

Someone hand me a Smurf hat please. If Smurfette ever needed a fashionable dress, this should be it. At least she gets to be trendy and sexy, while still fitting in with the rest of the Smurfs. How considerate of her. Haha!


Kidding aside, this dress is a total winner in my book–and not because I’m into Smurfs. I haven’t even seen the movie! Although I did have Smurf bedsheets and pillowcases back when I was little… I’m digressing.


As I was saying, this dress is the bomb. It’s not in the usual seductive dress type of colors like red and black, but it’s still a head turner. That’s the beauty of color blocking. With the right colors and patterns, you can easily steal the show! Add a little sexy cut-out like my dress’ and you won’t need any thing else.


[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look at here[/button]


SM Accessories earrings


Romwe dress From Hong Kong skirt (worn under the dress)


BCBG bag


Sergio Rossi shoes

127 Responses to “Smurfette”
  1. Christine Koay

    Looking hot, Ms Camille!!! I’m surprised that blue can look sexy too.. and wait, there’s a skirt beneath your dress? i really thought that was a part of your dress.. Nice~ Love your BCBG clutch too! and of course I love your hair too!! <3

  2. Abbyguel

    OhMyG.. I never thought of wearing skirt underneath a dress.. AWESOOOOOME. Brilliant idea! I SO LOOOOVE IT! :) Ikaw na talaga idol ko, grabe. Ikaw na talaga! hahahaha :D

  3. Rose Cruz

    I thought the lower part is part of the dress. I am surprised that it’s a skirt. You fool me for the nth time Ms. Camille! :)

  4. sy concon

    hi ms.camille, really love your legs :) can i know how tall are you? hihi and how did you maintain that sexy body? o.o

    你很会穿衣服… 我很想要好好跟你学习学习.. :)

  5. beatrice gases

    the dress. its the combination of my most loved colors ahaha. :D it so good … and oh yey for a blue post ahaha i love it when you post blue outfits ahaha #selfishreader

  6. Kim Capeña

    OMG! i didn’t expect na you want Smurfs tooooo! HEHEHHE! coz i love smurfs! so addicted. i collected the smurfs via happy meal in mcdonalds. HIHI… aaand your dress is so nice sa mata. O_O

    • Camille Co

      I think we all encountered them at least once when we were kids :) Thank you Kim!

  7. Dhes Borja

    aw..gorgeous! Bagong trim ang bangs I that dress and also your Sergio Rossi shoes :)

  8. Angelic Robles

    SMOKIN’ HOT LOOK, Miss Camille! All you need is the white Smurf hat indeed!

    The shades of blue on your dress formed a pattern of eye-catching trendiness. I also like the effect of the cut out. It was well placed and the subtlety of it is what makes it very alluring. It’s a cool way of expressing a ‘casual yet stylish’ persona.

    And that pretty lace-like hemline? RUNWAY WORTHY.

    I admire your choice of clutch here. It’s a bag that doesn’t just make you go “Awwww! Cute!” It’s very sophisticated. The jewel tone complements your dress well, not just in that “matchy-matchy” type of combination. It’s more of a ‘statement on statement’ piece. (I think I actually drooled over the keyboard while looking at these photos)

    Your white platforms are so classy! The small peep-toe effect is adorable! I like the shape this pair of footwear gives your feet.

    • Camille Co

      Better wipe your keyboard clean! Haha! Thank you so much Angelic! :)

  9. Nica Ligera

    This is really nice camille! can you give me some tips how to be white like you? ;)

  10. Donna

    woooowwww!!! you are simply gorgeous! i love you from head to toes <3 you really have a good pair of legs!

    • Camille Co

      If you like then you should’ve put a ring on it! LOL! Just kidding!

  11. esi

    i think its the second time you did the “skirt-under-the-dress” trick :) galing!

  12. Lourine

    If you will be a smurf, I guess you’ll be named Trexy. Trendy and sexy! Since they are named after their characteristic. Compatible, eh? :-)

  13. Vina Guerrero

    i didn’t notice that the cute details at the bottom was from a separate piece!!! you’re so good!! haha! love your heels! :)

  14. Sephie Rojas

    Those Sergio heels are gorgeous and so clean @o@ I love the intricate lines of the color blocks on your dress! Winner sa frame and silhouette \m/ And I also love how the cut-out details of your skirt matches well with your clutch :3 Smurfette is such a fashionista if she were in the fashion world :P

  15. Giselle

    Love the fit of the dress on you! May I ask if you still wear cycling shorts when you wear short bodycon dresses or skirts?

  16. Joy

    hi ms. cam love the whole outfit it perfectly fits on you plus love the curly hair. ♥

  17. Lukie Chu

    your eyes is like an angel :))) kyaaah it’s so cutiepatootie :D i wish i have that kind of eyes xD hehehe. what a beautiful fashionista you are!

