Little Miss Sunshine


I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine. I got a love and I know that it’s all mine, oh, oh oh oh!

I can’t seem to take Natasha Bedingfield’s song out of my mind whenever I look at these photos. This is how little miss sunshine should dress up, don’t you think?


Hearts on my skirt and flowers on my sunnies, it doesn’t get any quirkier than this. They managed to make my top look quirky more than sexy even!


My outfit definitely set my mood for the entire day. I felt so chirpy and optimistic, I might’ve annoyed a few people by being too happy. I was bordering pep-squad-chirpy. LOL!


Hype[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype my look on here[/button]


Online sunnies


Stylista.PH top


H&M x Versace skirt


Kate Spade clutch | H&M gold bangle Custom-made gold cuff | MikayLoves braided bracelet


CMG heels

136 Responses to “Little Miss Sunshine”
  1. MSP

    I was about to mention the same thing about the very bad service happening on BUBBLES right now but then someone beat me to it na pala here. Just wondering, have you heard back from them yet? (since you mentioned that you’ll try and contact them as well) haaay nakaka stress, i’m one of the “unfortunate customer” as well. But i still try and not harass them about it, although syempre you can’t control other peoples comment there, baka they have far more worse experience than i did. Ordered my 3 skirts a couple of weeks ago, fully paid, kaso everytime i’d mention it to her (tagging Tai Buendia/Ako Si Tati usermame) all she’d do is “like” my comment or just say “ok sis” tapos wala na. She won’t reply to my messages parin. So stressfull. I know the amount of my skirts combined isn’t that much, but it’s still money right? Looking forward to your opinion on this Cam. Thanks!

    • itscamilleco

      I totally understand your frustration. Grabe, I never knew!!! I’ll keep following up. :)

  2. Gladys

    Nakibasa na naman po ako sa mga comment. U wax ur legs po pala?? Hindi po ba nakaka-wiwi ang sakit?? Kasi ako, isang balahibo nga lang matanggal, maiiyak na ako.

    Para kang candy sa suot mo (or maybe gutom lang ako). And I loooooooovvvvveeee the fringes in your skirt. Your whole outfit is awesomely awesome (meganun?).

    • itscamilleco

      Haha! Nakaka-wiwi? LOL! That’s a first! Siguro kasi my hair is fine so it’s not painful :) Sanayan lang yan :)

      • Gladys

        Sorry sa ‘wiwi’ word. Nasanay kasi ako sa baby talk kahit medyo hindi na bagay sa akin. LOL! (O, ha? Nakiki-‘LOL’ narin ako!)
        Buti ka pa your hair is fine lang. Kaya pala ganoon yung mararamdaman ko kapag nabunutan kahit isang balahibo. Sabi kasi ng friend ko, kulang nlang ng isang phase ang pag evolve ko, magiging unggoy na daw ako. Kitam? Walanghiya ang mga friends ko!LOL!

        • itscamilleco

          No worries! :) Hahahaha! Friend mo pa yan sa lagay na yan!? Sa bagay, true friends can only speak of the truth LOL! :)

          • Gladys

            ..Uiiee, grabeh ka naman! Truth na evolving to unggoy-nism na ako? Di naman ako mukhang unggoy noh… Ganda ko namang unggoy kung sakali! :D (Mental note: Makapagpa.wax na nga! SOoooonn!!)

            • itscamilleco

              Haha! Hindi nga! You’re not, don’t you worry. Don’t listen to your friends :)

  3. Mars Gemilga

    Gaaah! When I first read the title and looked at the photo, I already sang Pocketful of Sunshine in my head, even without reading your entry. Haha. And then when I started reading… BAM! We sang the same song. <3

  4. Amber

    Hi camille! I just have to say, I love how funny, open minded and down to earth you are. You’re the best fashion blogger ever. I saw you once in ayala cebu but i was too starstruck to take a photo :( I rarely ever fangirl but you are SO worth fangirling over <3 I totally love your fashion sense and sense of humor. You are stunning and so gifted. I really look up to you :) God bless wherever He may take you :) Continue inspiring more teenage girls like me through your blog :) hope to see you one day. xoxo more power :))

    • itscamilleco

      Aww thank you Amber! :) I’ll go back to Cebu for sure, maybe then! :)

  5. Isabel Gimenez

    Hello! Please do check out my blog. I just started blogging. :) Thank you <3

  6. alwayskhayrin

    This is the awesomest! I know I won’t get tired of seeing this outfit post. Coool. Just cooool. Woaah! Very impressive skirt and peakaboos. :D

  7. ina

    oh my gosh! i really love ur outfit.. specially ur sunglasses :D

  8. Marichelle R. Sayaang

    Yellow and pink are my favorite colors I love pairing them too….This outfit really shines ms.Camille.. :) How’s tokyo Ms.Camille? I love japan so much so sad I haven’t visit it yet….that outfit ms.camille surely fits with a background from the flower farm of Hokkaido..^_^….Have a nice day Ms.Camille…..

