I’m sure Melissa needs no introduction. This iconic global footwear brand from Brazil has been famous for its jelly shoes in various styles and colors. Over the years, the brand has partnered with the biggest and brightest names in art such as fashion designers Vivienne Westwood and Jason Wu, architects Karim Rashid and Zaha Hadid and furniture designers The Campana Brothers among others. I personally love my Vivienne Westwood flats the most, especially now that the rainy season is here!
Anyway, so what’s Melissa giving away this time? One lucky reader will win P2000 worth of gift certificates from Melissa. Annddd… P1000 for his/her friend!
Just to get you even more excited, here are some of Melissa’s pieces that are currently in store for you to purchase with the GCs you’ll be winning.
Theis crystal pair is my personal favorite! Who needs a glass slipper when you can feel like Cinderella in these!
For the girls who just can’t get enough of spiky things, Melissa re-invented these classic designs and dressed them up in spikes for you!
- Follow me on Twitter, Bloglovin’ and Instagram. If you don’t have these accounts, it’s easy to make one!
- Like Melissa Philippines on Facebook and follow them on Instagram (@MelissaPhilippines) and Twitter (@Melissa_PH).
- Leave a comment below with your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter names.
- Like the picture below on @MelissaPhilippines’ Instagram account and regram the photo with this caption: “I want to win these gift cards from @MelissaPhilippines! P2000 for me and P1000 for (@tag your friend/sister/etc)!!! I hope we win! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways #MelissaPhilippines”
- Tweet the caption and make it your Facebook status too.
Congratulations to Janelle Leonor for winning this giveaway!
OMG!!!!! Thank you so much, Camille Co and Melissa Philippines! I’m so excited to have a new pair of Melissa shoes!!!
Facebook: Vanessa Vergel de Dios
Twitter: @vhaniel23
Instagram: @vhaniel23
Fb: Kamila Cabardo (https://www.facebook.com/camillecabardoRN)
Twitter: @lilmisskamila
IG: lilmisskamila
FB: Theda Mae Salvania
IG: Athedamae
Twitter: @thedamae
Fb: kristrl barrameda
IG: @kristel barrameda
Twitter: @xtelxtel
Facebook: Rhose Ronquillo-Salazar https://www.facebook.com/rhoseiteki
Instagram: @rhoseiteki
Twitter: @rhoseiteki
Facebook: @colelimon/ Nicole Limon
Twitter: @colelimon
Instagram: @nicolelimon
Pick me!
FB: Melissa Nicolette Paguntalan
Twitter: @mel_0dramatic
IG: @melissanicolette
Facebook: Melissa Nicolette Paguntalan
IG: @melissanicolette
Twitter: @mel_0dramatic
FB: yahna tan
IG: dyahna
I’m excited! Hope id win!
Fb: Ruth Margaret G. Tiangco
Twitter: @ReynaHadassah
Instagram: bloomgirl78
Sana ako na at kapatid ko :)
Facebook: Reyssie Anne Fusilero Gaudia
Twitter: @creampuffcicles
Instagram: @thisisreyssieg
Hello Ms. Camille! ;”>
Facebook: Alyssa Obis https://www.facebook.com/Adyijoyy
Twitter: @AdyiJoyy https://twitter.com/AdyiJoyy
Instagram: ajvo_
I hope i’ll win! :)
Facebook: Grace Salvania ([email protected])
Instagram: gayesalvania
Twitter: gayesalvania412
I hope wi win!
Facebook – Rosellle Buado Young
Instagram – roselleyoung
Twitter – Roselle Young
FB: Catherine Kjell Buama
Instagram: @Kjell315
Twitter: Kjell15
FB: Lezil Ann Gaduyon / https://www.facebook.com/lezil.ann
IG: @lezill
TWITTER: @lezil_ann
fb: Kimchi Benoza Frost https://www.facebook.com/kimchi.frost
twitter: @misterfrost19
Hope to win. xoxo
FB: Manguba Larissa
IG: @larissamanguba
Twitter: @larissamanguba
fb: Mc Jo
ig: @joisnotmyname
twitter: jocelynbolo
pick me!pick me!
