If you’ve been a long time reader of my blog then I’m sure you’ve seen me in Korean Rose clothes. If you haven’t, simply type the words “Korean Rose” on the search tab found on my sidebar to see all of my previous posts wearing their items like on the photos above.
Korean Rose is an online store that sells Asian-inspired fashion at very affordable prices. They have all the trendiest pieces from K-Pop style snapbacks to edgy bags to sky-high heels to the cutest clothes. They even sell matching mother and daughter outfits! Adorable!
If you love Korean Rose‘ items, then you’ll love this giveaway even more. Korean Rose is giving away PhP 3000 worth of GCs to one lucky reader! Are you interested? Here’s how you can join:
- Follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin’. If you don’t have these accounts, it’s easy to make one!
- Like Korean Rose on Facebook and follow @MyKoreanRose on Twitter.
- Leave a comment below with your Facebook and Twitter names.
- Tweet this: “I want to win Php3,000 worth of gift certificates from
@MyKoreanRose on www.mbrjlmcn.top ! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways” No need to tag my Twitter handle.
Contest is open to everyone. Deadline for entries is on September 22, 2013 at 11:59PM. I’ll be choosing the winner via Random.org and announcing who it is here on the comments section below. Please be reminded to submit one entry only.
Good luck everyone!
Facebook/Blogvin: Alexia Harvours
Twitter: @Cinder_Ella_123
Congratulations to Krisella Atienza! Sent you a DM! :)
Yeyyyy!!! Thank you Ms. Camille!! :)
FB Tucha Viei
Twitter Tuch4
FB: Kristina Letada
Twitter: @kmltina
fb: Roselle Joyce Caldez (https://www.facebook.com/bachie07)
twitter: @Xeigh07
Facebook name: Divya Asha
Twitter name: @DivyaAsha
Tweeted link: https://twitter.com/DivyaAsha/status/381801026057023488
FB: https://www.facebook.com/beginocecille
Twitter: @cecillebegino
fb: Mihaela Preda
FB:Marija Pera Nagulic
twitter/bloglovin: maki4toma
FB: Jo A. Sapak
Twitter: @joanakapsa
Facebook Nela A. Valdehueza
Twitter nela valdehueza @81886
Fb: Miiss Juztine
twitter: @mygirlmannermc
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yummychaze
twitter: @chekarry
Facebook: Chloe Jan Gaerlan
Twitter: @chlococrunch
FB: Sofia rivilla
twitter: @sofiarivilla
FB: https://www.facebook.com/kendiisweet
Twitter: @infinitineee
FB/BL: Sara Sofia
Twitter: @Ssofiafrr
Janine Lucero
Maria Viktoria Melgo
Jellian Razzele Kwok
Facebook: Novem Tadora (https://www.facebook.com/novemAzing06)
Twitter: @novemazing06
Hazel Ann Asoy- fb name
@hahahazelann- twitter
Patricia Louise Mendoza
FB: https://www.facebook.com/tsuoshiro
Twitter: @tsuoshiro
Tweet: https://twitter.com/tsuoshiro/status/381104143017836544
twitter: @ztahf67
FB: fhatz tuazon
FB: Slađana Sušilović
Twitter: @ssusilovic
FB: Jenny Cristobal
Twitter: @ohohjhen
Facebook: Joanna Baltazar
Twitter: @nagpapasexy
Hello! thanks for the chance!
FB Clare Tea
twitter icitea
fb John Mspt
bloglovin trelocat
twitter trelocat
tweet https://twitter.com/trelocat/status/380814139934793728
FB : Lois Antonielle
Twitter : loisantonielle
FB : Den Saa
Twitter : @ysaaabelsaaa
FB: Marcia Olivia Suryawijaya (https://www.facebook.com/classicalcia)
Twitter: @msmarciaolivia
twitter: @fulrich
facebook: Fatima Amitaf
Facebook: Preious Anne Palaganas /https://www.facebook.com/precious.palaganas
Twitter name: @peonypink_10
FB: https://www.facebook.com/cherose
TWITTER: @cherielero
Rus Anne A. Rafols
Facebook: Aimee Liza Ravelo https://www.facebook.com/aimee.ravelo
Twitter: @aimeeravelo
Facebook: Patricia Hernandez
Twitter: @patph81
Jess Abing
twitter: @ancuttzza_m
fb: ana-maria ignat
F.B: Tere Decena
Twitter @cothciepie
Facebook: Angelita Fernandez (https://www.facebook.com/geliann.s.fernandez)
Twitter: @angelitasfernan
Facebook: Ellen May Bardinas
Twitter: @misty07maze
Ay, parang di ata lumabas yung details ko?
