All In The Details


Green and blue, one of the many tried and tested color combinations I’ve been telling you about over and over again. Don’t they go well with each other? Like coffee and milk, peanut butter and jam, salt and pepper, Kanye and Kim? LOL! Just kidding. Although you must admit, Kanye and Kim do seem like they were destined for each other, like how my skirt and top are a match made in heaven. (Applause applause on my segue skills.) I don’t know if it’s just because Christmas is already less than a month away, but does anyone else find my outfit a bit festive? I’m not wearing any sequins or satin or anything. These are just plain knits thrown together. But then again, I do have a fit-for-a-diva necklace on that’s surprisingly light as a feather. That must be it. See, the wonders that accessories can do! This outfit can easily take you from day to night. I know a lot of working girls are looking for outfit inspirations for all the holiday parties they’ll be attending after work. This one is perfect! You can wear this outfit, minus the bling, to work. Then, when it’s time to socialize, accessorize your look to make it party-ready!

Hype this look on here.

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Details earrings, necklace, top and skirt | SM Accessories cuffs Diane Von Furstenberg clutch Giuseppe Zanotti heels


62 Responses to “All In The Details”
  1. Christine Koay

    Love the colour combination, Ms Camille! Green and blue is really match made in heaven! I can picture myself wearing this.. hehe.. and your necklace look heavy.. it’s not heavy at all?

  2. Pat Hernandez

    Upon seeing the title and your top and skirt (on bloglovin’), I immediately thought that they’re from Details but I did not think that the accessories came from Details, too! Is the necklace really light? that would be cool! of course, the shoes are to-die-for! love them! <3

    • Camille Co

      Super light! :) I was expecting it to be heavy too! I was pleasantly surprised :)

  3. Marichelle R. Sayaang

    Love ♥Love ♥Love♥ the outfit haha this side of your style Ms.Camille is what makes me fall in love with your sense of fashion…^_^ sophisticated stylish look in a balance…

  4. michelle

    Hi cammyyy! Love the outfit! one question though: how do you manage to tuck in your shirt without it showing through your tight skirt? When i do that, even if the fabric of the top is thin, it shows on my skirt. ang weird tuloy parang may “bumps” of fabric :| Sayo ang seamless! me loveee <3

    • Camille Co

      The skirt kasi here is kinda thick :) But if your skirt’s fabric is thin, wear something like spanx underneath :)

  5. Giselle

    Blue and green, loving the colour combination. Eh La Salle and Ateneo.. Oops see what I did there. HAHAHA. Gorg as always Camille. <3

  6. Elie

    Hello Camille. Nice ensembles, it’s a great outfit inspiration this holiday season. Btw, do you think that kind/type of skirt your wearing would look good on a 157cm frame? :D Hope you can insert some (or more) styling hints on your blog too Love your hair here too :)

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Elie! I think the skirt might be a little too long. :) Maybe if it’s a few inches shorter :)

  7. Anaivilo

    Oh the color blocking is just fantastic! I love the skirt, it looks great on you, and the necklace is delicious! :D

  8. Drika Rodrigues

    Oi Camille, amei o look, simplesmente perfeita!
    Dúvida: Tenho 1,73m de altura e sou bem magrinha, saia lápis nesse comprimento é uma boa opção para mim?


    Hi Camille, loved the look, just perfect!
    Doubt: I’m 1,73 m tall and am pretty skinny, pencil skirt that length is a good option for me?

  9. Nestlei Chantel

    I love the combination of blue and green, im a blue color fan lol. You look like a executive boss in this outfit. Bravo!

  10. Ricah

    The top and skirt are simple but you made it look sooo expensive! CEO ang dating haha! Can you also make post for those girls who will attend debut parties :D I’m sure there are a lot of girls who have trouble choosing what clothes to wear :)

  11. Lourine

    Yeah. Perfect match. Like Ate Camille and blogging. Hehe. Agree? You really have an amazing segway skill. Hahaha. Anyhoo, I am kinda grounded. You know, avoid using the laptop aside from acads. But hey! Can’t help it. I bet few minutes on blog reading won’t hurt. Hehe.

  12. Tasha D.

    Ikaw na ang head-turner! Or should I say, bewang-turner? (see 2nd photo) That twink can’t help himself not to give you a second look. haha! Speaking of Kimye… I LOOOVE them! I am so in love with their style! Especially what Kim has been wearing lately!

    • Camille Co

      Clearly, getting pointers from Kanye :) Haha! Si kuya? Oo nga, he photobombed my outfit shot!

  13. carmin

    are you going to make a blog post about what you are going to sell at the bloggers united next saturday? :))) and are you going there? I mean you yourself? :)) I’d like to see you in person! =))))))))))

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