My Rewards Outfit + Blog Giveaway (CLOSED)

Before I started working, I used to spend so much on shopping. I didn’t understand the value of money so I just kept buying clothes, shoes, bags and basically everything else I wanted. I’d shop like there’s no tomorrow, and spend as if money just grew on trees. Thankfully, my sister never got tired of nagging me. She’d tell me that I have to learn to control my impulsiveness, save money and look for deals instead. That last bit, I’m sure she got from my mom. They’re both expert collectors of rewards and points and know practically every deal there is that’s offered by the cards we patronize. Because of their team effort on teaching me their ways, now I not only shop wisely, but shop with points too! And one of my favorite cards that allow me to do this is my BDO Rewards Card.

You see this outfit I have on? I can easily get this without spending another peso through my BDO Rewards Card. From now until Dec 31, 2014, I can use the points I earned from using my BDO Rewards Card from qualified BDO transactions and retail purchases and convert them into Gift Certificates valid for use at RSSI brands (Topshop, Topman, Warehouse, Dorothy Perkins, Miss Selfridge, Benefit Cosmetics, Shisheido, Ben Sherman, G2000 and more), Resorts World Manila and Lucky Chinatown Mall stores (Charles & Keith, Call it Spring, La Senza, Adidas, Penguin, Kate Spade, Bvlgari, Lacoste, Rolex and more), Rustan’s, Marks & Spencer, Debenhams, Guess, Mango and many many more! So for example, my BDO Rewards Card already has 50,000 BDO Rewards points. I can convert all this to 50,000 RSSI Gift Certificates! Imagine a P50,000 shopping spree at Topshop! Be right back, I JUST DIED AND WENT TO SHOPAHOLIC’S HEAVEN.

It’s really easy to redeem BDO Rewards points too. All you have to do is go to your BDO branch of account. Look for the branch manager or marketing officer and then fill up the redemption form. You can also convert points through the BDO Rewards call center at (632) 6318000. If you don’t have a BDO Rewards Card but your family or friends have one and they’re gracious enough to let you redeem their points for your shopping GCs, you can easily do so with just an authorization letter from them. (You lucky person, you. I’d like to be their friend too please.)

Isn’t having a rewards card like BDO Rewards just awesome? You basically get rewarded for shopping. (This card was made for me!) BDO Rewards members are rewarded for their loyalty with exclusive perks and privileges corresponding to their membership level. The more points earned, the higher the membership level reached and the more perks and privileges to enjoy! More shopping, more food, more freebies, more fun! And just to give you a taste of how BDO Rewards treat its members (and future members), they’re throwing this special meet & greet + P2,500 worth of SM Movie passes and P2,500 worth of Starbucks GCs giveaway to 3 of my readers!

Everyone can join! All you have to do is:

1. Follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin’. If you don’t have these accounts, it’s easy to make one!
2. Tweet this: “I want to meet Camille Co and win the #BDORewardsGiveaway on!”
3. Leave a comment below with your name and Twitter handle.

Deadline for entries is on October 10, 2014 at 11:59PM. The 3 winners of the P5000 worth of GCs each and meet & greet with me will be chosen via and announced here on the comments section below. Good luck everyone! For now, enjoy my new style post!

Avon sapphire necklace | Mango triangle pendant necklaceTopshop blazer, top and skirt | Saint Laurent bag Mango heels

193 Responses to “My Rewards Outfit + Blog Giveaway (CLOSED)”
  1. Camille Co

    Congratulations to Ynarae Solis, Bea Navarro and Camille Rivera! Check your DM on Twitter please :)

  2. Minell Ong

    Many thanks for your generosity:)

    Minell Ong
    twitter account: minellco

  3. Camille Rivera

    Camille Rivera

    I really want to meet u as much as having the giveaway! :)) Stay pretty and generous! :)

  4. Diane Fook

    Diana Joy Fook

    I hope I win and get to meet you. Its my birthday month, it would be amazing. :)

