Skin Is In


I’m sure this isn’t a dilemma for all but for those like me who aren’t blessed with ample bosoms to confirm that they are indeed a woman (LOL), wearing backless dresses can pose a problem. Going braless isn’t really an option for us because then we wouldn’t be able to create the illusion of having actual boobs. Yes, we depend highly on push-ups, paddings and underwires. So what’s a girl like us supposed to do? Head on over to Love Mitzhi to get our backless dress fix! All their backless dresses have built-in pads! Problem solved. Pancakes, no more! You’re welcome.

Hype this look on here.

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SM Accessories earrings and necklace Love Mitzhi backless lace dress | SM Accessories teardrop ring, cuffs and bracelets Chanel bag Nicholas Kirkwood heels

157 Responses to “Skin Is In”
  1. Angela

    Ms. Cams! HELP! What undergarment should I use for dresses like that?? Im not really comfortable if I wear none :(((

  2. Christine Koay

    Oh Em Gee! You’re so sexy, Ms Camille! I can’t stop staring at your sexy back! This is what I called sexy with class.. Love your dress and heels! How often do you exfoliate your skin? You have beautiful skin!

  3. Tyrrah

    Can I just say that you look HOT and ELEGANT at the same time! I mean how is that possible!? The answer!? Its none other than CAMILLE CO!! HAHAHAHA! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! talaga! :)

  4. Apple

    Another speechless post here. :)) yellow really looks so gorgeously on you! I love the shoes too! Uhhh perfect! <3

  5. Toffee

    Oh my gee Cam, ang nipis lang ng heels mo. Nakakaloka. Haha. Grabe, you are so perf and gorgeous at the same time <3

      • mie facunla

        my boyfriend saw your photos,.. and he ‘s eyes was like this.. O____________O
        idol na talaga kita miss camille,..
        i hope my editor-in-chief in our school newspaper approve my article about you and other fashion bloggers.
        hehe.. if its ok with you,.. :) happy holidays,.. :)

  6. hacelem

    Omg Camille! this so is so perf :) i do admire you a lot! And meeting you in personal would be a best gift birthday this year for me! Keep inspiring us and bring out always the best in you^^

  7. hacelem

    omg!! this is the dress i always dream to wear, and YOU LOOK SO PERF WEARING THIS CAMILLE ! i really love love you! if i would have a second life i wish i could be like you!! :)

  8. Arianne

    aw!so sexy Ms.Camille… I want to see you, sna makita na kita. another christmas wish!!!:)))

  9. Kim Capeña

    my yellow love plus my favorite fashion blogger! sobraang sexy mo ate cams. haha (always saying that though) hahahahha. nice fit ng dress and super clear yung curves mo. super nice tlaga tingnan ang yellow sa yo. hehehe. MERRY CHRISTMAS ate camille! advance greet lang po muna ako sayo kasi i will go to leyte for christmas break and for sure i can’t read your blog for 2 weeks :(

  10. Ren

    Height mo pa lang, woman na woman na! I love that golden part in your heels, it adds class! ;)

  11. Reena

    ohhhhh You reaaaaaallly look great in yellow and I love how the dress fits you. The buttage! I’m sooo jelly!

  12. arianne

    aw!so sexy Ms.Camille… I want to see you, sna makita na kita. another christmas wish!!!:)))

  13. angel

    kahit siguro pinaka murang damit magmumukhang mahal pag ikaw ang nagsuot.grabe!you look so elegant and classy.mahihiya akong lumapit sayo.ang ganda mo.

  14. Philip

    You blow me away…
    This dress on your body makes the temperature rising.

    You are a kind of miracle, Camille :-)

  15. denisevhianca

    If only i have a shape like that… So pretty!! Your hair fits to the outfit. :)

  16. Gell

    Wow you have the back and feet of a goddess. Srsly, how do you maintain those feet? @)

  17. Shaira Manalo

    Stunning! I remembered your outfit last BU6. Backless din pero corset yun :) Ahh your pretty! I want to meet you again :) Do you have any scheduled meet and greet? :)

  18. Eriss

    Ramdam na ramdam ko lahat ng sinabi mo. It’s like, you put my thoughts into words! Haha! Kaya to the person who invented push-ups, underwires, and paddings.. I. OWE. YOU. BIGTIME. Hahaha. Anywaaay, what can I say, you are so sexy and elegant! Two words that only few people can achieve! Love it! Ang galing mo talaga. And yung bag!! *drooling*

  19. Jilly

    Wow….. U look amazing Camille! :) hope to see more rad and hot outfits from you! :)

  20. Lornz

    I super miss visiting your blog Ms. Cams.. You really dress well.. btw can you make some suggestion on how to accessorize a 1920’s inspired dress?

    Thanksie muahhhhh..

