Proud To Be An Olay Woman

I never thought of myself as textbook pretty. I was never that picture perfect girl–at least in my eyes (which is probably why you won’t find a lot of selfies on my Instagram.). Whenever I’d get complimented about my physical appearance, I always get uncomfortable and think they’re probably just saying that because they’re being nice or maybe they just haven’t seen a lot of beautiful women. LOL! This isn’t false humility. I’m just being honest. A lot of people think fashion bloggers are narcissistic or GGSS (gandang-ganda sa sarili). Frankly, I don’t blame them. When you go to our blogs, you see a gazillion photos of ourselves. But then again, we’re here to document our PERSONAL style. It would be weird if you only see our outfits with our faces cropped out of the photos. They’ll probably look a tiny bit disturbing. So no, I don’t think we all find ourselves to be the most beautiful women around. At least I definitely don’t. It’s just part of what we do. We all have flaws and I think that’s part of what makes us so relatable. I, for one, am fully aware of all my flaws but in no way does this make me insecure. No sir! The difference is that I’m fully aware of all my flaws and I embrace them. I love myself despite my imperfections. I believe I’m beautiful not because I think I have a pretty face but because I know I have a beautiful mind and I have something beautiful to offer. I’m confident in my own skin and this the reason why no amount of baseless hate geared towards me will ever affect me. When you accept yourself completely, you become an empowered individual–and this is what I want to convey as an Olay woman.

When I was first asked to be an Olay woman and to be part of the second season of their highly successful Olay Conversations series, I was in complete shock. (I wish I’m exaggerating but I’m not. Haha!) I’ve been an Olay user since my high school days. My mom introduced it to me and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve always loved the brand, not just for its products, but also for its values and image. To me, the women of Olay are sophisticated ladies with substance. That is what sets them apart from the rest. It’s not just their beautiful appearance that people admire. It goes beyond that. You can see why I’m so honored to be an Olay woman. Not in a million years did I ever think I’d come out in an Olay commercial and say–“I’m Camille. I’m proud to be an Olay woman.” But it happened. It happened to ME.

Wow. Thank you Olay. And thank you dear readers for making this possible. All of this, as I always say, won’t be possible without you guys! And because you’re part of my journey, let me take you behind the scenes and share this experience with you.


It was an early day for all of us. My call time was 7am. I didn’t need an alarm clock to wake me up because I was a bundle of nerves and so I was very alert.


My glam team–MAC’s Owen Sarmiento (the same MUA who did my Preview cover) as my makeup artist and John Valle doing my hair once again. Love these two!


My dress that was prepared by my stylist for the day, Ien Beltran.


That’s Ien!


While we were prepping upstairs, the lights and camera crew were already working their magic to ensure that my skin would look the most radiant under these super lights. Believe me when I say these are SUPER lights.


Time to do some blocking!


Listening to what the director has to say.


Ready for my closeup!


Before my actual interview with Olay Conversations’ Tito Boy Abunda, I did all my “beauty” shots first.


With the assistant director right beside me, coaching me, tickling me, talking to me–doing whatever it took to get me to giggle, smile  and in short, make love to the camera. LOL!


Playback of what we’ve shot so far. They showed it in slow motion which I found so cool. I looked so demure!


Deep inside though, I felt like a crazy person smiling and giggling all by myself, laughing with an imaginary Tito Boy beside me over and over again–all while the assistant director just inches away from me. But as long as it looks good, then goooo!


Caught in the act! You can see how he was giving me instructions as I tried my best to charm the camera’s pants off.


Director Mike on the microphone giving comments while I am still wooing the camera.


By the end of the day, the camera better say yes to me. Haha! That’s a lot of wooing!


And finally, the actual interview with Tito Boy. Here we are waiting for our take.


Prior to this shoot, I had no idea what Tito Boy was going to ask me. All I knew was the theme of this season’s Olay Conversations is achievements. It’s all about being proud of your age and the achievements that you’ve acquired. That, and my love for Olay White Radiance–the secret weapon I’ve been using these past few months. Naturally, there was no way I could rehearse this, which is what made me nervous in the first place–the uncertainty. But once the camera started rolling, I felt so at ease. Whew! What an experience. The commercial has been showing on television for a few weeks now and the full webisode was already released on Youtube so I won’t talk about the interview anymore. Just watch it below. I hope you like it!

***Update: Although my original video got taken down after a few months due to certain circumstances, it has now been replaced with a new one. Woot!

