous!! I’m such a huge Harry Potter fan as well and I can’t wait to go there one day. The place looks exactly like that from the movies! I want that Sorting Hat you’re wearing lol.
OMG this would be heaven for you!
woow thanks for this post,i plan to going osaka this 14th and this really help me getting sneak peek of universal studios,i am getting more and really excited!and btw you shoot so many pretty pictures,love it ^^
Thank you Ann! Enjoy USJ!
You look very cute Miss Camille! Seeing you enjoy all those scenes and stuff made me want to go there too.
You’ll have a blast there!
Honestly, stunning photos! You are just too pretty <3 It looks like you had an amazing time and I'm sure your sister was thrilled! How can you not be a Potterhead though haha?!
She Will Be
Haha! I never took the time to read it! It felt complicated haha! :)
you spent a good day :D :D :D
It was a good day :)
I was just there last summer but this makes me want to go baaack <3 Love the look and photos!
Thanks Lauren!
I’ve been waiting for this post haha
Soon I’ll invade The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and experience the best day of my Potterhead life :)))
Thanks for sharing this Ms. Cams <3
OMG you’re just like my sister! I can totally hear saying this haha!
hi ms. camille, id like to inquire as to the process of booking the tickets, do you have a blog about it also, or share how do one go about it, if no japanese friend to interpret? : )
can i be paid via credit card?
did you stay in Osaka or you have service going to USJ?
Hi Marie! Unfortunately, I didn’t take notes on how we did the purchasing. I do remember paying using my credit card. :) We stayed in a hotel in Osaka and road the train to USJ :)
WAAAAAHHHHH!!! One of the reason why I really really want to go to Japan is USJ specifically Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!! Super envy seeing all your photos :((( Every corner of USJ is picturesque! I super love the photo of your Achi speaking with the wizard for her wand…just wondering why didn’t you like Harry Potter? I mean everyone loves it! hahaha! Also, did your sister bought a wand? My sister has one just like the one you are holding. Can’t wait for the rest of your Japan diaries :)
I just never took the time to read it so there. :) Parang so many things are going on in the story! I’m sure I would’ve loved it if I read the book :)
it is my dream to be in japan and to be in that theme park. :) the photo says it all that you had so much fun po. :)
Hopefully you’ll be able to go here some day! :)
WAAAAAAAAAH i got goosebumps just by reading this post!!! I can’t wait to visit it!
Enjooooy! You’ll love it for sure!
You didn’t kid when you said I was in for a treat with this post Cams! Oh what a delight. You know I love you but Ate Charlotte’s picture would have to be my favorite in this bunch. Look at that smile. She looks like she just found out Santa Claus was real and got her Christmas present early! The place really looks so magical. This post made me feel giddy. Okay I think by now you could tell how huge of a Potterhead I am. LOL. Can you ask Ate Charlotte which house she belongs to? Ikaw Cams? :)
Right? She was actually complaining to me about this photo. She doesn’t like how she looks here but she’s actually super cute!!! I mean look at her! You can totally see the happiness in her eyes :) I don’t know what house I belong too though. I’d ask my sister but she’s already sleeping. Next time! :)
that pink cafe is gorgeous and OMG harry potter world <3 <3 <3
Enjoy potterhead!