Remember the third anniversary lunch date I mentioned here? Well, it’s definitely happening!!!! Except there are a few MAJOR changes–don’t worry, they’re for the better. Are you ready to find out what they are?
First of all, instead of just a dozen readers, I’m inviting THIRTY of you to go on a date with me. The kind people over at Early Bird Breakfast Club has agreed to prepare a 3-course meal for 30 of my sweetest and most loyal readers. You’re in for a feast you guys!!! Believe me.
Second, instead of a lunch date, we’re doing an early dinner date instead. It’ll be on April 30, 5:30 P.M. If you’re coming from work, don’t worry. You can still catch up. We’re ending by 8:00 P.M.
Third, I’m giving out goody bags to all the attendees! Thanks to our lovely sponsors–Goody, Smart, Melissa, Rabeanco, ZA, Majolica Majorca and SM Accessories. Yay!
Last but not the least, we’re not only celebrating my blog’s third anniversary, but we’re also celebrating my birthday and the launch of a little something I prepared for you. You’re the reason why this blog has become what it is now so to give back, I want you, the people who matter, to be the first to experience this “surprise”. I can’t wait to reveal what it is, seriously! But I must keep mum for now. Eeeep!
So there you have it! We’ve got the venue, the time and the agenda set. Although I’ve already shortlisted a few of you (the really active readers and those who left a comment on my previous blog post about this), I’m still looking to add more to the list. If you want to be one of them, all you have to do is leave a comment below with your full name, email address and 1-3 sentences explaining why I should pick you. Nothing too long please. Short but sweet is perfect! I’ll be choosing the lucky 30 this Wednesday so that those of you who live far away can have ample time to make arrangements.
P.S. I might not be personally around at the next Bloggers United this May so this is probably the only time I get to meet you this summer. :)
hi ate cams. :) I know its too late for this but I really wanna say that im super happy that you are blessed on what you have right now. im thankfull that I got the chance to be able to read your blog. I will always be your reader until forever. love you po. ps.: I really miss commenting here wala po kasing net sa bahay namin but I always read your posts and thats my daily routine:)
Aww thank you Maebs :) Sana magka internet na ulit! :)
I am going to have an early dinner date with you tom! Waaaaaa! Sobrang kabado pako nung bigla ikaw nga-dm! This is really happening. Now, I have a problem. :( What to wear? hahaha See you tom ms cams! :*
Erika Rone
[email protected]
Last day tomorrow. But can I be the 31st guest on your dinner? Ughh. Plsss FI, im still hoping. I wanna have fun with you! Really. Hope you can pick me. :*** you’re my inspiration!
I know I would not get picked but I’d like to tell you this anyway—-that I’ve always been a fan of yours and will be forever. Love you Camille! May you have a great celebration! ^^
Thank you Evelie :)
As much as I wanted to be part of the 30 lucky readers who’ll get to spend time with the most dashing blogger who inspires me to create my own blog, I know I just can’t be. :( It’s too sad I live in Cebu and I can’t fly to Manila because I’m on my 3rd trimester. I really wanted to meet you in person and I’m really hoping if not now maybe soon. ANyways, Happy birthday to you Fab Queen! ^_^
Lots of Love♥
It’s okay. Thank you Rica!
full name, email address and 1-3 sentences explaining why I should pick you
Jenny Esplana
[email protected]
Please pick me. I’m one of your big fan when it comes to fashion photography and make-up review. I really love the way how you show your happiness when I’m looking at your pictures and I really want to be like you someday so please pick meeeee :)))
Aww thanks Jenny but I already picked out the 30 :)
Maria Angelica Baroma
[email protected]
I badly want to be a part of your birthday dinner because I’ve always been a fan of yours, I read your blog pretty regularly and I’ve always loved everything that you post. I get a lot of fashion tips from you and I think you’re the only blogger here in Manila/Philippines that has this classy look and sophisticated in whatever she wears. I super adore everything about you and your blog. :)
Thank you Angel! :)
Hi ms beautiful camille ..huhu it’s too late for me to be part of the thirty winners on your birthday dinner.. :( I really wanna see you in person .. I’m always looking to your Instagram post..I love your style always .. Happy birthday ms Camille more birthday to come take care po..I will wait your another post on intagram and your blog ..
Thank you Precious :)
Iahahatid daw ako ng parents ko sa the fort FI, if i won? So hope you pick me. I’m still hoping. Really.. Lalo na sa not-so-sure slots na given. :”))))))) <3
Haha! Let’s see!
FI, i hope may slots pa na extra. Sa mga d makakapumta! Willing talaga ako magtravel, ihahatid ako ng parents ko sa the fort if ever! Please… Pick me! Im still hoping.
Hi Erika! Pag may magbackout :)
Dear Camille,
I’m Aizha, i am one of your silent admirer and reader of your blog. First, happy birthday!!! I am so happy that the there is someone like you in this world who inspires girls and women alike to feel comfortable with themselves and to dress elegantly through your tips in this blog and by just how you present yourself in the photographs. I thank God, for giving you another year, that would be another year of inspiring and blessing to every women in the world. Stay happy, vibrant and positive.
Lots of love,
Thank you Aizha :)
I am too late. HUHU.
I want to join you on your special dinner because I have been a fan since you started blogging on Tumblr. I even collected some of your press releases and dedicated a “Camille Co only” box and I even bought a pin to show my admiration! Not only I admire your style but also your genuine heart and awesome personality. :)
I know it’s late but I am still hoping I could join you. I am willing to travel all the way from Laguna just to meet you again. Happy Anniversary to your blog and Happy Birthday to you! May God give you more blessings. I love you, Miss Camille! :)
Patricia Hernandez
[email protected]
Awww that is so cute! :) Thank you Pat :)
Hi Camille! I’ve been a loyal reader and fan of yours. I don’t comment always but I always get so excited when you reply to my comments :’) And I follow your posts on your instagram and lookbook.
I know I’m too late but giving this a shot in case because I really wanna meet you! I think you deserve the success of your blog because you really are a fashion icon to me. You can pull off ANYTHING. To me you have the most fashion forward blog that I know of and I really admire the confidence you have in wearing your clothes. I wish to discover my style just like you’ve discovered yours. Thank you Camille, and more power to your blog. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Aww thanks Mara!
25th rather. too bad with dates. haha. :((
it’s the 26th. think I’m too late for this. :(
Maligayang kaarawan! Malinaw na hindi nasagot na ito, ngunit sa papaano mang paraan sa kasalukuyan libu-libong milya ang layo. Siguro sa susunod na taon ;)
Sa susunod! :)
Hi Camille,
When I came across this, what struck me is your genuine desire to connect with your readers. I truly appreciate the fact of you going the extra mile to know us more, to build relationships, and to express your gratitude. I believe this is what makes you successful and loved. Thank you and hoping to meet you soon :)
Thank you Karina :)
Maria Ysavel Sanchez
[email protected]
Hi Ms. Camille! Though I’m a silent reader on your blog, I really want to meet you. Pretty please, can you pick me? Happy 3rd Anniv to your blog and Happy Birthday! Be a blessing. xoxo ♥
Thank you Sam! :)
Im so sad right now.. Like broken hearted.. Ive been hoping to recieve your email.. Just uhgghh.. So sad.. You made me cry.. Its just you know sad.. Like ive been reading all your blog as in wala akong namissed.. Though im not active on making comments just because minsan backlog na ko ng 1to 2mos.. Haay.. Maybe malas lang talaga ako..
Check your email please :)
ito po una ko makapunta sa blog mo gusto ko ma meet ka in person hehe gusto ko din maging blogger some day :(
nurse na blogger pero lalaki ah lalaki ako haha :D crush na kita wohohoho pick me please?
Haha! Wow! A boy! Sorry I picked na the 30 :(
hi ms.camille..OMG.. you have asked me if i can go to manila..YES!!! a very big YES!.. is an honor to meet you and have dinner with you..
Awww I picked my 30 na :(
(I can’t reply on my comment so I will just reply here)
Yes ate Camille I’m the one who posted the picture of your bookmark, I’ve been always inspired by that :) gusto ko po kasing maging stylist eventhough I;m a nursing student and sabi ko when I read my books, I will be like her someday :)))) share ko lng po :)
Happy Birthday again and Happy Anniversarry to your blog. I’ve been a reader since the last three years na po pla, ang bilis pla ng oras :) Even I haven’t receive any emails from yu, I’m still hoping, but still If I’m not lucky enough, I know that there would be a lot of next time, a lot of time to chat with you and see you :)) God bless you more Ms. Camille :)) Stay as positive as you are :)) We love you :)) and we were all here to support you all the way :)))
Enjoy your dinner :) (but I’m still hoping)
Rocel Dana :))) <3
Awwww thanks Rocel :)
* so do you still remember me (sorry mejo tensed na ako ate
Hi ate Cams!! So you still remember my me? We first met when you were at Tomato, Glorietta branch. I was like “Hi I’m kamille!” And you said “Galang?”. Super duper kiligs talaga that time! Anyway, you know how I love your blog and YOU. Your blog is the only blog that I am subscribing and you will always be my first love among any bloggers in this world! I hope I still get the chance to be picked for your dinner! I will definitely oray for that! I love youuu ❤️ – kamille G
Awww thanks Kamille! Yes I remember! :) Kasi I picked my 30 na :(
But if it’s a NO for you, it would be okay. I understand. :) THANK YOU!!
Yay thanks for inviting me. But Ate can i ask something?.. Can i also bring my friend? Mom doesn’t allow me to go alone because Tarlac is so far from the venue. But don’t worry about the food or something ate.. We’ll share nalang po. She also wants to meet you.. Sorry for being like this. Hoping for your kind consideration.
Sorry but fully booked kasi the venue :( Maybe she can wait for you? It’s a mall naman so I’m sure she’ll have fun shopping! :)
Yes the concert was epic thank you so much Ms. Camille :)x By the way Have you already sent emails to the 30 lucky winners?? I give you the wrong email :(
Yes I have :)
Hi Ms. Camille ., maybe its too late but still i want you to know that i’m your no. 1 since from the start ., actually its my first time to comment on your blog since i’m just a new subscriber of your blog coz we dont have net on the province,. i can only access you through tv commercial and in the magazines .,
i REALLY WANT TO MEET YOU in person., coz i really like you , your my idol and at the same time one of my inspiration., even if i think you already choose those 30persons , i’m still hoping that we can meet someday ., but it would be a great opportunity for me if ill be one of those 30persons who could be with you .,
hope you’ll read my post ., such an honor for me and so happy at last i already leave a message on your blog and you’ll gonna read it ., Im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO1000x HAPPY ., STAY AN INSPIRATION TO US MS. CAMILLE ., cant wait for your comment/s.., GOD BLESS YOU .,
Thank you Glecyl! :)
huhu..gusto talaga manalo.Sana may pag-asa pa :(
Baka may next time! :)
Hi Ms Cams! I hope you choose me. I’m still crossing my fingers as I’ve said on twitter. huhu. :(()))
Ma. Eunicia Q. Balba //
[email protected]
Awww hopefully there will be a next time :)
awww. my heart was broken for the nthhh time huhubels :((( pero may chance pa,sana may hindi magconfirm mehehehe. habang may buhay may pagasa pa para mameet ka ate cams huhu.
-carmina fernando
[email protected]
Haha! Awww
Hi Ate Camille. I hope I’m not too late.You must choose me because you will never meet anyone like me in any part of the world.
Haha! Aww I already chose :)
Krisha Masigan
Hello Ms Camille!
Advance Happy Birthday! I hope I’m not too late to submit my entry because I really want to greet you personally *wink* if you pick me *wink*. Kidding aside, I want to thank you for inspiring us with your fashion style. I only dress with simple pieces but whenever I want to jazz it up, your site seems to be my library for advice.
Thank you again and advanced Happy Birthday! :)
Awww thank you Krisha!
Rochelle Margaret Janine Vale
[email protected]
Well for starters, I want to greet you a Happy Happy birthday Cams.
I wouldn’t lie to you and say that I read you blog everyday BUT(Yes Caplock para intense haha!) I always make sure to catch up on the entries you post every now and then. And I know you already have your 30 so I’m not that hopeful that you’ll pick me. (Who am I kidding? I’m hopeful af. Haha!) I KNOW I got that from you, the drifting apart for a few seconds hahaha! Anyways, I just want to say that it’s been an AWESOME three years of blogging for you and I remeber that by December 2011, as I read your bio, I hear my self saying that “Yes, 2011 is definitely for you”. And I also remeber that September 2011 was the month that I fell in love with you haha! It was actually at the candy fair when I saw you at stage and I’m telling my friends that “OMG! Si Camille Co yan! Sikat yan sa Lookbook!”. (I first saw you at lookbook at around April 2011 and checked your blog immediately, see I was here from the very start hahaha!)
Okay this is way too long. All I’m asking for now, is that please reply to this(Demanding haha) and I hope you still might consider inviting me for the dinner. Thanks Cams! :))
Awww thank you Neen! :) It’s not demanding :) Hopefully next time!
I know its too late :p but can I still express my thoughts? :p
Well, you’re the only reason why I wanted to be a blogger. I brag everyhing about you to my friends. Your fashion sense really captured my attention. Whenever my students asked me about my idol, I told them itscamilleco. :pp They go gaga and search about you :) I hope to meet you next time! :) Happy Birthday! :))))
Awww thank you Michelle! :) So sweet!
I know it’s never to late to greet you a happy birthday!
#sendingthiswhileintheoffice :)
#gladIwasn’tcoughtbymysupervisor :)
LOL! Thanks Cristy! :)
It’s been almost a year since I bump here in your blog and whoever or whatever made me visit ur site is a blesing because he/she/that became the way to find out your blog that made a big impact in my life. Reading your blog becomes a habit then an addiction later on (lol) you inspire me not to buy lots of clothes or be a fashionista like you but to be a better version of me ( my confidence, creativeness, braveness to mix different piece of clothes) what I really want to become when I grow up to be like you, successful stylist, designer, blogger, traveling to any places, posing in front of the camera and I know I’m on the first step in that dream someday it will all come true. That is why Im looking forward to see my style icon, favorite blogger, role model, to talk about anything about blogging, and to thank you personally for what have you done in my life. I love you, happy birthday Ms.Camille ♥
Izza Samantha Manlutac
[email protected]
Thank you Izza! :)
Jucel Adelyn Tornea
[email protected]
Hi Ms. Camille! I hope this is not too late but I will still try hihi! First of all, Happy Birthday and I wish you the best and many more birthdays to come.
Honestly, this past few days, I was (and still am) into your blog reading your posts and it got me inspired because I’m starting a fashion blog of my own and I really don’t have any idea how to manage. And I think this dinner date with you is a perfect moment to get to know you personally and maybe you could teach us tips about the ‘this’ and ‘that’ of fashion. Having a blogger like you to be our mentor would be a great opportunity.
