Skate Park

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I never knew this side of Orchard existed in Singapore! There’s a skate park right behind the posh Orchard road. How cool! Since my outfit looked like something a misfit would wear, I thought this backdrop is totally perfect for my last outfit post from Singapore. (Yes, there’s another one. I almost forgot about this outfit post!)

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I’m totally feeling it. Can you tell? Complete with a devilish smirk. Har har! She’s the good girl gone slightly bad who’s now dating a skater boy.  Yes, I just had to come up with a story. LOL!

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[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look on here[/button]

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BB Dakota blazer

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Topshop skirt

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Prada sunnies Chanel earrings


Femmex cropped top

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H&M necklace

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Givenchy bag

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Topshop shoes

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54 Responses to “Skate Park”
  1. Christine Koay

    What a cute boyish outfits, Ms Camille! Love this! I really love your striped cropped top! the backdrop is really perfect for this shots! =) and your story are so cheesy, but i liked it!! hahaha.. =D

  2. maebs

    Love your blazer and your story is so cute and it is catchy also. :) your going to be a good author, diba po hindi lang sa fashion ka magaling kundi sa lahat ng bagay :)

  3. Dheya Suzuki

    you making stories like that? it’s just sooooo cute. hihi. mas peg ko po when you had the blazer wrapped around your waist. you look like you’re a real good girl gone bad. :D

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Dheya! :) Ang init kasi so I tied it around my waist. Glad you like it!

  4. Bianca

    Hi, Camille! My boyfriend and I will be attending a Beach Formal wedding in December. I have laid all my pegs for my outfit but can’t seem to find anything for him. Any tips on how he should dress up? Sandals are allowed. Violet and white are off limits since these are the colors the entourage will be in. There are no restrictions other than that. Appreciate your help. Thank you! :)

  5. Angelic Robles

    Hi, Miss Camille! I wasn’t able to go online for two days. When I checked your blog, lo and behold, I missed so much! You’ve been one busy (yet stylish) bee! :-D I had such a good time looking through your recent posts.

    Anyway, this outfit caught my eye because it’s a change from your latest looks. I love the story you set for this ensemble. Skater Boy meets Skater Girl. I’d like to mention how much taller you look with the silhouette of the vertical stripes and the matte black of your skirt.

    It was also a refreshing change to see you tie your hair up in a pretty bun! You even kept me guessing! I was all; “Is it a messy bun? Is it an Audrey Hepburn bun?” It suits you very much. Your bangs frame your face and your features are played up so wonderfully. The diamond shapes of your chosen accessories also accent the extra color you chose for your bling.

    I think your jacket is a great “from your boyfriend” look. It has a Wow factor whether you wear it or tie it around your waist.

    • Camille Co

      Haha! Ahhh, I’m too lazy to make an Audrey Hepburn bun! :) Thank you Angelic! :) More posts coming so don’t go away for too long! :)

  6. Dilek

    There are not many fashion blogs I follow religiously, but ever since I found your blog a couple of weeks ago, I added it to my favorites list. I love the outfit, and no, you do not look like a misfit. ^^

  7. Don Losentes

    OMG! So gorgeous Ms. Camille!!! I missed stalking in your blog! haha ito na magiging fav ko this month! haha love your labels! you’re just gorg <3 :)))

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Anne! No skater boy! I don’t think I’m a skater boy type of girl haha!

  8. Nelayish

    When I saw this look, my mind plays the song of Avril Lavigne’s Skater Boy! Love this look <3

  9. Colt Nava

    Those shoes are lovely but they don’t look so comfy, hmm are they comfy? Anyway, super lovely look, Camille <3

    • Camille Co

      Yes they are! Well, at least when I wore them. I didn’t feel any pain :)

  10. Yanshi

    She’s the good girl gone slightly bad who’s now dating a skater boy. Yes, I just had to come up with a story. LOL!—hahahaha You’re a story writer na din?? Is there anything you can’t do ba? DAMN GIRL!!! hahhaha :D And your outfit is amazing once again!! :))))))

  11. Carol

    I love the skirt and shoes! Your style is always on point and you’re really one of my style icons :)

    P.S. I now have Avril Lavigne’s song stuck in my head.

  12. Tasha D.

    LOOOOVE! There’s nothing wrong about this outfit! Perpek! Pak! Love your mala-Mata ng Alien sunglasses! haha!

    Super bet ko lahat ng androgynous flats mo! Especially your Zara loafers! So nice! Do you still remember for how much you got those?

    • Camille Co

      Hahahaha mala-mata ng alien?!! LOL! Thanks Tasha! I have so many Zara loafers. Which ones? :) The black ones?

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