FB: Ellen May Bardinas
Twitter: @misty07maze
woot! i want th emother-daughter oufitey!
Ohms EMocling
marianne magno
TWITTER: @marikodelapena
FB: Chinggay Diamel-Calandada http://www.facebook.com/chinksle
twitter: @chinksle http://twitter.com/chinksle
Facebook: Danielle Go
Twitter: @dibahdaine
Leave a comment below with your Facebook and Twitter names.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/cherryannvillagomez
Twitter: @koudelcka
fb: Ivana Jankovic
twitter: @IvanaJankovic
fb : alexandra-elisabet dorofte
twitter : @dorofteelisabet
FB: Thuy Hang Le
twitter: @emily0icecream
Lezil Ann Gaduyon
FACEBOOK: Francesca Furlan > https://www.facebook.com/francesca.furlan.31?ref=tn_tnmn
TWITTER: @Francesca_FF_
BLOGLOVIN: Francesca Furlan
I tweeted the giveaway: https://twitter.com/Francesca_FF_/status/380312456431562753
EMAIL: [email protected]
Facebook: Ma. Clarice Lao – Itumay
Twitter: @valandclai
Like on Facebook: Oliwia Ormaniec | Oliwia Zofia
Twitter: olivia1805
bloglovin: oliwiazofia
FB Name: Aidz Villanueva
Twitter Username: @slither1004
FB: Mma Ffa
Twitter: @HumanBeing90
FB Name: Zarah G. Villacorta
Twitter : @zarahvillacorta
FB: Karen Po
Twitter: @kureii21
FB: Hazel Ozon
Twitter: @hazel_ozon
FB: Kikel Morales (https://www.facebook.com/ilovemarcuz)
Twitter: @krystle_kaye (https://twitter.com/krystle_kaye)
Ma. Krystal Jade Coronel
FB: Hani Ausam Palima
Twitter: @hanipalima
Facebook: Mitch Meralpis (https://www.facebook.com/mitssimits)
Twitter: @mitssimits / Mitch Meralpis♬ (https://twitter.com/mitssimits)
FB: Jes Say
Twitter: Jes Say / @SaysJes
Facebook: Marinela Salamatin Diaz
Twitter: @MarinelaSDiaz
FB: Ariane Dela Cruz https://www.facebook.com/ariane.delacruz.31
twitter: @heyitsmeyanii
fb-glam gal
Vânia Madureira (fb)
FB: Joy Cerame
twitter: @joycerame
FB: Fatima Ezzahra Ibnou Fairouze
Twitter: @TheyCallMeFati
Ma. Patricia Elisse Aguinaldo (fb.com/ohmytriciaaa)
fb:Helen Smith
FB: Sania Wasif
Twitter: @saniaakbar
Bloglovin: saniawasif
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/saniaakbar/status/379973599437656067
Email: [email protected]
Thank you for this amazing giveaway!
I m entering with pleasure!
3)Facebook:Jens ken Lundstrom
4)The tweet:https://twitter.com/irjas1/status/379972559527088129
I cross my fingers!Nice post!
