Kung Hei Fat Choi! Here’s my Chinese New Year gift to you guys–a chance to win an exotic leather bag from luxury brand Laykh, brought to you by my good friends over at SLATE DESIGN. Slate Design is a brand strategy and creative agency that specializes in designing impactful visual stories for beauty, fashion and lifestyle brands. One of the many brands they handle is Hong Kong based brand Laykh. I’ve only recently discovered this brand and I must say, it’s a bag lover’s dream! Look at the beautiful bags you can choose from if you win this giveaway!
From top to bottom, that’s the Emma bag. Krish bag, Tata bag and Nancy bag. To get a chance to win your favorite among the four, here are the requirements:
1. Subscribe to my blog via the pink “Subscribe”button on my menu bar.
2. Follow @itscamilleco, @BrandmeSlate and @laykhhandbags on Twitter.
3. Tweet this: “I want to win an exotic leather bag from Laykh on www.mbrjlmcn.top! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways
4. Leave a comment below with your Twitter name and bag of choice.
This contest is open to international readers. Deadline for entries is on February 10 at 11:59 PM. I will be choosing one winner via Random.org and announcing it at the comments section below.
Good luck, everyone! Have a happy Chinese new year!
Congratulations to Divya Asha! Please check your DMs on Twitter :)
who won te cams?
That Krish bag’s exotic.
Twitter: miss_charlett
I would love to have the Emma clutch bag.
Krish bag
Twitter name: @benzdumol
Bag of choice: Emma Bag
Love that Emma bag!
I like the Emma bag. :)
I can’t wait to get my hands on that simple yet stunning Emma bag!
The emma bag is nice :) my twitter name is @shengrilaaaa
I want to win the Emma bag! :)
Emma bag please gift for my birthday? Thank you Ms. Camille
Hoping to get the Emma Bag. :) *crossedfingers*
Emma bag
twitter: @barbiequilo
<3 the emma bag.. but i definitely <3 you more.. :) hahaha more power ms. Cams!!
Finger and footsie cross!
Twitter name: iamdiday
Emma bag!
Emma Bag
Emma bag
Twitter name: @1veat
Emma bag. :)
Twitter username: @_thehappyone
I love the Emma bag! :)
@ivitiongson Emma Bag <3
Twitter username: @mariaakim
Bag of choice: Emma
Emma Bag please *crossed finger*
Hi Ms. Camille! I want to own the Emma bag pls. Godbless!
Twitter name: @katrinanaaa
Would love to win the Krish bag
I WANT TO WIN THE EMMA BAG. It is simple yet looks classy and elegant. It is perfect for casual and edgy look. I just want to have this bag so badly. Well, fingers crossed, i hope i will win! :)
The Krish bag! :)
Daenah m: @legitdaenah I want the emma bag <3
twitter: @tintineshie
bag of choice: EMMA BAG it is ♥
@ciousraspado Emma Bag. please :)
❤ ❤ ❤
Nancy Bag
emma bag ;)
Thanks for giving me a chance ;)
Hi! :)
Twitter: @TheKrABBEYpatty
Choice of bag: Nancy bag
thank you in advance! <3 :D
NAncy bag!
Hi Atsi Camille!
My twitter username is @pocchoi and I would definitely love to own the Emma bag!
@hernameisabbyc and I want the Emma bag <3
emma bag please :)
Emma bag! <3
Twitter: @jovelyn831
Twitter name: @_itsmefati
I want to win the Krish Bag! ♥
Twitter: @coraletada
I want the Emma bag or Krish bag. :)
i want the emma bag!:) twitter: @titaniumermaid
Krish Bag for me please <3
white bag :’>
I want the Emma bag, Miss Camille! <3
I like the Emma bag please. ^^
Emma bag please! ❤️
Emma bag
Tata Bag ❤️❤️❤️
Fab and fresh with an Emma Bag! <3 <3 <3
Emma clutch :)
Emma Bag <3
Emma bag!!! :)
twitter name: @Xiao_dna
emma bag
Thank’s :)
Twitter name: @gagaylucinda
Bag of choice: Emma Bag
Hi Miss Camille! I am a big fan of yours! I even got a chance to take a picture with you about a year ago.