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Lornz! Baka naman you visited lang again to ask about accessorizing!! Haha! Long thin strands of necklaces and wear a headpiece too :)

    • Camille Co

      Haha! I’m not joining that but I have 2 bazaars this summer :) I’ll let you know!

  21. erika

    you look very sexy in that dress. by the way, diba po you have scoliosis? Are you undergoing treatment?

    • Camille Co

      Yes I do! Before when I was still in school, I used to go to the chiropractor but now no na :)


    Standing ovation! Clap clap clap. Throw roses effect! If I was tall and super makinis like you, baka everyday mag ganyang dress ako sa office. Haha So gorgeous, as always. I’m repeating nalang my papuri sayo Ms. camille! Anyway, I have emailed my *CONCERN/REQUEST* to you already. :D Hope you’ll have the time to read it (pag hindi busy, no pressure! :D)

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Ivy! I’ll check when I can! :) Wag naman everyday! Dapat magpaawat din! :)

  23. Kay

    Hi Camille,

    Lalo ako nadepressed sa post mo na to :(( matapos lang ang holiday ikacareer ko talaga ang pagdiet at pagworkout so I can also wear this dress! hahaha! I have to post your picture especially this post somewhere for my thinspiration! you’re so sexy promise! hindi halatang bottom heavy ka :)

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Kay! I guess I’m bottom heavy in relation to the other parts of my body because it’s supposed to be tiny to make it proportionate to the others haha!

  24. Marichelle R. Sayaang

    WOW! your so super sexy na Ms.Camille…. ;) your post from 2011 to 2012 you look very young and slender, the typical asian silhouette that I think most westerners are jealous.. haha but now you are really a lady na,So gorgeous, I’m jealous in a positive way…^_^ haha kain ako ng kain wala namang curves na nadedevelop,,tampulan na naman ako ng mga friends ko this coming christmas,,,haha,,, by the way I love the dress and the “dilemma”…haha,, You look great here Ms.Camille… as always heheh… my sisters love you too.. haha Every time we shop for clothes, we always say, “Oh look! here! this is beautiful it’s camille co” and If I were something that is inspired by you, they would totally say, “Wow camille co inspired” haha

  25. Jolly Ann

    hi Camille,

    I just want you to know that im one of your avid fan :) super! I really like your style so love it ..Hope you will keep inspiring us with your blog and fashion ideas.

    Camille I just want to ask about your suggestion on what type of clothes should i wear if the theme will be hollywood 20’s?? I dont have any idea about it :) .

    Thanks you and more power !


    • Camille Co

      Google is your friend. Flapper dress is your best bet! :) Thanks Jolly Ann!

      • jolly ann

        Hi cams,

        Ahmp..yah im trying to search online din haha thanks camille :)

        lovelots! idol :)

  26. Dawn

    The sixth pic from the top is oh so hooooot!!!! I could get burn! Love how you hold your hair like that plus how you angle your bod for that pose, this might call the attention of fhm editor, omg! Can u picture yourself now? Lol! But I really dream for you to be a Cosmo cover this 2014, super deserve mo promise! Calling fellow readers let’s tell Cosmo that they should feature Camille ok?

  27. Ana Santos

    Yes you aren’t blessed on that part but you are too blessed on your behind. How about girls who lack both? :(

  28. jayznhel

    Hi Ms. Camille,

    I love that dress.. Super bagay po sa inyo, lumalabas ang ka seksihan mo.. Godbless.

  29. yenz

    OMG! your so beautiful and stunning on this dress Ms. Cams. Very beautiful and sexy….around of a plause for you….;)

  30. Ohms

    c0lour yellow is the perfect match with your skin Ms. Cams, (but all looks perfect, with any color)
    love the whole outfit, elegance plus sexy back!

  31. maebs

    So gorgeous :) lakas makapa- demure sa harap sa likod ang sexy at ang taray! Haha. Yan ang sinasabing pulmonya kung pulmonya to the nth power. :) haha :)

  32. Dilek

    Trust me, having an “ample bosom” does not help when wearing a backless dress. I am 21 and I still haven’t worn such a low dipping backless dress because I cannot find the appropriate bra(when I do find it, it’s hella expensive). I don’t find it flattering when a woman’s nipples show through the dress, so going bare is not an option for us either.
    On another note, your body looks fabulous, and I love the bag!

      • Dilek

        I googled them, but this is the first time I heard of those hahahaha I guess I should try them if I can find them in our country or just stay away from low dipping backless dresses (which are gorgeous) until I can afford a good bra to go with them. :D

    • Camille Co

      I think so but we got this a long long long time ago :) I don’t think it’s still available :)

  33. Angeli

    Gorgeous! I love everything! And that dress! If only I was older so I can wear it!

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