I can not be more ecstatic about this!!! THE KILLERS ARE COMING TO MANILA!!!! I thought this day would never come. A few years back, I got my heart broken when The Killers cancelled their concert in Manila and rumors of disbandment spread. I thought I’d never get to watch ONE OF MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE BANDS live. Thankfully, God heard my prayers and He sent The Killers my way. (That sounds so wrong but I’m too happy to care!)
On Septemeber 26, The Killers are performing their best hits at The Smart Araneta Coliseum. If you’re as big of a fan as I am (I’ve got all their albums and have been listening to them nonstop since I got my tickets), then you’ll love this giveaway! The ever so generous SM Accessories is giving away 2 Upperbox A tickets to one lucky winner!!! Could that be you? Here’s how you can join!
- Follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin’. If you don’t have these accounts, it’s easy to make one!
- Like SM Accessories on Facebook and follow @SMAccessories on Twitter.
- Leave a comment below with your Facebook and Twitter names.
- Tweet this: “I want to win tickets to The Killers concert on www.mbrjlmcn.top ! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways” No need to tag my Twitter handle.
Deadline for entries is on Sept. 24, 2013 at 11:59 PM. No multiple entries please. I’ll announce the winner the following day so check the comments section below by then! Good luck, everyone! And to my lucky winner, see you at the concert!
Congratulations to Jamie Isabelle K. Arellano for winning this giveaway. Sent you a DM on Twitter! :)
Facebook: Neil Alan Ballesfin https://www.facebook.com/partystarter17
Twitter: @partystarter17 https://twitter.com/partystarter17
facebook: Nessie Tianco
Twitter: @1veat
Facebook: Karen Paredes Zhang
Twitter: @karenuu_
Facebook: Aid Rianne
Twitter: @AIDrenalineRush
facebook: Agyness Ramone
Twitter: @ramownad0txx
Facebook: Kat Bon
Twitter: @katbonFRIED
FB: Franz Cheska Sampan
TWITTER: @franzyfly
Facebook: Jhay-cee Cruzena https://www.facebook.com/jhayceecute
Twitter: @barbiecruzena
FB: Lea Connie May Paredes
Twitter: @conniedeer77
fb: Andie Garcia
twitter: @abanandiebini
Twitter: @xopaulene_
Facebook: Alexis Lagante
Twitter: @alexibility
Facebook: Camille Dela Cruz
Twitter: @camdelacruz
Facebook: Bet Bon
Twitter: @windupsouvenir
Facebook: Abigail Ann G. Gonzales
Twitter: @abbygonzales22
Facebook: Jea Gadia
Twitter: @peanutbutterjea
Facebook: Dan Jor B. Lopez
twitter: @HarveySpecter21
Facebook: Trisha Mae Sanchez
Twitter: @trishaxxlove
Facebook: Nicole Fabia
Twitter: @coleenics
Facebook: Katherine Macabia
Twitter: @kathographer
Facebook: Alexis Lagante
Twitter: @alexibility
Facebook: Jayn Layson
Twitter: @jaynlayson
Facebook: Dane Vistan
Twitter: @danevistan
FB: Hannah Grace Tending
Twitter: @HanGTen_
Hello Miss camille! Hope i’ll win it!