Hopin’ to be one of the lucky thirty :)
God Bless po!
Thank you Jucel! :) Kaya mo yan :) Just show the world what you’re passionate about!
Hi Ms. Camille!
Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best in the world, Happiness and Good Health. I think you have it all na kaya yan ang mga wish ko for you. I don’t know pero sana it’s not too late for me to join and greet you for your birthday.
I want to win this because who wouldn’t want to see you, have to eat at the same table and bond with you? Parang wala naman so there. Hope you could pick me and have the chance to meet you.
Thanks and God bless! :)
Thank you Essa :)
Jasmine locsin
[email protected]
Hope I’m not yet too late Happy anniversary to your blog :)
Thanks Jasmine!
I know your choosing now.I hope im one of them.xoxo
I will nnot sleep till I got your email! :( #hoping
Well to all my loyal readers outt there, if ever (if ever langna we don’t receive an email) let’s go at the place nalang. Let’s wait foms cams nalang tapos fdahil early dinner date yun at kng hindi talaga tayo mapili, let’s have an midnight snack nalang! Hahaha at east kasama padin si ms cams. :-*
It’s okay Ate Cams, we understand!! :D There’s always a next time! (Hopefully, hihi <3 )
Hi Ms. Camille!
First of all, I wanna greet you a Happy Belated Birthday!
I’m always visiting your blog! I love you so much! I love your style. You Are my favorite fashion blogger. You are my inspiration. I really want to meet you you seem like a really sweet person. Hoping me and my cousin to be part of the 30 lucky winners on your Birthday dinner! pleaaasseee me and my cousin clarizza really wanna meet you real soon oneday!!! Xxx By the way do you still remember me?? I’m the one who won your ticket giveaway on #MacklemoreRyanLewis concert :)xx
Thank you Jasmine! :) I heard the concert was awesome! Hope you enjoyed it!
I’m feeling so anxious :( I keep checking my email huhuhuhu. Well, if it’s not for me then it’s okay :) though it would really break my heart :( butt as Gus Waters said “it would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you” :) <3
If someone doesn’t confirm, may chance pa :) So sorry!! I really wanted to invite more! :)
The emails have been sent from a secret email I created. :) I’ll be waiting for confirmations until April 25 so make sure to check your inbox and spam folders. If someone doesn’t confirm by the 25th, I’ll be giving his/her slot to someone else. :)
I know this is late but I want you to choose me because of my 5 reasons. 1st: I joined the blogging thing bcoz you’ve been one of my inspirations, 2nd: It will be an honor to be one of the lucky 30 who’ll join you for a dinner (what a shocking moment was that), 3rd: Omg! When I first saw you at the Candy Fair 2013 you look like a Living Barbie Doll and I love your bangs plus the hair color!! :D 4th: I’m not that kind of person who Idolized people but I do get inspired to them and you were one of those people I got inspired to especially on your success on being a blogger. Well, I’m still thinking how did you to that? :D =)) and the last but not the least 5th: April 30 will be a big day and it’s also your belated birthday celebration and I want to be part of that day even though we’re not friends ( well im hoping to be friends w/ you). If I weren’t chosen well I might get angry with you (just kidding) I will greet you a Happy happy happy happiest birthday! I know you have all what you need but I’m still wishing you all happyness in all your life and Thank you for being an inspiration to all bloggers like me and Enjoy that night!!;-)
Jessa Victoria M. Magtoto
[email protected]
Thanks Jessa <3
And Ms. Camille, it is this year tht I started to lose weight, learn how to apply make up, try dresses. I hope that you can help me have a good start. Happy Birthday. Thank you. Stay pretty and happy. :)
Happy for you Alyzza! :)
i dont know what happen to my previous comment. but as i’ve said better late than never huh?! so happy happy birthday to the lady who introduced me to instagram (humaling na po ako) hehehe! i wish you all the best that life has to offer! thank you for being an inspiration to me & to thousand others. im still hoping to meet & greet you…saw you once during the close-up kick-off party but was stunned to your beauty kaya ayun po na pa nganga na lang ako…maybe this is the perfect time. god bless you and your family today & always! ❤
Haha! :) Thank you Camille :) Wag masyadong nganganga! Baka may langaw :)
Ever since I got started bloging last year. I always do check your blog na ever since I told to myself this ‘camille tries to blog’ realy influence me in pursuing my dreams. Yung tipong your afraid to start in making your dreams cause you don’t know if people around you will support you. Bu twhen I I read yourblog you taught ofme of not being scared to show other people in pursuing my dream and passsion. Its not just about the style or the fashion but its about your personal life that you’ve started to inspire u since day 1 of your blog. Hope to see you on the 30th!
[email protected]
Thank you Chin <3
I hope that I am not yet late. It’s still April 23. Ms. Camille, I’m really praying that you’ll let me join. This is the first time that I joined something like this. It would really be a fun and learning experience to meet you in person. I am a young pro who’s having problems with how I dress. This really affects my confidence. :( It would be great to have the chance to talk to you and meet you. Hope that you’ll notice me. :(
Thanks Alyzza :)
[email protected]
Its still wednesday right so i hope i can still join your contest but if its already over. Its okay. Still i want to greet you belated happy birthday. At first i am not a fan of bloggers but the first blogger i discovered was you. You inspired to dress well, mix and match my clothes. You’re style is so classy at the same very fashionable. I hope to attend to this dinner because i personally want to ask you on how to dress even if i am kind of chubby and not fond of wearing skirts. Thank you and more power. :)
Thank you Eunice :) There’s always a way to work around any body type!
Hi Ate Cams!!! I’ve been your fan for almost half and a year now. I’ve witnessed all your Fashion achievements and success through the years. You’ve always been my Fashion Icon and Fashion Inspiration that I really look up too. Your like an Angel to me because youre one of the reason why I’ve got my first ever magazine feature for F21 which I’ve won in one of your contest here on your blog. Its really a life changing experience for me that’s why I really wanna Thank you! Its also heart warming that you’ve got to sign on my own copy of that magazine last #BU6 where I always got the chance to see you and take a photo with you. I dont have any sister that’s why everytime I read your blog its really like finding the best Ate in you. Others may think that I’m too “feeling close” for calling you Ate but that what I really feel for you. We may not be that close but I can really feel that I can have the best Ate in you. Hope I can be with you in the celebration of your 3rd Blog Anniversarry and also your 26th Birthday. Keep inspiring a lot of Filipina, Ate Cams even in your most passionate Fashion Endeavor. Hope to see youin the 30th. It would he the Best Birthday and Thesis gift for me. I love you forever ♡ God Bless =)
Awww how sweet of you Glaiza! Thank you :)
Hi ms Camille! I am 7yrs old..I already met you several times (coexist shop) & was lucky enough to have a pic with u. since then I would join my ate whenever she checks ur site..How I wish I can be a blogger like u when I grow up.Anyway, happy bday! I know I am too young for d party, but if I will be given a chance, promise I will behave hahahah!
Phoebe faith Pe Benito
[email protected]
Wow! 7! So young! :)
Katherine Grace Orcine
[email protected]
Hi Ms. Camille,
Happy birthday and happy blog anniversary! Your blog has been my inspiration for ideas in my blog. I want to learn more about blogging and it would be best to learn from the expert, of course you. Thank you for inspiring us, girls to pursue our passion. ♥
Thank you Janina :)
Hi Ms. Camille! Am I late? Argghh!
Yes :(
is it done Ate Camille? :(
cherry tan
[email protected]
please pick me :D i really want to meet you in person and have some bonding moments also with the other girls/
Hello Ms. Camille Co seeing you is really a dream come true, i’m just a new reader of yours and i’ve been inspired. I hope even if i don’t get picked i want you to be my designer when i’m 18. I’m only thirteen by the way. You’ll be very succesful because you make your readers happy. We love you Ms. Camille ❤️
Wow! So young! I’d love to be your designer when you turn 18! :)
Name:Rocel Dana Mae B. Alulod
Email: [email protected]
Hi! Ms. Camille I’m your forever fan, eventhough sometimes I haven’t able to left a comment on your post but I still make it a point to read your blog post. I printed all of our pictures and most of your pictures are on my gadgets and it would be nice to have a picture of us having a dinner together. I saw you twice on BU amd bazaar but I never had a chance to talk with you but I like too.
It would be sad that you won’t be able to come on the next BU
I will keep your bookmark forever :)))
Thank you Rocel! :) You were the one who posted a photo of my bookmark! :)
oh gosh this is a tough one. you have like 225 commenters (and counting). i want to take my sister with me if i win (wishful thinking)! she actually introduce your blog to me a few years back. and i’ve been visiting ever since (but just recently been active). hope you pick me (or my shobe)!
happy birthday and happy anniversary!
erika chua
[email protected]
Thank you Erika! Yes this is so hard!
Hi Ms. Camille! Still remember me? The one who not yet claimed my prize. XD
This is one of my dreams, meeting personally my favorite fashion bloggers and I’m extremely hoping na matupad ang isa sa mga pangarap ko and if ever na mangyari, isa nako sa super duper luckiest person. Thank you so much Miss Camille :)
Oh yes!!! Sayang ang prize!
I’m superduper feeling nervous right now! -_- sa lakas ngkabbog ng heart beat ko. Magaaply nako sa Early bird breakfast club na yan. Haha just to see you. Pero syempre iba parin yung kasama ka sa dinner parrty mo diba? I’ll be happy pa ngga na maging emcee dto sa dinner date na yan.yung tipong sana hindi hangang pangarap nalang yung makita ka in person at makakwentuhan ka between the things that we both love! I wish God will grant mywish. :-* love you to infinity and beyond!
Hahaha! :) Ang cute mo!
Hi ms.Camille! :) please choose me because you’ve been one of my fashionspirations even though I’m a mom of 3 already. I know being a mom is not a hindrance to being a fashionista right? With your help, the word mom for me is synonymous to the word fashionista. I look up to you when it comes to style because yours are just so classy and totally fab. Hands down Ms. Camille! ☺️
Thank you Joan! Yes, definitely! I look up to moms. You guys are super!!! :)
Hi Camille! Happy Birthday! I’v ebeen following you on Lookbook since 2011 and have been a fan ever since. My brother and I saw you at BU last year and I really fangirled (though I hope it wasn’t too obvious) because I’ve always wanted to see you. Bought loads of accessories from your stall that time and I really hope to see you again because you have served as a fashion, beauty, blogging and female empowerment inspiration to me, a lot like a big sister actually (something I never had growing up). I hope you have a great, blessed year ahead!
Thank you Twila :) Glad to be your fake big sister! :)
Hi, Ms.Camille! I am a 7yrs old ms. Camille Co fan. I met you in your shop several times (for my ate`s prom gown and was lucky enough to have a pic with u). Since then I would join my ate whenever she visits your blog site. Wish I can be like you when I grow up. I maybe too young for the party, but I wish I can be one of them. (Promise I will be a good girl po, hihi). anyway, happy bsay ms. Camille!
phoebe faith Pe Benito
[email protected]
Awwww! 7! So young! :) Yes be a good girl please :)
Hi Miss Camille! Hope I’m not yet too late! and sana di ka mahabaan sa kwento ko. Haha! I got excited going home after seeing this post a while ago. It was during office hours that I’ve seen this so, I was careful that my boss would not see me not doing my work. Hindi ko lang talaga matiis na hindi bisitahin ang! Hahaha! I’ve been an active follower since 2013 by the way!
Last time I went to see you was your meet and greet at Tomato Glorietta. I traveled all by myslef from Marikina to Makati just to meet you and even take a picture of you and your gorgeous outfit! As I arrive at Glorietta, I felt nervous and excited to finally meeting you. I looked for Tomato and asked people where it was and voila! I found it! Even before entering, I got starstrucked as I saw you being surrounded by a lot of people, mostly women. I didn’t know how to approach, and it took me about an hour just walking around outside Tomato while looking at you and waiting for an opening where in you’ll not be busy. Pero lagi ka may kausap and patapos na yung meet and greet, so I decided to go home without making a move. Shy type kasi talaga ako lalo sa ultimate crush ko. :(
As I go home, I didn’t feel disappointed, but rather with a smile on my face, hanggang Marikina! Hahaha. Sarap sa feeling ng finally nakita na kita in person. I’m not hoping for a slot in your Dinner(sa dami ba naman ng kaagaw ko! Haha) I would be happy just by greeting you a Happy Birthday and Happy Blog Anniversary! :D
Awww thank you Cyf! :) For your patience as well :)
you’re my fashion inspiration and I hope that you continue to inspire girls like me. :) (Anyway. I hope you still remember me, it’s me “NAT”. :)
It would be an honor if I’ll be given a chance to be a part of your dinner party. :)
Natalia Benablo
[email protected]
Thank you Nat! Yes I do!
I want to see you in Personal, to greet you too. I like how you dress and I love fashion too. You made me become Lil’ Fashionista. I know its too late to answer/reply. HBD!
Thanks Chrisselle!
Hi Ms. Camille!
I hope I’m not yet late :-/
Anyways, you’re one of the few Filipino Bloggers I really look up to. You’re one of my inspiration that’s why I took up Fashion Design! And.. At SoFA too! You’re really stunning when I saw you at the campus last time even at the BU. Would love to be with you and the rest of your readers on celebrating your blog’s anniv and your birthday!!
[email protected]
Thank you Vince :)
I would love to have dinner with you Camille! Why? I’ve been here since the beginning, I mean since your started blogging. I believed in you fashion and personality speaking. Your the kindest blogger I met in person.
Remember when I tweeted that your my favorite local blogger and Rumi Neely for foreign. I remember you replied iba yung leveling! HAHA. Well even now heaven knows how much I believed and look up to you! So if would be a perfect birthday gift for me to if I got the chance to meet you again.
Melanie Esponilla
[email protected]
Yes! Haha I remember! Thanks Melanie :)
First of all, belated happy birthday ms. Camille :) i have always been a big fan of your style not just because of the clothes but the justice you give to each and every piece that you wear. You really know how to show yourself thru these pieces and thru your writing. You are really an inspiration to all women out there. Thank heaven that you have been sent :)
Thank you Gellina!
I can’t reply on our thread!!!
HUHUHUHU this is so nerve-wracking!!!
I may just be one of your admirers/readers, but I know that my utmost support, as well as your other readers, is felt by my lovely inspiration, Ms. Camille Co. It’s not everyday that we get to spend some quality time with our inspiration, but I’m really hoping to be part of this event. You don’t know how much you’ve influenced us. Congratulations on your blog and HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D
Jam Tan
[email protected]
Will forever be one of Camille’s angels <3
Thanks Jam! :)
Hoping, crossed fingers, I’m still not late yet. =(((((((((((( my heart beats like drum now
:) Soon!