    • itscamilleco

      awww next time, I’ll surely visit Hokkaido! Tokyo was so much fun. Shopping, food and the sights! :)

  9. Rica

    Wow! Our little miss Sunshine shines so bright :) That outfit will really set some mood. fab! love love love always! ^_^

  10. Christine Koay

    Love this outfit, Ms Camille! You look so cheerful with this colour combination! I sang along when i read the first line.. in my head though.. haha! I don’t wanna get caught in my work place.. (I always read your blog during work time!) I love the cutout detail on your top and also the heart print on your skirt.. though not so much on the fringe but the fringe add some quirkiness to the skirt! <3

    • itscamilleco

      LOL! Yes, that’s right. Must be discreet at work! :) Yeah, I think the fringe on my skirt adds a little quirkiness to it :)

      • Christine Koay

        Well, not to say very discreet but i only read or surf the net once my job is all done.. =) I’m here to work after all.. and reading your blog always cheer me up! <3 I always check in everyday to see if there's new blog post.. and i'm looking forward to your Japan trip post! Can't wait! <3

  11. kyreen:)

    Hi! Have you watched the movie Easy A? That’s where i got that song and i can’t seem to get it out of my head for a long time! Hahaha :))) i love how you personally answer all these questions, out of all the local fashion bloggers i think you’re yhe best! Scratch that, i KNOW you’re the best! Yiiiieee, killiiiiiiig! Hahahaha :Di love all your blog posts and hope to follow more in the future! I also wish to see you smile with teeth in pictures haha! Just curious :) i’m fangirling agaaaiinnn! :))))

    • itscamilleco

      Yes I have! It’s a nice movie! I love Emma Stone. She can do no wrong! :) Yiheeee, kinilig naman ako! Meron naman na, backtrack ka and hulihin mo yung few pictures that I smiled with teeth. :)

  12. Sephie Rojas

    It’s so tutti fruity! The colors are just screaming for more of Summer :D I feel like ordering a tropical drink after seeing your happy outfit :3

    • itscamilleco

      Tutti Frutti, that’s a nice title for a future post. Must note that! :)

  13. Angelic Robles

    In love with the colors! So fruity! The smoothie/icing pigments are very cheerful to the eye! This is great for a girl’s day out, Miss Camille! Thank you for sharing! I also like that you wore your hair up to show off the back of the outfit. Very dainty and feminine.

    I apologize for my confusion on the origin of the makeup brand, but I’m still happy for you! :-) Very much looking forward to seeing your posts about it.

    Thank you for this eye-candy filled post. It made my Monday morning brighter!

  14. Anhy

    what a colorful and poppin outfit *__* I love it
    you really do have a great taste

  15. Ai-ai

    cute ng style ng skirt..galing nyo mag match ng kulay :) #idol :)

  16. Marie Cruz

    Hi Ms. Camille! I love your outfit. I love the top.

    How did you get so tall and white (and pretty)? :)) And do you speak Chinese?

    Take care and God bless :)

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Marie! Yes I do speak Chinese, both Mandarin and Fukien :) I have naturally fair skin because of my mother’s side. As for my height, I guess I got the recessive gene haha! And I slept early when I was a kid, drank lots of milk too :)

  17. jhay-cee

    thats really quirky look, so cute. :)
    I love the skirt.


  18. Claire Pascual

    Bad experience with bubbles camille. Very poor customer service. Items takes weeks before received. I chanced upon the shop through your blog as well as others and i think a lot of girls patronized it because you endorse it. If you have time try to read the fb page. Lots of angry girls there.

    • itscamilleco

      Oh no. Maybe something’s up! Let me try to help and contact them as well.

  19. kersty

    yellow is my favorite color … i love the top and the clutch plus the shoes. but the skirt ( i am not a hater) well personally i did not like it. it is quite costumey to me (just my opinion). i love the heart prints though — only there to many fringes… still u look amazing:)

    • itscamilleco

      Yes, the skirt can take some time to grown on you :) Thanks Kersty!

  20. Janie

    “You are my sunshiiiine, my only sunshiine….You make me happyyyyy when skies are graaaay” :)
    OMG I can’t see your knees like… you even have one?? HAHAHA I kid, I kid LOL :>

    • itscamilleco

      Hahaha! Thanks Janie! Of course, I sang your comment!

  21. beatrice gases

    ahaha is this because of my recent comment? ahaha makes me remember easy A ahaha

  22. Jade Herrera

    I love your dress! So cute, bright and happy. I’m sure no one was annoyed with you. You probably made someone smile the day you wore this outfit. I know because I feel happy just seeing you in these photos, what more if I see you in real life?

  23. Katrina

    Ate Camille, you’re such an inspiration!!! ahhhhhh!!! :)

  24. Dawn

    Lurve it so much! If anyone could get brighter than the sun that would be you cams! Never gone below number one on my lists of fave fashion bloggers since I followed your blogs. Really! Keep on inspiring us your avid readers.

  25. Nelayish

    Sugoii! Naalala ko yung look na ganito sa mga Japanese magazines. Very optimistic :) Ang cute!

  26. rachelle ♥

    yeah we think so little ms sunshine :) everything is so cute & lovely! this song fits too ‘brighter than the sun’ by colbie caillat :)

  27. Anne

    Love the fancy colors! You’re so Gorgeous. I wish I have flawless skin & sexy body like yours… Btw what lens are you using?

  28. colleen bernardo

    i love your top. see you on bloggers united :))

  29. Mhaica Lee Cerdeña

    Pink and yellow ♥ ♥ So girly girl! Hihi. You look like such a kiddo here miss cams!

  30. Shaira Manalo

    Omg! WOW! I love it Ms. Camille. I hope to see and have a picture with at BU5 :) I’m looking forward to the items that you would sell.

  31. Tasha D.

    Cute! You should always take back view and side view shots ng outfit mo! Back view para makita namin kung gaano kataas heels mo! Side view naman para makita namin pagka-bootylicious mo! lavet! laki talaga! haha!

    Cue music! ” I don’t think we’re ready for that jelly.” chos. haha!

    tyaka you’re so kinis! parang wala kang hair at all sa legs. Do you shave or wala talaga? If you do, anong cream ginagamit mo? Veet?

    • itscamilleco

      Hahaha :) Thanks Tasha! Beyonce will be proud! I wax :)

  32. Jam Tan

    I love the colors on this outfit! It would really brighten up my day!

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