My Leather Jacket Is Cooler Than Yours


This is by far the yummiest leather jacket I own. Just look at this candy-colored cutie! It’s from this super famous Korean brand called STYLENANDA. I got to know the brand because I follow one of their models on Instagram. She always wears the coolest things, this leather jacket included. Hers was in baby pink. I will never forget it because I lusted over it for months and months! And now, I finally have one too-in bright tiffany blue slash mint green-ish. You should’ve seen me when I was choosing which items to get on STYLENANDA’s website. I was a mess! If only I can show you what was on my mind through thought bubbles, Archie’s Comics’ style, all you’ll see are “oooh”, “aaah”, “OMG”, “I WANT this”, “I NEED this”, “AGHSGHDG”!!!! There were so many stylish and hip designs, my head was spinning!

Sigh. I wish STYLENANDA would just open a branch here. They already opened their first overseas branch at I.T., Hong Kong so hopefully, Manila will be next. Fingers crossed. For now though, the website will do.

Hype this look on here.

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Chanel earrings |  STYLENANDA leather jacket Topshop embellished crop top Topshop denim shorts | Chanel backpack Zara heels

89 Responses to “My Leather Jacket Is Cooler Than Yours”
  1. Sarah

    Camille!!! you look absolutely gorgeous in this outfit and the candy-colored jacket is complementing your beauty so well and the way you carry yourself is just fabulous.

  2. Christine Koay

    You look so hip with this outfits, Ms Camille! And indeed, your leather jacket is way cooler than mine. (Nod with agreement) LOL! This leather jacket is really yummylicious.. such a cute colour.. =) and i love your heels too.. it really matches with your jacket.. <3 May i know which place is this, Ms Camille? Such a cool art work behind you..

  3. cye

    In with the pastel. love it. :) Ms. Camille my sister is really fond of reading your blog so i just check it out.
    Your amazing inside and out, hope i have guts to wear clothes like what you are wearing. Take care. Godbless <3

    • Camille Co

      Thank you Cye! And thanks to your sister for introducing my blog to you! :) Next year, I hope you’ll turn over a new leaf and start wearing clothes more confidently :)

  4. HL

    This biker jacket is to die for, especially in this vibrant color.
    You totally rock it, Camille!

    I would like to know which basics would you recommend when it comes to formal wear.
    Hope you won’t mind answering.
    Thank you.

    • Camille Co

      Hmmm black is always a safe choice :) You can never go wrong with black for formal events :)

      • HL

        Thank you for answering and I can always get inspired by reading your blog. :)

  5. Sephie Rojas

    STYLENANDA OMG. Pwede na sila sumunod sa H&M sa pagpunta dito please! @__@ Anything and Everything Park Sora wears is just lust-worthy. With a double underline on lust-worthy. I know how you feel. Every time I look at their catalogues, you can’t help but wanna bookmark everything in it ;___; huhuhu! Can I just reach into my laptop screen and pull out everything they have, please? <///3

  6. jillian

    This outfit is a head turner, but what really captured my attention are those legs that go on forever!

  7. Geela Garcia

    Omg I also love stylenanda!! I agree with you, they should really open a store here rip to my wallet though! But uhhhhh stylenanda is perfection, their models, their clothes, everything is just dhfcjk; love haha! Love the look Camille!

  8. maebs

    leather jacket is really cool! :) the background and your outfit goes so well together. :)

  9. Pat Hernandez

    That is one cute jacket! I super love the color! if only I can wear it on a daily basis. how do you take care of your leather jackets? I also love your shoes! the heels look like glass to me, are they? super chic! :)

    • Camille Co

      I think they’re acrylic? :) I store my leather jackets outside of my cabinet. I’m scared it might get too hot for them if I store them inside :)

  10. Khayrin

    Is this the exact color(bright tiffany blue slash mint green-ish) of that jacket? Cos this has been my favorite color after you wore a knee length maxi dress with the same color. :) And the cropped top you wore partnered with the clutch you use which was owned by your sister. LOL. You were at the playground I think. :)

  11. NingNing

    Hi, I like checking this website you’re really pretty and you take time answering the posts here. I’ve been living abroad for a few years and it is only now I bothered checking out Filipino style blogs. At first I asked my sis (she’s a marketing/pr head) why the women on most style/beauty blogs looks sort of “Korean” or maybe I should even add “Japanese kawaii”. (I’m not being racist, I think Koreans&jaoanese men and women have great, fun & crazy style) to which I further commented if I should bother check Pinoy blogs and instead read&check out Korean ones. She said its cos pinoys find Koreans cute, stylish and they’re thin and hence pinoys find those assets attractive.