As much as I want to have a dinner with you, I can’t. :(
But I hope you enjoy your birthday dinner. :)
You’re my favorite blogger, one of my girl crushes and one of the few people I look up to. Everytime na mag-comment ako dito, lagi kang may reply kaya lagi rin akong kinikilig. (Hahaha) Kahit yung mga comment ko “feeling close” ako, nirereplyan mo pa rin kaya feeling ko friends na tayo. I hope makita kita in person. :)
Friends na tayo! :) Thanks kim! :)
Ms. Camille, when i first saw you.. i was inspired to cut my bangs like yours. ♥ my classmates keep asking me why, and i simply replied that it’s all because of you. I even blogged about you :) Anyway, im not expecting to be chosen since i live far away.. But im really hoping that you’ll notice this.
Keep your star shining! :)
Thank you Darla! I definitely noticed this :)
Just found you in a college magazine together with Ms. Kryz Uy, you two really caught my attention because of your fashion sense and also your looks then I search for your names in the internet (luckily I found it) and since then I’ve become an avid fan of yours :-)Seeing your endorsements(commercial,billboard,etc.) makes me proud and gives me more reason to admire you <3 Hope to see you soon! God bless and more power to you.
Thank you Jasmine :)
Still hopong still praying still crossing my fingers..
Meeting you in person is really on my bucket list! Why do I have to. Let pass this chancce? Mag wewelgga talaa ako kapag di ako nakasama dto. Hahaaha
Please please ms camile! :))))
Ay may threat! Haha! :)
Happy birthday, THE Camille Co! I’ve been a reader since 2011 if I’m not mistaken, haha. But I really love your blog even before you have so many endorsements. Never pa kita naabutan sa Bloggers United, I bought the magazine which isa ka sa cover girls, gusto ko ipasign yun pero I was unlucky kasi di kita lagi naabutan. :( I want to join your birthday dinner, kasi I want to be part of the special event na sobrang mahalaga para sayo. Hehe. I want to greet you a happy happy birthday! Wish you all the happiness and more success on your blogging career. :) good health, physically, mentally, and socially healthy! Thank you for being an inspiration samin! Since mango it girl pa, sinusuportahan ka na talaga. :)
Charlote Gail V. Ventosa
[email protected]
Thank you Charlotte :)
Ms. Camille my bad! Mali ung nalagay kong email hehe.. it’s [email protected] not
Hi miss camille! I hope it wont be too late! Im jennilyn canete([email protected]) from cebu. Please pick so i could greet you a happy birthday
Thanks Jennilyn!
Patty Villegas
[email protected]
Hi Ate Cams. :))
I would just like to say that you are one of the main reason why I started my blog and “Camille Tries to Blog” has been my inspiration since then. I’ve seen you on different events, approached you, and you never fail to smile and say hi. What an epitome! I’ll be celebrating my 20th birthday soon and it would be such an honor to a have a pre birthday gift by letting me celebrate your dual celebration on the said special date. Love you!!
Patty :))
Thank you Patty! Advance happy birthday!
It’s been almost a year ago when I first bump in your blog and whatever made me visit your site is a blessing to me because he/she/that became the way to see a different world in fashion of course you really made a big impact to my life. When I started reading your blog and became my addiction you inspire me not to buy clothes or be a fashionista like you but to become a better me (boost my confidence, create my own style). That is why I’m looking forward to see you in person to talk with my style icon and to thank you personally for what have u done to my life. HAPPY BDAY MS CAMILLE ♥
Thank you Izza! :)
Hi *ate* Camille!
I’ve greeted you during your birthday(which is my mom’s too!) and I just wanted to say, again, Happy Birthday! I remember reading your blog back when I was still in junior high and now that i’m in college, your fashion really inspired me. I’m not that typical slim/sexy/thin-teenage girl that can re-create your looks easily. I’m a plus size which makes me a different fashionista(if that’s what it’s called). But hopefully, I get to know more about the things that a plus-sized girl must have and must not have. I’m very thankful that you came in the fashion and blogging industry. And you did success on that matter. Wishing you all the best Camille! :)
Thank You so much Camille! And God bless you. :)
Daybee G. Lazarte
[email protected]
Thank you Daybee! We are all beautiful and fashionable, no matter what size :) Love your attitude!
I dont know what to say!!! it’s been days since i last checked on your blog due to internet constraints! i hope that i am never too late!!! <3
Here it goes….
OH MY IT'S REALLY HARD TO START typing all of my feelings when I am so overwhelmed for this "giving back party" of yours. you've been such an inspiration. HOW CAN I EVEN UNLOVE YOU? how can I even unlove a Camille Co. THE camille co rather!. Im not the rich type but when I last went to BU, I havent got the chance to see you! I was so devastated because of that. And I m hoping that this is the chance to see you and if im lucky, EAT WITH YOU!!!! (imagine that! <3) I have been reading your blog since I was in my first year in College and now that I am in my third yeAR, I just really wanted to see you and know you more personally!!! Im from Tarlac and even though we're not rich, my mom is willing to Give me transportation fee Because she Approved of my love for my favorite blogger! I wouldnt want to miss this… I hope I'd know you more. here that precious voice ad Hug you!!! thats the important part. even though i wont eat! just hug you, thats enough. so PLEASE!? Happy birthday! xx you've been my imaginary ate for years now. It's still your birthmonth so HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I loveyou ate
Awww that’s so sweet of your mom :) Thank you Jasmine! :)
[email protected]
I wanna win this so hopefully i can take a good closeup picture of you and hopefully an autograph to give to my cousin who really adores you. She’s going in high school next school year and i want to give her an inspiration. :)
Awww thanks Aira!
omg Camille you’re choosing now! I hope you’ll pick me! I really want to meet you :((
So hard!
Abigail Chang
[email protected]
I’ve always been an avid fan of yours, from the first blog posts of this amazing blog: through the postcards you post, the edgy ootds of yours to the different giveaways you generously share to your readers . I would want to have a dinner with you because I believe you are one of the reasons, alongside with Miss Laureen Uy, Miss Tricia Gosingtian, etc, why I changed the way I dress up, because before I would be happy by just picking anything from my closet, now I pay attention to details, color and comfortability as well. I would love to meet you personally and give a personalized gift to you. God bless!
Thank you Abigail!
Because I love you.
Sweet! Thank you Aika :)
Kinakabahan ako. Hahahaha I know you’re choosing now. :(
Forgot to put my email hahaah [email protected]
Oh please Lord I hope I can be with you on the 30th!
John Rodney Flores
Fab. Blonde. Rich. Sexy. Skinny. Beautiful. Perfect. Gorgeous. Adorable. My Idol (a hundred and one. Tall. Sweet. Kind. All in One! I love you Camille! :*
Thank you John!
i’m the girl who asked for a photo with you during the cotton on go see (when we were asked to catwalk) hehe!i hope you remember me :(
Ack! I’m thinking very hard!
Hello Cams! I’m an Accountancy student (that’s poles apart from fashion blogging and styling)but I am forever in love with fashion. When people ask me who my style inspiration is, I would say ‘my bestie, Camille Co.’ XD And you know what, it would really be great to finally meet my bestie in person. XD Plus perfect getaway from numbers and my routine life. XOXO, Janey.
Haha awww thanks Janey! My sister is a CPA!
Hi! Ate camille.
Happy Birthday and Happy 3rd blog anniversary.
I’m your avid reader here in Bacolod city.
I’ve been visiting your blog since 2011. When ate Lissa kahayon mentioned your blog I immediately checked it out and fall in love with your wide array of fashion style and ideas.
Hoping to meet you in person. :)
Thanks Karina :)
Have you chosen the 30 lucky people who’ll get to dine with you??? HUHUHUHUHUHU :(((( (still hoping) haha!
Choosing now~ :)
Hi Ms.Camille please pick me i wanna meet you! lagi kong sinusundan mga posts mo sa instagram ang galing galing mo kasi pumorma eh sana nga someday maging katulad kita magaling pumorma. Please pick me :)
Thanks Alda!
im dying to meet youuuuu pretty pleaseee??? hehe! Wishin’ and hopin’ and thinkin’ and prayin’
Plannin’ and dreamin’ each day for your charm,(napakanta nalang ng dustyspringfield) hehe :)
Haha! :)
Ah. Can’t reply sa comment mo. I. am. already. in? Waah! Honestly, I tried to avoid checking your blog every other minute yesterday since I should do some homeworks. Di din ako nakatiis and I’m glad I did. Seriously, I freaked out. Haha! My sister who was halfway on the stairs went to back to me to check what happen. “Akala ko kung ano nang nangyari sayo eh,” she said. What more if the email arrives pa? Haha! Thank you so much ate Cams! I will really do my best to be there! :)
Hahaha how cute! :)
Belated Happy Birthday Ms. Camille!!! And congratulations to your blog as well!
OMG OMG! I really want to meet you again (Just like the meet&greet that you did last January in Cebu) and this dinner chuchu is the perfect moment haha But sadly I am islands away from you.
I am your NUMBER 1 FAN FOREVS!!! /Though I am a silent reader of your blog hehe.
You have been my phone’s wallpaper since I-can’t-remember hahaha And I always tag you on IG about it.
/If you can remember :)
I love you po and your style. Continue inspiring others with your awesome style and personality!
Thank you Mary! Sayang you’re far far away!
Happy bday! Mango “it” girl. Way to go. More surprises. Beautiful, inside-out, Gid bless, Cams.
Awww thank you Dong! :) Mango <3
Hi Miss Camille! I hope you’ll pick me for I am your super fan! I always check your posts, tweets, and I follow you on all your accounts! I admire your work and your sense of fashion. You’re the best and I wish you all the best on your very special day! If I get picked, it would be the best thing in the world and one of the things I want to achieve before I die!:)))
Happy Birthday!
Sharmaine Marie Abarquez
[email protected]
Talagang before you die? Haha! Thank you Sharmaine!
Happy Birthday to my favorite blogger of all time! Thank you for being my fashionspiration :) I wish you all the best. You are deserving of everything you have right now because you are a beautiful person inside and out. I hope that you continue to inspire people like me. Im always present at Blogger’s united but didnt get a chance to meet you since umuuwi ako ng Bulacan ng weekends, maaga ako umaalis and Im always sad na and Im telling myself ” Hay, di ko nanaman nakita si Camille Co. Huhubels” Sana this will be a good opportunity to finally meet you and to have a photo ops with you :) I love youuuuuuuu so much!
Carmina Fernando :)
[email protected]/[email protected]
Thank you Carmina! :) Maybe!
Full name: Loren Kaye Ostia
Email: [email protected]
Sorry to flood you with my comments Ms. Cams. Hihi. I’m just happy that though you don’t me (us) personally, you we’re still able to answer/reply from this. Thanks for inspiring a lot of women. May you continue to share happiness not just through your blog but also in connecting with us. Advance Happy Birthday! Hoping to be part of your much-awaited dinner! Haha! (Fingers-crossed) I love you forevs Ms. Cams! :))
No need to say sorry! :) Thank you Loren :)
Liezel Aldecoa
[email protected]
I want to be part of your anniv/birthday celebration because you’re that blogger who made me realize that I should do the things that will make me happy. You made me realize also that if people judge me then i should not be listening to them instead I need to do my best and enjoy my life with positivity. :)
Happy Happy Birthday Camille! :)
Stay humble and inspiring :)
Thank you Liezel :)
Hi Ms. Cams, I was just wondering po kung kelan niyo po isesend ung email invite for this event? Hihi thanks. Hope to see you this April 30!
Hi May! Hopefully tomorrow night or Friday :)
Hi Miss Camille aist yoko sana mag comment, im just a silent reader here, i dont comment on every post u have, i just read and appreciate and amazed..hahaha pero inggit ako eh..gusto ko din sana kita makita and ma greet personally!! Hopefully..crossed fingers and toes!! :D :P
– [email protected]
Haha! Pati toes! :) Thanks Ai-Ai!
I admire you not just as a blogger but mostly, as a designer. I am in awe of every design that you post here on your blog or just a glimpse of it on Instagram so I am looking forward to setting up my appointment with you as a Coexist bride. I also admire how you keep it real which shows when you post travel posts with your friends as well. Keep doing what you’re doing Cams!
Thank you Nessa! Hopefully you’ll be a Coexist bride! :)
Joy Tocayon
[email protected]
You have wonderful heart, Camille! I hope I can really join the birthday dinner. I will treasure it forever!!! How time flies to just see your blog starting and now, you are one of the top bloggers in the country. You have a big heart, beautiful fashion inspiration and an awesome blog! And can I say you are truly, truly gorgeous?! Happy birthday! Hope to see you soon. xoxo
Thank you Joy :)
Oooh you have no idea how that reply made me feel Cams! I feel super awesome today. Yung parang bigla ako nagkaron ng super powers. LOL! I’m so happy you feel that way para na akong naka-jackpot sa lotto. hahaha! ^_^ If I do get invited I’ll try my best to make it work. I really hope the stars and the odds are in my favor. ;)
Hopefully you’ll find a way :)
Joy Tocayon
[email protected]
Madame!! :) Happy Birthday. This message might be too late (compared to tons of messages from your sweet followers) but hey, better late than never! :) You know what, youre very blessed. A lot of girls would die to be on your position or to where you are now and with what you have become. The first time I read your blog (ofcourse I would not forget your first post, you were wearing a ballerina like dress, sitting, and you were so “nene” and super “payat” and hesitant to blog)I instantly become one of your, as you call it sweet followers! And to end this post, again Happy Happy Birthday. Youre blessed! Youre Amazing! and youre beautiful! PS: Please pick me :) PLEASE 10000x :)
Thank you Carizza! :) Yes nene and payat!!
Agggghhh. Can’t concentrate with my work because i’m so excited with the results! Mas malala pa to sa pagaantay ng board exam results! Haha! I hope you choose me even if I don’t give sweet messages. :”( Love you forever, Ms. Cams!
Haha! Board exam levels!
HAhAha Yaaaay! Excited to see you idol! ♥♡♥
Love lots,
Belated Happy Birthday Ms. Camille !!!
How I wish there will be same event next year :)
I am one of your silent but loyal fan since your Chictopia days and when Coexist was still there in Multiply. You inspire so many girls because you have such a great style and personality. I wish you more success and more adventures!!!
BTW, because I super duper adore you and your blog I plan on naming my future baby after you <3
Awww thank you Sloper!
Hi Ms. Camille :). I’ve been reading your blog for more than a year and I sooo love your style :). Honestly binabasa ko yung blog mo kapag break ko dito sa office nakakawala kasi ng stress :).
I hope I can be part of the 30 winners. It’s an early bday gift to me, hehe also this is one of my bucket list this year to meet you (fashion idol and your lovely girlfriends kryz, laureen, tricia) cause I don’t have the chance to see you when you have an event.