Facebook: Nikki Estelle (https://www.facebook.com/nikki.estelle.3)
Twitter: @nikki_estelle (https://twitter.com/nikki_estelle)
FB: Chloe Yun Ting
Twitter: @yuntingchloe
twitter @trillina_palemi
facebook trillina palemi
mail [email protected]
FB: Srna Kulik
twitter: @newbie121417
Facebook:Ysabelle Yap
FB: Thais Magalhães
Twitter: @thaat
ARra Odeza
FB: Nicoleta Alexandra
Twitter: @hubba1bubba
Twitter: @JoanaPatrcia2
Facebook: Living Belowtheclouds
Bloglovin: Joana Bento
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/JoanaPatrcia2/status/379930275251109888
Facebook: Christine Vo
Twitter: @xtinev28
FB: Bernice Gayle Tanlo
twitter: @bernicegayle
FB: Carmela Paje
Twitter: @carmelapdj
FB: Karen Lutao
FB: Mica Ella https://www.facebook.com/mica.ella.9484?ref=ts&fref=ts
Twitter: @micaloveirish
Followed your blog through this email: [email protected]
FB: Jiyu Akire (Georine Marie Guinitaran)
Twitter: Jiyu Akire @jujuhartsmatt
Facebook : Yvonne EB (Shaneekah Vanne Davis)
Twitter : @shekynahdeeneda (shekynah deene davis)
Facebook : Yvonne EB (Shaneekah Vanne Davis)
Twitter: @shekynahdeeneda (shekynah deene davis)
FB: Gladz Gonz Cuerbz
Twitter: @gladzcuerbz
Facebook name: Chona Gomba
Twitter handler: @ChloeBlaneis
FB: https://www.facebook.com/angelou.bautista.9
twitter: @ghelou805
my comments always awaiting for confirmation aww
i hope this time it’ll be confirmed :D
FB: angela.recaido
Twitter: @angelarecaido
Jessamer Abing
fb: Kay Frin Chez Tautho
twitter: @kayfrinchez
eloisa segovia
FB: Yuleen Anatan
Twitter: @aulinnie
Facebook: Naomi Ornido
Twitter: Naomi Franco-Depp @whataboutnao
FB: Madelyn Ramos ( https://www.facebook.com/madelynramos12?ref=tn_tnmn ) Twitter : @maldita_madz
FB: Hazel Alvarez
Twitter: @hazeliris16
Leni Pilipina
FB: Diana Lou Melendres https://www.facebook.com/yeahHyena
Twitter: @dianathaway https://twitter.com/dianathaway
FB: Meryll Catalan
Twitter: @merylljane
Facebook: Lyzette Siazar
Twitter: @asdfghjklyz
Facebook Name : Ann Lee (www.facebook.com/ann2.lee)
Twitter Name : @SuperAnnLee (twitter.com/SuperAnnLee)
FB name: Girlie Camungay
Twitter name: @yeyecam
Facebook: Melanie Lazo
Twitter: @melanielazo
FB: Mara Sison
Twitter: @maramaraeee
Facebook: Joyful Bongosia Tocayon
Twitter: @superbexyjoy
Rica Sicad
Facebook: Clarice Ann (https://www.facebook.com/clarice.ann08)
Twitter: @gorgeousclarice (https://twitter.com/gorgeousclarice)
FB: https://www.facebook.com/sherville7
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sherville7
Twitter name: @marielleadriano
Facebook: cristina jane ( http://www.fb.com/cjisheart )
Twitter: cristina jane ( http://www.twitter.com/lametinager )
FB: Jett Lapid (https://www.facebook.com/jettlapid)
Twitter: @jettlapid (https://twitter.com/jettlapid)
Facebook: Maria May Amolo Ochea
Twitter: @itsMAY89
Thanks for the giveaway Miss Camille! :)
fb name : meutia potter
twitter name :xenskepia
Twitter: @armainnef https://twitter.com/armainnef
Facebook: /armooyapyuco https://www.facebook.com/armooyapyuco
Facebook: Lex Resullar
Twitter: @lxnnrsllr
FB: Angelica Agon
Twiter: @lhadyangie021
FB Name: Ann Loraine Villanueva
Twitter Account: @mynameisRAINE11
FB: Kesi Woo
Twitter: @kesintahanya
Fb: Kei Carlos
Twitter: @keeeicarlos