I want the Emma bag! :) love it @_ngandang
Twitter: @aliolTriple
Bag of choice: Emma bag
Twitter name: tangkaih (https://twitter.com/tangkaih)
Bag of choice: Krish bag ^_^
I want the Emma bag! :) @_ngandang
Krish bag :D
@sissyBorja Krish bag!
emma bag
twitter id: @joieterrado
bag of choice:emma bag
Emma bag! :)
Emma bag
I want the Emma bag :)
Twitter name: @rowminah
Krish bag please
Thank you :)))) Please. More power! Ms. Camille Co
Mia Xu
All requirements done. I like the 2nd one, Krish bag, the silver bag.
Thank you.
Twitter name : @misil01
I so want to have that Emma Bag <3
Tata bag ♥
Misil01 Emma Bag
Twitter: @S0fia_LI
I want Emma bag!!!
Twitter: yanebaniga
NANCY BAG please! :)
I want the Emma bag! :)
Emma bag
I’d love the Emma bag, thanks :)
Twitter: @raemayola
EMMA BAG. Its white and so dainty. <3
Twitter Name: gloriafe
bag of choice: Nancy bag
Twitter – @llanaPrudente
Krish bag
I want to win the KRISH bag! :)
tweet: https://twitter.com/d_katalyst/status/432709250993750016
twitter name: @d_katalyst
I would love to win an emma bag
I want the Tata bag!
Twitter name: zaiwaaabells
I want the Tata baaag :))
Emma bag! <3
Twitter name: @megsawal / i want to win the Nancy Bag
Krish Bag
I love the Krish Bag. Simple yet elegant.
Emma Bag ♥ @fatimafarrahfoz
emma bag is hot!! I want the emma bag
Emma bag! :)
Nancy bag!
subscribed mail: [email protected]
twitter name: Dolores @doliii2212
tweet: https://twitter.com/doliii2212/status/432565721604685824
bag of my choice: KRISH :)
Emma bag! :))
Twitter name: @rowminah
Krish bag
Thank you :)))) Please. More power! Ms. Camille Co :p :p
@minime_momo says me want the black bag :)
Nancy Bag please? Pick me Ms. Camille ❤️
The Emma bag is tops!!!
I’ve got my fingers crossed! Thanks ms. cams!
I love to win the Tara bag (the silver one).
Btw, I think you got the names of the bags mixed up. Laykh’s site calls the silver bag Tara.
hi ate camille :) i wanna win an emma bag. twitter: @BiancaJaneska :)
Emma bag
i like the ostrich bag
tumblemumbo at gmail dot com
Emma bag <3
I wanna win the Emma Bag :)
Twitter: @carpediemgirl22
I wan the Nancy bag! <3
Emma bag ♥
Twitter name: 0621_jeron
Hi Ms. Camille i want to win the Emma Bag. Thanks in advance :)
@rachelchi_beybe https://twitter.com/rachelchi_beybe/status/432094838410854400
Emma bag
Emma bag please!
Twitter name: Porcelaindoll03
EMMA bag please <3 :3
I Love to win Tata Bag for my wife….
Twitter: @chardu03
– emma bag
Twitter name: @bebeeos
Choice: Emma Bag
Emma bag
Emma Bag
Nancy Bag @jexxaaaaaagg
My twitter name is @commonsenseands
I love the Krish bag! SO pretty!
I love the Tata bag.
Twitter: @pippirose77
Thank you for this amazing giveaway
1)Suscribed on the blog:[email protected]
2)my twitter username:Helena@irjas1
3)My tweet: https://twitter.com/irjas1/status/431831300832768000
I lovze the Emma bag!Thank you and have a fab weekend:!