Happy Birthday!!!
More power to you!
Name: Pamela Susan Miranda
email: [email protected]
Thank you Pamela! Happy to help relieve your stress :)
I don’t know if you still remember me but I’m the crazy frustrated girl who emailed you last 2013 asking for suggestions about my graduation dress hahaha. I want to see you in person and I want to take the chance to thank you personally for helping me. And of course I really want to see how long your legs are, ohhh those sexy legs!
Haha! I trust your graduation dress dilemma was solved?
Hi Camille :) It’s me again. Hahaha :* First of all, i would like to say thank you for coming into my life (parang boyfriend lang) Haha. For real, kasi you changed me you’d been my inspiration as in :) You’re a beautiful lady inside and outside and you’d been so nice to all of your readers, hence you deserve all the blessings you’re having right now. I remember my “taranta” moments whenever you have events, na dapat andun ako to support you and i literally freaked out when i witnessed your TVC <3 Love you Camille, hope i'll be blessed enough to be at your birthday treat :*
Love, Mhaica
Jamaica Lee Cerdena
[email protected]
Thank you Mhaica! Always so supportive!
Hi Ms.Camille! I’ve been wanting to meet you in person and talk to you..I am your avid follower of your blog..I hope I will be given the chance to attend your dinner…You are my fashion Icon.Stay pretty and stylish always! God Bless You.
Thank you Gretch!
Stephanie Joy Macasaet
email: [email protected]
Happy Birthday to you and your blog, Ate Camille!
I dunno if you can still remember me but I went to your Meet & greet at Tomato’s Glorietta branch along with my bestfriend Jhai. I admit I don’t comment that much but I do read your blog a lot. Ginagawa ko kasing guide yung blog mo ate pag wala na akong maisip na suotin! Thank you lord for ate camille’s blog! lol! Sana I get to be a part of this special dinner party :( uggghhh hindi kita nakita last BU6 and I would really love to see, greet and take selfies with you! omg omg omg :((
Thank you Stephy! Yes I do!
You showed us that there’s no harm in trying (*ehem, Camille tries to blog*) and that you can make your dreams come true as long as you do your best. Like you, I try to be a good influence to those around me, and show them that although it could be scary, experimenting and taking risks could be worth it. You also taught me to be humble and to give back to people who have been supportive ever since.
It would be an honor to meet the lovely lady who empowers other women. I hope I can be a part of your party. Happy birthday! :)
– Vielka Villanueva
[email protected]
Thank you Vielka! Love your message :)
How come I can’t reply on my comments? Hahah. Anyways, because of so much panic inside me, I forgot to tell my email. Hahah. I pray every night that you pick me. Haaay. Kahit Mcdo lang, masaya na po ako. Haaay. Just to see and talk to you. Maygams. Hahahah.
Judylyn Ramos
[email protected]
Hi FI! It’s me again. :))
Di mo pa po ata nabasa message ko, pero sana you still remeber me!
Im a fan from tarlac, bought your magenta bag last BU5! The one that was given to you by your mom since HS and it has your message on it! Still, cant move on! Pati sa goody party, i was there! Hope you pick me! Im really willing to travel for you! You know that. <3 love you FI! :***
Yes, I remember I was hesitant to write on it haha! I read your message na :)
You’re a big name as well ate Camille. Not only here in the Philippines but also in other countries because of your wonderful blog!! Happy birthday in advance! I hope I get the chance to greet you in person, too. ❤️
hindi ako makapagreply sa comment mo so i’m commenting again here. haha!
You’re always welcome Cams! ;) I’m just here to support you all the way.
I know but this is different :( I made a lot of efforts just to see you on those events. This time if you’ll give me a chance, this isn’t just a meet and great that we had before. This is your celebration :) This is very special for you and for me too. I want to be part of this because this is just a once in a lifetime opportunity for us to be present on your anniversary and birthday lunch :) But i’ll respect whatever decision you’ll do :) Take care always!!! :*
Vina Guerrero
[email protected]
I shall think about it. (konting pakipot lang) haha! :)
Happy anniversary, ate Camille! I’d love to have dinner with you and know more the very talented woman whom I only get to see in beautiful photos and videos and get to hear only through what she writes. YOU are one of the few Filipino celebrities I really want to meet in person, apart from Lea Salonga, Piolo Pascual, etc ❤️
Oh wow! Such big names! I’m flattered :) Thanks Dyanica!
Every Bloggers United, my girlfriend would tag me along to join her in her fashion-goodies hunting, and she always tells me that she’s a big fan of yours (kaya lagi siyang nagpapapicture with you at yung stall mo ang laging una niyang pinupuntahan!). I am never really fond of fashion blogs, but when I saw yours and saw you personally, I understood why she likes you a lot, and I became a fan myself :)
Happy birthday, Camille! :) We really hope to see you, but this time, not in Bloggers United, but in your special birthday dinner! So, just like her…
Knock knock…
(Who’s there?)
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell,
CAMILLE CO, oh, oh,
You don’t know you’re beautiful, oh, oh,
That’s what makes you beautiful! <3
Allan de la Cruz
[email protected]
Haha awwww you guys are too cute! Thank you Allan! :) Pati sa comment, terno pa kayo!
Hi. Can I tell you something? Nataranta pro talaga ako nung nabasa ko sa email ko young about sa post na into. Hahah. And I came up on that answer because I can’t explain how much excitement and eagerness to meet and talk to you. We’ve met before, twice and each time I want to start a talk with you but I can’t. Haaaay. 3 sentences is not enough to express this feeling. Hirapmaging fan. Haahaha
Haha! Don’t panic! :)
Uhoh. Sorry for that Ms Camille. I’ve sent my comment though I haven’t finished typing it yet. Lol. Anyway, please Camille invite me too. I’d be very happy to finally meet you. :))
Glaiza Binayas
[email protected]
Hi cams!! Happy happy birthday!! I may not have been commenting on your posts for the past few days because of my schedule but i make sure to still check your blog ALWAYS. I joined all the contest you hosted as long as i’m qualified :) You are the only blogger whom i always look forward to during bloggers united. Still remember doing your signature pose during the talk at SMX. haha! You know how much I LOVE and ADMIRE you from the start so i don’t need to explain more. ;) In my heart, you will always be my favourite blogger and fashion icon. I just want to be part of this because i know this is special for you. :) Please i want to meet you so badly! <3 Hope to see you soon!
Vina Guerrero
[email protected]
But you’ve met me so many times! Unfair haha! But thank you Vina <3 You're always so supportive (pati your boyfriend)
Please invite me, too. To see you in person on April 30 (my birthdate
Advance happy birthday!
Hi Camille! I already saw you twice but was too shy to approach you. Hope to meet you soon. Btw, you’re my thinspiration. Haha!
April Grace Marquez
[email protected]
Thank you April!
* I bet you didn’t see my tweet but again i would like to greet you a happy happy birthday!
Please give me the chance to meet you, Ate Camille. :(
** Last time, i thought i’ll be seeing you last Candy Fair but sadly you’re in abroad for work. I am the one who tweeted you like this: “DI DAW PUPUNTA SI @itscamilleco SA CANDY FAIR HUHUHUHU LASLAS NA!!!!! #CAPSLOCKNAPARAINTENSE” , i hope you remember. :)
If ever you pick me, I would be very happy and it’s gonna be the best day of my life. I will travel from Tarlac. Maybe it’s time. LOL
God bless & more power!!
– DENISE VHIANCA L. DELA CRUZ ([email protected])
Hahaha! I remember that tweet! :) Thank you Denise!
What is “waiting moderation”?
Little disappointed for my message for you ms cammy. To early of 4.22 i send it already. Still “waiting moderation”. Hehe what does it mean?
Don’t worry! It just means I haven’t read and approved your message yet but it’s here :)
I think my comment hasn’t published yet here my love, ms cams. So I tried to comment for the thrice time. Haha
Hhappy birthday my fashion icon/blogger! I’m so happy that I finallly you’re choosing 30 of us from your loyal readers on your birthday/3rd yr anniversary blog date!
I really wanted to be with you (as we’ll as my co-loyal readers) to celebrate your birthday/blog anniversary on this anniversary event, why? Ever since I was a kid I always wanted to look or to admire a woman who is so good when it comes to fashion, alam mo yung feeling na when I discovered your blog I was like ‘eto na ata yung fashion icon na iaadmire mo na hindi ka magsasawa’ and that’s you! And to be with you on this dinner date is an honour and privelage! Kung baga ikaw yung ‘girl of my dreams’ when it comes to fashion! Yiieee! How I wish you could pick me! I swear kwentuhan to the max ever!
I’m publishing this na lang :) Thanks Chin!
I am always your fan ever since I discovered your blog, i love how the way you style and the things that you have share to us. I would always want to meet you and been searching for the events that you are included. Last, if you will able to pick me I would love to ask you on how to be fashionable in a simple way yet elegant because that’s the way I see you. You are always my favorite favorite fashion blogger especially when you are with kryz uy and laureen uy. It makes me feel fashionable too in a way that many people didn’t see it. Thankyou!
And have a great blessings to come plus happy 3rd anniversary to your blog and happy birthday to you! xoxo
[email protected]
Liezel Gamil
Thank you Liezel! :)
Mae Igdanes
[email protected]
I’ve seen you before in Ayala Triangle, you were having your photoshoot and I was too shy to watch you and I really wanted to take pictures with you. I also want to witness the launch of your ”surprise!” And if you will pick me, it’s going to be my first time to meet a blogger! :))))))) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)
Thank you Mae! That must’ve been a long long time ago! :)
Hi Ms. Camille, its a pleasure to be in your surprise, most of us wants to be in lucky 30. Being one those was fab and exciting that I don’t wanna miss. Cause being fab and sweet is definitely you and me:)
Thank you Kristine! :)
Hi Ms. Camille. Even though I don’t often comment on your posts I surely visit and read your blog posts everyday. I love it how you express yourself through fashion and I also love that you’re always being yourself when you speak and write here in your blog. :) One of my wishlist is to actually have my debut gown and wedding dress made by you :) I adore you that much! Haha. Hoping to see you! Lots of love
[email protected]
Thank yo Shaira! :)
Jeramie Sumalpong
[email protected]
Miss Camille, I may only started reading your blog last year and since then, I fell inlove with it. You are an inspiration to all the woman. And if you may pick me, I will be the happiest woman.
Thank you Jeramie!
Hi Miss Camille! I maybe not be the most active reader of your blogs but I certainly follow your posts. I love how fashionable you are. Your fierceness and confidence are amazing. I wish I have those characteristics. You are such a great inspiration for most Pinays and to meet you in person even if it’s for a dinner it is a big privilege. More powers to you and your blogsite and God bless you! Happy birthday! :)
Paula Romana Alagao
[email protected]
Thank you Paula!
Ms. Camille I want to be part of your birthday dinner, because its a dream come true for us to be part of your birthday celebration, you inspire us to dress like no tomorrow and teach us some tips through your blog, and you share your experience and blessing to us. So I’m lucky enough to be part of your birthday celebration if ever :)
Thank you Czarina!
I’ve been following you since last year (yes, I’m one of those who are late bloomers that I just found out last year how fun reading blogs could be). I am not after the freebies (lol, but having it would be so exciting!). I visit your blog everyday with no fail because of I want to be updated with what you are wearing for the day and the places you travel. Seeing places you visited is like seeing it myself and seeing you in person will be a privilege.
Thank you Redji! :)
Hi, Ms. Camille! :) I wish I could join you on your celebration to personally thank you for your blog, which I read during my study breaks (law books are very stressful and your blog is just the right read to de-stress), for inspiring me to pursue my dreams and to be the best that I can be, as well as for giving me one of the best birthday gifts–Closeup Forever Summer tickets! I’ve really enjoyed my day and my birth month would end perfectly well if I get to spend time with you! :D
Continue inspiring your readers and all the people around you! Wishing you all the best! :)
Lyzette Siazar
[email protected]
Thank you Lyzette!
Mary Stephanie R. Tamayo
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hi Ms. Camille Co,
Advance Happy Birthday & Happy Blog Anniversary! I’m hoping I will be the lucky person that will join to your celebration. I really inspire your fashion & it gives color to my life. Thanks to you <3
Thank you Stephanie!
Hi Miss Camille, I know that its quite impossible for me to get in because I live very far, but I just want to thank you for being an inspiration and a role model to me, not only in fashion. Even though I only see you through my computer screen, Just like the song, I am enchanted to meet you.
Awww thank you Laurice!
Ericka Jean Garcia
[email protected]
First of all, let me great you a happy birthday Ms. Camille! :)
Although I am well aware that IF I will be one of those invited to your special birthday celebration, I can’t still make it to your special dinner date because I am based here in Cebu; I would still love to leave you my birthday message here.
Let me thank you for inspiring and motivating to work hard on my ultimate goal which is to become a lawyer so that not only I can serve others and also so that I can finance myself to buy my dream shoes and bags and to travel to different countries like you. No wonder why you are so blessed because you inspired a lot of people. Ah although you can’t pick me because of my location, I will just give you reasons that you might consider me as your invited guest. I’m a talkative person and I usually do not bore anyone so I’m sure we will have a great time together and also you will make me the happiest girl on earth if that happens! :) (Sorry for the long message!)
Ericka of
I’ve actually listed your name already last week. So if you’re willing to fly to Manila, let me know! I’m inviting you for sure :)
hi ate camille! advance happy birthday! hope youll choose me because seeing you will really made my summer an unforgettable one! this might be a bit cliche but i swear a conversation from a one of a kind woman like you is really a dream come true and its also because i want to ask you some tips on how to start a fashion blog like yours. prettty pretty plsss! GOD BLESS ALWAYS ATE!. i will definitely make a fast arrangement(if ever) here in cebu
Thank you Charisse!
Jessica Grace C. Rañola
[email protected]
Hi Ms. Camille happy birthday to you and your blog! To be honest, you’re the reason why I started reading fashion blogs because I was inspired by the way you dress and the elegance that you show every time. You’re the first one I always look forward to seeing whenever I go to events because you have always bwwn an inspiration on how I dress up for formal and informal events in college. It would be really great for me to be part of this celebration so I could get to know you more. I’ve always been a fan from the moment you started your blog. I hope you’ll choose me too. God bless! :)
Thank you Jessica!
Ooops, I forgot to leave my email and full name because of giddiness. Haha.
Kamelle Reigh Etang
[email protected]
OH MY GOD. The universe is clearly smiling upon me. I’m actually from Cebu and I’m having my internship in Manila next month. Guess when’s my flight? On the morning of April 30! I would be very honored if I would have another chance to meet you and its actually a sit-down event where I can really talk to you! Yipee! Please pick me, pretty please with cherries on top. You have and will always be my girl crush. <3
Wow!!! What a coincidence!