FB: Marie Berjamin
Twitter: @marielovesjapan
FB: https://www.facebook.com/marriah143
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/marriah0707
FB: Ricel Anne Pantoni
Twitter: @ricelanne
Facebook name: Stephy Macasaet
Twitter username: Stephy Mcst (@MeetStephyMcst)
FB: Ann Lao
Twitter: @oh_annieee
FB: Milky Santiago
Twitter: milkysantiago
Facebook: Beryl Balace
Twitter: @BerylEmber
Facebook: Kaye Lameyra https://www.facebook.com/kayelameyra
Twitter: Kaye Lameyra @kayelameyra
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jlamintad
Twitter: @JuiceLean22
FB: Tricia Ladiana
Twitter: @TLadiana
FB: http://facebook.com/jen.mataya
Twitter: http://twitter.com/JenMataya
FB: Sie Cajilig
Twitter: @SieCajilig
Facebook: Vanessa Mabel Camba
Twitter: @MabelCamba
FB: Danica Covar (https://www.facebook.com/danica.covar)
Twitter: danikaiiii (https://twitter.com/danikaiiii)
I followed you on Bloglovin (under http://www.bloglovin.com/jaontherun)
I followed Korean Rose (under https://www.facebook.com/JaOnTheRun)
facebook name : pathumavathy ramanathan
twitter : not in twitter (sorry about that)
looking forwars for a good news..thanks alot
Facebook: Dreaming Moon
Twitter: @TheDreamingMoon
Tweet: https://twitter.com/TheDreamingMoon/status/379029510391209984
FB: Prncss JC
Twitter: LoveSiee
fb:Mariel Venus Mangubat
twitter: @ayenahmariel
Jam Bringas
Julia Pancho
Gell De Vera
FB:Dosta Radnjanska
twitter @radnjanska
[email protected]
FB: Angelica Agon
Twitter: @lhadyangie021
FACEBOOK: aj bautista lizardo
TWITTER: @ajbutterfinger
hope i win this one camille! xoxo
FB: Alta Infante
twitter: @itsaltainfante
FB: http://www.facebook.com/yourMhaica
Twitter: @leemhaica
FB: Pauline Evangelista
Twitter: @popoyen
Facebook: Rose Cruz (facebook.com/rowszcruzz)
Twitter: @rowszcruzz
FB:Cristine Calumpag http://www.facebook.com/cristine.rainandpour
Twitter: @rainandpour_87
FB: Gie Cruz
Twitter: @edgiecruz
FB name: Frances Carolyn Tan
Twitter: @francesstan
FB. Judylyn Ramos (Jujang)
Twitter: jujangdear
Name: Maria Cariza N. Salangsang
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cari_salangsang
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fuchsiacariza
FB : Yuliya Sh
Twitter : @yulya_shenka
Dovi Amor Cornillez Sabong
fb: Fritz Angeline Sarabia Satur ( https://www.facebook.com/itsmefritzangeline )
twitter: @BASHA_00 ( https://twitter.com/BASHA_00 )
Facebook: Nissan Macale
Twitter: @dimapacale
FB name: Pearliza Paguio
Twitter name: @pearlbliss30
Facebook: Joy Merced
Twitter: @Joyluck_614
fb ana amanti
twitter @va_va33
tumblemumbo at gmail.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/yawsha.chua
Twitter: @yawshachua
FB https://www.facebook.com/sunbelivy.tio
TWITTER https://twitter.com/ivylieveinmagic
FB: Angelou Bautista/ https://www.facebook.com/angelou.bautista.9
twitter: @ghelou805
FB: Marilyn Gomez Gomabo
TWITTER: @allenrjgomez
FB name: Ainsley Laverne Flores (http://www.facebook.com/ainsleylaverne)
Twitter account: @omgitsainsleyyy (https://twitter.com/omgitsainsleyyy)
Twitter: Karen Joy Embajador (@elise_zaira)
Facebook: Karen Joy Embajador Pe(enye)ascosas https://www.facebook.com/karenjoyp
(International giveaway OMG!! I’ve been waiting for this::) Thankyou!!