Twitter: @TheyCallMeFati
Tweet: https://twitter.com/TheyCallMeFati/status/431814988076818432
all done!
twitter : @hanalone
i would love to win the Emma bag
thank you for this amazing giveaway!:D
[email protected]
Twitter: __vesper
Bag: Nancy
I wish I could own the Emma bag~ :3
I wanna win the Emma bag!❤️
Emma Bag <3
Emma bag :)
twiiter name:@annkharize
hoping to win the tata bag..
@aabbiereyes Emma Bag
I want the Emma or Krishna Bag. pls. :))
Twitter name: @dubravka_b
Krish bag
bag white
tw @trillina_palemi
mail [email protected]
https://twitter.com/jaclynfett/status/431476322523561984 tweet
Twitter follower Jaclynfett
Love the Emma bag
I want Krish bag!
Twitter name: @krisncl
Emma bag :)
Thank you Ms. Camille!
i’d love to win the emma bag! ^_^
@VlahovicSandra and i would love to win the Emma bag
Emma Bag
Emma bag (as a gift to my sis)
@22yzel, emma bag
Twitter Name: @leeverloverr
Bag of Choice: EMMA bag
Hoping to win!
Thanks and God bless, Ms. Camille! :)
Emma bag :)
I would love to have the Emma Bag. :)
Twitter : imaginharry_
Nancy bag
Twitter: girlfriendapol
Emma bag is perfect.
Emma/ Nancy Bag :)
Nancy bag
Emma Bag
[email protected]
Would love to win the Emma Bag! :-)
Definitely the Emma one
Emma bag
More power Camille! ^_^
Twitter name: @DivyaAsha
Nancy bag is the one that I want to win.
I like the KRISH bag :)
I want the Emma bag!! @hannahmaewong
twitter @in_usum
I want Emma bag :)
Thanks for giveaway!
Twitter account: @jlurvy
Bag: Emma Bag please :)
emma bag~!
nancy bag
twitter: @TizianaB23
Nancy Bag!!!:”)
subscribed and my word the Emma bag is lovely and is my choice of bag.
following all on twitter and tweeted: @wannastayme
Twitter: @kathydoodle
Choice of Bag: Nancy Bag :)
But i also like the krish bag
Emma bag
Twitter name: @TLadiana
I want krish Bag :)
I love the Nancy Bag!♥
Emma Bag
Tata Bag
Emma bag
i love nancy bag
@ anhylh
twitter: @blessiejanee
— Emma Bag
@ashlly21 Emma Bag :)
Twitter name: @itskhimieneri
I want that NANCY BAG! Perfect match for casual wears! :) Thank you Ms. Camille Co for this giveaway! Hope to win! BAG-oholic here! :)
Nancy for me! :)
Emma bag :)
I Love your NANCY BAG!!!!
Emma Bag
twitter username : @iloveaprilross
emma bag :)
Twitter: @iamskay
Bag of Choice: Emma Bag
Emma bag
Krish bag
Thanks for this chance to have one!
Twitter name: heaventears
Desire bag: Emma bag
Thank you~
Love the tara bag! *_*
twitter: @samanthatedesco
[email protected]
It’d be awesome to get the Emma bag :)
Emma bag is my choice :)
Thank you!
twitter: @toniettina1
Emma bag
Twitter @NasyaRob
Nancy bag!!!
thanks for giveaway!
Emma bag
Twitter Name: @szacharin
The Nancy Bag!
Emma bag
Emma bag
Twitter: @jonadgzmnn
I want/need that Emma Bag!!
Thanks Ms. Cams :)
twitter name: @poiu801
Krish bag
I love SHY bag!
Thank you for the giveaway! :)
Twitter: @PiccolaFlo_82
e-mail: floryfrancy(at)inwind(dot)it
Finger crossed! ;)
Krish bag
ken_jinyun is my twitter username :)
i love emma bag
twitter: @milubijoux1974
twitter: @luvalz
I love Krish bag!
mail [email protected]
I want the last clutch, orange in color!