    Anyway, point to my post is what I have already written above (reading Japanese and Korean blogs instead of Pinoy ones, I’m not referring to yours specifically or else I wouldn’t be here still checking out your blog) and secondly, 5yrs is not a long time to spend away from pinas, I’m in my early thirties and have always been wearing clothes I love even even when people would think they’re rather stupid and crazy in my late teens and when I was in my 20s (likesay, I didn’t care if I wear silver, shiny metallic Girbaud pants or 3inch super low rise jeans from Frankie B. when no one knew what the Ef Frankie B is…it’s up there with 7for all mankind jeans years and yearrrs before J Brand and I guess being probinsyana I loved LV and CD saddle bags and was those times where LV fake bags looked FAKE unlike now, or maybe even getting a fake LV is unheard of)

    Do people wear halter tops and short shorts like you do and not get hassled (I’m not taking about wearing these at the supermarket, taking about going to malls or a night out)? I’m seriously curious and not dissing you at all, I’m curious cos people (all over the world, mind) sometimes looks and raise their eyebrows and that’s freaking annoying but it’s never more annoying than when you are in pinas and you actually hear the usual comment “I think she thinks she’s a model”, “she’s a biatch” and last but not the least, “god what da fook was she thinking? She lives in the US or something?”

    I hope you can enlighten me. I actually wish and hope blogs like yours would shut up other jealous women who point out other women they see cos they bothered wearing ehem, risqué clothing or what is not the norm for them (which is, I dunno, jeans and tshirt?)

    Thanks from Milan.

    • Camille Co

      Hi Ningning! First of all thank you! I’m happy you like my blog :) I can’t speak for others but personally, I just really look Korean/Japanese, no matter what I wear or how I style myself haha! Maybe it’s my features? And maybe it’s the bangs? LOL! Anyway, as for your question, there are more people wearing cropped tops and short shorts now. I guess it’s because more girls are becoming more fashionably-aware and so they experiment more with fashion and are more open-minded. I’m sure there are still people who judge us though. I think this can happen anywhere but from my experience, I don’t get that a lot. Or maybe I just don’t notice it. I think it really depends on the crowd and the place. If you’re with like-minded people, they won’t mind so the key is to wear these things to the right places. :)

  12. Loren

    Yup, Style Nanda is definitely something every woman should lust for! The clothes are absolutely… divine! What other online shops do you know that sell both cute yet affordable clothes? I definitely wanna try out online shopping but I don’t really know where to start. And hopefully the shipping fee won’t murder my wallet as well… :)

  13. Lourine

    Your jacket is really cooler than mine. Hahaha. Very chic. Is this the same place as the Back to you vid? Hehehe. Seems familiar.

  14. Kyla Mae Tan

    Such a cool outfit, Ms. Camille! All colors look so fresh and young. Achiiii, I’m gonna be a student teacher tomorrow! I’m taking inspiration from you! However, the blazer I borrowed from my aunt is a little big. How can I make it work?

  15. Reena

    Holy @#%$^& I love Style Nanda!!! I love the yummy colors! Tama si Tasha D. Hindi sya mainit tingnan… ;) Buy more! hahahaha

    • Camille Co

      Haha! Wait lang, malapit na ang season of gift giving. I have to save up! :)

  16. Ohms

    ang ganda talaga ni Camille!kahit saang anggulo tignan. Ahhhhhhhh.. nakakawala ng bad vibes:)

  17. Sara Shalabi

    Hi Ate Camille, how much po ang leather jacket mo? I so love it :D thanks
    Love lots

  18. bianca

    Love your zara heels! Where’d you bought it? :) and yes, i love your jacket too, will definitely look for it in korea. :)

  19. czarryy

    The colors are so cuuute. I love the way you play with bright colors <3 also also I notice how the legs of your shorts are a bit uneven. Do shorts usually do that ? Coz a lot of my shorts are uneven like what ?

  20. Anj

    waaahhh! your jacket..that’s my fave color..same color ng room ko hahaha! tapos fave blogger kita. tapos fave ko din legs mo. ay haha! super cool talaga sa mata! :3

  21. Vina Guerrero

    omg!! love you jacket! and your shorts too!! <3 nice abs by the way! wit wiw! hahaha

  22. Dawn

    I love everything about you here! I’m so happy to see you wearing that leather jacket. I saw Stylenanda on one of the episodes of K-style. I should be telling you just how many shirts(and pants) I’ve cut eversince I’ve read about your DIY at Goody event, my mom would go like “what? Are you cutting all your t-shirts? I got so addicted to it already, should I blame you Cams? Lol! Please tell me what brand and shade of lipstick you’re wearing in here. Thanks!

    • Camille Co

      Hahaha! That’s so cute! Just tell your mom you’re being resourceful :) I’m wearing a lipstick from Etude House :)

      • Dawn

        Thanks but oh my please don’t mind me being kulit but you forgot to mention the shade of your etude. I love u girl!

        • Camille Co

          I have to check but if you have to know na, I think I included it in my blog post entitled “MakeUp Must-Haves” :)

  23. Ren

    Everything in this post just explained that you’re just getting younger as days passes by. While I was watching your pictures, you made me want to eat a lot of sweets/chocolates because of its yummy colors. Those legs are so long, aren’t you a model? Or future VS model maybe? ;)

    • Camille Co

      Haha! I don’t have the face and the body to be a model! LOL :) Thanks Ren!

  24. Miel

    God! The leather jacket is indeed a must have!!! Btw, Where did you take these photos Ate Camille? :)

  25. Tasha D.

    woooow! perfect! i looove how you blended the color of your shoes, bag, and heels! so ganda your leather jacket! you should have gotten it in at least 3 different colors! chos! haha! super ganda! and it doesn’t look mainit dahil nga sa color! love love love!

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