Fb: Kirstie Restar
Twitter: @kirstierestar
Instagram: @roxannekirstie
fb: Aura keisha realubit
twitter: @keirealubit
instagram: keirealubit
Fb: Hilary Hao
Twitter: @nihaohihao
Instagram: hilaryhao
FB: ELLEN MILLAMA (https://m.facebook.com/#!/ellen.millama?__user=1761902131)
TWITTER: @otakumeansgeek
INSTAGRAM: otakumeansgeek
Facebook: Ederlyn Martinez (http://www.facebook.com/edz.o8)
Instagram: @ohmyederlyn
Twitter: @EtotheDandZ
fb: Jameline Ho-Oh
instagram: Jameline_H
twitter: Jameline_H
Facebook: Giecelle Nillo / (URL name: gienillorn)
Instagram: @gheehn_gi
Twitter: gheenillo
Facebook: Drixie Reyes | facebook.com/drixie.reyes
Twitter & Instagram: @drxireyes
Facebook: Jessica Reyes Levine (Jessica De Sagun Reyes)
Twitter Name: @jessycuhreyes
Instagram: jpdsreyes
fb Name: Dana Alulod
Twitter and Ig name: @danamii15
Twitter : @staraholichik
Instagram : @brndtte8
Facebook : [email protected] / Bernadette Mendoza
I love to have one of this shoes!
Praying to win some
Thank you!
Jessiemer Abing
FB: Jessie ABing
Twitter: @JessieDCa
IG: jessieabimer
FB: Jaja Que
Twitter and IG: @quejaja
Facebook: Albigay tin
Instagram: albicutetin
Twitter: aLbicute
Facebook: Patricia Hernandez
Twitter: @patph81
Instagram: @patph81
facebook: Dennie Lopez
IG: dennielovslopez
twitter dennielovslopez:
hope i win. good luck everyone!!
facebook: Dennie Lopez
IG: dennielovslopez
hoping to win!!
Facebook: Marie Berjamin
Instagram: marielovesjapan
Twitter: marielovesjapan
FB: Sha Tolete.
Yay! Hope to win!
FB: jenny ellaine dy-solares
TWITTER: @lilmrs_solares
INSTAGRAM: @lilmrs_solares
make me a winner girl! love yah!
fb: bhetina dy
instagram: bhetina dy
twitter: iambhetinadadiz
goodluck guys!
FB: Aemie Jordan
Twitter: ilovemie
Instagram: ilovemie
FB: Rachel Cancer – Matias
IG: @prettychex
Twitter: @prettychex
Facebook: danna nicole freyra (nikki)
Twitter: @deyna_montana
Instagram : @deyna_montana
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maclarice.lao
Twitter: @valandclai
Instagram: @valandclai
Facebook: Missie Lacson Suasi / misswildmind18
Instagram: misswildmind18
Twitter: misswildmind18
Facebook: Aigel Ann Serrano
Instagram: @aaagelserrano
Twitter: @aaagelserrano
Hi! this r my informations:
Facebook:Rachelle Anne Tonelada
Facebook: Aileen Panganiban (https://www.facebook.com/lyn.panganiban.52)
Twitter: princess_heart
Instagram: mslyn11
Twitter and IG: @secretcharmm
FACEBOOK : Jhazel Casuga
TWITTER : @jheeeycheeel
INSTAGRAM : @JhazelCsg
Fb: keithy mercado
Instagram: @keithy16
Twitter: @keimercado
FACEBOOK: Czarina Lim
INSTAGRAM: @sawiiina
TWITTER: @sawiiina
Fb: keithy mercado
Twitter: @keimercado
Instagram: @keithy16
Thank you Miss Camille! God bless!
