My Secret Weapons

Before I start with my blog post for today, I’d like you to pause for a minute and just sit back and enjoy my new blog design. I’m sure there are a few of you who’ll miss the old design but I hope most of you will love this new one. I’ve been wanting to upgrade my layout for quite some time now so we’ve been working on this redesign for months. Together with the launch of the new Camille Tries To Blog, I’m also happy to announce that I am now part of a new family. Everyone, let me introduce to you Sensate blogs, where like-minded and passionate individuals from all over the world come together to give you inspiring fashion posts and awesome editorials. You can check out my fellow Sensate bloggers on the top strip of my blog. I hope you like this new development! We’re only going onward and upward from here!

Now, on to my blog post. I get emails all the time asking about the tech side of blogging. No, I’m not talking about coding and other web design-related concerns. This new design is totally the work of my web guys. I’m so clueless on all these things that I can practically be the poster child for a web design book for dummies. LOL! What I’m talking about are gadgets. You guys always ask me what gadgets I use for my blog—my secret weapons, as I call them. So I figured, why not make a blog post about them so that all your questions are answered?

Let’s start with the all-time favorite question–what camera do I use?


I use 2 cameras. The first is an Olympus OM-D EM5 with a Panasonic Leica 25mm f1.4 lens. I usually use this whenever I travel, when I shoot indoors and when I shoot in low light settings like at night.


My main camera is a Nikon D7000 with 50mm f1.4 lens. This is the camera I use the most since I started blogging. It has definitely witnessed a lot. Sad to say, I might be selling this little baby soon. I just upgraded to a Canon 5D Mark iii so if there are any takers, let me know and bid away. You can email me at [email protected]. (This reminds me, please take note of my new contact details on the “Contact Me” page. I have 2 separate emails now.)


What blogger would be complete without a laptop? I’ve been enjoying my Lenovo Touch PC for quite some time now but I can’t log that around with me when I’m on the road or when I travel so I use a 13” Macbook Pro with Retina Display. Now, I’m sure all of you are familiar with the wonderful world of laptops and PCs. They are not perfect. They crash. They give up on you. They leave you behind. (LOL! Sounds like a tragic love story.) I’ve had this happen to me back in college. I was up all night finishing a super long presentation when suddenly, my laptop decided to crash and take all my files with it. Just like that, without warning! The nerve! This is how I got introduced to the beauty that is the WD portable hard drives.


WD portable hard drives have always been reliable. I use it religiously whenever I back up my files. Since I rely on my laptop/computer even more now, I’ve upgraded to the WD My Passport Ultra portable hard drive. It combines additional layers of data protection with super-fast USB 3.0 connectivity. It has a built-in WD SmartWare™ Pro backup software with Dropbox integration, hardware encryption and password protection to safeguard against unauthorized drive access. So now, even if my portable hard drive itself gets damaged, I can still retrieve my files via Dropbox. (Yes, I’m that paranoid. I need my files!!! This is the only portable hard drive that makes me feel extra safe and secure.) Bonus points as well because even though I can store up to 2 TB of files on my Passport Ultra, it’s still slim and light!


Blogger or not, I highly recommend the WD My Passport Ultra portable hard drives. They’re available at select retailers and distributed by EA Global Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. and Axis Global Technologies Inc. Suggested Retail Price is PHP 3,390 for the My Passport Ultra 500 GB; PHP 4,290 for the 1 TB is and PHP 7,290 for the 2 TB.

My Passport Ultra
81 Responses to “My Secret Weapons”
  1. Christine Koay

    I know it’s extremely late to say this but I really love your new blog layout, Ms Camille.. It’s really awesome that you’re under this blog together with blogger around the world.. and thanks for sharing on what camera you’re using.. I’m having a headache on what model of camera to choose.. will have to go and survey first.. I totally feel you on this, Ms Camille.. I’m paranoid about losing all my files as well.. I have my own external hard disk as well.. though it’s for personal use.. I store all my picture, songs, drama and stuff.. LOL.. more like for entertainment purposes.. =.= I’m using Toshiba one though.. only 500GB..