  18. Tasha D.

    Ang taray nung very shy na pa-peeptoe ni Sergio Rossi ha! Parang insert coin lang ang peg ng peeptoe. haha! I wonder bakit wala ka pang Manolo Blahnik! Have you tried na ba buying one? Siguro masakit sa paa no kaya di mo masyado bet? Dedma na sa sakit! Basta maganda tignan sa paa, GO NA! haha! Tiis-ganda your way in life! Charot!

    • Camille Co

      Hahaha! Tiis-ganda your way in life! How profound! LOL! :) I don’t know, I think I like other brands more :)

      • Tasha D.

        Camille! Related ka ba kanila Lucio and Susan Co? Baka sila ang parents mo ha! Di mo chinichika samen na Billionaire pala kayo. charos! They have a BILLION DOLLAR NET WORTH eh. Bongga lang. 10 richest sila sa Philippines. I wonder if you’re related with them…

  19. Reena

    oh wow akala ko part ng dress yung detail sa bottom. woooow! You’re amazing talaga! Paano mo siya ginawa na hindi siya mag mukhang bulky since it’s a boddy hugging dress? I love this look on you Cams! You look really pretty!

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Reena! :) The fabric of the skirt is really thin lang :)

  20. Vee

    I love the BCBG clutch! Parang Spiderman :) Nice trick on the skirt, too!

  21. Alyssa

    Your outfit totally fooled me!! I thought it was all one piece!
    The layering you did with the dress and skirt is genius! :)

    As a side note, I’ve always wondered about your workout routine. Care to share some tips? Please :D

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Alyssa! :) I don’t have a routine LOL! I have PT though so I just follow whatever she tells me to do. I guess it’s mostly free weights and lifting my own body weight. Those types of exercises! :)

  22. Kelly

    Isn’t too short for you? I mean, don’t you get a hard time walking or sitting on it? :)
    By the way, you have a flawless face, may I know what product can you recommend for those girls who’s not blessed with face like yours? (pimples and acnes) Haven’t seen you have one before! :)

    • Camille Co

      I get breakouts too once in a while, LIKE NOW! :) I just make sure to cleanse my face regularly. And I use DUAC to kill the pimples haha! This dress is actually too short on my which is why I wore a skirt underneath it :)

  23. Kay

    Hi Camille,

    I definitely agree with you, this dress is subtle sexy great for morning and even night events/parties plus the skirt gives additional feminine touch to the dress as if it’s part of it. You wore this in one of Collection’s event right? And I’m seeing a new Sergio Rossi heels! naks! I’m totally digging on this look of yours! Can’t wait to see your outfits during your Macau trip!

  24. jayzel

    Hi Ms. Camille,

    I really love the dress. The cut out is so perfect. Always check your blog.. I’m a fan..

    Maiba ako Ms. Camille can I ask if my boyfriend kana? If you dont mind po. Thanks

  25. Ohms

    woot! I love the dress. and I thought it was the design, knowing that it was a skirt pala. cute:)

  26. JaneyJaney07

    Did u cut u’r bangs Cams?hehe u’re soo pretty and sexy. Love ur outfit and the color :)

    • Camille Co

      This was from weeks ago so yes, my bangs were just trimmed then :)

  27. Ren

    Gaahh! That color really gives an easy breezy vibe, isn’t it??

  28. Camille Ann

    definitely smurfette!!! Love your dress!!! And your ch*st looked bigger in this dress.. wahaha :) You’re so pretty!

  29. Ada

    Oh em gee. I love love love it! I totally thought the skirt was part of the dress. I super love the heels. And you’re so sexy Camille! :))

    • Camille Co

      It just looks shorter than it actually is because I’m wearing extra high heels and the photog is shooting from a low angle. It’s not that short though now that i wore a skirt underneath it. Without the skirt though, it’s suuuuuper short

  30. Anne

    I super love this look! Blue has been my favorite color ever since and that dress is super fab. The colors and the cutout looked perfect. Plus, the skirt you wore underneath had details that fit really well. Nice one Camille! Galing! I thought it was part of the dress itself. By the way, Tricia’s latest post was also about blue outfits. Hmmmmm…. Must be because of the Smurfs? haha.

    • Camille Co

      Haha! Maybe! :) Thanks Anne! ) I had to wear the skirt to make the dress just a little bit longer :)

  31. Hannah :)

    So Pretty! :) :) what’s your favorite brand? In terms of clothes? Suggestions pls. All of the outlets you like the most :) thanks po and btw nice pics ;)

  32. Colt Nava

    Newly trimmed bangs, yes? ;) You have got to be the trendiest smurfette I’ve ever seen! lol Love it :)

    • Camille Co

      Yes but this was from weeks ago so my bangs are longer now :) Thank you Kathleen!

  33. Yanshi

    Truly a head turner!!! Love the colors and the pretty details at the bottom :) So fab and sexxxyy!! Those Sergio Rossi shoes aaahhh even the heels are super sexy! 2nd and 4th pics are divine!! :))) <3

  34. jam

    had your bangs trimmed? haha. i see your eyebrows e. it’s nice to see your hair curly once in a while :)

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