facebook: Diadem Anne Pacheco
twitter: @kookoocrown
Facebook: Allie Principe
Twitter: @foureyedwonder
FB Name: Angel Sagrado
Twitter Name: @angel_salupa
Fb: Elaine Bondad
Twitter: @elainebondad
celine ong
Facebook: Robbe Limbo
Twitter: @robilitas
Facebook: Marjorie Palentinos
Twitter: @marjoriep93
facebook name: Christianne Iriberri
twitter: @MtotheAYE
Facebook: Ezka Moreno
Twitter: @EzkaMoreno
Fb : Elaine Bondad
Twitter: @elainebondad
Facebook: Kimi Lagangan
Twitter: @kimilagangan
FB: Mariel Montaniel (www.facebook.com/xtinemariel)
Twitter: @xtinemariel
A surprise gift for my bf for being together for 6 years :)
Twitter @17kellyann
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ann.quiogue
FACEBOOK: Garrie Marquez
TWITTER: @garrieflysohigh
Meggy Caparas
[email protected]
FB: Michelle Therese Diaz
Twitter: @michdiaz29
Facebook: Cesz Conwi
Twitter: @bipolarsiconwi
Facebook: Stephanie Tan
twitter: steph_woah
I got my rock concert outfit planned out already! weeee! Wishing myself luck! :D
FB Username: Maria Niskie Caalim Ferrer
twitter username: @marianiskie
Facebook: Monique Luna Pimentel
Twitter: @nikipanini
Allaine Pili
Facebook: Natasha Angelou Abas
Twitter: @natscynic
FB: Ana Razon
Twitter: @AnaRazon
Facebook: Gail Resuello Bulosan
twitter: @Gailthemann
FB Acct.: Erds Marilla
Twitter: @erdsmarilla
twitter: @thereseifurung
FB: Kristina Letada
Twitter: @kmltina
FB Name: Jenna Lansangan
Twitter: @jennalans
Alyssa Batuhan
FB: Charlette Ritz O. Magtrayo
Twitter: @falsepulse
Facebook: Sealtiel Olle Galero (https://www.facebook.com/sealtiel.galero)
Twitter: @sealtielgalero
FB: Merlina M. Palencia
Twitter: @minapalencia
Cherry Ann Villagomez
FB: Jocel Dy
Twitter: bludiosel
FB: Anton Mendoza Masangya
Twitter: @anton_mas
Hi, Ms. Camille. =)
Fb: Jay Ann Rose Perano
Twitter: @jayannperano
Pau-pau Alagao
FB: facebook.com/graceann.mamiit
Twitter: @graceann1010
Facebook: Glizia Barrido
Twitter: @glazebarrido
Eugene Lopez Sietereales
Marie Berjamin
Facebook: Jo Dio
Twitter: @juliendio
Facebook: Mhaica Lee Cerdeña
Twitter: @leemhaica
Fb: Bat Galiste
Twitter: @batbatism
Facebook: Maria Alyssa Martinez http://www.facebook.com/ItsMariaAlyssa
Twitter: @ItsMariaAlyssa
Alyssa Sancon
Facebook : Lourdes GeeLeonar
Twitter: Dezhere007
NAME: Mara Galang
TWITTER : @marchyde078
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yummychaze
twitter: @chekarry
FB: Krizia Cruz
Twitter: @keeeesh
Facebook: Sheila Tan
Twitter: corset_black
sdasjdkajsda i hope i win i hope i win
FB: Ann Lao
Twitter: @oh_annieee
Facebook: Chloe Jan Gaerlan
Twitter: @chlococrunch
Name: Kat Tan
FB: https://www.facebook.com/kat.tan.330
Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/kat.tan.330
Facebook: Marie Ira
Twitter: @Marie_lra
Facebook: Raisa Czarina Tan
Twitter: @raiczatan
Facebook: Regina Landayan | https://www.facebook.com/reg.landayan
Twitter: @bibliophilicReg
FB: Abi Viesca
Twitter: @chabilolita
Joy Dianne (Joy Dianne J. Gumatay0
FB: Harmony Valdoz
Twitter: @harmonythehuman
September 26 is my birthday and seeing The Killers live would be the best gift ever *wink wink :D
Facebook: Shary DC (https://www.facebook.com/allyourbasearebelong2us)
Twitter: @SharyDC
Facebook: Isabelle Khan
Twitter: isabellekhan
Facebook: Marzs Lugtu
Twitter: hellomarss
Facebook: Jordan Durante
Twitter: @jc9teen
Facebook: April Garland
Twitter: @aplgrlnd
Thank you, Ms. Camille! ☺️
Maria Fe Estrella
Regie Sy
Facebook: Jhayz Gadiana, http://www.facebook.com/o4o17o6
Twitter: @ZyJah
Verna Parrocha
FB: Hazel Joy Jimenez
IG: @bhabyhaze
Joanna Lynne Fernandez
Twitter: @srchernandez
Facebook name: Sophia Hernandez, https://www.facebook.com/sophiastylinson
Kamille Ligaya
“Thankfully, God heard my prayers and He sent The Killers my way. (That sounds so wrong but I’m too happy to care!)”
Prameez, Ms. Camille, ANDAMI mong mga memorable lines o “quotable funny quotes,” hehehehe.. i mean it in a positive way!!
Haha! Glad you think so Gala!
Facebook: Mawi Abala
Twitter: @javier_mawi
Hello Miss camille! Hope i’ll win it!
FB: https://www.facebook.com/neenjaneen
Twitter: @neenjaneen
Facebook: Nissan Macale facebook.com/ilycmd
Twitter: Nissan Macale @dimapacale
Frances Janina Falgui Baluyan
Facebook: Joicellene Bruma
Twitter: @Joicellene