  2. Cheryl Zamora

    ” Now, I’m sure all of you are familiar with the wonderful world of laptops and PCs. They are not perfect. They crash. They give up on you. They leave you behind. ”
    — I feel you with this. LOL! My laptop is slowly giving up on me :( It seems like mine is always telling me to buy new.. hahaha!

    and oh, I wish you’d sell your Nikon at a low price… I wanna have one, I just can’t afford brand new though…

    And as I always, I love your blog! <3

    • Camille Co

      Haha! Yes! Laptops are such a pain but we can’t live without them! :) Thanks Cheryl! I love the camera too much to sell it at a super low price haha!

  3. jazz

    Hi Camille,
    Cooongrats for bagging a slot on Sensate!! Hooray for representing Phil.! ;)
    I really admire all your posts, blogs and your IG posts! So, you really deserve it all! :)

    I hope you won’t mind, to share your secret for maintaining slender legs despite that you wear a stilettos most of the time? You may also share your radiant-skin secret? Hihihi. I hope you won’t mind :) I guess your radiant skin is also your asset for bringing up great fashion blogs. Syempre on top of your skills! [sorry for being too bubbly :) ]

    Btw, Thankyou for sharing your secret weapons and for inspiring us to look fashionable as always!
    Hmm, lastly, I would like to commend you also to the way you handle your readers, your NOT snob pla. ‘Coz you really take time to answer all queries for you. ;)

    Hope to see you in person, soon! Godbless! :) ;)

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Jazz! :) I don’t know din how I maintain them. I guess they’re just really thin? Maybe it’s because of my built? Haha! As for my skin, eat healthy, drink water, wash your face regularly and of course, Olay White Radiance for the dark spots if you do get blemishes :)

  4. Trisha

    Oh yeah and mine is not yet the Ultra kasi. Just the 500GB Passport =))) Planning to get one though! Another thing on my must have list HAHA Along with a new laptop and an SLR HEHE

  5. Trisha

    So glad you posted about this! HAHA Like you I am that paranoid of my stuff. But yeah I never really had the guts (HAHA) to use the software they have in the hard drive, I was told that sometimes it’s complicated to use them. HAHA Like duplicate entries when back up-ing and stuff. Gah HAHA Technology is really complicated. And I’m even the person who like saves a lot of those TV shows, movies and stuff HAHA I back up in individual DVD-R and small GB usbs but I’m planning to change that because it’s really hassle! HAHA Any tips? =)))))))

  6. Eunice Santos

    cams! hmm, congrats on the growth of your blog, although it’s kinda hard navigating from one post to another kasi walang hyperlink to the next. but anyway, i guess it’s the least of your worries. LOL

    oh my, outdated na ako, terrabyte na pala ang peg ng mga portable hard drive! it’s like gazillion memory space! hahaha

    good job on your romwe line, btw. congrats!

    • Camille Co

      Oh that’s a good suggestion! Let me take note of that :) Thanks Eunice! :)

  7. cristy villame

    Oh, I Love your New Design Camille!..Cute and Clean.

    You’re secret weapons are so great toO! :)

    Keep posting your fashionable outfit, i really Love to see them.

    Thanks for inspiring us! :) <3

  8. Billy

    hi camille! love the new layout of your blog.. so clean.. :)by the way, are you planning to sell your d7000 as a package or pwede ba yung lens lang? ( 50mm )


    “No matter how sophisticated the camera, the photographer is still the one that makes the picture”

    -Doug Bartlow

      • Billy

        yey! :) what is the specs of the lens and conditions? 1.8,1.4, D or G ?


        …and how much ? :)

        • Camille Co

          Please email me at the email I stated above for inquiries. As for the differences, I don’t think I can explain it well but Google is your friend. :) Condition is super good since I’ve only been using it for a while :)

  9. Abby

    Miss Caaaaamms! Ily. Seryoso.
    Very ideal ang new blog layout esp sa mga mobile users :) PERO suggestion lang naman pwede ho bang mglagay nung ‘previous’ and ‘next’ na engines? Wala ba tlaga nun now or hnd ko lang mpansinpansin? -.- psesnya kung meron na nun. Babalik pa po kasi sa main menu para sa next blog post if and when may nmiss ka. :/ thaaankyouu! :)

    First comment ever since i started reading your blog. Continue to inspire people! All the best! :)

  10. Stephanie

    Omg. What’s going on with you? Haha Canon 5D Mark III is like 100,000 to 200,000PHP? Are you really okay? Ang mahal nun. But however, if you got money on buying it, then go. I envy you for that. I only use Canon 500D as my major camera all for my outfit posts and foodies! You have everything na talaga. Ikaw na!

