Lady Danger

Hello from Tokyo, Japan! Finally, I’m able to blog again. I missed you guys! How clingy can I get? LOL! Anyway, here’s another short outfit post for you. I wore this to a Sunday lunch out with my family 3 weeks ago. Miraculously, I remember the exact date! It was the day after CloseUp Summer Solstice. I had to wear red because we were celebrating my grandmother’s birthday as well. Nothing fancy, just a casual get-together with the whole clan.


I’ve mentioned before that it’s a Chinese tradition to wear red whenever an older member of the family is celebrating his/her birthday. I find this so problematic because for some reason, I always feel like I don’t have enough red clothes to wear to these occasions. Because of this, I’ve made a conscious effort to buy more red tops and dresses like this one!


This dress actually comes in a lot of colors but I think it’s sexiest in red.


I love how it fits my body. It reminds me of those American Apparel dresses. It’s perfect to pair with shorts and skirts too. This time though, I chose to wear it with my oversized military jacket which you’ve already seen in one of my old blog posts. (See! I repeat clothes too! We need to be practical, people!) Since I’m having lunch with my grandmother, this jacket is the perfect cover up to make my tiny dress a bit conservative.


I mean look at what’s hiding under my jacket! Tada! Surprise, surprise!


[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look at here[/button]


Choies jacket


Vintage Coco Casio watch


Balenciaga bag


Bershka boots


Urban Dressing dress

144 Responses to “Lady Danger”
  1. Irish Joy

    How I wish I have that kind of body, if only even the little food I eat will not produce carbs. Oh, chocolates are culprits of these. :'( Btw, is a 15 years old allowed to workout on gyms? And where do you mostly work out? :)

  2. Kisha Sushi Kyle

    yeah, it’s dangerous to be with that lady! your hot ms. camille.. please notice me on twitter.. i followed you; my acc. is @kishavalderrama :) thankss!

  3. aileenolwaysac

    Hi what exactly is the name of your Balenciaga bag?.. I like it..

  4. jhay-cee

    I really like your style.
    expect the unexpected look. hahaha.



    I’m loving your jacket! But since I am stick thiiiiiiiin, I doubt it will never be a good fit for me. But.. I.. really.. want.. its.. style :(

  6. Elle

    You always have this way of changing what I think about some clothes I don’t really like…hahaha…like that camouflage jacket you have there, I never really liked camou but looking at u wearing that,makes me change my mind… :D

  7. Christine

    Hey if you don’t mind answering, what kind of bra do you wear when the dress is backless?:)

  8. Nuelle

    your jacket + red dress combo caught my eye!! indeed Lady Danger :) thank you for your advice about the metallic silver colored wedge sneakers it helped me :) x

  9. Josh M.

    Hi Camille… I got a silly question.. What kind of bra are you using? Is it silicon? And where did you get them? Oh by the way… I’m a female :) my name is just deceiving. lol!

    • itscamilleco

      Haha! Stick on silicon bra :) Mine are from Nu Bra, bought them at Lane Crawford Hong Kong :)

  10. Natalie

    Hi!!! May i ask where did you buy that red dress? I like the red dress!! And btw, i like you! Your so beautiful!

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Natalie! I placed the link there. Urban Dressing

  11. Simone Souza

    “See! I repeat clothes too!” … Me too! And I do it several times! LOL!
    I loved the combination of the red dress and the military jacket! I must confess I’d never imagine that a sexy red dress would match so well with a jacket like this! *o*

    I have new post on my blog, check it out:

  12. Anjeh Wong

    haha! funny that Chinese girls share the same dilemma :))
    anyway, the jacket made it androgynously sexy, or baka nasa nagdadala lang yan ;)

  13. Chloe

    Here I am again Ms. Camille! :) You look so fab with your outfit.. ♥ :) I loooveee the way you dress Ms. Camille. I should admit though my comments are nonsense I love to leave one because you will really take time to reply :)

    • itscamilleco

      Your comments are not nonsense! :) Thank you Chloe!

  14. Kim capeña


  15. raine

    Hi Ms Camille.. can I ask for a favor? I would like to borrow a dress because its my first time 2 attend a debut and i have nothing to wear :( thans in advance :)))

  16. Rica

    Okay, so a lot of the commenters were chinese and I’m not :( cannot relate.. hahaha.. kidding though! I love red as well, so classic! It brings out the Lady in me. I love the surprise on the back, haha, I remember wearing that kind of dress and my mum said “you forgot to wear a bottom iha” hahaha! conservative mom I guess. anyways, Lovely as always camille :) ♥

  17. jovilyn

    hi.. ur so sexy with your outfit… you and laureen are my favorite blogger.. ur an inspiration.. take care and godbless.. my i ask what’s the color of your hair :D Thanks.

  18. sweet_honeydew

    Saw you and Tricia on instagram that you both went to the TouchMe event in Japan. Can’t wait to read your blog entry about. You both look gorgeous! <3 Btw, I've been meaning to say this for the longest time but I think you look a bit like Japanese actress/model Aragaki Yui! You guys are both around the same height and also have similar face features as well!