Facebook: Say Yap
Twitter: @SAYjazzy9
FB: Hannah Celajes
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ara.alomesen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/araalomesen
FB name: Mary Joi Diane Enriquez
TW: @mjdae08
Facebook : Konnie Grace Bala
Twitter : @itsgracebala
Facebook: Rose Faye Marie
Twitter: Abril Swip
FB: Sarah Ann Hiwatig
TWITTER: @sarah_ann29
facebook: Wulan Wu (https://www.facebook.com/wulan.wuyinqing)
twitter: @wulan6593 (https://twitter.com/wulan6593)
Wulan Wu on http://bootsydoopsy.blogspot.com/
FB: Lois Antonielle
Twitter: loisantonielle
FB: Tanya Waban (https://www.facebook.com/tanya.waban)
Twitter: nat-nat (https://twitter.com/yellowcrescent)
FB: Chesca Aquino
Twitter: @itschescahere
fb Georgia Karantani
twitter sissy899
bloglovin sissy899
tweet https://twitter.com/sissy899/status/378528224818380800
FB: Nikka Baegopa http://facebook.com/majingki
Twitter: @qorhvk88_ http://twitter.com/qorhvk88_
FB Name: Michelle Ann Arban
Twitter: @micharban
Maria Kate Casimiro Bisquera
Therese Chloe Kintanar
Facebook: Eileen Leizel
Twitter : _eileenleizel_
Hope to win
Fb kristine june bautista
Twitter kjsbautista
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiAnna.03
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnnaLi03
FB name: Amanda Macadangdang
Twitter: @sweetlilwonder
FB name: Tatjana Anne Perez
Twitter: @misstatj
FB: Aster Lou
Twitter: @asterrific
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/prettyDengorgeous
Twitter : @itsdenjensel
Facebook: Alex Rey (https://www.facebook.com/princessalex23)
Twitter: @meprincessa_03
Facebook: Roselle Palmes-King
Twitter: @raxelle
Facebook: Kristina Kemešić
Twitter: @kkemesic
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Joreina
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/joreinablanco
FB: http://www.facebook.com/nickelena
Twitter: @itsmed1anne / @kookiedye
FB: Leilani Sonza
twitter: @lilaec
FACEBOOK: April Garland
TWITTER: @aplgrlnd
FB: Lanie Villabona Pregoner
Twitter: @laniepregs
facebook: Reissa Asadon
twitter: @ReissaAsadon
FB Name: Neri Marin
Twitter: @sUkiyak1
facebook: Joanna copo
twitter: @j_nightress
i so love korean fashion.
You’re not alone! :)
FB: Danna Olaya
Twitter: @livingdanna
Geela Garcia
Facebook: Ronieliza Meer Magsino
Twitter: @ronielizaM
fb: https://www.facebook.com/karinajoygimay
twitter: @sweetykeyk
Facebook: Rencez Clariss Nierva (https://www.facebook.com/IamaVIP12)
Twitter: @ItsClariss_N (https://twitter.com/ItsClariss_N)
God Bless!
fb:liezel aldecoa
@zelaldecoa twitter
ig: itsliezel
[email protected]
Facebook: Daisuke Yuuki (Marichelle)
Twitter: @Daisukeyuuki
Thank you… :) Hope gonna win this time….
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kiyoko.kamiyama.5
twitter: https://twitter.com/HelloKiyoko
well, i think i am the only guy who join in this giveaway! haahhahahahaaha!! don’t care!!! I want to win an awesome cap!!!
Haha! Maybe you’re not the only one!
Facebook: Macy Espiritu
Twitter: @macymayespiritu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abbyguelpaulino
Twitter: @Abbyliciooous
FB: Katherine Montenegro Magalong
Twitter: KathyKate26
Fb: Tey Chillie
Twitter: @Tey1231
facebook: [email protected]
twitter: @celesteinne
Hi there,
Posting this again because my comment which I posted early this morning, doesn’t seem to show up here. Weird.
Facebook: bianca villaraza or http://www.facebook.com/beeangkah
Twitter: @beeangkah
fb: celine ong
twitter: @celineong89
FB Name: Sheerie Lee (https://www.facebook.com/sheerielee31)
Twitter Name: @sheerannlee
Following on twitter (@Ashashwatme) and Facebook (Pooja Wanpal)
i hope I win!