I remember your first birthday blog post back in chictopia with your super cute pink tutu.. And now your gonna celebrate your birthday with us.. I really hope to be a part of this one of a kind celebration.. This would be the perfect moment/ day to finally meet you! Yay!
Belated happy birthday! And happy 3rd year of blogging..
Jarline De Vera
[email protected]
Thank you Jarline!
Happy. happy, happy birthday to my favorite fashion blogger! <3
I will be so happy to be part of your birthday dinner Camille! Your blog totally inspires me. You are one of the genuine, cool and most beautiful blogger I've been following ever since. Keep us inspired with your big heart and your own quirkiness. I want to be your friend and to share the suprise with you! Love you! Mwaaaah :-*
Thank you Joy :)
Happy birthday, Camille! I am hoping you would include me on your guestlist :) You are one of the few bloggers I really admire. From your fashion tips (classy, elegant style to comfy, edgy), travels, beauty must haves, everything! I never really get tired reading your posts :) I also like the way you write as it makes me feel we can easily reach you and be your friend :)
Again, happy birthday and happy 3rd anniversary! We wish you all the best in life simply because you deserve it :)
Thank you Janinna :)
Gladys Dawn Muyco
[email protected]
laurence loria
[email protected]
Hi Miss Camille! Happy Happy Birthday to you! :) This will be my very first comment on your blog. Sobra po kasi akong nahihiya. But this opportune time came so I will be grabbing it whole heartedly. :) If you remember I was the short haired girl with eyeglasses that was looking at you when you were in SM MOA for the Goody event last September 2013. Ever since I saw you on ETCETERA before when you were featured with Ms. Rio, you became a big part of my dreams, and when I saw you I think that will be the first and the last. You became my inspiration in seeing life in a happy way, and seeing you again WILL BE A VERY HAPPY EXPERIENCE! :). Thank you for your life Miss Camille, you touched mine in a very awesome way. :)
Thank you Laurence! :)
Ow! I must have overlooked my email updates on your blog due to so much replies on your previous post! I just saw your reply now. I would really love to come on your party Ms. Cams even though it would cost me a plane ticket (just as I bargained a change day off during your cut and style event) but I’ll be going home in Ormoc City on that week to be with my family. Would it be of your interest if I send over a gift instead? :)
Aww thank you Archelle but really, that’s not necessary :) Gagastos ka pa :)
hi Ms. Camille!! OMG! I cant believe im doing these..its my first time writing a comment getting goosebumps here..first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU !! Iam here in Iloilo City and I know it is impossible for me to attend your party because of my location.(but im still hoping !!harhar )Well I wish you all the best in life !! ANd more wonderful years in Fashion Blogging pllsss… You INSPIRES me everyday !! My email [email protected]
Thank you RN! You’re willing to fly to Manila? :)
It would really be an honor to meet you! You’re a fashion inspiration and I admire you a lot as a person. Although I haven’t even met you in person yet, I would really love to get to know you more in person if I get an invitation. Soooo…. *fingers crossed!* Happy Birthday by the way!
Thank you Irish!
It would be an honor to meet you especially if the day is on my birthdaaaay! You’re my inspiration and not only just in fashion. I really want to ask you a lot of things and to have a conversation with you! By the waaaay, happy birthday!
Thank you Irish! Advance happy birthday btw!
marianne magno
[email protected]
happy birthday :)) active reader mo ako since 2012 kaso di ako active commenter mo kasi everytime n mabasa ko mga blogpost mo na sspeechless ako eh. hihi hope to meet you in person kasi you’ve been a fashion inspiration sakin pati n dn sa sister ko :)) more fashion and travel posts to come. <3
Thank you Marianne! :)
Hi Camille. I am hoping that one day I can be a successful blogger as you are. Inspired by your blogs, I make videos of my own in you tube. You are a divine influence! How sweet it is to finally meet you and join you as you celebrate your birthday. -Asseya Diorika Tuason
Thank you Asseya :)
Keisha Solon
[email protected]
Belated happy birthday Ms. Camille!
It would be such an honor if ever I would be included in the list. You see, you have been a great inspiration to me ever since I discovered your blog and for that, I have created my fashion blog as well! Not only you are an inspiration to many, but you also have a beautiful soul. Belated happy birthday, once again! May your years be filled with good madness. <3
Thank you Keisha!
Rachelyn Ventura
[email protected]
First of all i wanna greet you a belated happy bday Ms.Camille Co! Pls choose me to have dinner w/you, simply because you divert a “manang gurl” into a fearless,fashionable,braver woman as i am today. Thank you for inspiring me through your passion in what you do. Keep inspiring more women! Go olay girl! :)
Thank you Rachel! No going back to your manang ways! :)
hi ms. Camille!
wow. It’s my very first time to leave a comment though I’ve been an avid fan of your blog. I’ve been reading since the very first time I came across this blog of yours having read it from a mag (which I already forgot)because I love fashion and all the things there is in being a woman. I love everything you’ve posted I think I’ve went as far back as your first blog entry to make sure I didn’t miss any of it coz it’s just so awesome to look at great pictures and be able to travel and see the world through you! though I cannot afford to buy any of those that you have I still remain a loyal reader. Every time I open the web I would never miss to get an update of what’s new with your life. I believe that you are a wonderful person though we haven’t met yet. so that’s it I think I’ve said a lot! haha.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and HAPPY 3rd ANNIVERSARY to your blog! love to you! xoxo
Thank you Kim <3
hi ms. camille Im sorry I forgot the date, its belated happy birthday and advance for next year.. so sorry..
Haha! No worries!
Happy birthday Camille!! God bless you more, you are so deserving to have everything! I am always cheering for you! :)
Anyway, I recommend Tasha for this dinner.
Oh yes Tasha! I wonder if she’d love to be invited?
hi I’m Asseya, I’m a blogger like you. so i really enjoy your blogs. I hope you choose me as one of your lucky 30. you inspire me to make videos which made me make a youtube acc. And now I’m starting to make you as my inspiration on youtube.
P.S. I hope you choose me
-yours truly Asseya
Thank you Asseya!
Halu Camille! I’m so excited for this. My fingers are crossed hoping you’ll pick me. I am your super fan- your constant follower and no.1 reader of your blog since day 1. Every time I surf the internet, your blog is my first stop.I totally love your taste in fashion and how you write titles and stories in your blog. I have your pictures in my phone because I screen capture and collect all the looks that I love and try to copy them the best way I can. You’re simply awesome! Keep it up. May God bless you always :)
Kienzen Dino
[email protected]
Thank you Kienzen!
hi ms. camille, eventhough I don’t comment much on your blogpost I make sure that I read your every post.. If I will be chosen it will be great mother’s day and birthday gift for me… God bless you and advance happy birthday too… hope to see you..
Thanks Ara! :)
how i wish i can go there and see you personally…i’ve been longing to see you so badly ever since i started following you…but unfortunately,im located here in Cebu and everytime you came here, im stuck in the office…..wish you all the best miss camille…Happy birthday! i know someday our paths will cross!;)
Awww someday!
Oh and I forgot to mention earlier, proud Judenite over here! Haha!
Janine Samantha C. Co
[email protected]
Aww… I was so excited for this and was hoping to be picked. To bad I won’t be able to join anymore. Will be flying to HK that day huhu. Anyway Happy Anniversary Camille!!! More blessings, fun and adventure to you. Thank you for being my inspiration! Xoxo!
Awww but I’m sure you’ll have fun in HK! Shop and eat to your heart’s content! :)
Saying that I would like to meet you personally and so on and so forth would make me similar like everyone who commented here. While some facts mentioned above by others are true, I feel, and I know that many people will agree with me, that you are a fashion icon that serves as an inspiration to the youth. Regardless of age, color, shape, race, and all of our physical differences, we all share a common love for fashion whose novelty and beauty does not wither away through time.
Cheers to your successful career and happiest birthday to you, Atsi Camille! :)
Thank you Janine! What a thoughtful message :)
Hi Camille,
OMG! You’re an Angel sent from Barbie’s paradise, how I wish I’ll have the chance to meet you. I am one of your number Fans, Yes we all claim to be your number 1 Fan. :) with all your fashion ideas I can only say that You’re a living Mannequin.
Haha awww thanks :)
I want to go to Miss Camille Co’s birthday dinner because…
C-lassy, and
So, Miss Camille, knock knock…
(Who’s there?)
(CAMILLE who?)
Baby, I’m yours, CAMILLE (and) GET ME
I love you, Miss Camille! I am really hoping to make it to your birthday dinner! Happy birthday and may God bless you more!!! <3
Loreen Joy Bermejo
[email protected]
Haha! Thank you for this Loreen!
This is so perfect! I wish I was there as well!
I’m so excited :)
Hi Ms. Cams! I think my comment on your previous post was not published. But, happy 3rd anniversary once again! What a delightful party you will be having for your dear readers! Enjoy! :)
Oh maybe I haven’t read it yet :) Thank you Archelle!
The Adorable Camille,
Your creativity in Fashion is certainly a wonderful and inspiring lifestyle to many youngster. I personally read and follow your blog because I constantly get fabulous fashion ideas for some of my styling projects.
You really hunger me to dress you with one of my amateur designs (designer kuno,).
Meeting you in person will totally explode my heart in excitement. :) Wishing you all the bestin all your undertakings! Godspeed!
Designer and stylist! :) Good for you! :) Thank you Fabian!
Hi Camille! I have always admired you not just as a blogger but a fashion designer. I actually met you a few times when you designed a dress for us a few months ago and it was refreshing to know how approachable you are and passionate you are with your work. Despite your busy schedule you made sure everything is organized and on time and made sure every detail is up to your standards. You were so bubbly and you even gave us a ride along the way since we were both going to same place. Your love for fashion, life, details and food is inspiring and I would love to personally learn more from you. :)
Poleane Carmen
[email protected]
Thank you Poleane :) And for coming to me to design for you :)
Happy Birthday Camille!!!! Love reading your posts. You are such a style icon!
More Blessings and Success to come! :-)
Thanks Angelica!
Crewenna El Alid
[email protected]
Good aftiee ate camilleee! :)) It would be awesome if I get to join that special event of yours! BTW Belated Happy Birthday! I send you a tweet w/ your picture in twitter and greeted you a happy birthday there also in IG :)) @kekaykaye I REALLY REALLY HOPE THAT I COULD MEET YOU PERSONALLY! And end up fun conversations with you.Because of you, I would not be this FASHY GIRL, I’ve become now. As in grabeee TALAGANG INSPIRED talaga ako sayo :)) ngayon I’m starting to draw drrsses and having my own designs in a NOTEBOOK yang png school! Haha nako mahaba na :) thankyou and godbless xx
Wow! Baka future designer ka rin! :) Thanks Kaye!
Hi Ms. Camille,
Happy birthday!!
May your birthday and every day be filled with the warmth of sunshine and success, the happiness of smiles, the sounds of laughter, I really want to meet you personally every day before my work start, i always checking your page and blogs. You help me a lot through your fashion blogs and now this is my chance to meet you personally. Choose me!! Choose me!! haha choose me please…
Hugs and Kisses♥♥♥,
Azenith Mendoza
Email: [email protected]
Thank you Azenith! What a unique name!
Apple Anido – Alagon
[email protected]
You inspired me to blog. In fact, the first few blogs I did when I started was about you and my other style icons at And that was 1 year and 5 months ago! I’ve been blogging that long then. Thanks to you, my blogs are aimed to inspire.
Thank you Apple! :) And inspire you do!
I’ve been following your blog for like forever. And this is the first time in forever that I have the urge to meet you! Anyways, stay beautiful and thanks for sharing your blessings!
Thank you May Ann!
Happy Birthday and Happy Blogniversarry
My reason is I just Want to see you.
Thank you Christian! Simple and concise!
Hi Camille! I’m Rosan Pearl Sendon. I would really love to meet you in person because you became my inspiration( particularly in fashion) since I discovered this blog. Second, is that I sincerely really admire your personality. Para` kasing napa ka ordinaryo mong tao kahit na ang dami mo nang narating sa buhay. Ako na siguro ang pinaka ma swerteng tao If you will choose me ( walang halong ka etchosan. Love you Camille! ♥ & Happy Birthday in advance.
Awww thanks Rosan! :)
Hi Camille! First of all, Happy Belated Blog-aversary and Happy, Happy Birthday!(and sorry, I just can’t do this in 1-3sentences. haha!) I’ve followed your blog since late 2011. When I discovered it, I backtracked all of your posts until I reached the very first one. Effort. I know. Haha! I really admire your style (fashion and writing-wise). I may not leave comments, but I love how you always take time to reply to your readers. It’d be a very sweet pleasure (and a daydream come true) to finally meet, let alone celebrate with you! I work in BGC and I always hope to catch you in action, or even just a glimpse of you, unfortunately I’m in the office (almost) the whole day.
To be honest, I kinda have a girl-crush on you. You’re cute, smart, witty, fashionable, elegant, sexy, down-to-earth, and (insert more adjectives here)! Oops! I hope that doesn’t ruin my chances of getting picked! Haha! Seriously, you’re such an inspiration, and I’d really love a chance to be part of this special day! XOXO <3
Thank you Ralen :)
As much as I wanted to see my all time favorite blogger since my fashion interest had started, I can’t. Huhuhu. Since I’m on my busy summer class I just wanted to greet you a happy happy birthday and happy anniversary to yer blog. I won’t lose hope that one day I’ll meet you personally cos when I wanted or dreamt of something it will be pursued till achieved. LOL. I just wanna share that moment when I message you on Lookbook for you to greet my friend on her 18th birthday, I was amazed that you actually did tweet it. You must have put it in a sticky note with you busy schedule. Lucky me and my dear friend. Harhar. Enjoy your celebration. XOXO
Thank you Khayrin! I don’t know how I remembered to greet your friend as well haha!
Hi Ms. Camille I hope you will pick me up. Why? Because I am also one of the many No. 1 fan out there hehe, you’re the reason why i kept going to BU, and waited patiently for you and luckily got a picture with you. You’re always my No. 1 Idol, I always check my email to read your posts, and there’s an endless list why I LOVE YOU ( capslock para intense ) some of them are written below :
1. Your Style
2. Your witty personality
3. Your beautiful Mind
4. Your willingness and patience to read & answer your reader’s comments
Andami pa pero English eh nosebleed na ako hehe.
Sana po mapili nyo po ako hehe kahit wala ng dinner kahit umupo lang ako sa gilid at makikinig lang sa inyo hehe ( desperate moment )
By the way THANK YOU SO MUCH Ms. Cams kasi kung hindi dahil sa inyo mga bloggers and lalo na sayo po, hindi maiimprove yung style ko.
