The holidays have already passed. Sooner than later, we’ll say goodbye to the cold weather we’ve been enjoying these past few months and give the warm summer sun a big fat welcome. Before you know it, it’s time to schedule summer activities once again. Keep those boots in your closets and bring out your flipflops!
I’m not talking about those tacky or bulky flipflops by the way. Those, you can keep in your closets together with your boots. Better yet, throw them out. Flipflops are meant to be casual and comfortable but they don’t have to look ugly. My choice? Slim-fitting footwear in beautiful colors and material like those by Elements.
Drawing inspiration from colors found in nature–from warm earthy tones, to vibrant summer shades, to cool water hues, Elements has a color to suit every mood and personality. Since the brand makes use of only the finest leather from Brazil, each pair promises all-day comfort. Elements is founded on the philosophy that people are “in their element” when they look good and feel good. People are able to feel good about themselves when they are comfortable with the way they look and can express themselves through what they wear. Everyone deserves to be “in their element”–and Elements helps make that happen.
So, do you want to be in your element? Get a chance to win a pair of ELEMENTS flipflops for yourself and your mom/sister/friend! All you have to do are the following:
1. Follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin’. If you don’t have these accounts, it’s easy to make one!
2. Like Elements Philippines on Facebook and follow Elements them on Instagram (@ElementsPhilippines) and/or Twitter (@Elements_PH). If you don’t have an Instagram account, Twitter and Facebook will do.
3. Like the photo below on @ElementsPhilippines’ Instagram page and repost it with this caption: “I want to win a pair of (insert your color of choice) #Elements slippers! If I win, (insert your friend/sister/mother’s @account) gets a pair too! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways #ElementsPhilippines.
*** If you don’t have an IG account, you can skip step #4.
4. Post the same caption on your Facebook and Twitter. Make sure to tag the right Elements Philippines accounts. If you didn’t do step #4, post the photo on these channels as well.
5. Leave a comment below with your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter names.
Three winners will be chosen for this giveaway–one each from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This means you can enter thrice. This contest is open to Philippine residents only. Deadline for entries is on January 30, 2014 at 11:59PM. I will be choosing the winners via and announcing them here at the comments section below. If you are one of the lucky winners, you will be asked to choose between US sizes 5-8. The color of your prize will then be based on the color that you state in your status (subject to availability). Elements Philippines will also be contacting you regarding the color of choice and size of your friend/sister/mother whom you tagged.
Elements is available at selected Shoe Salon branches. Prices start at P1895.
Congratulations to the following:
Emma Smith
Aegeane Brioso
Elinor Semira
Sent you guys a DM over on Twitter :)
Thank you! Email sent Ms. Camille <3
I’ll be announcing the winners soon! :)
Facebook Name: Aidz Villanueva
Twitter Username: @slither1004
Instagram: slither1004
I forgot to leave a commment
Facebook:Dionne dc trinanes teves
Instagram: @marizarimando
Twitter: @marizarimando
FB: Anna Althea Abainza
IG: @althealalala
Twitter: @althealalala
Facebook: Joy Cerame
Instagram: @krstnjoy_
Twitter: @joycerame
Facebook: Tina Elaine Mendoza Resuello
Twitter: tinaelainer
Instagram: tinaelainer
FB: Gigi Celemin-Beleno
twitter: @mommygiay
Instagram: @mommygiay
Tweeted. Posted on FB and Instagram! I hope me and my niece wins! :)
Facebook: Alu Lila (
Twitter: LiLa_Alu
IG: @ohyeahlila
Facebook : Melanie Navales Esponilla
Twitter and Instagram : @iMayLie12
Facebook: Benessa Mae Dumol
Instagram: @benzdumol
Twitter: @benzdumol
twitter: @cgquiambao
facebook: camille quiambao
instagram: @cgquiambao
Facebook: Arvie Vy (
Instagram: daijoubu88
Twitter: __vesper
Hi Ms. Cams
May you continue blogging…
I super like you!!