  5. Nickha Pineda

    Nickha Pineda
    Twitter: @nickhapineda

    Hope I win! I really want to meet you in person, Ms. Camille! You’re one of my fave style blogger! ❤️

  6. Camille Yao Abarientos

    I really want to see my “Katukayo”!!!
    Camille Yao Abarientos

  7. Stephanie Tamayo

    Stephanie Tamayo
    Twitter: 02stephiiee

    I <3 Fashion
    I <3 Camille Co
    I <3 Giveaways
    I <3 BDO Rewards
    I <3 Meet & Greet

  8. Melanie Eugenio

    Melanie Eugenio

    Hi Camille! hope to win this, I’ll use it for my son’s 2nd birthday on Oct 11. hope to win! thanks for this giveaway!

  9. Melanie Esponilla

    Would really mean a lot to be part of the meet and greet. I remember having a photo with you way back 2010 at Philippine Fashion Week. I still have it. I told myself right then and there that you’re the kindest blogger I’ve had encountered with. Anyway, posted my details to join last October first. May random org be in my favor. Been reading your blog since day 1 and hoping to hang out/meet and greet with you one of these days. PS. I’ll definitely choose the meet and greet over the shopping spree…

  10. Clarice Kimberly Garcia

    I love your style… And you too. :)

    Clarice Kimberly Garcia

  11. Rachelle Therese F. Gonzales

    Rachelle Therese F. Gonzales
    [email protected]
    twitter: @dimplesgon

    I’m a sucker of rewards and freebies too, I always look for deals with add ons, or on purchases where I can earn points to use , this way I got to buy and shop for what I want and still get more from the extra free items.

  12. airon

    I love the way you dress up.. it really fits your real beauty… Not just outer but also the inner beauty.

  13. Maica

    You’re really pretty Ate Camille!I pray that I will be picked this time so that I can see you na personally and hopefully~ :) (*crossfinger*) (I’ll kulit Lord na kaya in my prayer?LOL) Thank you for always inspiring me! :)

    Maica Janica Timan
    Twitter: @creamycurlypuff

  14. Paula Romana Alagao

    OMG! I would love to meet you Miss Camille! Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity! More powers to you! God bless!

    Paula Romana Alagao

  15. Jecelle

    Thanks for this giveaway ;)
    Jecelle Kate Y. Gella
    Twitter: @jecellekate

  16. Glaiza Binayas

    Glaiza Binayas

    I’d love to meet you, Camille. :) please let me meet you.

  17. Jane Cuerquis

    I am dying to meet you! I hope I win this giveaway! <3

    Name: Jane Cuerquis
    Tqitter: @janederequality

  18. tweetymiah

    Thank you and God bless

    Name: Miah Manalang
    Twitter username: tweetymiah

  19. Christelle Niña Africa

    Fab outfit! If I win i’d literally cry of extreme happiness ☺

    Christelle Niña Africa

  20. kriii

    @kriii27 Krista Marie M. Mendez
    Hoping I could win kahit GC lang hehehe :))

  21. Trixie Joy Desamito

    Trixie Joy Desamito

    Done na po! Hope to win! :))

  22. Rocel Dana Alulod

    wanna meet you again :)
    Name: Rocel Dana Mae B. Alulod
    Twitter: @danamii_RN

  23. Clariss

    Oooh I better ask my mom for her rewards and time to shop shop shop hahaha. Didnt know that we could do that, thanks ate cams! I’ll join this giveaway too. Hope that this time i’ll win. I totally want the meet and greet more than the money haha.

