I have loved pearls since I was very very young. I think I got that from my mom. Growing up and even until now, I always see my mom in pearls, always. She has her fair share of diamonds, silver and gold, but pearls have a special place in her heart and naturally, mine as well. In fact, I wore pearl earrings everyday of my life back in high school until I graduated college. For me, pearls are the classy girl’s go-to accessory. Look at Audrey Hepburn!
If you’re a pearls over diamonds type of girl, or you’re simply looking to add a classic piece to your collection, then you’ll love my giveaway from Rebecca & Penelope.
This the Rebecca & Penelope piece that I’m giving away–a timeless pearl choker fitting for women of all ages and perfect for any occasion. Are you ready to add some glamour into your wardrobe? Here’s how you can get a chance to win this pearl necklace:
- Follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin’. If you don’t have these accounts, it’s easy to make one!
- Like Rebecca & Penelope on Facebook.
- Leave a comment below with your Facebook and Twitter names.
- Make this your Facebook status and tweet it too: “I want to win designer pearls from Rebecca & Penelope on www.mbrjlmcn.top ! I hope I win! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways” Please do tag Rebecca & Penelope when you post your Facebook status but please no need to tag me (on both Facebook and Twitter).
This is an international giveaway so everyone can join! Deadline for entries is on September 1, 2013 at 11:59PM (GMT +8). I will be choosing the winner via Random.org and announcing it here at the comments section below. Please be reminded to submit one entry only. No multiple entries please.
Good luck everyone!
good blog
Thanks Santha!
Congratulations to Joanna Ysabelle S. Yap! :)
ms.camille i can’t send you a direct message in twitter. because you are not following me..
Email please. :) Not DM
what’s your e-mail?:)
Please check my “Contact Me” :)
sent :)
love pearls!!!
fb: Yvette Serafica
twitter: @4dLoveOfMix
Facebook: Love-Blu SC
Facebook: Ayien Agres
Twitter: @PANDA_me_Love
FB: Nowie Serrano https://www.facebook.com/nowiejoy
twitter: @nowienowie
Zairah Divino (@donyapotpot)
FB: cheroselero
fb: joie terrado
twitter: joieterrado
fb: mai ragsac pacamalan
twitter: @chekarry
Elinor Semira
Facebook name:
Syra De Castro
Twitter name:
Syra De Castro
Facebook Name: Dennice Hillary Del Valle
Twitter: @DenniceHillary
FB name: Pearliza Paguio
Twitter name: @pearlbliss30
Facebook: Lê Linh
Link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004977031767
Twitter: Lê Anh
Link: https://twitter.com/gun_97
Jessie abing
Therese Chloe Kintanar
Facebook name: Lynee Bayron Ayuban
Twitter : @bayronlynee29
I love pearl so much :-)
Facebook name: Lynee Bayron Ayuban
Twitter: @bayronlynee29
i love pearl so much….
Hi, love this necklace !
FB : Aurelie Red
Twitter @AurelieRed
Thanks :)
Facebook: Angela Courtney Rojas(Jmcy)
Twitter: @sweeetcourtney
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/jen.sta.ana8
Michael Stephen
Facebook: Mariel Wilson
Twitter: marielw2015
Facebook Name: Jeanne Ugay
Twitter: @JeanneUgay
Facebook: Patricia Hernandez
Twitter: @patph81
Facebook: Chie Hemedes
Twitter: @ChieHemedes
FB: Maki Yosh
FB: https://www.facebook.com/murasakilemon
Twiiter: happlemondrops
Ohms EMocling
F.B:Tere Decena
twitter: @cothciepie
Mirzi Sarte
Facebook name: Janet Tiong
Twitter name: @JanetTiong301
My Tweet: https://twitter.com/JanetTiong301/status/371638392506679296
facebook: Jackie Yuson
twitter: @jackieYuson
Fb: haryll jean ventazal (http://www.facebook.com/harylljean.ventazal)
twitter: @harylljean (https://twitter.com/harylljean)
JEssamer Abing
FB: Crysy G. Cañete
Twitter: @ystalc
FB: Jean Cyrene Amado Riparip
Twitter: @chxrene
FB: Iola Katrina Sabio
Twitter: iola0923
Twitter: @kathleenfrnndz
Facebook: Kathleen Fernandez
facebook: Kathleen Nieto
twitter: @KathleenNieto
Facebook: Katrina Teneros
Twitter: @KitKatrinaaa09
Fb: Alyanna Mariano
Twitter: yannimariano
fb: Yui Adrin Intalan
twitter: @LakeYui
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Fb : meutia potter
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Angelita Bueno Gan
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Twitter: @RandomIntrovert
Facebook: Isay Genobisa
Twitter: @IamIssahG
Jea Blancaflor
FB: Eilynn Charm M. Quiros
Twitter: @iheartcharmy
FB: Joy Merced
Twitter: @joyluck_614
fb: celine ong
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Facebook: Feather Mist
Twitter: daintyhues
FB: Girlie Marie Joyce Kilario
Twitter: @ghirlieee
FB: Mara Sison
Twitter: @maramaraeee
Marhiz Medalla
FB: Jaja Que
TWITTER: @quejaja
FB: Pamela Coleen Cabalda
twitter: @pamcabalda
FB: Arjayssa Reyes
Twitter: @arjayssareyes
Thank you for this giveaway!:)
Twitter: @puhreetyNICOLE Facebook: Nicole Hudson
Hi Ms. Camille!