151 Responses to “Proud To Be An Olay Woman”
  1. Christine Koay

    Congratulation, Ms Camille! Your parents must be proud to have a daughter like you! You look gorgeous in the shoot.. And I will say it again, you have such a sweet voice! =D You’re really inspiring.. Though i don’t really understand Tagolog, but i can actually understand what you’re saying.. (LOL.. does that makes sense?) I just love that you’re being who you are and you’re really passionate about blogging and designing.. That’s why I love reading your blog.. *Hugs hugs* <3

  2. Pinky Lee

    More power Ms. Camille^^ Thank you for inspiring us all~ You’re not just beautiful but is also a very humble woman <3
    Wishing you all the best!

  3. Nicole Calvelo

    Hello , Congratulations Ms.Camille Co :D
    May I ask a question : What can I wear with a Pencil skirt that is black and white ?
    and whoever said that you’re not pretty should look at him or herself first :D :D :D
    I really love your style :D

    • Camille Co

      Thank you Nicole! Hmm you can wear silver, white, black, red, blue, gray–lots actually!

  4. Ivy Shane

    Woww! Congrats Miss Camille! You are very pretty and engaging! :)
    Na shock lang ako sa boses mo.. Hehehe! In a good way naman. Maliit pala boses mo.. So teen-like. Hindi halatang 25 ka na. :)

    God bless! xo

  5. Almira

    I hope that all you’re dreams will come true. :) You really deserve it Ms. Camille :)

  6. stephy macasaet

    You are such a sweetheart ate camille! I hope you remember me, I went to your meet & greet in tomato glorietta branch along with my best friend jhai who is a die hard fan of yours and we somewhat interviewed you about blogging and you were really game about answering them. You and ate Patricia Prieto always inspires me when it comes to dressing up! :)

  7. colleen bernardo

    congratulations camille!
    when the first time i saw your commercial napaOMG talga ko! hahaha
    your so pretty and i love you..
    sadly i missed the BU6 see you na lang on BU7 !! hihi

  8. Ohms

    congrats Ms. Cams, you deserve it, I actualy watch the video to nth:) you’re voice is so cool and kulit:) very humble woman.:) Wishing I could see you in person.:)

  9. Angeli

    Okay, is it just me who fangirls whenever I see your commercial?

    Anyways. Fabulous job Ms. Camille! You look sooo beautiful and I agree with what you said. Even if you’re not the stereo typical pretty girl, you can still be beautiful because of what’s inside.

    More power Ms. Camille and God Bless.


  10. kc

    While I was watching your video, naisip ko “bagay kay Camille Co yung short hair. ala Tricia G.” Hahaha. I hope you’ll cut your hair soon. hehe, para new do! :)
    Congratulations! :)

    • Camille Co

      I want to but also thinking if I should get a perm then cut it when I grow tired of the perm :) Decisions, decisions! :)

  11. Anj

    napakita na pala to sa TV? i mustn’t have watched enough tv then! but i’ve watched this on youtube…palalagpasin ko ba? lol! we, your loyal readers, are all sooooooo proud of you ms Camille! aside from being an inspiration and your awesome fashion sense, you’ve shared your wit and humor – and for me that’s what makes you stand out among all other fashion bloggers. you’re just so natural in all your posts, and your confidence shows in all of them! lalo na when you’re being funny :)

    superdupermegaovertothenthpower great job on this interview! and your voice…naa-amaze pa rin ako hihi..:)

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Anj :) I really appreciate it and I can feel the love from you guys. Thank you for the encouragement and for adding to that confidence you’re talking about :)

      My voice…. is tiny haha!

  12. Isa Reynoso

    I’m sorry for not being able to comment on your posts anymore :( I actually miss it! But do know that I make sure to never miss a single post. NEVER!!! <3 I still always read your posts <3

    So proud of you Camille! I always knew you were meant for greater things, like this Olay commercial for instance :)

  13. Pauline

    You are an amazing and a very humble woman, Ms. Camille. Keep on touching other people’s lives! God bless you more! :)

  14. Chacha

    You are such an inspiration to all of us ms.camille. Stay true and stay YOU cause we LOVE YOU! :*

  15. Kate

    You look radiant! And you are truly smart! You answered the questions flawlessly and you’re so at ease :)

    May I ask you something – but regarding a different matter? What do you suggest I use for my eyebags? What cream or ointment should I put to lessen the dark circles? Would really appreciate a reply! Thanks idol! :)

    • Camille Co

      Thank you Kate! :) Olay has some pretty good creams for the undereye. Strivectin too :) Sometimes though eyebags and dark circles are hereditary