@elenarudaya on Twitter
Nancy Bag :))
Emma Bag! :)
Emma bag
emma bag
Twitter: kriziashanemlao
I love them all so ill be happy if ill win any of them! Especially emma bag :)
Twitter @cutegirlsaid
bloglovin Rabia Akhter
i would love to win Emma bag<3
Twitter @cutegirlsaid
Bloglovin Rabia Akhter
i would love to win Emma bag <3
I hope that I could win the EMMA BAG, because it’s so elegant and a must have ^_^ thank you to Ms: Camille
Emma bag :)
Done! :)
Bag choice:
Nancy Bag
This is my first time to join and I hope I will win the Emma Bag! Simply because of one word! its ELEGANT! Thank you po :)
Aloha, Camille! I wish to win the Emma Bag. @shengasong
I would love the the Emma bag.
Twitter: @judethomas21
Thank you :)
nancy bag
@Mustloveney , krish bag
TwitterName : mustloveney
Bag of choice : krish bag
Twitter name: @akinyang
I like Emma bag
Thank Camille :x
I want the Tata bag.
Twitter: @sheerannlee
Emma Bag
Krish bag
TaTa Bag
Twitter name: @tesletee
Love the Nancy Bag, @kelllly65
I would love to have the Emma bag.
Krish bag :)
I like Krish bag
Twitter name: @AlexandraPainte
Tata bag
Krish bag is gorgeous! :) my twitter name @purplecocaine and mail [email protected] :)
twitter: @ssusilovic
I want to win Tata bag.
Krish bag
Jea Blancaflor
[email protected]
Did all the steps already!
I love KRISH bag :)
thank you!
done subscribe, follow & tweet (^_^)
my twitter: @MissEharaCloset
I really love tata Bag <3
Emma bag
Twitter: @BBBautista25
I want the emma bag! :)
Thank you for this giveaway!
My twitter username: @Rein_lee97
Emma bag
I susbcribed to your blog
[email protected]
Twitter @rafucholoro
My favorite one The Nancy Bag
Thanks ♥♥♥
Twitter name: @ianebaj
Bag of Choice: Krish Bag
Krish bag ♥
Twitter: @DimepieceBaybii
I love to win Emma Bag! :)
Krish bag
Twitter Name: @janinellanongos
Twitter name: @dianadebelen
Choice: Krish bag
twitter name: @jayuy94
Emma bag please :D
Twitter: @dkpadua
Krish bag
Twitter name: @kyliibabii
Bag of choice: Nancy bag
Twitter: @janelleleonor
Emma bag
Nancy Bag
Thanks, how I will win!
Twitter Name: @bellaaajimenez
Bag of Choice: TATA BAG!
I’d love the Nancy bag. I’m @amilewidesmile. Thanks for the giveaway!
Twitter : @LadyIrmawati
Emma bag
twitter: @PrincessCoFaith
choice of bag: Nancy Bag
Thanks Ms. Camille!
nancy bag
Twitter : @Daisukeyuuki
Bag of Choice: Emma Bag
Twitter: @dkpadua
Twitter: @dkpadua
Krish bag
Great giveaway, thank you!
Subscribed, email: [email protected]
Following @itscamilleco, @BrandmeSlate and @laykhhandbags on Twitter as @IrinaZhoze
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/IrinaZhoze/status/430122205800710144
I love TARA clutch!
I meant the Metallic Python clutch.
Twitter name: @howard164551 Emma bag!!!!! Awesome giveaway!!!!!
Twitter @seacelle
Emma bag cams! :)
I would love to win the Emma bag
I want to own the Krish Bag ♥
tata bag! Keeping fingers and toes crossed!
Tata bag
Twitter name: @sheng_shiela
Bag of choice: emma bag
Emma bag please.
Twitter account: @jhamsantamaria
Twitter name: @BLUEBERRYYJAM
I want to win the Emma Bag ❤️
Twitter name: @gorgeousclarice
Bag of choice: Emma Bag
twitter name: @ernarick18
bag of choice: EMMA BAG
I hope that I could have that EMMA BAG because it is such a great bag
Emma bag :)
Emma bag :)
Twitter name: @BLUEBERRYYJAM
I want to win the Emma Bag ❤️
Twitter name: @itsMEDZine
Bag of choice: Emma bag
Twitter name: @royalbugaboo
Bag of choice: Nancy bag
Thank you!
