Clear Skies


Here’s what I wore to another client’s wedding, which basically means, this is what Camille, the designer and not the blogger, wears to workday. Of course, if you know me well, you’d know I have flats hiding somewhere in my car. Har har.


Isn’t it a relief to see me in a new setting other than Makati for my outfit shots? This is actually the Manila Film Center–you know that creepy and abandoned building near Sofitel? If you’re a local, I’m sure you’ve heard of this establishment’s haunted past. I wonder what it looks like inside. Just thinking about it gives me the creeps.


Let’s pretend I’m running away from ghosts, ANTM style. LOL! Sigh, I really never learn do I? I might lose my memory card again if I don’t stay away from places like this!


[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look at here[/button]


Zara trousers


H&M necklace


Persun Mall top


Chanel bag


Nicholas Kirkwood heels


P.S. My Details maxi dress/ jumpsuit giveaway is ending tomorrow! Better send in your entries if you haven’t yet! :)

181 Responses to “Clear Skies”
  1. eva

    Hi, camille.. I like your style pretty much.. Would you give me some tips about how to keep your bangs well in your busy activity?

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Eva! I don’t know really. I guess it depends on your hair type. My bangs are so low maintenance I don’t really pay attention to them :)

  2. sasou

    dear Camille i love that serie og photos love that pants you look so beautiful as ever, just wanna know wich camera do you Use ? The results is so waouh that s why il love to read and see you here ;) Pefect Blog

  3. Pat Hernandez

    I love this look (what’s new?), Miss Camille! :) The shoes are gorgeous! You’re really my idol. I hope I’ll have the courage to dress up better soon. hehe. Thank you for being an awesome inspiration! :)

    • Camille Co

      What’s stopping you? Looking good will help you feel good! :) Go for it!

      • Pat Hernandez

        Awww. Thank you for this message. I guess the lack of pretty clothes? I am still a student so I only have jeans, shirts, and sneakers. Whenever there is a sale and when I (or my mother, lol) have extra money, I try to buy pretty blouses, skirts, and shoes. hehe.

  4. Christine Koay

    Looking gorgeous as usual, Ms Camille! I love everything you wear here especially your Zara trousers.. so purrrtyy.. love the colour and the floral print.. so oriental.. (staring again at your trousers while writing this) LOL.. I guess you didn’t lose your memory card this time.. yay! The 7th photo looks like you saw something behind you and you are startled with what you saw.. LOL.. watch too much drama..

    • Camille Co

      Oh it’s from that online store, it’s not actuall Mango Kids but an online store named MangoKids&Co :)

      • abby

        i see :) will try to look for it :) just want to say that i check your blog on a daily basis and i really love how you put together your outfits. always classy, subtly sexy, never trashy ;)

  5. beatrice gases

    LOL .
    yan din yung sa amazing show right? you know the show where gays performed? we always go there for our field trip eh . that explains the creep that I’m feeling when ever we go there . but they never told me that it was the manila film center. okay shame on me for not knowing it. but whenever i asked them they always say that “no its not . chill girl” well cause I’m pretty sure that i would be so OA freaking out . baka di pa ako sumama sa loob ahhahaha hashtag hysterical ahaha

    • Camille Co

      Yeah, they probably told you that so that you’d still go with them :) At least, now you know! :)

  6. Kat

    Hi Camille, may I know what size do you normally order when you shop from persun mall? I’m a size 8 in Australia and 160cm so I’m not sure about the sizing :/ Thanks!

  7. Reena

    Pwede na maging photographer ang driver mo! ^^ I love the way the pics are taken! I actually love to look at old places! I don’t get easily creeped out but because of the history behind MFC, I wouldn’t dare go inside alone. lol… Pero parang nawala yung creep factor niya because of your outfit!!! Ang GANDAAAAAAAAAA!!!

    • Camille Co

      Thank you Reena! Huwag natin ipaalam sa driver ko, baka magresign at mag-change career! :) LOL!