    • Camille Co

      OA naman ang 200k! Haha! I only got the body, no kit. :) But I saved up for it. And I’ve been thinking about it for years!!!! :) The photos it captures are just so gorgeous! I finally took the plunge. I’m still recovering though. LOL! Masakit!

  11. Addy

    I thought your blogsite has been hacked!
    But you have your new design, I love the old design.
    In new design, I can hardly read the “SUBSCRIBE”. The letter S is covered with the ribbon.


  12. Brent Wilkins

    Nice! I still have my old Nikon EM (film camera… remember film?), which is now out of commission. I now shoot with my Nikon D80… Wonderful camera!

    • Camille Co

      Oh keep it!!! That’ll be a collectible! :) Oh film. How time flies. Film reminds me of my childhood.

  13. Julie Ann Carmel Nacar

    I love the new design since it’s now a responsive website (mobile capable). I’ve been dying to tell you before that it’s better to upgrade your site with mobile capabilities. Really love that it’s not too load and crazy. But can I suggest something? Can you please tell your developer to enhance the loading time? Perhaps set some rules on screen sizes that when viewed on mobile it could use a smaller image resolution to have less data traffic.. Well that’s just me being OC on web development. That’s just my suggestion anyway :)

    Hugs and kisses :*

    • Camille Co

      I shall keep that in mind :) Thank you for the useful suggestion! :)

      • Julie Ann Carmel Nacar

        You’re welcome :D
        BTW, You are my favorite PH Fashion Blogger (totally calm outside but fangirling inside! LoL!)

        *Typo on previous comment: load ~ loud

  14. Kyle Rodriguez

    Great post, Camille! I’ve also wondered a lot about the gadgets you use so I’m happy with this post :)

    Also, when do you usually take your outfit shots? As a fellow blogger, I always find it hard to find the right time to do this. Sometimes the light is so harsh that it washes away the details of my outfits and accessories (even after adjusting the settings on my SLR). But your photos always turn out so perfectly hehe.

  15. Reena

    Thanks for the heads up Cams! I’ve been wanting to buy a really good hard drive and thank you din for including the prices. We’ve recently converted a lot of our old VHS Tapes. I saved the files sa USB, uploaded the videos on Youtube, copied it on my laptop…lahat lahat na… pati Dropbox pinatulan ko na rin. lol… It’s better to have lots of back ups just in case. Iba din kasi ang dating when you see your younger self on video. ;)

    Happy New Year!


    First of all, I really like this design! Second of all great post! I especially liked the part about portable hard drives since that is something people always tend to forget about. I’ve had computers crash on my many times and every time I’ve stood there feeling so stupid for not backing up. So now I do that as well, all the time!

  17. Pat Hernandez

    I have been waiting for these blog post, so I am very happy right now! #feelingtechy hihi :)) Ang taray ng bagong camera mo! Professional levels! I am so happy na Canon ka na ulit. kinikilig ako! hahaha <3 feeling ko nagbabadya na rin ung almost 4 year-old laptop ko, and I want that specific WD hard drive pero may kamahalan. :( I know it will be so worth it kaya lang wala talagang moolah eh. Anyways, I am so happy for you! I know 2014 will be better for you. :)

    PS. masyado bang feeling close ung comment ko? feel free to tell me para matone down ko. masyado yata akong naexcite XD

    • Camille Co

      Kailangan quality ang portable hard drive! That’s so important! :) And no, I love your comments! Close tayong lahat dito :)

  18. ruth

    i love my WD passport! Had the exact same disaster happened to me and got that exact one. I keep it with me all the time

  19. Naaj Rona

    Sorry, I’m one of those few people who love your old layout. Probably because it take me a lot of time to move on :)

    I know what you mean about the laptops. Sadly, mine decided to give up on me and left me. I need a new one but I don’t have enough to buy a Mac. The ad drives are really great.

    • Camille Co

      I hope you’ll love this new one too in no time. It’s fully responsive now so it’ll be easier to view this on your mobile phone and tablet :)

  20. Jam Cruz

    Hi, ate! What are your study habits po when you’re still in college? Thank you in advance and more more power to your awesome blog. :)

    • Camille Co

      Although I’ve always been a responsible dean’s lister, I usually cram LOL! So I’m not a good example LOL!