  16. maebs

    I’m so proud of you ate Cams! CONGRATS! you deserve this conversation with Mr. boy abunda. :) I learned and enjoyed it a lot. I wish when I will be at that age I will be like you. btw, I hope you saw my tweet about this conversation. :)

  17. Sephie Rojas

    I love this interview. This has got to be the best interview you have to date! I swear, while I was watching this (I’ve watched it 4 times already, haha addict? lol) I was commenting in my head “Gosh, ang galing ni Camilel sumagot!” You looked so charming, may topak yung camera kung di pa yun sumagot after all the wooing you did :))) Everything you discussed should be heard by a lot of young women. Nagbibigay talaga ng confidence sa sarili yung interview mo :) Great job! Congrats on this achievement and may you have many more achievements in the coming year! <333

    • Camille Co

      Hahaha! Aww thanks Sephie! Wow four times! You watched it more times than me! :) That’s so sweet. :)

  18. Genesis

    I always visit your blog (Yes, always, even on busy days) and read about your blog posts, but I think this was just the second time I’m gonna reply on a post. It is just so nice that we get to know more about you in this conversation. *Sobs* You just do not know how you inspired me and all of my friends who have been a reader of your blog. Drama off! I really really really love you and your blog! And I will always be a reader and a die-hard fan of yours. Keep inspiring people!

  19. Rej

    Hi Ms. Camille! I’ve watched the vid last night and it was my first time to hear your voice. I’ve started visiting your blog just last week (‘coz I’m no mega fashionista nor a blogger) but I love you already.

  20. Jam Tan

    Congratulations Camille! You really deserve all that you have now! You are such an inspiration to us and you’ve influenced us greatly in our lives! You give us reason to strive for our own dreams and aspirations <3

  21. mareeyuh

    Hi Camille! Hope u could watch my son’s video on instagram. I tagged you there cuz he really got amazed when he saw you when I was reading your blog. May crush kasi sya sayo :) heres my ig acct: @mareeyuh82292 Thanks Camille. :*

  22. Kay

    As your follower, I’m so proud of you for reaching this new height. You look so radiate and confident in the interview. I admire your eloquence and confidence :)

  23. Chloe

    Congratulations Ms.Camille!! You’re so beautiful!!!<3
    May i ask you something?
    Chinese new year will be coming soon, what should i wear as a teenager?
    Butt i don't like 'qipao' , i like to wear dresses.
    Could you give me an advice?
    Thankyou before:)
    Love ya xx

  24. Sydney

    Great style + great personality as seen in this interview. Plus you have a cute voice. :)

  25. Ren

    Show na show ang teeth! Pretty smile talaga. You look and act naturally in this talk with Tito Boy just like chit chatting with your friends (walang awkwardness, diba?). Hindi na ginalaw ng hairstylist ang bangs mo. Haha, behave na siya sa full bangs niya ;)

  26. Marichelle R. Sayaang

    You’ve made me teary eyed yet so happy while listening to you talk Ms.Camille….. ;) so happy…I’m smiling the whole time watching this… I’m 24 now and I understand what you said that your on the both side….. but unlike you I haven’t achieved yet the things I really dreamed and wanted… I’m still starting and reviewing and going back to basics to make it come true….you inspire me.. ;) for me your pretty… inside and out yeah they might say it’s just because your clothes they are just insecure…haha… your not blogging about your beauty naman eh,,,beauty is in the eyes of the beholder sabi nga nila…. you’re blogging baout fashion and I love you’re fashion so much……I find it very good… I followed other bloggers now but your the first fashion blogger I found on the web… an even though I meet new now you’re still my love and favorite…your fashion….your whole fashion…. on ther bloggers I just chose the style I like from them but from you its all… Honestly, One day, I wanted to design my dress too but If I could afford na haha I will contact you agad2x…^^

    Sorry this is too long….. ;)

    • Camille Co

      Awww thank you Marichelle! :) Don’t be sorry :) I love reading all the comments here. Warms my heart to know I have sweet readers who inspire me as well to continue what I’m doing :)

  27. Regine

    I’ve watched your vid last night and it was my first time to hear you speak. I’ve started visiting your blog just last week (honestly, I’m not a mega fashionista nor a blogger) but I love you already. <3 You have a nice personality Ms. Camille and I can see that by the way you tell stories in your blog and by the way you answered those questions in Olay conversations. I hope your'e still a fashion designer 8-10 years from now because I want you to be my fashion designer on my wedding. :) Hoping to meet you someday. Lovelove xx