fb: [email protected]
twitter: thinaylovebooks
Facebook: Chayenne Saul
Twitter: @bloggerwannabe
FB: Mikayla Balingit
Twitter: @proudtobemika
FB: Precious Reign Pielago Breto
Twitter: @prayshoesss
FB: Facebook.com/zolanskikenny
Twitter: Kennyalegre
Facebook: http://facebook.com/khimneri (Kim Neri)
Twitter: @itskhimieneri (kim neri)
Facebook: Jena Mae (https://www.facebook.com/jenamae10)
Twitter: Jena Mae Nacar (@jenamae10)
FB name: Louise Ito
Twitter: @aeiwis
FB; Agnes Dc
Twitter: @magz_dc
FB: KeviNatalie Soriano-Pimentel
Twitter: @nutandcave
FB: Kylie de Jesus
Twitter: @kyeannedj
FB: lorna Marquez Dela Cruz
Twitter: lady_shhh
Facebook: Annalee de Leon-Manalo
Twitter: @ayee_17
twitter : @ChuaRubie
facebook : Rubie Chua
FB: Deslie Anne Mocorro https://www.facebook.com/dudaylabarney
Facebook Name: Jeanne Ugay
Twitter: @JeanneUgay
YOu should be their brand ambassador here!! And u look gr8 w your long hair ..
FB: Ruth Margaret G. Tiangco
Twitter: #ReynaHadassah
Facebook: Angel Baroma (http://www.facebook.com/angelbaroma)
Twitter: @angelbaroma
FB Anne Alejandria
Twitter @meikisis
@yelseprepard and Yelserp Repard on Facebook
FB : facebook.com/ollyvialaura
TWITTER : twitter.com/ollyvialaura
FB: Juliana Beloved
Twitter: @iamsweetcat
Isabelle Huynh
abigail ong
FB abigail ong
TWitter @abiboy541
FB: Kien Mei
FB: Putu Aan Pustiari
Twitter : @aanpustiari
FB: Rio Katy Fernandez
Twitter: @riocath_17
Henley Tabal
fb: rochkirstin santos
tw: @iheartspills
FB: Amity Ong
twitter: @amity225
FB Name: Ohms Emocling
Twitter Name: @ohmxphoenix
FB: Jocel Dy
Twitter: bludiosel
Facebook: Shaira Manalo https://www.facebook.com/shaira.manalo.7
Twitter: @Shairaaaaa https://twitter.com/Shairaaaaa
FB: Riva Shane Bunagan (https://www.facebook.com/rivashane.bunagan)
Twitter: @rivashane28
FB: Margie Gallamos
Twitter: @margegallamos
FB: Julie Ann Sta Ines
twitter: @jasiloves15
Hi, I didn’t know Koran Rose, theire clothes are cute !
FB : Aurelie Red
Twitter @AurelieRed
I tweeted https://twitter.com/AurelieRed/status/378273191971409920
Thanks :)
Zoe Aiyanna Cayetano
Facebook : Lourine Maulion
Twitter : @loliviene
I remember when I started following your blog… your hair was still like this. Hehe.
Yes! How time flies! :)
Hi! Check out my new fashion blog thetrendalist.blogspot.com
Julieta, 16 years.
Facebook: Ma Judiel Cleto
Twitter: @im_majc
Hello from Romania! Your blog is one of my greatest source of inspiration since I started following you one year ago. Wish you good luck and succes in everything you want!:)
FB: Alina Morosan
Twitter: @morosanalina
FB: Gellie Balbuena
Twitter: @GellieBalbuena
Facebook: Bianca Villaraza or http://www.facebook.com/beeangkah
Twitter: @beeangkah
Great giveaway!
Debora Ferri
[email protected]
FB: Ichi Balagtas Pestaño (https://www.facebook.com/ichi.sexy.love)
twitter: @chixylove
FB: chumdy bartes (www.facebook.com/shandiev)
Twitter: Shandie Valdez (@rsbv17)
FB: Ann Ladyy (Sh)
Twitter: @Lyn3_26
Vinny Delta
FB: Vinny Delta
twitter : @vinnydelta
Love your blog!
Thanks Ida!
facebook: Razelle Bargola
Twitter: @razzbargola
Facebook: Jheannalou Espinosa Torre
Twitter: @jheannalou
Twitter: @iammamyivee
Marie PauLyn DeLa Cruz
FB: Maki Yosh ( https://www.facebook.com/maki.yosh )
TWITTER: @marchyde078 ( https://twitter.com/marchyde078 )
FB: Jaja Que
TWITTER: @quejaja
Facebook: Bianca Magalong
Twitter: _biancaaaa28
AC Mzeta
Awww I suddenly miss your super long locks!