Sorry my username sounds like a kid, it’s my group of friends thing.
please delete this thank you! :)
FB name: Kael Conciso ( facebook.com/kaelconciso
Twitter: @basedqueenkael (twitter.com/basedqueenkael)
FB: Kim Neri
Twitter: @itskhimieneri
FB Name: Eunice Gonzales
Twitter: @euniseu
FB : Mari Angela Ko Hing (http://www.facebook.com/angelahing)
Twitter : @angelahing (https://twitter.com/angelahing)
Facebook: Elois Anielle Roque
Twitter: @eloisanielle
Fb: Regina Villamiel
Twitter: @iamrejvee
ARra Odeza
[email protected]
Facebook: Dennice Hillary Del Valle
Twitter: @DenniceHillary
FB: Alyssa Sancon
Twiitter: @maoshmao
Celina Cruz
my bloglovin e-mail’s different from the e-mail in this comment : [email protected] :-)
Yanshi Rosario Brizuela
Jellian Razzele Kwok
Facebook: Jellian Razzele Kwok
Twitter: @Hellokwokieee
Facebook: Milky Santiago
Twitter: @milkysantiago
Fb: Elle Aquino
Twitter: @aevensky
Facebook: Rica Francisco
Twitter: @ikayfrancisco
Facebook : @iLabkaren05
Twitter : @4everKaren17
FB: Kaithleen Grace Chua
Twitter: @kgraceratops
FB: Chase Meusa
Twitter: cheeseMeusa
FB: Lila Alu
Wow! They are so pretty. :)
Zhe Yhi & @zheyhi
Hi ms camille! :-)) facebook.com/michellannerosimo
Twitter: itsamaceeday
FB: Maria Kate Casimiro Bisquera
Twitter: @cestlavie05
Abigail Tabuzo
Charmaine Manlangit
These pearls are just so glamourous and elegant at the same time!
FB name: Chloe Yun Ting
Twitter name: chloeyunyun (@yuntingchloe)
Twitter: TiqiVue
FB: Tiqi Vue
Facebook: Kamila Cabardo (https://www.facebook.com/camillecabardoRN)
Twitter: @lilmisskamila
Vanessa Rose Palacio
FB: Chippy Fernando
Twitter: @cillefernando
twitter: https://twitter.com/iamMaryGraceI
facebook; [email protected]
facebook : [email protected]
twitter: alexislouisse
I already followed you on Bloglovin :)
Say Yap
Facebook : Chloe Jan Gaerlan
Twitter : @chlococrunch
Elizar Sto Domingo
Fb: Ara Alomesen
Twitter: @araalomesen
Fb name: Candis Yu
Twitter Name:@kathleencandisy
FB: Steph Villanueva
Twitter: @steyphunny
Facebook: Kimi Hernandez
Twitter: @mariaakim
FB: Xandee Alvero
Twiter: @xandeebandee
Facebook name: Benessa Mae Dumol
Twitter name: @benzdumol
thank you for the giveway! :) i hope i win. *fingers crossed
Facebook: Janelle Leonor (facebook.com/janelle.leonor)
Twitter: @janelleleonor
fb: aysa asia
twitter: @aysasia
Jenny Cristobal
Kamille Ligaya
Facebook: Macy Espiritu
Twitter: @macymayespiritu
FB: Lois Antonielle
TWITTER: loisantonielle
Thanks Camille!
