I’m taking a break from my Berlin travel diaries to share you with you some very important news. How important? So important that it might just make you a million pesos richer! Yes, you read that right. Count those zeros because your eyes aren’t fooling you! Keeping the promise of “Always More”, Watsons is giving away P1,000,000 cash and other prizes to loyal Watsons customers through its Win A Million promo! Isn’t that awesome? With Watsons, you not only get to look good but feel good too!
All you have to do to join is go to a Watsons store or The SM Store Beauty Section between now to October 22, 2014 and purchase a Watsons recommended product. For every P500 purchase, inclusive of any of the Watsons recommended participating brands, you are entitled to join the e-raffle upon registration and texting of entry.
Just one Watsons recommended product is enough, as long as your total purchase amounts to at least P500. This isn’t really all that hard to achieve since Watsons has all our favorite personal care and beauty products. In fact, when I went to Watsons’ SM Aura branch to join the promo, I was grabbing things left and right! I was so happy to find that most of my top beauty and skincare choices are part of the promo!
As you can see, you have plenty of Watsons recommended products to choose from like Dove, Creamsilk, Revlon, Gatsby, Olay, Ponds, Nivea, L’oreal, Sensodyne, Swish, Maybelline, Careline, Ever Bilena and more. Just look for the products with the “Watsons Recommends” sticker on them.
Since I’m addicted to my hair’s health nowadays, my loot included a new shampoo and conditioner. I stocked up on my favorite in-shower lotion from Nivea too!
I got a bit of makeup as well because a girl’s gotta look good!
Clearly, the shopping plus the possibility of winning a million got me in an extremely jolly mood. I think I might’ve infected Watsons’ helpful cashiers with it even! After paying for my purchases, I quickly registered by texting WATSONS REG <name/address/email> to 2948. (Example: WATSONS REG Camille Co/123 Blah Blah Street, Manila/[email protected])
Once registration was confirmed, I then texted WATSONS <invoice number/number of entries earned> to 2948 to submit my entry. Since my purchases amounted to P2000+, I got 4 entries. (Example: WATSONS 123456/4).
After getting a text confirmation of my submission, I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. Who knows, my lucky stars just might be listening. You should try your luck too! Check out the prizes below! You shouldn’t miss out! Promo is only until October 22, 2014. Visit Watsons’ website and Facebook page for full mechanics and other details.
Is there anybody there who could give me the site where the winners of the promo are posted?? Please
Hi camille, just wondering who got the 1million price?
I don’t know! :( Watsons announced it! :)
saw your basket it has olay white radiance. :) I’m using that one because of you and it effective. :)
It really is!
Thanks for letting us know Camille! I don’t want to miss this and besides it is so easy to join. I always buy products from Watsons. From shampoo to foot spray (head to toe :))
At least now you get the chance to win something pa! Good luck! :)
Hi Ate Camille! I love your smile while you are checking out at the cashier. I hope to see more of that. XD
Thanks Ammie!
your reaction akes me wanna join haha
Haha! :)
That’s a nice thing to share. Thanks a lot !
My pleasure! :)
hi ms camz!! can i request to you. i will be celebrating my 21st birthday! can you wear a red dress.. its my fav. color hope to see it on 10th of this month. :)
Oh no, I missed it! So sorry! :( Happy birthday though!
I must join too.Haha…must shop there..now na!
Wow. I just got home from my Watsons shopping Cams. Coincidence much? Yihee. My mom and I had to buy some of our skin care essentials and I saw all these posters. Lucky stars oh please! :)
Anne’s Scribbles and Doodles
Good luck Anne!
Such a cutie Ate Cams!! Will join the promo too teehee! :)
Good luck Yana!
I tell you m…..
it is an expression for good luck
I love how you live on 123 Blah Blah Street, Camille! Haha! Kidding aside, I like this promo! Watsons has a lot of my personal favorite skin care products like Cetaphil, Dove, Nivea and Neutrogena :) I’ll be sure to join soon!
You really look great when you’re smiling! Love ya
Thank you Mika! Haha! 123 blah blah street! :)
Oh i see! I’ve noticed it kanina ohhh but I don’t see “win a million” stickers at balloons. Yung recommended product lng :)
Oh! Join na!