To The Max


Yes, your eyes are not fooling you. I am now a carrot top! Move over, Archie! I’m not used to it still but I needed to dye my hair this color in order to transition from a dark red to a lighter color, so I’m stuck with this for now. It’s slowly growing on me though–very very slowly. I think this is the brightest and most daring color I’ve tried. Before now, I’ve never had to consider my hair color whenever I dress up and do my make up. But because this color is just so out there, it’s a bit challenging to style myself without looking like a walking hazard. The colors that I use are crucial! So while I adjust to this new hair, let’s play it safe for now with the ever so neutral color combination–black and white. Here’s another chic maxi dress from Details‘ new collection for the holidays. Check out more of their collection at SM Aura and Powerplant Mall or simply visit Details online via their FacebookInstagram and website.

Hype this look on here.

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SM Accessories earrings and bangles | Details maxi dress Kate Spade clutch Zara sandals

80 Responses to “To The Max”
  1. Nikka Merro

    Hi Camille! My friend is dying to know the name of the the dye that was used for your current hair color? Hihi ganda kasiii!!!

    • Camille Co

      I don’t know!! Sorry! I wish I knew :( I went to Park Jun Salon if it helps

  2. Christine Koay

    This is such a simple yet elegant look, Ms Camille! I love the back of the dress.. and I must say i still kinda miss your red head.. though i catch up very slow.. =.= but changes are good.. I think this colour suits you very well.. =)
    P/S: There’s a typo at the first line, Ms Camille.. It’s your instead of you’re..

  3. Ohms

    OMG. IF I could bumped you into Ayala Triangle:)ill be the happiest:) you’re hair was perfect match with your skin:) love it!:)

  4. hydee

    Hi Camille,

    OMG!!!! I love ur hair color it really compliments your skin tone…and the outfit it’s so PURRFECT.. i hope i can wear that dress too.. Looking forward on your next OOTD… so lurve it… ♥

  5. Ren

    Ang ganda pa rin ng hair mo kahit ano pang kulay yan. The white details in your dress made your look more interesting and fierce. ;)

  6. Steph Sison

    Rockwell again! :)
    Kuha din to ni manong driver nyo? galing nya naman, clap,clap for him! Idol ko na din sya.. :D

      • Steph Sison

        Ahh.. I thought it was manong driver.. I’m really curious which pictures did he take.. :)

  7. Jacqueline

    Hi Camille! First time reader and you look absolutely stunning! May I ask what camera you use for your photos? x

  8. Kalea

    Honestly you can rock any hair color! Would you ever go blonde? Asian Barbie bilang Camille Co

  9. Sephie Rojas

    Move over Archie talaga e :))) At first I thought it was just as light as your first red hair color waaaay back when you started this blog. But after looking at your photos again, oo nga noh? Ang tingkad ng color @.@ It’s like, polished copper :P But I think the usual dark Fall/Winter hues will suit you for now naman :) Keri na keri mo naman if ever! :P

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Sephie! I think the brightness caught me off guard haha! But hopefully soon, I’ll get used to it :)

      • Dawn

        Ms Camille, I would like to ask po if you have any upcoming events cz ill go to Manila on the last week of December po cz I’m from Bacolod and it’s my dream to meet and greet or even just see you in person lg po.

  10. maebs

    you look so lovely. :)i think magte-trending ang new hair color mo. :) your hair color suits you perfectly :)

  11. Isabella

    Your dark hair suits you best than any hair color :( huhu. But you can pull off lighter ones. It’s just that, I like your previous hair color better :) Hi Ate Camille! (me not judging ha? :( :) ) *kaway

    • Camille Co

      I think so too :( But dark hair is so hard to maintain. At least the ones I want. :) And I wanted a change :)

  12. Reena

    Who took these pics Cams? I like the effect ng lights. :) So romantic. I love your new hair color!!! Are you going back to the hair color you had before? :) I think it’s good that you’re challenging yourself na i style yung outfits mo na mag go with the hair color. It’ll give other people ideas kung ano ang gagawin nila if they dye their hair the same shade.

    Once again, I love the Archie shade!!! :) You look bright and pretty. The red hair made you look more sexy and alluring.

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Reena! :) My assistant took these but with my direction. :) We’re trying to be artsy! :)

  13. Janna Zhang

    Hello Camille!
    I need your help, where can I buy/rent a pink gown for prom night? The gown shall be ankle length. Thanks! please have a quick response.

  14. Haley

    Omg!! I love your hair so much!! You can seriously pull off any color, any style and you look incredible. (:

  15. ollyvia laura

    love reading your blog, It’s very refreshing and genuine and I really appreciate that :)
    anyway, would you like to follow each other?


  16. denisevhianca

    Whatever your hair color is.. you still look gorg!! Orange hair, don’t curr.. LOL

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