Twitter : @okayohkae
I’d love the gorgeous Tata bag!
Thank you for this amazing giveaway, Camille!
emma bag
nancy bag!!!
Twitter name: @lalalablai
Emma Bag :)
Happy Chinese New Year, Miss Cams!
Emma bag
I would like to win Emma Bag
twitter: @jessica_ranola
bag: Emma Bag
I want to own that Emma bag. :) @QueenQuilo
Nancy bag
I want the KRISH BAG!
I want Emma bag <3
My twitter is : @Alexandranancyy
Thank you :)
Twittername: dis_is_so_me
Emma bag
I love “Emma bag”!!!!!!
Twitter name: @rowminah
Krish Bag
Thank you! :)
Twitter name: @rowminah
Krish Bag
Thank you!
Twitter name: @rowminah
Krish bag
Thank you.
Twitter: @livLinh
Tata bag
By the way, love your style. It’s inspiring. Keep going! And: don’t forget to have fun!
Twitter name: @bloggerwannabe
emma bag
twitter name: mskatrinareyes
I love the Emma bag.
God bless Ms. CC!
Done! :D
Twitter: @Christine_kleo
and i would loooove to win the Emma bag!
Emma bag :)
Twitter: harryansh
My choice would be the Emma bag!
Thanks for this miss Camille! Wish to see you again :)
Tata bag
Tata bag
I’d loove to get my hands on the Emma bag!
Twitter: @sammy_santillan
Nancy Bag <3
Krish bag
emma bag
Nancy bag
Twitter: @02stephiiee
My bag of choice is Emma bag.
I hope I will win this! Thank you for this opportunity @itscamilleco ILY <3
twitter name: 0621_jeron
choice of bag: Emma Bag
i wish to get Emma bag.
Simple yet gorgeous !
twitter: @harleneharlenee
emma bag
emma bag
Emma :)
twitter: @wulan6593
bag of choice: of course EMMA BAG!!
Thank you Camille!
you’re such a stunner!
Wulan Wu on http://bootsydoopsy.blogspot.com/
Emma bag
Twitter: kimtiu37
twitter name: @kywan7
Emma bag is way too gorgeous to die for!!! <3
Emma Bag puhlease!
Twitter name: @nikka_co
Emma bag
i want the NANCY BAG :)
I find it hard to choose between Emma bag and Krish bag. It was just….oh my, I’m stucked between these two that I want to choose both of them! (if only…..) By the way, I love the color of the third bag!
Twitter name: cottonclaudy
Bag of choice: Emma bag
I want the Krish bag, please!
Emma bag :)
I’m sorry its, @BernadetteART (twitter name)
Emma bag :)
I want the Krish bag!!
Krishna bag
Tweeter mrs.panganiban
Emma bag
emma bag
Emmabag :)
Twitter: @im_majc
I like EMMA bag :)
Kung Hei Fat Choi!♥
Twitter name: @iamhazelnut
I want the Emma bag! :-)
twitter name: @jinahruth
emma bag :D
twitter name: @jinahruth
Emma bag :)
Emma bag! <3 @patrbd
twitter name: @jinahruth
emma bag
EMMA BAG @shelleylumanog
i love you to the moon and back camille. ♥
Twitter: @iamghraceful
Nancy bag
Twitter: @Leiramisoka
Bag of choice: Emma bag
Hope to win this. Thanks! :))
twitter name: @dianathaway https://twitter.com/dianathaway I want the Emma bag <3 so pure and classy! :)
Twitter name: thinaylovebooks
I want the “NANCY BAG”.
I wish to win the purple bag
Hi! My favourite bag is Emma.
Happy year of the horse!
Thank you!
Oops, I forgot! My twitter name is ABilingualBaby. Thanks!
