I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again–ladies, you don’t need to show a lot of skin to look and feel sexy. Sometimes, you just got to wear the right clothes that hug you at the right places. And then, maybe show a little bit of that shoulder. I don’t know why but I find clothes that reveal women’s shoulders helluva sexy. I’m not sure if guys feel the same way though. Most of them are probably all about boobs, butt, boobs, butt, boobs, butt, boobs, butt. But then again, I’m not one to dress for guys. I’m all about dancing to my own tune.

Smith Grey rose earring | Front Row Shop asymmetric top | Topshop jeans | Sophia Webster For J. Crew heels | Céline bag
I totally agree!!! We should dress to express ourselves and not to impress guys.
That’s right!
“I’m not sure if guys feel the same way though. Most of them are probably all about boobs, butt, boobs, butt, boobs, butt, boobs, butt. But then again, I’m not one to dress for guys. I’m all about dancing to my own tune.” OMG, this is sooooooooooo me! I try to dress as chic as possible to feel good! :) I love the design on your top. The top is not the mainstream off shoulder top which is I like! :)
Ericka Garcia
Thanks Ericka! High five sister!
“I’m not one to dress for guys.” I totally agree with this one! I actually hate it when guys think that women dress up for them like excuse me! I dress for myself, to feel good and to express myself not for you! hahaha. Sometimes girls can look sexy pa rin nga even without showing any skin, right? like what you said it’s all in the right clothes that hug us at the right places :)
I think off shoulders looks great on you because of your super sexy collarbones! haha :)
Thanks Clariss! :) My sandok collarbones you mean? LOL!
I agree, shoulders are sexy on everyone
Yes they are!
“Dancing to my own tune.” I totally agree to this one! They always say that you should dress to impress and I say that you don’t need to dress up just to impress someone, I think you should do it for yourself. Haha You’re really such an inspiration. I know I’ve said it before but I just want to say it again coz you really are an inspiration <3 Haha
Impress yourself LOL Thank you Katrin!
I hope I can be as confident as you are one day!!
It’ll happen! :)
Some guys are about integrity, attitude and kindness, as well as the usual. Wonder if you gave any thought to that? Nice pants.
Of course when it comes to getting to know someone then yes, FOR SURE :) Here though, I was just referring to the things they notice first or purely physical aspects.
Good Morning Ms. Camille!
I truly agree with you back there. One doesn’t need to bare a lot of skin just to make you sexy. Less is more as what I have remember you say. I don’t why either but I too found off shoulder/s sexy. Maybe because it’s the part of the body that is less focused compared to the others?
Anyways, you look fabulous and chic. Great shoes by the way Ms. Camille :)
Thank you Kim! The mystery of the shoulder!
cute look
Thanks Anne!
“I’m all about dancing to my own tune.”– These words inspired me Ate Camille :) BTW, I love your look :)
Awww thanks Camille :)
wow! this one is an office outfit but at the same time so sexy. :) nakikita ko na po yung ab line mo. :) i super love your jeans. :)
Abs ba yan? Parang ribs lang haha! :) Thanks Maebs!
Simple yet so elegant. ♥
Thanks Charmie! :)
Hi Cams! I’m just wondering whenever you purchase something from romwe, oasap, sheinside, and especially asos, do they deliver it directly to your address or do you still have to claim it from the manila post office? :)
Sometimes, post office. Sometimes, straight to my house. Kinda weird because it depends. :) I think ASOS is straight to your house :)
Dancing to my own tune, that is soooo me! And I’m so proud of you Miss Camille for saying that, ’cause I guess some dress up for the guys. I believe fashion is an expression of one’s self, so I wear what I think is the best ‘me’. Especially that I’m conservative, yet I can still dress ‘sexy’. And yah, I’m not sure if the jeans are cropped or you’re just really tall :D <3
I think these are cropped :) Thanks Mary Ann! We must dress for ourselves!
Elegant but with the sexy side! Cool! You were totally right about it that when girls wanted to be that sexy, showing off some skin but not all is the best way to attain your goal! Because nowadays there were actually a lot of maniac on the corners that you couldn’t tell actually. At this point, this kind of dress code is sexy but with the lady class style that you can pull off without receiving anything bad against the creeps. :)
Thanks Maica! Ugh, hate creepy men!
Although I completely agree with you on your point that you don’t need to show a lot of skin to be sexy, off-the-shoulder tops or dresses have always been a pain for me. I can never find the perfect bra to wear them with without having to pull it up all the time. And it kills me because look how great it looks on you! Absolutely stunning!
Thanks Dilek! :) Pulling what up? The bra? Or the top? Strapless bras always work okay for me! :) Maybe you need to get a different size?
I LOVE your heels, they are so perfect for your pants! Off-the-shoulder tops are also great <3
Thanks Cindy! :)
love that bag
Thanks Liz!
LOVE the top! And completely agree with you on not dressing for men but for ourselves, I love when women recognize and celebrate that
Yay us!
One of my favorites of your outfits recently. It perfectly shows your wonderful shapes. So wow heels!
Thanks Pobi! :)
yes ! Camille i think that is sexier to show shoulder and the back too than boobs, butt, boobs
haha and the you shoes are amazing <3
Thank you Kathe!
those abs tho
Haha! Where?
Finally! Someone gets me and I can’t believe it’ll be you Cams! I swear I find shoulders and legs sexy. I don’t know, I just do. The B and B is kind of predictable. Or maybe I’m too ‘manang’ and I feel cleavage is too much for me. LOL. I have to agree as well that if clothes suit you well, you look good anyway whether or not you show a lot of skin. Anyway, I love your top! I wonder if they have one in yellow or gray too…
Anne’s Scribbles and Doodles
Maybe it’s because we’re girls haha! We think differently :)
Wow ! That’s an amazing look ! No, not all of us are about butt, boobs, butt, boobs, butt, boobs….lol
You’re a rare find! Glad we found you LOL! :)
Cute shoes <3
Thanks Stephanie!