Day 2 In Kuala Lumpur


For our second full day in Kuala Lumpur, my friends and I decided to visit the Aquaria at KLCC before going out shopping. We’re fashion bloggers but we like to do touristy stuff too you know! Besides, all the suggestions on my Instagram got me really curious about the Aquaria so off we went!


I felt like a kid all over again, out on a field trip with my classmates!


Can you see me?


I call this the dancing crab!


I found it so cool seeing all these fishes swim above and around me! I know, I know, a lot of aquariums have this but still…SO COOL EACH AND EVERY TIME. (Yes, I am a grown 25 year old woman. Or am I? Hmmm…)

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Din’t your mommy tell you not to make faces? This fish didn’t listen. LOL!


Cue Jaws music!


After our quick trip to the Aquaria, off we went to shop around Kuala Lumpur’s shopping district, Bukit Bintang.




But before that, here’s a few of the outfit shots I managed to take before the rain started to pour. I was really hoping to shoot this dress under the bright sun. Nevertheless, it still looks pretty, right?


[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look at here[/button]


Luxury Mall gladiator sandals


Koogal dress


SM Accessories ear cuff


Chanel bag


More of my trip to Kuala Lumpur arranged by Access Travel And Tours on my next post!


83 Responses to “Day 2 In Kuala Lumpur”
  1. Trisha Javier

    Hi Ms. Camille! This dress is the ultimate favorite of a friend of mine! :) We love how you carry the dress. <3 We checked it in Koogal but too damn expensive. Huhuhu anyway, I sent you an email with "H-E-L-P :(" as the subject. We really hope to hear from you soon! xx Thank you!

  2. Gladys

    Hmmnnnn…Kundi lang sa height mo Miss, hindi ka mukhang 25 talaga. The way you make sayaw2 pa dun sa video, nakaaaa! Parang bata lang na nagpipilit maging matanda. :D
    Ako, mahal ako ng lupa at mga lamanglupa kaya eto, close kami sa height. :D

    I really thought mahirap bagayan ng damit ang gladiators na ganyan. And I never thought bagay siya sa dress. Or because it’s just you?!

  3. esa

    hi camille, i want to order the same dress you’re wearing are you a size 6 or 8?

    • Camille Co

      I don’t remember but this is the smallest size :) In other stores, i’m usually a size 6 :)

  4. maebs

    so awesome! :) miss commenting here ate Cams this month po kasi we have lots of thing to do and we have to study for our finals. :( I’ve just read your entry and it makes me feel stress free. :) thanks po sa blog mo :)

  5. Yanshi

    You don’t look 25 at all!! And it’s okay to be a kid again sometimes, especially when you’re with your girlfriends hihihi :)) This dress is awesome!! I love the details at the back <3 Great outfit again! And glad you had fun on your trip <3

  6. Jenn

    Super pretty dress. I feel like it has a bit of a south american vibe, probably because of the pattern. Love it!

  7. lorns

    me and my friends are also going to malaysia this dec. This makes me more excited. Which are the places that you Go?. (its our 1st tym). Thanks :D

    • Camille Co

      Ohhh! Then go to the tourist spots then! You must visit Malacca too if you have time :)

  8. Ren

    You look like gothic with your ear cuff in a good way. Your dress really looks great even though you weren’t able to take a pic of it under a bright sun and most especially your the one wearing it (hindi ako nambobola Seryoso to haha). And it really gave you that sexy back! And those gladiator sandals said it all. :)

  9. Bex

    Hi camille may i know what camera you used to capture those amazing photos in aquaria thanx

  10. Suzane

    Hi! You are so beautiful. Have you announced the winner of the camille co for tomato contest?

  11. Kanages

    I actually live in Kuala Lumpur but never thought there are nice placeshere take my outfits shots! But you have the best OOTD pictures! Love them <3

  12. jhing

    Hi Camz, what camera model did you use in taking those pictures above? I mean, the images taken at Aquaria at KLCC.

  13. Sephie Rojas

    Wakes up in the morning with the sun shining, a few hours later after getting ready to take outfit shots it starts to rain… The weather can be such a b—- sometimes! D’: Nonetheless you still look pretty :”) And how cute is that Koogal skater dress? ♥

  14. Christine Koay

    I just feel sad when reading this post.. but not because of you, Ms Camille.. I’m sad because me as a Malaysian had not been to Aquaria yet.. sobs.. I have to read from a Filipino blog to know about fun thing in my country.. sobs.. haha.. and how I hope to bump into you one day.. and I love your dress here! Love the cutout detail at the back! And yes, it’s been raining non stop last month.. Rain and hot sun alternately.. LOL..

    • Camille Co

      Awww don’t you worry, at least it’s easy for you to go visit it! I’m sure you’ll be able to soon!

  15. Angelic Robles

    Hi, Miss Camille! Squealed at all the photos of your trip! Enjoyed the shot of that huge stuffed animal too.

    Wish you saw me gush over your dress. The sweet back detail is very subtly flirty. I also admire the cerulean-turquoise hue of the pattern.

    The geometric print gives a suppleness to your figure. The bright orange part of the design is eye-catching and youthful. You look ready for a beautiful day out. I want to put ‘Artfully Meandering’ as a caption to your outfit shots.

    • Camille Co

      Aww thanks Angelic! I really wish you could do my captions LOL! You do it better!

  16. fifi

    I’d never be able to pull off those lace boots with that dress! but you always make it work! I’m a very petite girl you see, could you give some tips on how i can wear boots without looking like one of the seven little dwarfs??

    • Camille Co

      Haha! Just make sure your dress is really short to elongate your legs.

  17. Nelayish

    You are already 25? I am shocked, you look young! :)) Lakas maka-young ng dress mo kase it is so bright!

  18. Rica

    wee.. I felt like I was there too.. The photos were awesome! :)) I’m loving the outfit as well^_^ I wish I can wear something like that on my birthday.. Is that available on red too? :) hehe

  19. nikka acebu

    Hi gwapa! Ask ko lang sana kung what brand can you recommend para sa false eyelashes? I know you’re maintaining the extension but if there’s a brand that you can recommend for the false eyelashes, what is it? By the way, i saw the video you were part of nung nag KL kayo, like the moves ha. Lakas maka #icamilleco na yan. Haha.

    • Camille Co

      I get whatever lang I see abroad eh. Usually I buy from Sasa. Dolly Wink falsies are nice but expensive :)

  20. Vina Guerrero

    hi cams! Joined the f21 contest :) hope if you judge my entry, hindi mo isipin na madalas akong nasasama sa mga napipili sa contest mo haha! :)

  21. Cherys Lagda

    It’s simple but you look so elegant. love the back part <3 You always look so gorgeous Miss Camille :)
    Take Care! God Bless!

  22. Lourine

    Epic yung caption sa fish na nagme-make face. Hahaha! Btw, since you were with your blogger besties, who took your outfit shots? Hehe. A lot of choices :)

  23. O.J

    I was wondering if you got my email and you maybe didn’t have time to reply?

      • O.J

        The subject is “Blog and Fashion Help”. It is about your blog and how I started following you. It’s really short and simple.

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