  21. Yeoo

    Mas gusto ko po ang look ng site ngayon(i visit your blog using my phone kasi). Parang mas madali ring mag load ang pictures sa posts. :)

    If you look closely, sa pinaka bottom-left, there is a smiley. hehe

    Happy new year Ms. Camille! happy new look rin pala ツ

    • Camille Co

      Yes :) Yun ang goal! :) There is a smiley? I didn’t notice that! Thanks Yeoo!

  22. Ericka Garcia

    Love this post Miss Camille. Thank you for sharing this. I’ve thinking of buying a mirrorless camera to by the time that I have job so that I can carry them when I hang out with friends where big and heavy bags (and contents) are a major no no. :) I just purchased a Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens and still adjusting. ;)

    Welcome to the Canon family! <3

    Ericka of

  23. Kristine Lopez

    kahit ano pa pong layout o design ng CTtB, babalik at babalik pa rin ako. :D ‘cos you are one of the best bloggers. (medyo cheesy) Hihi.

    • Camille Co

      Ohhhh! I never thought of abbreviating my blog name, maganda yan! CTtB! :) Thank you Kristine! Cheesiness is welcome here!

  24. Char

    It’s nice to see your blog growing up from the tumblr days to present, since 2011 this blog has been part of my day to day routine, even if I’m now relocated in China, thanks for the fashion inspirations !

    • Camille Co

      Thank you Char! It’s gone through some changes huh? How time flies! :)

  25. Sephie Rojas

    I love your new layout/design! It’s so clean and totally reminds me of Nicole Warne’s blog layout only with a bit more or you in it :D Haha buti ka pa may web guys ka to help! :P I can only do so much with my blog layout and personalize it on my own way since I only know so much about web coding (the stuff they teach us in my course at least). The rest I Google how to, lol! Congrats with your new family! \o/ Yun pala yun, I was wondering what the sticky banner up there was when I saw it a few days ago :P

  26. Tasha D.

    “They are not perfect. They crash. They give up on you. They leave you behind.” SO TRUE. I feel you sister. haha!

    Camille! Does your macbook ba or your other past macbooks overheat and then just suddenly restarts? If yes, bakit sya sa tingin mo nagooverheat? Marami bang nagrarun na applications/programs? I’ve been experiencing it kasi lately eh.

    • Camille Co

      Before it used to happen to me, with my old macbooks. Nagbabadya na yan so better start backing up! Mine kasi before, it was because my laptop was always on and then I log it around with me while turned on and this is bad daw.

  27. maebs

    I’m loving your new layout. :) but I’m gonna miss your old layout. :( ang galing ng hard drive na yan, malaki ang storage capacity. :)

  28. carmin

    Hi! I re-read all your blog post from the past and I just remembered that you’re a fan of Bigbang :) Uhmm just curious, are you still a big fan of them? I think that you’re a big fan of G-Dragon since you’re following him on twitter and I saw that you have an iPhone case (design is One of A kind) and in any case did you watch their concert here in Manila last october 24, 2012, the ALIVE TOUR?

  29. Mai Pascua

    Hello ate Camille. I totally love your blog’s new design. I was surprised when I clicked the link in the e-mail and was welcomed by your site showing the page with mobile mode.

    I was planning to buy (well, planning to ask my parents to buy for me) a DSLR, and I’m a total beginner in photography. I’m wondering what can you suggest? I am torn between a Nikon D700, Nikon D5200 , and Canon Rebel T3i. At first, I wanted a Fujifilm XE-2, but since it has high cost and too advanced for me, my mother suggested to look for a beginner’s DSLR camera, since, well, I’m a beginner. I loved the XE-2 because of it mainly looks classic, its shutter speed, and its intelligent flash. But I’m unsure of finding an entry-level camera. I’m really curious about your Olympus cam. What is its price range?

    Lol. Thank you po, ate Camille. Happy New Year! God bless po. I love you. Tehee~ lol <3

    • Camille Co

      Hmm I’m not really familiar with these cameras but just do a little research and compare the photos taken by these cameras. This is what I do when I’m choosing among different models :) I can’t remember how much my Olympus is exactly but I think it’s around 40-60k :)

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