Immelisa (instagram) , melmel melisaa (facebook) & ich_mel (twitter)
Facebook: Jessica Delas Alas
Instagram: @crazeeeehworld
Twitter: @crazeeeehworld
Facebook: Ia Erika Caira
Twitter & IG: @iaerikacaira
Fritzie Castro Yabut (Facebook)
zeeyab (IG and Twitter)
@diabianca (twitter and instagram)
Dia Bianca Lao (facebook)
Facebook: RizelleVergara (facebook.com/rizellevergara)
Twitter: @Rizellee
Instagram: @Rizellee
Facebook: Marrien Rose Mendoza (fb.com/marrien.mendoza)
Twitter: @marrienmendoza
Instagram: @itsmarrien
*cross fingers*
Facebook: facebook/glamprincesspatty
Twitter: @himepattyv
Instagram: glampricesspatty
Facebook: facebook.com/almairacacasanguan
Facebook: Jexet Orton (www.facebook.com/mrsjexetorton)
Instagram: @readyjexetgo
Twitter: @KassieTanya
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aysen.sation
Twitter & Instagram username: @nesyaaa08
Hope to win! *crossed fingers*
Facebook: Rachelle Sindayen
Instagram: @rars1
Twitter: @rars1
Facebook: Joy Merced
Twitter: @Joyluck_614
Instagram: Joyluck_614
Facebook: Criselda Pablico-Alano
Instagram: @cristeta_a
Twitter: @cristeta_a
Facebook: Gie Cruz
Twitter: @edgiecruz
Instagram: @mikeegie14
facebook: Crystal Cruz
twitter: @crystahal
instagram: crystahal
hoping to win
Facebook: Jennylyn Bernal
Instagram: @hanalicelanil
Twitter: @hanalicelanil
Pick me! I want ultragirl + jmaskrey for my wedding! <3
Cecille Capatan https://www.facebook.com/cecille.capatan
FB: Nina Francesca Ong
Twitter: i_am_ongc
instagram: ongsipotpot
i shall win!!! melissa addict!
Fb: Ivy Jane https://www.facebook.com/ijmesa
Twitter : aiyvheejhanel https://twitter.com/aiyvheejhanel
I do not have an Instagram account
Facebook: Kamille Ligaya (https://www.facebook.com/kamillejesusacligaya)
Instagram: @hellomillewhite
Twitter: @thisonesakeeper
Facebook: Lhai Yboa
Instagram: lhaiyboa
Twitter: @mytrekthrulife
FB: Melody Co (facebook.com/melody.co)
TW: @miloodee
IG: @melodyco
FB: Mikee Air-cega (www.facebook.com/maricorlouiseayn)
Twitter: @mikeeeelopez
Instagram: @mikeelopez
Facebook: Gia Guanzon fb.com/red.alabaster
Instagram: Elligriv
Twitter name: @red_alabaster
Facebook: Nickha Pineda
Twitter & Instagram: @nickhapineda
Facebook: Ma. Jingko Kristelle Gulmatico
Twitter: @mariaokgnij
Instagram: @jingkokristelle
FB: Charlene Clara Dominguez
Twitter: @uniquelyXisting
Instagram: @uniquelyXisting
FB: Clarivic Dominguez
Twitter: @clarivic0518
IG: @clarivicdominguez
FB: Paulina Briones
IG: paudfreespirit
Twitter: @paudfreespirit
FB: Rosette Santillan Adel
Twitter : @khryzette
IG: @rosetteadel
FB: Amll Edvic
Twitter: @zoeiram21
Facebook: Sharlyne Kyla
Twitter: sharlynekyla
Instagram: skls12
woah, I’m a shoe additc so I couldn’t pass this:)
FB Name: Ohms Emocling
Twitter & Instagram name: @ohmxphoenix
Facebook Name:Ging Libres Valdez
Twitter Name: @therealging30
Instagram Name:@therealging30
Facebook: Sheila Mary Tan
Instagram: @sheilamarytan
Twitter: @sheilamarytan
FB: Marilyn Gomez Gomabo
Twitter: @allenrjgomez
IG: @allengomezgomabo
FACEBOOK: fb.com/annacarmelaguzman
TWITTER: @annacg
INSTAGRAM: @hey_itslai
Facebook: Ashley Chua (facebook.com/cairuping)
Twitter: itsashchua
Instagram: itsashchua
Facebook: Maine Aquino
Instagram: @MaineAquino
Twitter: @MaineAquino
*fingers crossed* hope to win this! <3
FB name: Honey Claire Comaling
Twitter name: @honeybeehappee
Instagram name: @honeybeehappee
Facebook: Aleli Manantan
Twitter and Instagram: @PrincessAleli
Facebook: facebook.com/katepena
Instagram: katepena
Twitter: katepena
Facebook: ellen tolentino insta: smoochie19212510 Twitter: @smoochiekho
Goodluck to all:-)
Facebook: elen tolentino insta: smoochie19212510 twitter: @smoochiekho….:-)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/abbyguelpaulino
Twitter: @Abbylicioooous
Instagram: @abbyguel
Facebook: Patricia Benitez-Labuguen (https://www.facebook.com/mrs.labuguen)
Twitter: @pattylabuguen
Instagram: @pattylabuguen
FB: Catz Llorin
IG: iamcatzilla
Twitter: itsmecatzilla
Facebook: http://facebook.com/khimneri
Twitter: @itskhimieneri
Facebook: Loila Lyn Langi
Instagram: @dainty_loila
Twitter names: @aliolTriple
aww, too bad gc’s will be honored only in manila! :| I got too excited to join. From Cebu City here :D
FB – precious.ang
Twitter – @PreciousAng09
Instagram – preciousang
Fb: Mary Grace
IG: graceye55
Fingers crossed!