Haha! I do not miss them! :)
Twitter: @muccycoud
Facebook: Izzy McLeod
FB: Arianna Tan
Twitter: @yannaaa_tan
Facebook name: Benessa Mae Dumol
Twitter name: @benzdumol
FB: Mava Salvador
Twitter: @mavable
Facebook: Kina Gonzales
Twitter: @KinaGonzales
Facebook: Kina Gonzales
Twitter: @KinaGonzales
Cecile Pauline Lim Cruspero
https://www.facebook.com/sharanovero @sharanovero
facebook : Cheryl WenNee
twitter: @cherylwennee
FB: Chini Tiongco
Twitter: @_Chini_
Facebook: Eilynn Charm M. Quiros
Twitter: @iheartcharmy
P.S. Weeeee! I love Korean Rose!! ❤ The owner is super kind and professional plus all their items are fab. Hope to win this one! Thankeeeeee Camille! :)
Facebook: Cha Gallardo
Twitter: @chachischa
FB: Ana Razon
Twitter: @AnaRazon
Facebook: Regina Landayan
Twitter: @bibliophilicReg
Facebook: Trixie Manlangit
Twitter: @iamtrixie0530
I love Korean stuffs! Followed and shared…
FB Karin Shaim
twitter @cookiesmasher9
FB: Anne Rochelle Ferrer Macachor
TWITTER: @anneroch13
Hazel Joy Jimenez
FB: Haze Amarillo Jimenez
twitter: @bhabyhaze20
FB: Krisella Atienza
Twitter: @itsmekrisella
Fingers crossed!
Facebook: Jenina Frani
Twitter: @sulli2527
Kamille Ligaya
Wow what a great Giveaway *-*
Facebook: Alexandra Rothbart
Twitter: @1angellove1
Facebook: Kat Alquizar
Twitter: @katalquizar
Facebook: Kris Cepe
Twitter: @kriscepe
FB:Joyce Toma Cruz Salamat
Twitter: @joycesalamat18
Angelie Lim Cuyugan
FB : Geraldine hayley Fajardo
Twitter: @dindinrocker
facebook name: Wendy Rose Santillan
twitter: @sunnywendy09
facebook name: sofia Rivlla
twitter name: @sofiarivilla
Fritzie Castro Yabut (fb.com/zieshutterbug)
Facebook: Jam Tan https://www.facebook.com/iamjamtan
Twitter: @iamjamtan
love this giveaway.. :-)
FB: Lynee Bayron Ayuban
Twitter: Lynee Ayuban
Facebook name: Aebee Bernal (facebook.com/aebeebernal)
Twitter username: @leonorebernal
Nadine Co
Twitter: @rainkie
Facebook name: Queenly Tan
Twitter: Queenly Tan (@iqueencatherine)
Hope to win! ;)
FACEBOOK: Yldratic Bellurz
TWITTER: @callme_ragegal
Claudine Gayle Sabile
I love their clothes! They’re super cute! :)
Facebook: facebook.com/sephierojas
Twitter: @justsephierojas
Facebook: Van Rosalada Silva-Netto https://www.facebook.com/vrosalada
Twitter: @VanessaRosalada
Yanshi Rosario Brizuela
Hope I’ll win :)))) <3
FB : Chie Hemedes
Twitter : @ChieHemedes
thanks for this giveaway!
Name:Elsie Valdez
Trisha Camille B. Lozano
FB name: Carissa Mari Torres
Twitter name and username: @carissatorres13/ CarissaMari Torres
Fb name: Royce-ann Carmela Ramos
Twitter username: @pritiella
Alyssa Sancon
Twitter: ken_yub13
Facebook: Kayen Yub
FB – Christian Castro
Twitter – @ctianPC
Facebook: Jake Aquino Ortillano (https://www.facebook.com/hello.1m.jake)
Twitter: Jake Aquino (@itsmejakeandrew)
Facebook: Patricia Aynne De Castro
Twitter: Patricia De Castro @patriciaynne
FB: Mela Roque (violeteye.s.ilvermasks)
Twitter: @aroquetothemoon
Facebook: Yanyan Castre Inamac
Twitter: @yanyaninamac
sherry ann gole cruz
fb name:sherry ann
twitter id:@annkharize
FB Girlie Marie Joyce Kilario
Twitter: @ghirlieee
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ItsMeJrf
TWITTWER: https://twitter.com/RodneyFlores04