    • sweet_honeydew

      Oh and you’re even the same age as her too! What a coincidence! Would be kind of funny if you met her in Japan because you’d look like twins. XD

    • itscamilleco

      And I forgot to pull it down! :) And yes this is the same jacket :)

  19. Quices Hannah :)

    Hi po! :)) sp pretty :) and by the way what brand ang camera mo? :) thanks

  20. Ivy

    I really love your fashion sense and I always visit your blog. I have a job interview tomorrow. And I want to ask you what fashion means to you :)

    • itscamilleco

      Fashion means everything to me! :) It’s part of who I am! :)

  21. Chai Chen

    You always look amazing Camille! Fierce fashion! Trendy and cool :) Love it!

    Ei, I’m opening a new section in my blog by June. I’m calling it “Project Dress Code.” I’ve always been vocal about how my fashion sense is rather different from the normal office dress code … and I’ve told you how you really influenced me in my way of dressing … I wanted to feature people like you in a series of “dress code appropriate” outfits on a regular basis. Hope you don’t mind if I post some of your looks on my first issue of that :) Thank you for the inspiration Camille!

    Happy weekend dear!

    ★♡ New Fashion Post (^_^) ♡★ Brings Chevron Prints Back with Shopping Discounts
    ONGOING GIVEAWAY: Join my OASAP May Giveaway <–[click] and win $30+– Clothing / Accessories!

    ❤ ~Chai
    | Bloglovin’ | NetworkedBlogs | Google+ |

  22. char lee

    So true about the red! Hirap pa naman to shop for good red tops/dresses. That’s why whenever I see a good red outfit, I buy it na! (Good excuse to shop for clothes :) )

  23. setty

    Just so you know, I’m addicted to your blog for weeks now. I cant pass a day without browsing it. i had to look for previous posts from months ago so I can see all the posts I missed. I must say, you’re fashion sense is freakin’ cool!

  24. Colt Nava

    Yes, I remember this jacket! I think you wore this during the bigbang concert? with your cute neon beanie (memory, please don’t fail me now lol) if I got it wrong, sorry, pero if I got it right, ano prize ko?? lol anywayz you look absolutely stunning in red,Camille, you really should consider stocking up more of that color :) have fun in Japan and keep safe!

    • itscamilleco

      Love, love is your prize haha! :) Thanks Kathleen! I definitely will!

  25. cherry

    camille,don’t go out wearing dresses that are too short… T.T though, i love the detail of the back

    • itscamilleco

      Ahhh it’s really not. I just wasn’t able to pull it down and the camera angle was from below so it looked short here :) Thanks Cherry!

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Anne! :) I love mixing something edgy with something sweeter :)

  26. Quices Hannah :)

    Hi po! :)) your so pretty! :) and by the way, what kind of camera do you use?

  27. Trisha

    SWEET Jacket! =))))) The mix of elegance and boy style! Pretty!

  28. Alexis

    Love this outfit Ms. Camille. I also don’t have a lot of red clothes! the dress is really pretty and i love how it matches with the jacket <3

  29. Sarah

    Can you direct me to the post with The military Jacket? I really want to know where you got it. :O

    • itscamilleco

      I placed it the link here too! :) Just click on the choies link :)

  30. Jhanie

    Oh Gosh oh gosh oh gosh … I die! red dress + military jacket? So sexy and badass at the same time. Lavet!!

  31. Sephie Rojas

    I love Red, but I have more red (insert anything else here) than clothes @__@ I covet that military jacket you’re wearing! @o@ Covet it so baaaaad, lolz!

  32. carl stephen caalim

    so pretty po and super agree po akong dapat we should know how to be practical nowadays:)

  33. Christine Koay

    Hello there at Japan, Ms Camille! hope you are having a great time! I saw the Purikura of you and Ms Tricia in her Facebook page.. both of you are so kawaii!! Love the sexy back of your dress, Ms Camille! and i agree with you on the colour red.. though it can’t be take away from our Chinese tradition but sometimes if we choose the wrong shade of red, we might look too mature.. and I love red because of Christmas.. but i also end up choosing other colour when i go for shopping.. sigh..

    • itscamilleco

      We should buy more red! :) Don’t worry! At least there are a lot for us to choose from!

      • Christine Koay

        Yes, I agree with you! We should buy more red stuff.. haha.. to bring us luck and red is a classic colour! and Chinese New Year and Christmas are the reason to buy more red stuff.. =)

    • itscamilleco

      Yes, it’s not too short if I fix it. Haha1 Forgot to fix it before taking these shots :)

  34. Jam Tan

    I know how you feel when it comes to red tops or any red clothing perhaps! I also am chinese and when there are events coming up like for example New Years I just wonder where are the reds! haha :)) so nice to be able to relate to you :”> it was also nice to see you again last thursday! Pretty as always :”>

    • itscamilleco

      Thank you Jam! My sister pointed you out and said, “Look Mei, that girl is wearing the Aldo shoes that I wanted.” Haha!

  35. Nadine Co

    I’m Chinese too and I always feel like I have no red shirts for birthdays! hahaha! That’s why I try to buy more red now since red isn’t a color I usually gravitate towards to in purchasing clothes.

    • itscamilleco

      Yes! i mean I like red but for some reason, every time I have to choose among colors, I end up choosing a different color!

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