  8. Sephie Rojas

    Parang pang Harpers Bazaar lang, haha! OMG that IS creepy! But I wouldn’t have guessed you took your photos there. The place looks so pretty! But yeah, maybe last time mo na rin jan mag outfit photoshoot before you magically lose your memory card again @_@ Mahirap na! Panic state nanaman kayo ng driver mo, haha!

  9. Chloe

    I like that “running away from ghosts, ANTM style” pose. Your legs are more flaunted with that. Danda ahh.. ^_^

  10. Lourine

    “running away from ghosts, ANTM style…” I looove it! Hahaha. I think I should learn that. Haha! :)

  11. darleen

    i really love this look on you. you seem “grown up” here but i super love :) im thinking of doing this look for my self…and i hope i could pull this off…hehe

  12. Armine

    That’s my kind of look! :) Love your photos and how you pose in them. I’m starting to appreciate your photographer’s work! I’m taking my photography class in school this semester, and I’d love to have you as my subject. Maybe someday… :)

  13. abby07

    You are simply beautiful Ms.Camille.. I love how the third photo was shot; it makes you long so much taller and the drama it exudes is just so….breathtaking.. You are very effective and influential as a model, designer, blogger and who knows, an actress someday. :D
    Keep it up and takecare always. :)

  14. Gail

    Love the one-step-up-the-stair shot! Ganun pala kaganda pag may moo moo? Hahaha! Love the outfit! :)

  15. Marielle

    This place is abandoned? I think there are still events being held here from what I see..haha anyway, I love your outfit! Especially the trousers. So beautiful!

    • Camille Co

      I believe so too but I still consider it abandoned because it’s hardly ever used 100% or maintained even! Thanks Marielle!

  16. Gi

    Gorgeous as always Ms. Camille <3
    We had a field trip in that place. The inside looks so vintage! It has a mirrored wall, a classy staircase and a large theater that looks really creepy haha

  17. Love

    Hi Ms. Camille. You’re very versatile in terms of dressing. You can play around with whatever look and you are always amazing. I hope that someday, when I get married too, I can have you style/design the whole entourage for my wedding. Hehe. Keep it up! God bless you always. :)

  18. Tara

    Love how you framed those pants with nude colored everything else – you pull it off perfectly!!

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  19. izza

    you look so gorgeous and sophisticated and all. :) ikaw na ms. camille. :D

  20. Gladys

    I really thought you’re wearing a blazer. :D
    Love your shoes’ heels. So thin! Hindi ba nababali ‘yan, Miss? Katakot! :D

  21. Abbyguel

    I LOVE YOUR SHOES! :( REALLY.. Haha. You look so fresh! :) LOVE THE OUTFIT! :)

    • Camille Co

      Yes yes, but this is such a pretty background for my outfit shots :(

  22. Anaivilo

    I love abandoned places! They give such a cool vibe to any photoshooting :D And you look great in those pants and the heels are just killing me! O.O

    • Camille Co

      Thank you Anaivilo! :) Don’t they look so classy? :) Love them too!

    • Camille Co

      Haha! Thanks Anne! :) Hmm, just make your office wear more fun by adding prints and color! :)

  23. Mariel

    Hi Ms. Camille! I love you and your blog so much! (fangirlism, haha) You’re sooo gorge!!! And your shoes are really beautiful, so classy! OMG shoegasm! xoxo

  24. Ren

    Total elegance! Haha if I’m not mistaken Laureen help you find that memory card and even your driver too right?

  25. Cazzy

    Omo! I love the whole ensemble! Hmmmm I think my wardrobe it very much influenced by you and Tricia hehe (with a bit of Crissey, since I love cutie patootie stuffs) but when I am at the office, I make sure I *quite* and hopes that I look like you hahaha! I even styled my bangs like yours! :) >>points at instagram hahahaha :) More awesome “Camille Co: the-designer-not-the-blogger” posts! <3 XOXO

  26. Kay

    Hello Camille,

    Finally new venue! hahaha! By the way, I can’t seem to find your blouse from Persun site? Are you sure it’s Persun? I love your mala-ANTM pose (aka 3rd pic)! I love everything!