Facebook: Roneth Jubay
Instagram: @itsmeyabuj
Twitter: @itsmeyabuj
Hi Ms.Ca
i really love your blog ..Keep posted …
God Bless
Jea Blancaflor
Twitter/IG: forevahdreamy
[email protected]
Facebook: Wilma Divine Gil Dimailig
Instagram: @maddgil
Twitter: @Maddgil
Jessiemer Abing
twitter: @JessieDCa
IG: @littleblackjessie
fb name: laila hermosa mercado
IG: @mikeila9518
bloglovin username: lailahermosamercado
fb share:
twitter share:
Facebook: Bernadine Bautista
Twitter: @BBBautista25
FB: Bernadette Zareno-Balino
Twitter: @nadetz
IG: @nadotz
FB: Jaja Que
Twitter: @quejaja
IG: @quejaja
Fb Name: Ann Cagalingan
Twitter: Dimepiecebaybii
FB: ARra Odeza
twitter: @acodeza
IG: @acodeza
fb name:sherry ann
fb: Elinor Semira
ig: @mhoie1325
twitter: @maydoll77
Your blog is awesome! I love it. Here’s my entry:
Facebook: Maxine Chan
Twitter: Maxine Chan @ChanMaxine
Thank you! :)
fb name: nyrac selarom
twitter: @yenmorales
ig: @yenmorales1981
Emiliana Sison
Twitter: @millette05
Facebook: Mel Lao
IG: @oh_annieee
Twitter: @oh_annieee
Facebook: Mirzi Sarte
Twitter: @mizichic
IG: modishchic8
Twitter: @graceann1010
IG: graceannmamiit
Fb: Fatima Ezzahra Ibnou Fairouze
Twitter: @TheyCallMeFati
Kimberly Camille Tiu
[email protected]
FB: Kimberly Camille Tiu
Twitter: kimtiu37
IG: kimtiu37
FB: Aegeane Colmenar Brioso
TWITTER: @MiksyBree0018 / Aeris Brioso
INSTAGRAM: @eyjin0018
IG: @julzdeguzman
TWITTER: @jdg427 (
Facebook : nybel padua savillo
Twitter : @mustloveney
Ig : @mustloveney
Facebook: Clarice Ann (
Instagram: @clariceann08 (
Twitter: @gorgeousclarice (
Twitter: Parkshinyi28
Facebook: Leznupar Yap
Twitter @heartrulez25
Thank you :)
facebook Emma Smith
Instagram @fiercelittlemma
Twitter @counselorette
Fb Jessamer Abing
IG: @jexxaaaaaag
Twitter: @jexxaaaaaagg
Facebook: Riva Shane Bunagan
Twitter: @rivashane28
Instagram: @rivashane0628
tooo cute! i hope i win! :)
Facebook: Kyna Wee
Instagram: @kynacindrell
Twitter: @kayns07
FB Rain Gatdula
Twitter: @rainkie
I’m size 9 1/2. But I’m still hoping that size 8 would fit.
But I hope I’ll win first! :) Hehe.
Facebook: Mitch Meralpis (
Twitter: @mitssimits (
Btw, my email is subscribed to your blog but recently I haven’t received any updates. I just thought that you were not posting anything new :( Buti na lang I checked my bloglovin’ account! Hi Ms. Cams!♥
Oh no! Let me check that!
Wala pa rin :(
Oh no, did you check your spam? Others have been receiving naman alerts. Try unsubscribing then subscribing again :)
Aww. Di pa naman ako nagchecheck ng spam, kasi nga spam lang. Haha. Nasa spam nga :| Sorry. Thank you! Have a great day ♥
Facebook: Marivic Ferro (
Instagram: @avic925
Twitter: @avic0925
Facebook: Daenielle Ferro Gonzales (
Instagram: @xdeyn
Twitter: @conanxedogawa
instagram: ladypink0529
FB: Ireen Valdez
Facebook: Elay Joaquin
Instagram: @elayenchanted
Twitter: @elayenchanted
facebook: ira cristia macam
Instagram: @iracristia
Twitter: @ira cristia
Fb: Hazel Joy Jimenez
Twitter: @bhabyhaze20
fb: yen morales
twitter/ig: @kehrinmorales
Facebook: Milky Santiago
Instagram: @itsmilky
Twitter: @milkysantiago
Instagram: manilashopaholic
Twitter: MnlaShopaholic
Facebook: Therese Chloe Kintanar
Instagram: @ChloeKintanar
Twitter: @ChloeKintanar
Facebook: Jelo Manongsong
Instagram: @jelothegreat
Twitter: @patrickstar88
Facebook: Daisuke Yuuki (Marichelle)
Instagram: @Daisukeyuuki
Twitter: @Daisukeyuuki
^_^ Thank you for another giveaway Ms.Camille… I hope I win this time..haha
Facebook: Vanessa Mabel Camba
Instagram: @mabelpcamba
Twitter: @MabelCamba (vanessa mabel camba)
Facebook: Henley Tabal
Twitter: @hennypennyisred
Instagram: @henlaye
Facebook: Kamille Ligaya
Instagram: @hellomillewhite
Twitter: @thisonesakeeper
Facebook: Ging Aquino
Twitter: @machukoy1
Instagram: @machukoy1
Facebook: Leilani Sonza
IG: @lilaec
Twitter: @lilaec
Facebook: mochafrappuccino
Instagram: @toncampanganiban30
Twitter: @Mrs.Panganiban
I want to win together with my sister bernadette
My FB Post ->
IG: majcleto
Twitter: @im_majc
Facebook: Ma Judiel Cleto
Facebook: Mayla Lagrimas
Instagram: @maylalagrimas
Twitter: @maymaxnin
FB: Agnes Dc
Twitter: @magz_dc
IG: @magzdc
FB: Say Yap
IG: @sayjazzy9
Twitter: @SAYjazzy9
Facebook: Belanie Jimenez
Instagram: @bellaaajimenez
Twitter: @bellaaajimenez
Facebook: Girlie Marie Joyce Kilario
IG and Twitter: @ghirlieee
Facebook: Trisha Camille Lozano
Twitter: @trishlozano_
FB: Eilynn Charm M. Quiros
Twitter: @iheartcharmy
Instagram: @iheartcharmy
Mizpa Herbuela
TW: @miz_cky
IG: @miz_cky
Instagram: @lovesweetkitty
Twitter: @iamsweetcat
FB: Juliana Beloved
Wow! Look fab!
I joined via twitter dear:
Twitter: @NakedArra
FB: Bebe Arrz
Are the sizes up to 8 only? I am size 9. :(
Yes but they’re US sizes so maybe a size 8 would fit?
Facebook: Marilyn Gomez Gomabo
Instagram: @iamgomaboallen
Twitter: @allenrjgomez