Facebook: Sonya Gao
Twitter: @couleurderose
FB: Leilani Sonza
Twitter: @lilaec
facebook:Diana Melendres https://www.facebook.com/yeahHyena
twitter: @dianathaway https://twitter.com/dianathaway
Hazel Joy Jimenez
FB: Haze Amarillo Jimenez
twitter: @bhabyhaze20
Facebook: Chlythe Palde
Twitter: @chlythepalde
Facebook: Marie Berjamin
Twitter: @marielovesjapan
FB: Rain Gatdula
Twitter: @rainkie
FB Name: Maria May Amolo Ochea
Twitter Name: @itsMAY89 – Maria May Ochea
Facebook Name: קטן רחל מאר
Twitter Name: Rachel Marie (@poweroflotus)
Twitter: @thinaylovebooks
FB name: tintin barnedo
wwwwwwwwooooooooowwwwwwwww P.E.A.R.L.S! I so want to win it. pls. pick me! hehehe
FB name: ara moya
twitter name: @szai24
FB: Rose Gean Gervacio
Twitter: thisisrosiegirl
FB: Ging Aquino
Twitter: @machukoy1
Facebook: Jaya Jane Gervacio
Twitter: OfficialJanneey
FB: Daisuke Yuuki (Marichelle)
Twitter: @Daisukeyuuki
Facebook and Twitter names: Sarj Thrifty Look | @thriftylook
FB: Inez Low
Twitter : @InezHelenaLow
Facebook: Rose Gean Gervacio
Twitter: thisisrosiegirl
Facebook: Synday Arayan
Twitter: @syndayloves10
FB: Sarah Ann Hiwatig
TW: @sarah_ann29
FB: Jaemee Camit
Twitter: @jaemeefied
FB: Jaemee Camit
Twitter: @jaemeefied
FB: Jaemee Camit
Twitter: @jaemeefied
Hope I win. i love pearls! They’re such a classic :)
Facebook: Laiza Costelo
Twitter: @doradotph
Facebook: Kassie Lewinsky
Twitter: @KassieTanya
FB: yldratic bellurz
TWITTER: @callme_ragegal
those pearls are sick! hope i’ll win…:D
Fb: kirsten alfaro
twitter: kirstenny06
Facebook: Adrenella Domiquel
Tweeter: iamsuperEL
Facebook: Trisha Camille Lozano
twitter: @trishlozanxx
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ruthpresbitero ( https://www.facebook.com/ruthpresbitero/posts/4634598922497 )
Twitter: https://twitter.com/caibelga ( https://twitter.com/caibelga/status/369272865922637824 )
It will surely add glamour to my wardrobe ♥
FB : [email protected] http://www.facebook.com/AnnTukin17
Twitter : @chaiquiocho http://www.twitter.com/chaiquiocho
Facebook – Helen Greenwood
Twitter @HellsBells_80
Pearls and Diamonds are every girls friend. The pieces are so simple, elegant and exquisite
Naaj xx
Join! :)
Facebook : Konnie Grace Bala https://www.facebook.com/konnie.chance
Twitter: @itsgracebala
Facebook Name: Denise Vasquez
Twitter name: @izhing
FB: Angelita Fernandez (https://www.facebook.com/geliann.s.fernandez)
Twitter: @angelitasfernan
Facebook: Manguba Larissa
Twitter: @larissamanguba
Mel Lao
Jhay-cee Cruzena
Facebook name: Jhay-cee Cruzena
Twitter: @barbiecruzena
Facebook: [email protected]
Twitter: @virrapaola
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joanna.copo
twitter: j_nightress
Facebook:Ysabelle Yap (https://www.facebook.com/ysabelle.yap.9)
Twitter:@JoannaYsabelleY (https://twitter.com/JoannaYsabelleY)
Facebook: Vhena Pilongo
Twitter: @vnapilongo
Fb: Beatriz Malabanan
Twitter: titaniumermaid
Love this giveaway=))
More power miss camille=))
FB: Emily Locara
twitter: @erlhartu18
Cecile Pauline Cruspero
Facebook name: Ma Judiel Cleto
Twitter name: @im_majc
Love it. Thanks.
FB: Karen SChipp
Twitter: 2vaurien
FB Name: Gie Cruz
Twitter: @edgiecruz
Dovi Amor Corillez Sabong
Miss Sennnaa (facebook page)
Facebook: Ba Linh Le
Twitter: Ba Linh Le @livLinh
FB: gayle sy
Twitter: @abbysy11
Nice accessories! <3
FB: [email protected]
Twitter: @jinky_kwn27
fb name:sherry ann
twitter name:@annkharize
Facebook Name:Ging Libres Valdez
Twitter: @therealging30
thank you for this lovely giveaway!
Donna May Gerardo-Canega (facebook)
Donna Gerardo Canega (twitter)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/khimneri
Twitter: https://twitter.com/itskhimieneri
Omg these are so lovely!! <3
Pearls are always lovely :)
Shandie B. Valdez
@rsbv17 (shandie valdez)
FB: Aine Garcia
Twitter: @ainyxi
wow this design for jewelley is so chic <3
a Lovely giveaway with Romwe is on http://www.mariezamboli.com
They are! :)
Facebook Name: Riva Shane Bunagan
Link: https://www.facebook.com/rivashane.bunagan/posts/1412032035687647
Twitter Name: @rivashane
Link: https://twitter.com/rivashane/status/368986138834268160
Facebook : Yang M. Diwa
Twitter : @yang9295
FB: Mharj Villanueva Saludo
Twitter: @PrincessMharj
Twitter: @ajbutterfinger facebook: aj bautista lizardo thanks camille!! :) i always want to win your giveaways even just one. Xoxo