I hope I win that Emma bag. Here’s my twitter handle: @beeangkah
Twitter Username: @slither1004
Bag Choice: Emma bag
Twitter : @emarteja
Krish Bag/ Nancy bag
Hazel Joy Jimenez
Twitter: @bhabyhaze20
Emma bag
@lovejoy_angel04 Emma bag, I love white, very classy
Happy Chinese New Year Camille!! :)
I love the Emma bag! Soooo stunning! <3
Perfect for my JS Promenade theme "Diamonds are forever…"
( whisperingyas07 )
@marytgb Krishbag
Pick me pick me! :)
Nancy bag! Oh, I loved the color! <333
I want the Nancy bag please :)
the Emma bag!
Emma bag :)
twitter name: @quenamarie
Emma bag
white bag
@maeenicolas Emma bag
I want the Emma bag. :)
Twitter name: @rowminah
Krish Bag
Please, thank you. More power :D
I would like to have the white leather Laykh bag please!! My twitter name is @StylishBeavr101
Hi Camille !
This is an amazing giveaway!
It’s so hard to decide what bag is the most beautiful, but I choose the Emma bag.
My twitter name is @ElianaB7
Twitter: thesandrea
Bag of choice: The emma bag
Great giveaway! I tweet this post here: https://twitter.com/debbi_f/status/428986855611056128
Debora Ferri
[email protected]
On twitter: @debbi_f
@MicahACruz i want to win the nancy bag :)
twitter name Karin Shaim(@cookiesmasher9)
and my bag of choice is the one at the top
Done! @KatherineAbaba, the Emma bag <3
Twitter name: @gracellenynaaa
Krish bag
twitter: @heartrulez25
i really like the Emma bag
i’m following all on twitter @meandbells
i’m an email subscriber [email protected]
tweet https://twitter.com/MeandBells/status/428914856545095681
i love the fareesah bag!! pls pick me!
and pls follow me! http://www.meandbella.com
Pincky Fos – Mongado
Nancy bag
Nancy bag
Nancy bag
I wnt 2 win an exotic leather bag from Laykh on https://mbrjlmcn.top ! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways
Mrs. Panganiban @toncam1430
Hopefully the Tata bag :) @kriii27 (*prays)
Iliyana Licheva
I really want the silver one ( the second bag )
Heey Miss Camille!
I just joined the contest and i’m soo happy that it’s international. :) I love the bags, two of them are my favorites the Emma bag and the Krish bag. But if I must choose it would be the Krish bag.
twitter: @ReissaAsadon
I so love love love your blog! <3
@stellapongo, I really like the Nancy bag.
The bags look fab! Unfortunately I don’t have a twitter account..
Twitter Username: @pritiella
I want to win the Emma bag! :)
Twitter name: nikka or @ncdejesus
I want krisha bag :))))
twitter id: @kawaiikiyoko17
email: [email protected]
bag of choice:emma bag
gong xi fa cai ms. camille!! ;)
Twitter: Maxine Chan @ChanMaxine
Tata bag
Emma Bag
Hope I’ll win! :D
Ericka of http://myfashionfelicity.blogspot.com
nancy bag
Emma Bag
I would love win the Krish bag!
Twitter: @thaat
Twitter: @GellieBalbuena
Bag of Choice: Emma Bag or Tata Bag <3
Hello, I would like to win the top white bag Emma. Great competition.
My twitter name is @girlmeetsrtw. I have followed all three names, tweeted about the giveaway and
followed via feedburner. x
Twitter name: @mscathromero
Bag of choice : Emma Bag
The white bag – Emma bag – really stole my heart. So pretty! My twitter is:@DilekAsanoska
Twitter name: @LuluFleg
I want that white Emma bag! Gorgeous!
I want to win Emma bag ♥
Twitter name: @rowminah
Krish bag
Thank you :)))) Please. More power! Ms. Camille Co
Twitter name: @rowminah
Krish bag
Thank you :)))) Please. More power! Ms. Camille Co