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!!! ( nagcomment na kasi ako sa IG mo :D )
Haha! Awww thank you Zia! :)
Happy B-day Camille!
Reading your blog is a staple in my daily chores – oh! Don’t get me wrong, I love doing it along with my breakfast, lunch and dinner (and Facebook and Lookbook.. lol!) You definitely know how to pose and what to wear and I really, really, really want to see you in person and get a photo, make it my profile pic and I’m so excited with your surprise.
Thank you Aurose! :) Dialy dose!
Hi Ms. Camille! Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to your blog too! I’ve comment a couple of times to your fashion posts especially that time when you styled Lauren young for jellybean and you wore the Aztec pants that I too got because I was inspired from your blog. You are an awesome blogger because you stay down to earth and connected to your fans. I may not be an active follower here because I don’t normally comment on your posts I’m sorta the silent reader)but I do read them and get inspired. You give fresh ideas and you are not afraid to try things plus why I love your blog is because of the versatility of pulling anything off. From edgy rocker to a lady with class kinda outfit. If you ever pick me I’ll be the luckiest girl on earth cause I lack confidence and also a pessimist too. I’d be honored to share experiences, talk about fashion because I do love clothes and styling and stuff and also for the pleasure of being with one of your fashion inspiration. ❁♡ // Ma. Eunicia Q. Balba // [email protected]
Thank you Eunicia! :)
^_^ I really wanted to be picked but Cebu is too far ;) God Bless then Ms.Camille and Happy Happy Birthday to you…. I may not leave a comment, but I assure you I always do visit your blog,,,^_^ I ♥ it….
Thank you Marichelle :)
I want to be there because I been a stalker of you since I discover your site last 2012, and every morning in the office, I always read your beautiful post, as always my fashion inspiration. :) One night only please.:)
Ohms Emocling
[email protected]
Thank you Ohms!
Hi Ate Camille! Bukambibig kita noong college, hanggang sa ‘nahawa’ na sakin mga friends ko hahaha. You inspired me to be stylish in my own way, kahit na less privileged ako at wala naman pambili ng magandang damet, I tried to look good and be presentable. Ika nga, dressing well is a form of good manners. Kaya hoping to see and have a dinner with my ‘inspiration’! :D
-Jp Angeles ❤
Awww thank you JP! :)
Hi ate Camille :))) belated happy birthday! x you should probably pick me haha your daring fashion style is inspirational for me and to others… From head to toe, it’s all styled though I don’t live in Manila (I lived in Cagayan de oro… From Mindanao) but if ever you come here I would really want to meet you. Lovelots :)
Oh and btw, I forgot oops my email is [email protected]
Thank you Christine!
Its you camille♡. Happy birthday my sweety girl. I feel excited when I read your invitation for the 30 lucky to have a dinner date with you.I always look forward to meet fashion bloggers like you bcoz I am always inspired by your sweet style, how to live life for fun and passion. Please pick me as one of your dates this april 30. For sure its a treasure moment of my life since I am celebrating my 10th monthsary of being an “open heart surgery” survivor. Thank you Ms. Camille. God will continue bless u more and more. Hugs and kisses for you my fave itscamilleco.
I am Vanessa S. Binayas
[email protected]
Oh wow! You’re brave! I hope you’re healthy always :) Thanks Vanessa!
[email protected]
Angela Custodio
[email protected]
Hi, Cams! Happy birthday!
I want to apologize** to my boss for looking at your blog even during work hours! Hihihihi. Hi girl crush! Please let me meet you and make my dream come true! <3 <3 <3
Hahaha! Thank you Angela!
Advanced happy blessed bonggang bday :)
It’d be a thrill to meet a china doll in person (i mean that as a compliment:) !! To meet someone you only read about is a one-of-akind-thrill, of course :)
Ruth Margaret G. Tiangco
[email protected]
Thank you Ruth!
hi ate camille!!! i would love to be part of your dinner since ive been a fan ever since 2011!! ive always been inspired by your fashion even if im only 13!! youve always been one of the people ive always looked up to in terms of fashion!! please super duper pick me!! love ya ate camille!!!
You’re young! Thank you Daphne :)
wahhhhhhh…..I must be here….. i must be present when camille reveals that something “special”. It’s her time and my moment to experience what it was to be like( or be with )her but most of all to say thank you personally to her for sharing her love and views in fashion and life. #plspickme
Thank you Lence!
Hi, Ate Camille! I just wanna say (belated) happy happy birthday! And Happy blog anniversary! I can feel it will last more than decades. My surfing experience would be boring without ‘Camille Tries to Blog.’ You have inspired me in all ways, and I thank you for that!
Oh my, decades? I don’t know about that haha! But thank you Genesis!
Because I miss you. :P Happy Birthday cams!
Awwww you read my blog!!! I miss you too Mich! :)
I am happy and touch of how you treated your fans/readers Ms Camille. If only I can join on this event but i’m from cebu. At least i had the chance to meet you last Jan, and that was one of the highlight so far this year. I’m so happy and proud of all your accomplishments. Please do not change. Belated Happy Birthday and Happy Blog Anniversary!!! lab lab lab
Thank you Rai :) I won’t :)
Glaiza Binayas
[email protected]
Happy birthday, Camille!
Thanks Glaiza!
Oooooooh! so excited for this!!!!! Happy birthday and I would like to congratulate you in advance :) see you on Thursday! :)
See you bestie!!! :) But in the meantime, back to studying for you!!!
Katrin Tuano [email protected]
Happy happy birthday Cams (naks, FC. LOL). I wish you all the best that God can possibly give you.
I hope I become part of your little celebration because I still want to know more about my super duper mega ultra fashion inspiration. I know this is cliche, but you and your blog has been my addiction – whenever I get bored at work, i go to, whenever i have free time at home, i visit I’m keeping my fingers crossed and I hope to see you this 30th! I will always be one of your super makulit fan!
From Taguig with love,
Katrin <3
Awww thanks Katrin! Naks, whenever I get bored at work na! :) No longer a student :)
A lot of people got surprised whenever they found out that I am totally in love with fashion because I am not really that fashionista-kind-of-person. And you, Ms. Camille, is the first one of all my fashion inspirations that is why I visit your blog as frequent as possible to be inspired whenever I feel down. Thank you for your positive vibes Ms. Camille! Hoping to see more awesome-mazing posts sooooon! Love you sooooo soooo much. :”>
Joy Dianne Gumatay
[email protected]
Thank you Joy :)
Name: Gracielle Lee R. Huerto
E-mail Add: [email protected]
Hi Ms. Camille! I’ve been a huge fan ever since and went to BU5 and BU6 hoping to see you there but still wasn’t able to. So, now, I’m really hoping and praying that I get to be picked as one of the 30. Aside from loving your fashion sense together with your cute sense of humor, it’ll really be a great gift to see and meet you before I leave for Vegas.
Belated Happy Birthday!
Thank you and may God bless you more! :* :)
You’re leaving for Vegas? Oh what fun! :) Thank you Lee!
Joicellene Bruma
[email protected]
I want to join this special event because I have been an avid supporter of your blog since 2012. I even went to events like bloggers united and candy style awards just to see you. Also, it would be a good opportunity for me to meet and greet my most favorite blogger. Lastly, it would be a dream come true for me. :)
Thanks Joicellene! I remember!
Hi, Miss Camille! Well I think I deserve to be chosen for you are my idol in fashion and lifestyle. I always check your blog, IG and retweet almost all your Tweets on Twitter. To be a part of your special dinner will be the best day of my life and I’ll surely treasure every moment of it.
Thank you Sharmaine :)
Hello, Ms. Camille!
Happiest birthday and blog anniversary to you!
May God continue to shower you more blessings. You’re one of the bloggers who inspired me to do one since you started, but i wasn’t able to continue though, may be i’m a better reader!
Honestly, i’m not good on commenting to your posts but still i always look at your posts in Instagram and i’m so happy that one day i might see you personally and talk to you about your success!
I hope that you continue inspiring us and more anniversaries to come on your blog. You just don’t know how it helps us to gain confidence in ourselves.
Love & kisses,
Thank you Christllie! :)
pick me cause i’ve been a fan of this blog ever since it started :-( i joined the cotton on go see before not cause i wanna model but i really wanna see you in person and i did but it’s bitin !!! #desperatetimescallfordesperatemeasures You’re an inspiration and having dinner with you would be so Fetch!
Love lots,
Fashion blogger wannabe
Haha! :) Aww thanks Jean :)
Patricia Aynne Duran
[email protected]
I want to be one of the lucky readers to have dinner with you because you truly are my fashion icon, I look up to you in so many ways. I admire the sophistication and fun feeling you exude in your style. The kindness of heart you give out to your fans and your pure AWESOMENESS! I hope to see you Ms. Cams! ❤
Thank you Patricia!
Ms. Camille I want to be part of your birthday dinner, because its a dream come true for us to be part of your birthday celebration, you inspire us to dress like no tomorrow and teach us some tips through your blog, and you share your experience and blessing to us. So I’m lucky enough to be part of your birthday celebration if ever
Thank you Czarina!
Advance Happy Birthday! Hope some silent followers can meet you too :)
Thank you Pamela! :) Yes, through this, there’s a chance :)
Alissa Mari Diaz
[email protected]
I want to be a part of your birthday-slash-third-blogoversary dinner because you are one of my fashion inspiration. Also, I loved the way how you talk on the Olay advertisement so maybe talking to you in person will definitely inspire me more. I just turned 21 last Sunday so picking me will be a great post birthday gift. :))
Thank you Alissa! Belated happy birthday!
Janille Avie Marucot
[email protected]
Hi Ate Camille, I am following your blog for almost 2 years, your blog inspired me to have my own blog. Someday I believe, I can be able to inspire others in my blog, just like yours. I wish to see you and to celebrate with you :)
Yes, that’s the spirit! Thank you Janille! (Now, I know your name!)
Hi Camille! I’ve actually just moved to philippines from Canada for medical school. Since coming here and finding your blog through your Instagram, I’ve been hooked. Fashion is a creative outlet for me and I thoroughly enjoy your posts and admire your sense of style. I hope to be able to meet you one of these days!
Ps. Happy belated birthday :)
[email protected]
Thank you Trisha! I hope you’re liking the Philippines so far! :)
Hi Ms. Camille :) First of all I want to greet you a Happy Happy Birthday. You’ve been an inspiration to me especially when it comes to your prestigious and gorgeous outfit posts. You’re the perfect fashion icon for me and I want to be like you someday. Hoping that I’m one of your 30 lucky readers to be a part of your third anniversary lunch date.
Danica Marie Abrigo
[email protected]
Thank you Danica :)
Hi Dear Ms.Camille,Happy Happy Birthday :)
Yay! i’m one of your avid fan on FB,i hope sumday ma meet kita :)Stay Sweet & pretty,StayBlessed po :)
Love and Hugz!
[email protected]
Thank you Ann!
Hi ate Cams!! Thanks to Coexist back in 2010/11-ish, I stumbled upon your blog and have been following you ever since; from your Lookbook to your blog (back when you still have the top blogs counter)~ ^^ Sometimes I ask “why still ‘tries to blog’ (see: blog header), she’s clearly past the trying stage!” Your getting invited for the Olay interview is a mark that being yourself is one of the reasons why you’re blessed and loved by your readers and still. I’m very, very looking forward to attending your birthday dinner, happy birthday!
Thank you Hazel! Wow! Since Coexist days pa! :)
Geva Krissa Jayson
[email protected]
Hi Ms. Camille, happy happy sassy birthday! I’m a newbie blogger, but I have been fervently reading your posts since I learned about you from LB. I would really be forever grateful if I’d be able to have a chat with my favorite blogger over dinner. Thanks for inspiring a lot of Filipinas especially me. <3
Thank you Geva :)
Hi Miss Camille! This is so great! Please pick me because I haven’t seen you personally, but maybe this is it! With you and your special day! I really wish I could be picked because I am your huge fan!! Ohmygosh! If I get to see you up close and personal, I don’t know what to do but cry! Tears of joy! Thank you and goodluck <3
Aww thanks Kathleen!
Hi Ms. Camille, Belated Happy Birthday. I wish I am one of your lucky readers that you’ll pick for your birthday dinner. Wish you best of everything. Hope to see you again.
Thank you Arianne!
Happy Birthday and Happy 3rd Blog Anniversary! Cheers to you!
I might not be active on giving remarks to your fab couture but it became a habit of mine to check your latest OOTD. I’m amaze on how you and your blog evolved into a wide range of fashion. Keep it up and keep on inspiring us, your avid readers. (*_*)
Thank you Racquel! :)
Bernice Balace
[email protected]
You are my favorite blogger! When I know that you’ll be in BU or Candy events, I try my best to go to those events too so I’ll be able to see you! :) I also get fashion inspiration from you and you are the reason I started getting into fashion and started to read other bloggers fashion blogs. I’d really like to be one of the 30, so I can be friends with you hehe and we’d get to have bonding time with other girls :))
Thank you Bernice!
Hi Camille! I just wanted to share a funny story of me as your fan reader, remember the majolica mascara face off of you and Laureen? I joined that contest to be on your team, I tweeted so many times and i got so sad bec I didnt get picked. After A week I checked my Inbox in Twitter then I saw a message that I got Shortlisted for your team!!! I feel so bad that I didnt checked it before. :( so this time i hope i get picked and get to meet you (I’ll check my email this time)! PLEAASEE.. ;))
marjarelle pascual [email protected]
Awwww sayang!!! You could’ve met your teammates! They’re all friends now too!
Joann Mariz Geraldo
[email protected]
Hi Ms. Camille! This is the first time I ever wrote a comment (because I’m really shy. ;)) but believe me you are the first ever fashion blogger I ever checked out (because you are really trending in facebook) and ever since it has been my daily routine to check out your blog (literally). I know it’s a long shot but it’s still possible so why not. I’d really want to meet you. :) God bless!!
I am? Thank you Joann! :)
Hi Ms. Camille! Hoping to be part of the thirty winners on your Birthday Dinner! Also, I wanna see you person. I always wanted to go to BU but it’s very far from my place. I hope this would be the answer in seeing you in person! :) Your all-girl group (Laureen, Tricia, Patricia and Kryz) really inspires me a lot when it comes to fashion. Of course, I wanna know more about your styles and the secrets behind. Haha. Advance Happy Birthday!
All girl group? Haha! Sounds like we’re in a band! :) Thank you Loren!
Hi Cams! Congratulations to you and to us your fans/readers!! It’s finally happening yaaaaay! I’m so excited for you, this is such a great event! <3 Again Happy Anniversary and Happy Happy Birthday to you! I hope you saw my IG greeting post for you yiii <3
Being part of this event will be a dream come true for me, not just because I will see you or take photos with you, but I'll be able to sit and chitchat with you and the other girls who share the same dream and who love you as much as I do. And i'll teach you more Korean phrases, remember? hihi <3 I really hope to be included and be invited on your very special event. See you Cams! :) <3
Ransie Angeli Brizuela
[email protected]
Ahhh more Korean! Sold! Haha! Thanks Ransie!
