Blog Giveaway: Avicii (Closed)

SM Mall of Asia and I bring you another awesome concert ticket giveaway! Who wants 2 Upperbox tickets to Avicii’s concert on May 15?


To join this giveaway, follow these steps: (Not dance steps, you’re free to dance however way you want at the concert. LOL!)

  1. Follow me on Twitter and Bloglovin’. If you don’t have these accounts, it’s easy to make one!
  2. Like SM Accessories on Facebook and follow @SMAccessories on Twitter.
  3. Leave a comment below with your name, Twitter name and email address.
  4. Make this your Facebook status and tweet it too: “I want to win Avicii concert tickets on !  #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways”

Deadline for entries is on Monday, May 12 at 11:59 P.M. The winner will be chosen via and announced here on the comments section below the following day. Needless to say, this contest is open to Philippine residents only. Just a friendly reminder, no multiple entries please.

Good luck everyone! I can already hear the music!!! See you there!!

120 Responses to “Blog Giveaway: Avicii (Closed)”
  1. itscamilleco

    Congratulations to Eunice Aura Vergara! Sent you a DM on Twitter! :)

  2. Clarissa Sato

    it’s my first time to join, i hope i’ll win :)

  3. Dar Manloza

    On instruction 3 Ms. Camille, where do I leave a comment? in FB page of SM accessories or here? haha!

  4. ralph adversario

    ralph adversario



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