I thought I’d squeeze in a quick post before I fly back to Manila from Thailand in a few hours. The past couple of days I spent in this beautiful city of Chiang Mai has been nothing short of magical. I don’t know if it’s because of the Loy Krathong and Yi Peng festivals that lit up the entire city but boy, I can’t contain the Disney feels! Every time I see lanterns along the streets and up in the sky, I get a little tingly inside–like a kid on Christmas morning.

That must be it. The lanterns somehow remind me of all the pretty lights and parols that come with Christmas. After all, no other holiday is as bright as the season of giving. It’s one of the many reasons why I love Christmas. That and how everyone is just in a better mood, full of laughs and eager to share the love. Now who wouldn’t want to be reminded of a holiday like that? This is why, even though Christmas is still more than a month away, I urge you to light up a parol and spread the Christmas cheer early. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You can even make your own parol using the simplest things–like Coca-cola bottles for example.

Make your own Coca-cola parol as shown in the video above, light it up and join the first ever Sari-Saring Happiness Day today! There will be several lighting hubs for Coca-cola parols around the country, specifically in Manila, Tacloban, Pampanga, Batangas, Bacolod, and Davao. Like Chiang Mai, let’s light up the entire country together with our Coca-cola parols! Take photos with your parols and spread the Christmas spirit with the hashtag #SariSaringHappiness. Come on, don’t be a grinch and share the love! Share happiness!
Paper lanterns reminds me of tangled :) love your picture ate cams :)
Yeah :) Thanks Maebs!
I love this! Been wanting to go here but time doesn’t permit. =( nice photos =)
Mikki! :) Awww make time! Tama na work! :)
Paper lanterns remind me of the Disney movie, “Tangled” Haha anyway. I love love love lights and fireworks. That’s why the kid inside me is so happy that I’ll be seeing Christmas lights on the roads and in tall skyscrapers and don’t get me started in Ayala Triangle (it never gets old!) haha and yes, I saw Christmas trees and parols made up of coke bottles in MRT stations! How cool is that? I find it artsy and very environmental friendly (perks of commuting lol) Haha have a safe flight!! hehe
Diba? Recycled pa! :) I feel the same way about Christmas lights and decor. Can’t have enough of them! :)
All the lights look so magical! Have a great flight :)
Thanks Camilla!
Christmas!!!! Lanterns and Lights! I remember them pretty well way back from my childhood days. They never seize to amuse me with their flicker! But lately, I’ve been very sad during Christmas season. Christmas day was my Lola’s birthday and I remember being happy with them singing Christmas song and eating but then the Lord took her away and I was very sad because I was never gonna be with her anymore. She was my second mom. But this year I decided to be happy again. Thanks for reminding me that I have to be happy again and to share the love with my family!
Awww, just remember your lola is at a better place and I’m sure she’d want to see you happy, more so on Christmas day!
The photos are so beautiful! Especially the last photo. :)
That Coca Cola’s latest Christmas activity is cool!
Ericka Garcia
They have the best campaigns! :)
OMG can’t wait for your update about the lantern festival! It’s so beautiful and kinda remind me of Disney Rapunzel <3
We’re all Disney kids! :)
The photos can be a perfect postcard.
Loved it! Enjoy. :)
April of: http://beybiapril.wordpress.com
IG: @beybiapril
Thank you April! :)
I’ve always wanted to do the lantern thing
giveaway on my blog!
You’ll love it! :)
The lanterns look like the ones in the Disney movie Tangled!!!! <3
Yeah! :)
very beautiful
Thanks Anne-Marie!
I’m so jealous you’re in Thailand! I consider it my home and I miss it so much <3 Haven't visited in a while, but seeing your photos makes me want to book a ticket ASAP lol. I miss the Loy Krathong festivities :( Glad you're having a blast, though! I love that photo of you with the lantern <3
You must tell me more about these festivities! As for booking a flight, why not! :) Holiday season perhaps? Go for it!
I can remember GD’s song with your blog post title “light it up!” Haha. I can really tell that you’ve fallen inlove with chiang mai through your IG posts ate cams haha :) i wanna see it too :)
I can’t seem to remember what song that is haha!
Have a safe trip back home.
Iwanted to go there too but no budget.. hihihj
Awww wait for promos! :)