Love is?

Last month, I was asked to submit a few photos for a project for Commons and Sense Magazine. Commons and Sense is a Japanese Magazine published in 25 cities and 8 countries. In line with the earthquake that shook Japan and the world, the theme for the issue was entitled “Say The Word, Love”. The purpose was “to call out love” through this simple tribute.

The task was simple. All I had to do was submit photos that show my own interpretation of love while maintaining my “fashion blogger” image. So what did I and 2 creative minds namely, photographer Bia Catbagan and artist Carina Santos, come up with? I’ll reveal the final product on my next post! :) Those photos deserve a whole new entry haha!

For now, I’ll leave you with a few semifinal photos and credits of what I’m wearing.

Topshop sheer top River Island skirt | Aldo shoes

Forever 21 headband

Aldo pearl necklace | H&M red necklace

WAGW gold cuff

Aldo LOVE connector ring | WAGW bracelet

Hype this look on here.

Photos by Bianca (Bia) Catbagan ([email protected])

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