That Day I Met Reindeers

“Santa Claus came from Finland!” said my boyfriend after hearing me insist that Santa Claus came from the North Pole. “We’ve got Santa Claus village to prove it. Plus we have all the reindeers!” Okay, no need to get all defensive. Fine, if you say so, I believe you. (Although a quick Google search claims otherwise. We’re actually both wrong. But you know…potato potahto.)

Now, I don’t know about the famous Santa Claus village he’s referring to but yes I can confirm they’ve got a lot of reindeers in Finland. And the little girl in me is very very happy I met them. That same little girl would also like to pretend one of them was Rudolph…and Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder and Blitzen. ( Is it too early to reference Christmas songs? But then again we’re already in the -ber months and -ber months in the Philippines mean it’s time to start playing Christmas jingles. So, I guess I’m right on track.)

I met the cute reindeers during my trip with Visit Finland and Qatar Airways last October. Part of our itinerary was to visit Nuuksio National Park in Espoo. The agenda? To feed reindeers. (Cue the “awwwwws”) The park is just a couple of hours away by car from Helsinki so it’s within easy reach. Just like that, we were greeted by Finland’s wild natural setting of lush green forests, serene lakes and rugged crags. It was beautiful–even more so when we got to feed the reindeers. Although I think I liked the reindeers more than they liked me. (If you’ve seen my travel diary from Finland, you’ll understand why I believe so. LOL. Watch it here.)

Haltia Finland -
 www.mbrjlmcn.topNuuksio National Park - www.mbrjlmcn.topCamille Co in Nuuksio National Park - www.mbrjlmcn.topCamille Co in Nuuksio National Park - www.mbrjlmcn.topNuuksio National Park - www.mbrjlmcn.topCamille Co in Nuuksio National Park - www.mbrjlmcn.topCamille Co in Nuuksio National Park - www.mbrjlmcn.topReindeer Feeding in Finland - www.mbrjlmcn.topReindeer Park, Nuuksio - www.mbrjlmcn.topCamille Co in Nuuksio National Park, Finland - www.mbrjlmcn.topHaltia Finland -
 www.mbrjlmcn.topCamille Co in Nuuksio National Park - www.mbrjlmcn.topNuuksio National Park - www.mbrjlmcn.topFinland by Camille Co - www.mbrjlmcn.topHaltia Finland -
 www.mbrjlmcn.topCamille Co in Haltia Finland - www.mbrjlmcn.topFinland by Camille Co - www.mbrjlmcn.topCamille Co in Nuuksio National Park -
18 Responses to “That Day I Met Reindeers”
  1. Maxim

    loving the view of your shots and of course you cams, keep on posting more blogssss please, most especially on how you mix and match your outfit please

  2. JenVeronica

    Hi Camille! How come you don’t put your outfit details anymore on your blog posts?

  3. Chantel:)

    finally, i get a chance to visit again here i missed it a lot. Gosh, i love your outfit here so beautiful and fab.:)

  4. Reena

    Hi Camille!!! Tagal ko nang hindi nakapag visit sa blog mo. hehe. I’ve been binge watching your vlogs recently. hehe Love your outfit here… did you wear Uniqlo Heattech? I remember you mentioning it dati in one of your blog posts na nag two layers ka pa para fashown parin kahit super lamig. O diba? Naalala ko pa! Long time fan here! #Camnatic (LOL!)

    • Camille Co

      Yes!! I always bring heat tech with me when it’s super cold. It’s the best!!! :) Buti naman you’re still visiting the blog :) Thanks for supporting my vlogs too!!

  5. Gayle

    Yaaaaas! Back to blogging. I miss this though I love your vlogs too. I always enjoy both. :D More powers ms. Cams

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