  27. Vina Guerrero

    love the background! you should take outfits shots here more often! but… you might lose your memory card nga pala,. no nevermind hahaha! cream really suits you well!

    • Camille Co

      Yes! You know naman my luck with places like this! Ghost month pa now! Must stay away! :)

  28. Kat Alquizar

    I really love your blog and so with your outfit posts and most of all, you! Do I sound a really big fan here? Haha. Hoping to meet you someday Camille!

  29. Yanshi

    Finally, i have time to check your blog! huhuhu :'( I’ve missed a lot, been busy with a lot of things for the past two weeks. I’m baaaackkkkkkk!!! haha kala naman kung sino LOL :P Anyway, I love this look! The trousers are lovely and the accessories, GOLD, GOLD, GOLD!! Oh how we love gold hihihi :) That ANTM style shot is divine!! :))

  30. Nelayish

    Is that Manila Film Center? In your outfit shots, it doesn’t look so creepy, but anyway you look great in your “working attire”. I mistook this look as “Camille The Blogger” outfit. :)

    • Camille Co

      Yes it is :) Maybe because the sky is so clear and blue :) Thanks Nelayish! :)

  31. Dannah Amanda

    When we watched a show there for our fieldtrip, there are many ghosts at the back and the escalator moved. It’s really a creepy one. Pretty as always! :))

  32. Marichelle R. Sayaang

    Beautiful.. :) it’s been a long time since I last post a comment but don’t get me wrong everyday I always checked your post Ms. Camz..I’ve noticed you’ve changed hair color again or just the light from the sun?

    • Camille Co

      Thanks Marichelle! It’s just the sun :) Comment comment lang pag may time :)

  33. Hazel Joy Jimenez

    i love your heels and your top as well.. say tabi tabi or pray first.. so that you wont get haunted.. LOL

  34. grace

    love the whole thing! im always on the look for corporate outfits that doesn’t make me look old or manang and yesterday, when I rifle through your old posts (yep, I back-read til the last page) I got some ideas on what to wear at work. thanks for the inspirations, tips ms. Camille! stunning as always! :)

    • Camille Co

      Thank you Grace! :) How patient of you to rifle through my old posts! :)

  35. Mhaica Lee Cerdeña

    Haha oo nga baka mawala nanaman ang memory card :( Pretty pretty! ♥

  36. Rose Cruz

    I wonder what will you wear on your own wedding day. Would you like to design your own wedding gown or do you like someone else to do it? :)

  37. Riva Shane Bunagan

    I love the trouser! You look really pretty and charming in this outfit post! :)
    This picture will serve as one of my inspiration to lose weight and have a flat tummy :)

  38. Tasha D.

    OH MY GOD. THIS is perfection yet again in every angle! Super duper LOOOVE everything in this outfit! The Kirkwoods look so gorgeous on you! The only thing I hate about this blog post is this part:

    “I have flats hiding somewhere in my car.” haha! No flats can ever take the place of BEAUTIFUL heels like those Kirkwoods. haha! Dedma na sa comfort…basta ikagaganda, PUSH lang! PUSH like there’s no tomorrow. PUSH like a PUSH CART! chos! haha! Kaloka kung ganyan yung motto mo sa yearbook no? haha!

    Nag-palpitate din ako ng very light nung nakita kong pinatong mo si Chanel sa semento. Obsessed much? haha!

    • Camille Co

      Hahaha! I love how you care so much about my bags haha! You love them more than I love them! LOL! :) Thanks Tasha! Siyempre kapag trabaho, kailangan trabaho. No time for arte! :) Flats kung flats :)

  39. Jen

    Good thing something didn’t show up on camera. Hahaha. Still beautiful even in creepy places, Camille! <3

  40. Lydia

    Not everybody can pull off yellow floral pants.. but you did it :p
    Bright & fun yet elegant at the same time :) Very nice!

  41. Don Losentes

    This is my favorite look! love the shoes and the bag. looks couture. lol

  42. Choi

    Love the way you wear this outfit. Not exactly confident enough to wear trousers like that but it looks good on you! :)

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