  28. girleah azurin

    Congrats Ate Camille! You’re really an inspiration to me. I hope one day I will meet you in person and have a little chat with you. I think I should give Olay a try to experience how to be an Olay Woman. :)

    -I will always be your fan <3

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Girleah :) You should! Once you start, I’m sure you won’t stop using it :)

  29. Charleen

    Grabee nakakaproud po kayo. :’) hehe galing sumagot ng mga tanong, so classy and napaka-educated. :) sana po maging ganyan din ako paglaki ko. :D

  30. Tasha D.

    Ito lang ang masasabi ko… ang swerte ng magiging asawa mo. haha! Kung meron man mangloko sayong lalake, i-announce mo lang ditey at kami na ang bahala. chos! I know you wont do that though. Olay women like us just don’t do that. You know…we’re like… on another level….like Penthouse level. CHOZ yet again!

  31. Lourine

    Ate Camille! You know what, when I watched this video, I felt proud. (Parang ako lang yung nasa video. Haha) I was watching the vid with my cousin, and she said “magaling sumagot no?”. Yeah. You have the style and substance. You don’t just blog about trendy clothes but you also have the inspiring personality :) You deserve to be an Olay Woman. And when I noticed the other celebrities who did the Olay interview, I am thinking, “Ate Cams is bigtime!” Hehe. Congrats :)

    • Camille Co

      Aww thank you Lourine! :) I’m glad I was able to convey those things :)

  32. jhay-cee

    Woohooo!!!! Applause applause with standing ovation. I’m following your for almost 2 years now, i know you really achieve all your dreams na. I soooo proud na nakilala kita. You really really inspired me. I’m so proud of you Miss. More blessing to come.

    Love lots from me. <3<3<3

  33. cye

    Hi Miss Camille. I’m done watching your conversation with Mr. Abunda and your too young to keep your self on track. You really prove to everyone that your’e not just simply beautiful but your’e witty enough to achieve many of your’e dreams at your young age. You inspire a lot of teens, especially me! Hope I can be like you. Take care. Godbless po :)

  34. Anne

    I really loved the way how you graciously handled that basher. It’s true we can’t please everyone, but it’s in the way we treat those who dislike us that shows what kind of character we have. And you did it like a true woman Cams! Congrats! You super duper deserve being an Olay woman!

  35. Vanni Yeth

    Finally you blogged about it! <3 "That's why I am not a beauty queen, I'm a fashion blogger" Bravo Ms. Cams! You really inspire me <3 I really believe that 10 years from now you will still be blogging and that it will transform with you. I'm looking forward for your baby blogs and more :D <3

    • Camille Co

      Wow! Baby blogs?! Haha! That’s a long time from now! But thank you Vanni! I do hope we’ll grow old with each other gracefully! :)

  36. Kate

    Just read this Miss Camille, and wow you brought inspiration to me. My mom is a loyal Olay user for 5 years (wala lng, ma share lng hehe) Congrats :)

  37. Mary Ann

    It’s my first time to hear your voice Miss Camille and it’s so cute! :)
    Don’t let other people let you down coz you deserve where you are and what you have right now!
    Congratulations! :)

  38. Reena

    I loved your interview! I felt like a “stage ate” the whole time hahaha… You really deserve the achievements, Cams. It was a very inspiring interview. :)

  39. denisevhianca

    Congrats po!! Continue to grace every minute of the day! (Ano daw?!) Lol. Thanks for inspiring me :)

  40. Maria Fe Estrella

    Hi Ms. Cams! This is on the top list of my favorite blog post of yours. I’m so proud of your achievements, you truly deserve those! You’re really beautiful inside and out. I will never forget the first time I’ve ever met you in person, that was the Goody event. I was so excited to approach you but at the same time I was so nervous. haha! I introduced myself and you remembered me. We even have a short convo. You have the sweetest smile. You’re so charming.

    I just want to tell you that for every person that hates you, there are 10 more people who loves you.