  24. Jamaica Lee Cerdena

    Jamaica Lee Cerdena

    Hope to be blessed to win, and to meet you again ♥ :”>

  25. Ericka Garcia

    Me too! I have the same problem, I am an impulsive shopper. People told me that once you will be working, you will value money a lot. I haven’t reached that point yet because I am still student but I am trying to control myself now, but still. ahhhh! hahaha! But at least I am trying. :P Love the look and the color! :)

    Ericka Garcia

    PS: Final exams at law school will be in two weeks and I might not be able to drop by your blog for around two weeks. But I’ll be back once the final exams are over and hopefully maka-bawi sa low scores ko nung midterms, have to sacrifice fb and blog reading. :)

  26. judy

    Maria Judiel Cleto

    what an early Christmas gift/treat would it be! I wish I was one of the 3 lucky winners. :)

  27. Belanie Jimenez

    Belanie Grace O. Jimenez

    P.S. What if I don’t have a Bloglovin’ account? Because I’m not into blogging, but I just love reading blogs. Thank you! :)

    • Camille Co

      Super easy to make one! :) It’s actually for people who love reading blogs :)

  28. nhisa vega

    My first to visit your blog and found myself typing in the comment box. Trying the “beginners luck”, I guess! :)

  29. Judylyn Ramos

    Yey! Another opportunity to meet you! Hope to win!

    Judylyn Ramos

  30. Catherine Mae Martinez

    Hello miss Camille.,I am excited to see you.,:)I am hoping for that.,I really love your blog.,It made me realieze how important fashion is.,See you.,:)

    Catherine Mae Martinez. (Twitter name: cathyperez18

  31. Stephanie Tamayo

    I’m very glad you will have again a giveaway. I’m so excited & I wish I will be the lucky winner. Keep it up! :)

  32. rinx martinee

    Awwwwe! Sounds really awesome. Plus a meet up with you. Sadly, I can’t join. I came from a far far away land called Mindanao. Everyone will surely enjoy meeting you ate. Take care. :)

  33. Catherine Mae Martinez

    Hello Miss Camille. I always check your blog. Even though I am not into fashion but your blog gave me an idea how to dress up and be fashionable but I have to work on my confidence when it comes to choosing what to wear.thanks for this opportunity. -Catherine Mae Martinez- twitter: cathyperez18

  34. Nayara Cordeiro

    Hi, Camille!
    The gorgeous look! I love combination of prints, and this was so young, fun and classic at the same time. The modeling of the pieces gave the classic touch, and the cropped top pulled prints associated with the young and fun tone look. Loved it!

  35. Anne

    OMG Yes Cams! Hihi.
    Name: Anne Rochelle Macachor
    Twitter: @anneroch13

    PS: Love the all the blue in this outfit particularly the blazer. :)

  36. Ann

    Nice pictures! May I know what kind of camera you used? LOve your outfits! ;)

  37. Krestein Joy Isles

    Name: Krestein Joy Isles
    Twitter Name: Krestein Isles
    Twitter username: @kresles

    Hoping to win! :)

  38. Melanie Esponilla

    Name: Melanie Navales Esponilla
    Twitter Handle: @iMayLie12

  39. Chini Tiongco

    wO.Ow! P50,000 shopping spree! That’s awesome! Well….. I hope to win and finally meet and greet and hug and chitchat and take a twofie and have lots of fun with you Miss Camille.

    Name: Chini Tiongco
    Twitter: @_Chini_

  40. Arzie

    Maria Lorna Siador

    I have been wanting to meet you for long Ms. Camille! You look stunning as always.:) Any tips for a good ootd shot?

  41. Jessica Claire Mendoza

    Done! :)

    Name: Jessica Claire Mendoza
    Twitter: @icaantonio

  42. Kimberly Ann H. Lagangan

    I really want to meet you!!! It will be the best graduation present ever :)

    Twitter: @kimilagangan

  43. Ynarae Victoria Solis

    Ynarae Victoria V. Solis
    Twitter name: @ynaraevictoria
    Hi, Camille! Yehey, for another meet & greet and giveaways. Thank you for informing us about the BDO rewards card, I’m going to apply for it and gain lots of points. Hopefully, I’m the one who’ll win because you’re one of my favourite fashion blogger!

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