Facebook: Johannah Diron-Dimpaoro
Twitter: hunnyjodi31
IG: rajaqaiyaz
Good times. Good vibes. Good luck!♥
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/jodeebelle
Twitter : https://twitter.com/jodeebelle
Instagram : http://instagram.com/timbuktu_princess
Facebook:Dana Dela Torre Ü
Instagram: @danariffic
Twitter: @danariffic
Facebook: Frances Carolyn Tan
Twitter: @francesstan
Instagram: @francestaaan
FB: Jessica Hazel Brito
Twitter: jesshazelbrito
IG: jesshazelbrito
Good luck everyone!!!
FB: Jing Baloy
TWITTER: Mykikaystuff
IG: jing_baloy
Facebook: Michelle O. Ame
Twitter: @michelleame
Instagram: ladymishel08
Facebook: Dennice Hillary I. Del Valle
Twitter: @DenniceHillary
Instagram: @dennicehillary
Facebook: Karen de Villa
Instagram: @khaye_mayo
Twitter: @khaye_mayo
Facebook: Kryzel Saldua (facebook.com/kryzsaldua)
Instagram and twitter: @kryzsaldua
FB: kikel morales
Tw: @krystle_kaye
IG: @iamkikelm
Facebook: Jocelyn Ng
Instagram: @cutiepiejocelyn
Twitter: @jocelynpigleeet
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CHARYisLOVE
Instagram/Twitter: @chariiiyness
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter names
FB: Victoria Magtoto (www.facebook.com/jessa.magtoto)
Instagram: @imvictoriaxx
Twitter name: @imvictoriaxx
facebook: [email protected]
twitter: @iamMaryGraceI
instagram: @marygrace_inoc
Facebook: Kerstine Resuena – https://www.facebook.com/enitsrek
Twitter: @kers_tine
Instagram: @imursxtine
FB: https://www.facebook.com/tayme.canencia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/taymecanencia
Instagram: @taymecanencia
FB: Dhez Borja
TWitter and IG: @dhezimal25
FB: Daisuke Yuuki (Marichelle)
Twitter: @DaisukeYuuki
Instagram: @Daisukeyuuki
FB: Sheerie Lee
Twitter & Instagram: @sheerannlee
Jo An (Jo-An Reyes Victorio) | fb.com/iloveyoumorethanyouthink
IG: @kanashii24
twitter: @janeuarymmiv
Jay Ann Rose Perano
Twitter: @MsJayAnnP
Instagram: msjayannp
I hope I win =)
FB: Ging Aquino (https://www.facebook.com/ging.aquino.3)
Twitter: @machukoy1
Instagram: @machukoy1
Thanks for the lovely giveaway! :)
Kimberly Camille Tiu
Instagram: kimtiu37
Twitter: kimtiu37
Facebook: Cali Calimlim (https://www.facebook.com/superCALIfraggi)
Twitter: @callieoppe (www.twitter.com/Callieoppe)
Instagram: @callieoppe
FB name: Girlie Camungay
Twitter name: Yeye Camungay
Instagram: yeyecam
Facebook : Therese Diaz (https://www.facebook.com/syyllables)
Instagram: @cilables
Twitter: @cilables
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/francine.figueroa.33
Twitter: @francefigueroa
Instagram: @francefigueroa
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karen.c.cadapan
instagram: @kisoot
twitter: @iamkarencare
Facebook: Rachelle Cambi
Instagram: cambirachelle
Twitter: CambiRachelle
Facebook: Ella Gener
Twitter & Instagram: @ellagener
Facebook: Rissa Noma/https://www.facebook.com/pighedshanks
Instagram: @pighedshanks
Twitter: @pighedshanks
FB: Danae Dominguez
Twitter: @dominguezdanae
fb: Ann Lao
instagram: @oh_annieee
twitter: @oh_annieee
Hi Camille! Can I join this giveaway even if I don’t have an instagram?