    I really love your interview with Boy Abunda, you’re so radiant and I know all the things that you said there are real. You always show us the real you Ms. Cams. <3

    • Camille Co

      Thank you Marifela! :) You’re one of my earliest supporters :) I’m happy you’re still a loyal reader until now :)

  41. angel

    we are here to support you.dont mind those so proud of you.i hope to see you in person.xoxo

  42. JaneyJane07

    Congrats Camille :) Galing mo talaga!Sino naman ang ng tweet na ur not pretty, pretty mo kaya! :) u r an inspiration :)

  43. Trish

    So proud of you, Ms. Camille! You really did great in this interview. Di halata na kinakabahan ka hahaha. You carried yourself with so much grace. I really do hope to meet you soon!!! You’re my inspiration. xx

  44. dax

    I’ve watched it on Cinema One (C1), interviewed by Boy Abunda.. bitin nga lang..ehe :) .. Happy for you!

  45. Kathleen Eugenio

    Hi Miss Camille Co! I really admire you! The whole you! After reading your post, I can see the personality you have. You know how to take control of your flaws and knowing that you have, you still love yourself and still embracing the imperfections. I do the same too. I know God made us perfect in our own way. You inspired me to make my own blog! And I also believe what you said in your interview, that there are no rules in blogging. :) May God continue to bless you more blessings Miss Camille! Stay humble! :)

    • Camille Co

      Thank you Kathleen! :) Here’s to accepting ourselves just the way we are :)

  46. Dilek

    This is also my first time hearing you speak. You are so vibrant! The first thing I thought was: “Wow! She sure speaks fast.” – which adds to your vibrancy. I wish you many more successes in your life.

    • Camille Co

      Haha! That’s actually slower than my usual speed! I tried my best to slow my speaking down but looks like I need to slow it down a bit more! :) I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you Dilek!

  47. Zoe

    Congratulations ate Camille! I genuinely love this post. I feel like you’re really saying these things from your heart (I know that sounds corny and all), but I really think you’re so genuine, that’s why I totally adore you! Keep being yourself, ate Camille. xoxo


    • Camille Co

      I’m glad this came across that way. It is from the heart and really personal :) Thanks Zoe!

  48. Kay

    Hi Camille,

    I just thought I’ve read the part 2 of your conversation with Tito Boy! Hahaha! I was really touched and felt you while reading this blog in 2 AM. You really moved me in all aspects. I admire you more because of this! I believe a lot of us have insecurities and imperfections and having you as our idol said bluntly about your own imperfections I must say, without halong etchos, you’re a true person. It’s so hard to find someone who you will look up to and you proved yourself, in my opinion, that you deserve to be one. Someone who is not afraid to embrace the flaws and imperfections. All I want to say is that you’re beautiful inside and out (believe me I’m not being biased here…Honesto!) hahaha! Wishing you all the best in the world which is you’re having right now ;)

    • Camille Co

      Thank you Kay! I’m super touched by your message :) I’m lucky I have readers who truly appreciate me for who I am :) Thank you!

  49. Christine

    Hi Camille! :) You inspired me with your video. :) You are beautiful! :) You have a good heart, although we don’t know each other, I can feel you are humble and kind by the way you speak. :) You rock! :)

    • Camille Co

      Thank you Christine!! :) And for going out of your way to leave such a positive and flattering message :)

  50. Jaya

    Camille, I just wanna say, you ARE an extremely gorgeous person, and you are “textbook pretty”! I always get mad when really pretty people put themselves down like this, because they realize what they have….when I started out reading this, I thought you were gonna go in that direction. But you are so inspiring, and lovely that it almost made me cry with joy; you know a every girl needs the self esteem you have, because EVERY girl is beautiful in their own way! I love you soooo much and you should be the ideal face behind Olay!!!! Such a good role model! Love ya Camille (muah!)

    • Camille Co

      Thank you Jaya! I guess we’re all dealing with the same things. It’s nice to be able to open up and share this with you because I feel that this blog is a safe place, where everyone is loving and true. :)

  51. Yana

    Awwww congratulations Ms. Camille!! I’m super happy for you and I hope you reach your ultimate dreams!! We, your readers, will always be here to support you and I hope you continue on touching lives because you definitely touched mine :) <3 love you Ms. Camille!! More blessings to come and see you soon (hopefully hehe) :D

  52. Dawn

    I love the interview because I could really feel that you’re so true to what you’re telling Tito boy. Walang halong “kaechosan” it’s just the real you and it’s what makes you unique and truly deserving to be an Olay endorser. I believe in your passion and I believe that 10 years from now you are still as passionate as you are now or probably even more! Again, congratulations!!!

    • Camille Co

      Awww thank you Dawn! I hope you’re right! I’ll try my best to keep the passion alive in whatever I do :)

  53. Nela A. Valdehueza

    I’ve watched the video miss Camille and I enjoyed it.its the first time I heard u speak.I love u. Ur so real

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