First and foremost, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! *cue balloons and candles* This is so nice of you Cams! I’m excited about the surprise you’ve mentioned. Whatever that is I’m sure it’ll be spectacular. You get so much love from your readers because you deserve it oh so much. You blog like you’re talking to your best friend or your sister. Stay awesome Cams! Too bad I live so far away but who knows really? Basta I know I’ll meet you someday. Maybe in this event, maybe in another or maybe I’d bump into you the next time you visit Cebu. :)
Awwww that’s so sad you’re far away! I would’ve loved to invite you! Let me know if you can!
Hi Camille! I’m a fan of your blog and I’m 30 something..=p wink! I get inspiration from your wonderful outfits for my regular clothes. I so love your scenic shots! I wish I could meet you in person as well. Happy birthday!!
Mari Marivin Bolabola
[email protected]
Thank you Mari! 30 is the new 18! LOL!
Happy Birthday Cams! (feeling close ;p hahahah)
Will be very happy if you choose me as one of your lucky winners for your birthday celebration and blogniversary. Initially saw you as a guest for ETC, a judge for project runway Philippines and mango it girl. Got so curious about you that’s why I visited your blog. Boom! Fell in love in a heartbeat. I so love your style, an inspiration and will always be proud to be a fan.
thanks and God Bless You
jerry elejarde
[email protected]
Awww thaks Jerry! :)
chok di sidit kwai lok!!! Haha Did I get it right? Anyways to be sure, Happiest Birthday Camille! I know I don’t get to comment always in your blog because I’m always using my phone in browsing but I always get to comment, favorite, liked your photos in facebook, instagram and twitter that’s the way I show how much I love you! haha so cheesy but yes it’s true. I even made you a scrapbook back two years ago and I post it on insta just recently and followed your style and post it on my fb page. Check it here: & I hope you will invite me in your birthday paaarty. I’m your craaazy and fun loving reader. :) heart heart over here
Cecile Pauline Lim Cruspero
[email protected]
That’s Cantonese! Haha! :) Thank you Cecile!
Ivy Ilaygan
[email protected]
Hi, Camille!
This could be a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me to meet you in person!…couldn’t be more excited!
Thank you ivy!
Hi, Camille! I ALWAYS read your blog everyday. It’s my habit to check it up in the morning because I know that I will always learn something new from you. You’ll always be my fashion inspiration! <3
Thank you Lara!
Happy happy birthday to my favorite fashion blogger! :)
Your blog continue to inspire me, Camille! You are one of the most genuine, cool and most beautiful blogger I’ve been following ever since. I will be so happy to be part of your dinner event and to be your friend for just a short period of time. I will treasure it forever! I can’t wait to see you soon. More power to your blog! <3
Joy Tocayon
[email protected]
Thank you Joy :)
Hi Camille, I first saw you in, followed your blog almost everyday as part of my routine (plus your ig,pinterest,twitter, etc.). and started my personal blog too. You’ve been my inspiration and even my workmates tend to check your styles and blog too because I’ve been encouraging them to check it whenever they feel confuse on how to style in attending special occasions. You’ve been very helpful everyday. Please choose me and I know I’ll learn a lot from you that day.
Full Name: Tayme Canencia
Email: [email protected]
Thank you Tayme :)
Oh Name: Siki Calleja Email : [email protected]
Hi Camille. Happy Birthday!! I admire you and enjoy reading your blog. I saw your ad interview with Boy Abunda by chance and just had to search for your blog and have read through some and it’s going to be a long night LOL. More success to you and you’re really good at designing. Hope I can have my wedding gown designed by you ( assuming I get married soon haha)! <3.
I’d love to make your gown :) Thank you Siki!
Hi Camille , I know that this is the first time that I would be commented on your page, I am a newbie reader on your blog but I swear to GOD that I’m already done reading you blog :)) I am one of your fan when it’s come to your fashion. May you have a precious moment and inner peace on your day. God bless your career Sissy :D
Joan Oliveros
[email protected]
Thank you Joan :)
Hi ate cams!! Happy birthday again :*
I’m from Cebu te cams (sooooo layoooo) and I’m not expecting to be part of the 30 lucky readers (like me)to have dinner date with you but I just want to say the first time I met you during the #cutandstyle event here in Cebu, I was totally happy! You’re one of my favorite blogger kaya as well ate kryz, ate lizza and Kuya David :)You’re so cute and bubbly :) everytime my bestfriend and I took stolen shots of yours, you make different pose agad hahaha :D kahit iniinterview kana nagawa mo pa ring mag pose :) pati nga footwear mo nun kinunan namin eh. haha Share2 lang ng experience ko ate cams. sorry kung mahaba eh sa madaldal ako eh :) I love you te cams! :* mwuaahh 1000x
Haha I am a bibo kid indeed :) I remember that day! :) Thanks Jou!
Your blog really speaks of who you are, your real personality, and what you really love doing. Since I discovered your blog, I always make sure to visit it. Through the photos and your kind words that inspires people and tells so many stories of your life. There is so many twists that makes your blog more interesting. Reading your blog makes me to aim high, dream big and never stop following my dreams. You become my inspiration to me and I love how you carry yourself. I want to meet the person who I admire the most in terms of beauty, fashion and traveling. I always keep on attending events and workshops to learn new things from you. This is my own way to support my super favorite fashion blogger. Stay humble as always. I love talking and exchanging so many stories to you. Hearing your cute voice and your expert advise as well.
Happy Happy Birthday! :-)
Grade Ann Mamiit
[email protected]
Thank you Grace <3
I cried when you first said you will only invite 12(its like 1/100000000 chance!!), but my eyes grew (literally) when I read “30 of my sweetest and most loyal readers”. :) I’m actually curious about you’re height because you looked like 6″0 tall! Not kidding here! :) If you remember you bumped to a guy in H&M Singapore (Sept 2013) and he was asking what to give to a girl, you chose a floral skirt. That’s my guy, and I totally love the skirt! I would wear that if you chose me! :)
P.S. This is my first time to write a comment (beginner’s luck please!), and I think you said 1-3 sentences? Was there an exception to the rule? :)
See you soon Ms.Camille! :)
Plenty of you didn’t follow the rule so don’t worry haha! :) Thank you Jean :) I’m only 5’7″ though :)
Hi Ms. Camille! I hope you could pick me because April 30 marks the end of my first busy season in my first job, and meeting my favorite blogger in person would be a great way to celebrate this accomplishment. You are an inspiration to many and being a part of special day would mean so much to me.:)
Inna Isabel M. Gaerlan
[email protected]
Oh are you an accountant? :) Thanks Inna!
Hi cams! i’ve been a fan since you started blogging.I met you once in Blogger’s United at WAGW store in Cebu w/ Kryz and Laureen. We have a picture pa nga eh! hihi! i also voted u as mango IT girl and JUMP!! when you made it.hahaha I’ve been reading ur blog almost twice a day in work and at home. I’m from Cebu and i less than post a comment so malabo na u will pick me. :( But i want u to know that u’ve been amazing and gorgeous since then. U never fail to inspire me! u deserve every luck that you have now. I wish u nothing but the best cams!! wow CAMS! (close lang?!) hehe. I love you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Awww thank you Kaye :)
Happy birthday Ms. Camille!
I first met you wayback November 2011 when I won your giveaway to a party, and you’re one of the very first few bloggers then and until now I always read and visits, since a month or so you have started the blog. I admire how you really give time to thank and answer each and every comment on your blogposts. I’ve always liked your way of writing and fashion style.
Marie Danicia B Castro
[email protected]
Thank you Marie! :) November 2011! Wow, feels like so many years ago!
Bianca nicole cervania
[email protected]
I would love to be on the list since i’ve been there the moment you started with Coexist up to the time you are beginning to realize your dreams so i want to be part of this one too. Plus i do admire you for everything you have accomplished at such short span of time–the passion, perseverance and dedication to what you believe in and what you love to do. You’d been an inspiration ever since and cotinues to be so. You make everyone believe in the power of dreams. :)
Thank you Bianca <3
Happy anniversary to you and your blog! :)
I’ve been an avid, but quiet and behind-the-scenes type supporter, but I’ve been following you and your blog since the days you were using chictopia like a blog and when you were still starting up co-exist! I just wanted to congratulate you on all your achievements! Time sure flies, didn’t know it’s already been 3 years!
I’m not applying for the dinner event, as I’m all the way in Canada, but I just wanted you to know that you have loyal supporters all the way from Canada too!
Thank you Kar! Wow, all the way from Canada! :)
Happy birthday Ms. Camille! Upon reading this, I gasped so loud and hard I sucked in about half of the air in my room from too much excitement! Hehe. Kidding aside, I really wish I get to go… I’ve seen other bloggers but I keep coming back to you (I think I’m expressing too much affection I’m being creepy now lol)
Lots of love,
Kashmere Tame Duran
[email protected]
Haha! I laughed so hard reading this! Thanks Kashmere!
Shiny Bliss A. Ortilano
[email protected]
Hi ate camille,
i started blogging because of you! your style inspired me a lot and that you too inspire me to follow my dreams (which is to travel). i may not have deeper reason like others, why you should choose me, but if you do pick me, I’ll be the happiest! PS: i am a graduating architecture student, perhaps this could be an early grad gift for me ?
Oh wow! Congratulating you in advance for graduating! :)
Hi Ms. Camille Co, I wish I will be one of your guest on your dinner.You have been my style and fashion inspiration and been following your blog since you started.I hope to meet you in person your my fashion icon..Thanks for always inspiring me!
Thank you Gretch!
Shandie B. Valdez
[email protected]
I want to be part of your dinner date because I really love, admire & idolize you and your fashion sense! I want to be part of your 30 lucky dates because i want to know more about you, about fashion & about blogging (an effective blogger). I want you to pick me because i also want to be part of your life/birthday even in a bit/an hour.
Happy Birthday! God Bless! :”>
Thank you Shandie :)
Hi Camille! I’ve been reading your blog for a looong time now. Medyo may pagka “secret admirer” lang talaga ang peg ko. :) Believe it or not, whenever I go to Manila, (I’m from Tarlac, btw) lagi akong palingon lingon hoping na kahit makasalubong kita, lalo na pag napapadaan ako sa BGC/ Glorietta or kung saan saang lugar na possible kang masulyapan. :P Napa comment ako ngayon, after 3 long years kasi gusto na talaga kitang ma-meet. </3
Your blog just made me a better person. Weird noh? Pero totoo. Reasons why? Well, pick me and I'll let you know. ;) mas masarap ang usapan pag personal diba?
Hope to see you in person Cams! You will always be my ultimate girl crush! :)
Baka mapagkamalan kang magnanakaw sa kakalingon mo haha! Just kidding :) Thank you Karen :)
Hi, Ms. Camille!
I may not comment a lot on your posts, but I’ve actually been a very avid follower of your blog for about a year now. It’s weird how a blog as simple as yours can contain such heart and have the power to affect so many people from around the world, including me. Reading your posts have empowered me in many ways and not to mention, your impeccable fashion sense has taught me a lot! You really helped me become more confident with myself and I have always wanted to meet you, but the timing has never been right! Hopefully this time my luck will change.
Advanced happy birthday! Thank you for everything. You’re such a great person and I’d be extremely lucky to be able to meet someone like you.
Thank you leann :)
Hi Camille,
I am a mother of two. Not good when it comes to fashion. Always on the safe, plain and modest side. However, I love checking your blog which I introduced to my daughters for her to look up when it comes to fashion and class. I just want to see you, have picture and authograph for my two angels.
How sweet of you :) Thank you Ciara!
OMG I hope I get invited! Advanced Happy Birthday, Camille! This is such a fantastic way to give back to your readers <3 Can't wait for more details about that launch you mentioned!
[email protected]
You are such an inspiration to me and the main reason I plucked up the courage to start blogging. You have motivated me to get out of my comfort zone and try out new things through your daily blog posts. I hope I get picked because it has been such a dream of mine to meet you, God willing!
Thank you Kyle :)
So, uhm hi ate Camille!!!! What’s up? I hope you’re doing great! I don’t know how to start this, lol.
If ever I got invites, I’ll finally meet you(yey) because di kita naabutan everytime in BU
Sorry I’m always late kasi :)
Hi FI! Please do pick me!! I wanna see you again, for the third time! Ughhh. Pleeeease? *pacuteeyes ;)) alam mo nmn khit san ka magpunta, kht busy gmagawa ako paraan! Hope you pick me, graduation gift oh? Haha. I know you still remember me. You’re my inspiration! Loveyaaaa forevs!
And I know what FI means too! Thanks Erika!
OMG Ate Camille! I can’t wait to this bonggang paandar! Happy happy birthday Ate Cams! You are truly blessed with your sponsors! I’m very excited to meet you! Please pick me.. I just can’t wait to blog about this if I were be the one of the luckiest girls to meet you. :) Isang magandang graduation gift na rin ito para sakin! Since di ka makakapunta sa Bloggers United this May (and actually ako rin dahil may graduation rehearsal kami), this is my only chance! Kahit hindi ako manalo sa blog giveaway mo, mapili mo lang ako makasama sa dinner date, sobrang kasiyahan ang maidudulot mo. :)
I’m a biggest fan of your blog! Ito na ata yung pinakamasayang araw na makasama, maka-selfie at makausap ka nang personal. At chance ko na rin i-share sayo ang aming scholarship organization where you can donate and help ( Hehe. At dahil graduating na ko, isa na ko sa mga nagpapatakbo nito. :) Every December, meron kaming ukay-ukay for fund raising where you can donate some used clothes, shoes and accessories na mapapakinabangan pa. Napakwento tuloy ako. Hehe.