You can easily make one :)
Facebook: Milky Santiago
Twitter: @milkysantiago
Insta: @itsmilky
Facebook: Ellaine Mijares
twitter: @iamellaaa
instagram: ellamijares
Facebook: Vhena Pilongo https://www.facebook.com/vhena11?ref=tn_tnmn
Twitter: @vnapilongo https://twitter.com/vnapilongo
Instagram: @vnapilongo http://instagram.com/vhenapilongo
Facebook: Shiny Bliss Ortilano
Instagram: @seventhbliss
Twitter : @seventhbliss
hope i win,,. :) i lil’ birthday gift for me,., :'(
FB: Therese Chloe Kintanar
IG: ChloeKintanar
Twitter: @ChloeKintanar
Ruth Jimenez
fb: http://fb.com/ruthjaeljimenez
twitter: @jaeljimenez
instagram: @roguejimenez
Facebook: Kacey Lyn P Ceguerra (https://www.facebook.com/klceguerra)
Twitter: @kaceylyn
Instagram: @kceguerra
FB: Samantha Marie Terencio (https://www.facebook.com/samanthaterencio)
Instagram: @samterencio
Twitter: @samterencio
Facebook: Kacey Lyn P Ceguerra (https://www.facebook.com/klceguerra?ref=tn_tnmn)
Twitter : @kaceylyn
Instagram: @kceguerra
Joreina Blanco
FB: Yna Arzadon Blanco
Twitter and IG: @joreinablanco
Facebook: Ricel Anne Pantoni
Twitter: @ricelanne
Instagram: @ricelanne
Facebook: Beatrice Marababol
Twitter: @beabeimarababol
Instagram: @beabeimarababol
FB: karamauricio
Instagram: diakosikara
Twitter: diakosikara
FACEBOOK: Menchit Pampolina Abrigo
INSTAGRAM: @lovesweetkitty
TWITTER: @iamsweetcat
Hope I win :)
Awesome giveaway!
Facebook: Sarj Thrifty Look
Twitter/Instagram: @thriftylook
FB: Girlie Marie Joyce Kilario
Twitter: @ghirlieee
IG: ghirlieee
FB Account – fb.com/starberrytube
Instagram – @starberrytube
Twitter – @redgalert
Facebook: Angeli Lava (https://www.facebook.com/angelilava)
Twitter: @gegelava
Instagram: @ohlavalava
Wow I really l♥ve Melissa hope to win!
FB Name: Dhez Borja
Twitter and IG: dhezimal25
Facebook: Glenda Mantaring
Twitter: iambabyg16
Instagram: iambabyg16
Ivy Torres
Fb: VY Torres
TW: ivytorres18
IG: ivytorres18
Oh my oh my God! I love all these shoes. I want to have them all. Please :( begging…..
FB: Bee Santos
Instagram: @beedazzledd
Twitter: @beedazzledd
face book abigail ong
twitter @abiboy541
instagram @abiboy541
fb name:arnie cervania IG name:arnie cervania twitter name: arnie cervania
FACEBOOK – Maricris Suiza
IG – maricris_rs
Twitter name – pau_hottish
FB: Amity Ong
ig: @amity225
twitter @amity225
Facebook:Sandy Mu (sandymu27)
Instagram: mu_sandy
Facebook Name: Trish Medalla
Twitter: twitter.com/crazeetrisha
Instagram: crazeetrisha
I hope I win!! :)
fb: https://www.facebook.com/kathleen.nieto.71/posts/199303353561363
twitter: @KathleenNieto
instagram: @kathnip_
Lovely shoes:)
Facebook Name: Denise Vasquez
Instagram Name: @ribbonizhing
Twitter Name: @izhing
Thank you! :D
FB: ARra Odeza
twitter and IG: @acodeza
Great giveaway :)
Today on my blog I wear a new fashion designer dress
I hope we win!!! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/msgensar
Twitter: twitter.com/msgensar
Ig: @msgensar
Facebook: Tina Canare
Instagram: tinapay6
Twitter: cafeattinapay
Oh my gosh!! Super thank you for this blog giveaway. :) Melissa Shoes!!! ♡ I hope I’m lucky enough to win this!!