As I mentioned last time (Third Anniversary Date blog), you are my inspiration on everything.. your blog, fashion and your lifestyle. I’m very thankful to have you as my IDOL! Sayo ko natutunan on how to love ourselves first. Kahit minsan stressed at heart-broken, nagagawa pa rin ng blog mo na pangitiin ako and you encourage me to choose positivity and happiness! :)
Again, Happy 26th Birthday Ate Cams! Wish you all the best! Stay humble and sweet. :) Weloveyou! Go #TeamCamille! (Hugs) :) :*
Kim Neri
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @itskhimieneri
P.S. Sorry for the long comment ah. (Pagbigyan na please.. hehe. Ganyan kita ka-mahal. Minsan lang mag-comment) :)
Awww thank you Kim! And what a nice thing you’re doing with your org! :)
Oh my god, this is it pancit!!! Im so nervous while typing my sweet message for you on your Special day and your anniversary at the same time… Happy bday,my inspiration,my lucky charm,my fashion guru,my stylist,my advisor,my make up artist,my idol when it comes to modeling and how to pose in front of the camera, my foodie friend,my traveler buddy. What more i can say to you Cam’s, you’re such a huge influence for me (and to all) for the past years, months and weeks, My best buddy, can testify that im so addicted to you, he cannot explain why im so like this all the time, because of you.And i cannot pass the day without checking your page and leaving a msgs and comments on your space. To cut it short( short po talaga this for me),i know for a fact that you always hear this sweet comments but hell yah i dont care, for me i need to say this even over and over again. Please choose me since, this will serve as my wish come true, and i wanted not to see you but to bond with you as well.And you know that ill be celebrating my bday on May 24, sad to say your not here in the phillipines, Love you so much…. (finger cross) be safe and god bless… xoxo :)
I forgot my info… Nestlei Chantel Baccay and [email protected]
Thank you Chantel :)
Bianca S. Gregorio
[email protected]
I admit I don’t comment much but I can honestly say that I read all your posts and I look forward to them everyday. In high school I already loved fashion but I was afraid of dressing up because of what people think but watching all you bloggers having the courage to do it inspired me and now in college I’m always happy with what I wear and I learned that that is what’s important. On a mini side note, you also gave me guts to wear heels since being 5’7″ before made me feel like I was compelled to wear flats all the time haha
Aww thank you Bianca! :)
Wilma Angela Quilang
[email protected]
You are my favorite fashion icon and you really inspire me lot when it comes to your style that makes me look good. I want to get you up-close and personal and Ill be more grateful if I got a chance. Happy birthday and Happy Anniversary to your blog Miss Camille Co! :)
Angel Q.
You are my favorite fashion icon and you really inspire me lot when it comes to your style that makes me look good. I want to get you up-close and personal and Ill be more grateful if I got a chance. Happy birthday and Happy Anniversary to your blog Miss Camille Co! :)
Thank you Wilma! :)
We met online less than three months, I have become your loyal blog reader, the blog I feel you are a smart, wise and charitable heart, beautiful girl beauty fashion spread. And you enjoy a wonderful birthday dinner together is an honor for me, but also my life in a very meaningful and important affair. Although we thousands of miles away, but the heart and the heart in close proximity. Let the time the witness of our friendship, I wish you a happy birthday!
[email protected]
Awww heart is close how sweet! Thanks GQTan!
hi Ms. Camille!! OMG! I cant believe im doing these..its my first time writing a comment getting goosebumps here..first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU !! Iam here in Iloilo City and I know it is impossible for me to attend your party because of my location.(but im still hoping !!harhar )Well I wish you all the best in life !! ANd more wonderful years in Fashion Blogging pllsss… You INSPIRES me everyday !!!!
Thank you RN!
Mary Joie Terrado, [email protected]
Happy birthday Camille! I’d love to attend your birthday dinner, you’ve always been my fashion icon. Keep on inspiring girls like me and Keep on blogging for all the fashionistas out there!^&^
Thank you Joie!
I remember your first birthday post back then in chictopia with your super cute pink tutu.. I would love to be a part of this birthday/ anniversary celebration with you.. :) and this is the perfect moment ive been waiting to finally meet you.. Happy birthday and more blessings to come!
Jarline De Vera
[email protected]
Ah, my pink tutu!!! :) Thanks Jarline!
Maria Erika Nañes
[email protected]
Hi Ms. Camille! Ever since BU3, I tried to go home late just to see you but even then I wasn’t able to. I don’t know why but fate keeps us apart, may this be the chance for me to have the opportunity to lay my eyes on my fashion inspiration. Happy Birthday, dainty Cams!
Thank you Erika!
An opportunity to dine with a world renowned fashion blogger? I’m in! It would be a pleasure to personally interact with you, a true fashion icon, and know your insights about the fashion world, among other things of course. ;)
Advanced happy birthday!
[email protected]
Aww thanks Tanya! I don’t know about being world renowned though haha!
Ma.Colleen Q. Bernardo
[email protected]
Happy Birthday Camille ! :). Please pick me because since the day i started reading your blog i was really hook and believe me or not you really inspire me to dress up and travel maybe someday .heheh. i love you camille. Congratulations to your blog and more blessing to come. :)
Thank you Colleen!
Hi Cams! Happy birthday to you! Wow this is really a GRAND surprise for all of us, your dear readers :) How I wish I will be one of those lucky ones. Spending that special dinner with you is really one for the books. 3 sentences why? Actually I don’t know. My heart just tell me that I want to. Pwede ba un? :)
Happy birthday again to you! Hope you’re having a blast!
Abegail S. Lozano
[email protected]
Pwede yun! Haha! Thanks Abi!
Hi Camille! Happy birthday and more power to your blog. I am science researcher and no high fashion lady but you inspire me to improve myself, travel, experiment and be more confident. Hope I can thank you in person. KHARLA VIANCA S. MENDEZ, [email protected]
Thank you Kharla! Wow! That’s such an interesting job :)
Miss Camille you are so amazing! I always take time to read your blog, I never get bored :”> I’m just too shy that’s why I don’t have the nerve to comment but when I’ve read that you might not be on BU this May,I just said to myself that I’ll take this chance to see you in person. You are really my inspiration that’s why I made my own blog too ^_^ Keep inspiring everyone! God speed! :)
Thank you MArjorie!
Name: Sarah Kay Lim-it
Email: [email protected]
First of all I want to greet you a very Happy Happy Birthday Cams! You’re too blessed right now so I just wish you good health, true happiness and maybe a love life soon? Hahaha! ^^
Whether you choose me or not (still hoping I’ll be part of your special dinner though hahaha) I’ll continue to support you. Just like what I’ve said before I don’t usually like a fanatic to a celebrity esp to a girl but You really connect to your readers that makes you different to other bloggers and because of that I admire you not just in fashion but most especially for being you! I’ll be the happiest girl if We can bond in person and talk everything under the sun! <3
Thank you Kay <3
I have been your reader since Dec 2011, though a silent one.. :) I deserve to win because I really need to thank you personally for being such an inspiration for me, your blog and lookbook page is my to go to site whenever I have no ideas on what to wear during company events. I’m from Cebu but I’d be more than willing to travel and file for a Vacation Leave just to have dinner with you. Happy Birthday Camille!!! :)
Quena Marie D. Patigdas
[email protected]
Thank you Quena! :)
Star Princess Peteros
[email protected]
Ms. Cams, You’re such an inspiration. I look up to you so much and it would be really great to finally meet you personally. This blog helped me a lot in fashion, beauty, travel and food. Oh, and i love your sense of humor :) Hoping to be part of the lucky 30.
Thank you Star!
You can pick me because I’m one of your early readers and followers (but never really knew because turtles hide in their shells when shy *regrets*)
But, you might just pick me because I’m one of those people amazed and inspired by the humility you’ve shown despite all your success. I’d ❤ to meet you :)
♫ Out where the dreams are high
Out where the wind don’t blow
Out here, the good girls die ♫
… but you don’t! You shine! :)
Happy happy birthday Camille, and happy anniversary to your very fruitful blogging career!
Abbey Eduardo
[email protected]
Awww how creative! Thanks Abbey!
Hi I’m Maica Janica Timan. :) My email add is [email protected]
My three reasons why you should pick me:
1. Because I really wanted to see you from the moment that I’ve discovered you on LB. :)))
2. Because your cuteness and witty head is too irresistible. :) Like that moment when you always talk about your cleavage, I can’t help but to laugh hard. I think you are very fun to be with. :)
3. Lastly, I really wanted to have your autograph. :)
Hihi. I hope I really could see you on that day. :) *crossfinger* *w*
Thanks Maica :)
First of all, happy birthday!! :) I don’t really comment much on your posts because I get really shy, but I do my best to read them all, since day 1 (really grateful I saw Tricia Gosingtian’s post that you’ll start blogging)! I admired you ever since I saw you on Candy a couple of years back! Also, I got really giddy when I was able to give you my card and hug you during Bloggers United 1 (May 27, 2011). <3
I hope your birthday's nothing short of spectacular! :)
PS: I pretty much promised myself that you'll be the designer of my wedding gown hehe
I remember Toni!!! :) It’s been a long time since! :)
Lourine Maulion
[email protected]
Happy birthday ate Cams! This is my 2nd year of celebrating your birthday (though not with you physically, virtually at least. Hehe)and so I glad I did. I didn’t know what more sweet messages to say because probably you heard it already or I said it already but I just want you to know that it will be my pleasure to meet you, one of my inspiration :)Lots of love!
You’re kinda already in :) Wait for my email!
Hi Ms. Cams! Too bad, I’m on night duty on the 30th… ahhh! nurse problems. haha! Anyway, I just want to wish you a happy birthday. Always be happy because someone like you deserves all the happiness in this world.
I feel so ecstatic that I’ve been part of your blog since Tumblr days, I’ve witnessed on how your blog evolved and I’m looking forward on more years with you and your blog. You’ve been such a wonderful blogger, you’ve inspired me in ways that you may not even imagine. Thank you for trying to get to know your readers. I hope you can feel the love I have for you. haha! I’ll support you forever, even if forever is a long long time. #fangirlalert haha! Again, happy birthday! :-) God bless you Ms. Cams!
Awww I wanted to invite you :( I remember you since way back. Oh well, duty calls! Thank you Marifela!
Full name: Pauline Arianna Cuaresma Tan (Full name eh diba Ms. Cams! hahaha :D )
Email: [email protected]
Let me start this by greeting you a happy happy birthday Ate Camille!! May God continue to shower you with a lot more blessings :) aaaaaaand belated Happy 3rd Anniversary to Camille Tries To Blog!! <3
So why should you pick me to go on a dinner date with you? You should pick me because I've been with you through your hair evolution!! Hahahaha :D I've seen you in dark brown, light brown, reddish brown, blonde-ish to the kind of orange-y hair you have now :D I have been an avid reader ever since and checking your blog is one of the things I religiously do everyday because you never fail to put a smile on my face and make my day happier :) <3
Hope I get to dine with the goddess!! (walang chararat 'to Ms. Cams ikaw na talaga ang fashion blog goddess! Pak! :D ) God bless Ate Camille! :)
Hahaha! Thank you Arianna! My hair has truly evolved! LOL!
Got to greet you again, Miss Camille!
I’m far away so i’m sure I wont be able to have the dinner date with you. Yet, I hope I’ll be able to meet you soon :) I even had a dream that you came to my school but too bad I wasn’t able to talk to you :D
Kung makakapunta ako ulit sa Manila, I hope I can see you on malls and I’ll defenitely approach you and introduce myself as one of your loyal fans. Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH coz you are the reason I gained much confidence,really. Hindi ko malilimutan yung sa OLAY interview mo when a basher said something to you and you replied THATS WHY I’M NOT A BEAUTY QUEEN, I’M A FASHION BLOGGER :) Yan palagi naiisip ko whenever I get insecure with my legs :D Eventhough I have flaws, I gain confidence thru the clothes I wear. Again, THANK YOU AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS CAMILLE! :) :) :)
Awww thank you Mary Ann! We all have flaws but that doesn’t mean we can’t work through them :)
Ma. Cielo Robles Fernando
[email protected]
Is it appropriate if I say I’d like to grow old with you? Maybe with you and your blog! Hahaha. But seriously, I want to see and meet you in person :D
Hahaha! Don’t worry, I understand what you meant by that :) Thank you Cielo!
Judylyn Ramos
[email protected]
I would love to be with you talaga. :( I love to chat about you on how will I improve myself and how will I start a new blogger life. You are truly my inspiration to meeee. :((((
Thank you Judylyn!
Name: Rencez Clariss S. Nierva
E-Mail: [email protected]
I’ve followed your blog since 2012, I am a silent reader yes haha! (I hope you don’t find it creepy though)
You really made me love fashion more and more and I think I’m already addicted to it haha.
I hope that I get picked ’cause I really want to meet you! I got to see you last BU6 but it was so short :'( <////3
I think this is the only chance for me 'cause my parents doesn't allow me to go to many events cause of you know financial probs :'( So I'm really getting my hopes high! I really want to meet you, talk to you, laugh etc.
I hope that you'll forever be happy! I love you po!
PS: I greeted you on twitter! @ItsClariss_N
Thank you Rencez!
Hi Camille!! OMG this is so perfect I wish I could be picked to meet you personally. Seeing you from afar is not enough lol. You’re one of my inspirations so being able to see you live haha and to be able to talk to you would be really awesome! :)
Thank you Kath! Please leave your full name and email too! :)
Maica B. Pascua
[email protected]
Hi ate cams! You’ve been my life icon and it was from you that I learned many things, mostly about fashion, food, and life. And before I thought that I might not be able to reach/communicate you, you proved me wrong because you are reaching out to your fans; you never forget to look back and love us hihi. I really want to see you and greet you a happy birthday, especially I might not see you on BU7 which I’m anticipating because I thought you’ll be there T_T.
Thanks for reading my message! It really is a big thing for me when you take your time to read each of our comments and hear us out. :*
Thanks Mai! :)
Arcee Grande
[email protected]
Hi Ms. Camille!
Dress for a party, for a debut, graduation dress, graduation dinner dress or simply for a style inspiration, your blog has been my no. 1 go- to website. It would be a great pleasure if I would be picked for I would be able to finally meet you Ms. Camille. Also, it would be a perfect birthday gift for me this coming April 29. I’ll keep my fingers crossed! Thank you! :)
Thanks Arcee! Advance happy birthday! :)
Happy Happy Birthday and Belated Happy Blog Anniversary to you Camille!!! I do hope I’ll be one of the few who can join you on this awesome occasion! You’ve been great all these years to me and you do deserve a rocking date!!! *crossfingers*
Thanks Cy!
Hi Ms. Camille!
First of all, I wanna greet you a Happy Happy Birthday!
I want to be one of the 30 lucky readers to be part of your third anniversary lunch date simply because I admire you a lot! If ever you pick me, I would be very happy and love to ask you a lot about fashion, blogging and your beauty secrets! I also wanna be the first to see and experience the launch of your “surprise”!
Thank you and God Bless! :)
Iris Castillo
[email protected]
Thank you Iris! It’s dinner na ah! :)
I’m getting giddy as I am typing my comments in here, it’s really exciting to get to meet you Ms Cams , like I’ve said before this is in my “things to do before I die”…
Thank you Dawn! don’t forget to leave your full name and email ad :)
So.. how do we know if we’re on the guest list. XP
A special email will come your way :)
Any particular preference to someone who’s been lurking since your Tumblr days? More so, to someone who was smitten during your visit at the 2nd DLSU Blogger’s Conference?
Hello! Long time no comment LOL! :)
Forgot this:
Name: Mark Anthony Uichico
Email: [email protected]