Fb name: Jyl Orila
Twitter & Instagram username: @musikanta
FB:Rinx Martinee
Twitter: @rinxmartinee
FB: Alyssa Pua
Instagram and Twitter: aaypua
I hope I win as I love Melissa! :)
Facebook – April Rey Bautista
Instragram – april0330
Twitter – AprilRBautista
Facebook: Mara Sison
Instagram/Twitter: @maramaraeee
You can find me on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/merryjan.chua
My Twitter and Instagram usernames are the same: _daysleeper_
Facebook: Mawi Abala
Instagram: @mawiabala
Twitter: @javier_mawi
Hazel Joy Jimenez
FB: Haze Amarillo Jimenez
IG: @bhabyhaze
Twitter: @bhabyhaze20
Hope I win
hope to win dis for the wifey!!
FB: macky bautista
IG and Twitter: labraskal
oooh i hope we win!!!
FB: techot g. concepcion
IG: techot24
Twitter: TechotC
Facebook: Cessi Treñas (https://www.facebook.com/cessitrenas)
Instagram: @cesstrenas
Twitter: @cessitrenas
Fingers super crossed!
Hope i get a chance to win the gift certifiacte for me and my mom she would really love it.I love how you put together your outfits. Sorry forgot to include my details to excited to join your giveaways. :-)
Facebook Name. Tiffany Carmona
Twitter :uannie
Instagram : uannie
fb: maria kate casimiro bisquera
ig: @cestlavie05
twitter: @cestlavie05
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/zhangmeizhu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sexyfoosa
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ibadkitteh
instagram: @bernicegayle
twitter: @bernicegayle
facebook: bernice gayle tanlo
oooh so exciting!! i hope my mom and I win!!! (FB: nicey bautista; IG and Twitter @antipatz)
Facebook: Cates Dajao
Instagram: @tsuoshiro
Twitter: Cates Dajao (@tsuoshiro)
cross fingers XD
FB: Trisha Camille Lozano
IG: @trishlozano_
twitter: @trishlozanxx
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kiyoko.kamiyama.5
FB: Marsey Perez
Instagram: marseyperez
Twitter: iamMarsey
Facebook: Janelle Leonor (facebook.com/janelle.leonor)
Instagram: @janelleleonor
Twitter: @janelleleonor
They really are lovely!
The crystal one is amazing! Here in Brazil we have a model like this, but has a lot of crystal all over.. just gorgeous! *-*
The Minnie one is one of my favorites, so cute :)
http://www.ilovemoda.com.br | http://www.boldbravefree.blogspot.com.br
Naku I am the first one! I hope I get picked out :(….
FB: Leilani Sonza
Twitter: @lilaec
IG: @lilaec
Goodluck to me!
fb: celine ong
twitter / instagram: @celineong89
Facebook – Jhackie Eusebio Isidoro
Instagram – missjhackie02
Twitter – missjhackie02
https://www.facebook.com/penpalma (Penelope Palma) – facebook
@penpalma – twitter
@penelopepalma – Ig
FB: Celerhina Aubrey
T: reigningstill
I: reigningstill
Facebook: facebook.com/annabelle.decastro
Instagram: appleandwaffles
Twitter: @appleandwaffles
FB: Rangel Gan
Twitter: @rngldmnq
IG: rangeldominique
trying my luck
Fb: Xty Paulo
I wanna win:)
Hi Camille my Twiiter/Instagram account is @kookoocrown
Facebook: Heddy Candelaria
Instagram: iheartheddy
Twitter: iamheddy
Facebook: Eilynn Charm M. Quiros
Twitter: @iheartcharmy
Instagram: @iheartcharmy
Fb: Angel Shao Biando
Instagram and twitter :@angelshao
FB: Cindy Delos Reyes Abayon
Twitter : @cyndicato28
IG: @cyndicato28
Facebook: Shane Bunagan
Twitter Name: @rivashane
IG Name: @rivashane
Facebook: Louise Ito (fb.com/aeiwis)
Twitter: @aeiwis
Instagram: @aeiwis
Hoping to win!! xx