Sweet Spring


Can you feel it? Can you feel the heat? It means it’s time to bring out the pastels and brights! For today’s summer look, how about a sweet number? Scratch that, make that THREE sweet numbers.


For those of you who loved my yellow pleated maxi skirt, you’ll love this shorter version even more especially if you’re one of my petite readers who has been looking for a similar skirt that wouldn’t swallow her whole. It’s in the perfect length–not too short, not too long. You can wear it on casual days AND to the office! It’s such a versatile piece. Don’t believe me? See for yourself!


Say you want to stroll around the park, pair your yellow skirt with a summery top like this one. I’m sure you’ve been seeing these tops everywhere! I’ve been buying them left and right. I can’t seem to have enough of them because the heat is killing me and they’re the best when it comes to fending off heat while still enabling me to look decent. They’re loose too so that helps. I hate sweating in fitted clothes. Hate hate hate.


And can I just say how much I love the color of this top? Lakas maka-girl! It’s so feminine and soft. The little sheer fabric in front adds a little sexiness to it too.


For those of you who aren’t comfortable with baring too much skin or need a jacket to keep them warm in an airconditioned room, my suggestion is to add a denim jacket over your top. Denim makes layering seem casual and summery still.


I just love how summer dressing always looks so young and fresh.


[button link=”http://lookbook.nu/look/4785017-Mango-Top-Sweet-Spring” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look at Lookbook.nu here[/button]


Mango earrings


Mango top


Mango denim jacket


Mango belt


Mango accessories


Mango skirt


Mango shoes


Now that we got our casual look down pat, here’s a little something for the working girls.



Conservative blouse? Check!


Tote bag for the office? Check!


Closed shoes? Check!


[button link=”http://lookbook.nu/look/4795487-Mango-Sweet-Spring-Look-2″ size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look at Lookbook.nu here[/button]


Mango top


Mango gold belt


Mango bag and ring


Mango pumps


Now, who said you can’t dress for summer in the office? All you need is a little help from Mango.

Follow MANGO on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram (@Mangofashion) and Pinterest.

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168 Responses to “Sweet Spring”
  1. maica

    You don’t just look so elegant here but also looked like an innocent child~ :))) You’re classy style of fashion keeps on reminding me that when you dress up something don’t forget to look like as simple as you can be because nowadays it is very rare to see a woman like you dress-up with simplicity. I love you heels ate Camille~ :D You’re really is so pretty~

  2. bianca nicolr cervania

    Just wanna ask, what type of underwear/brassiere do you use with the sleeveless one? Im havibg a hard time wearing it kasi. Btw, i am such a fan! I keep on visiting your site from time to time! And i used to buy coexist clothes back in college. :)

    • itscamilleco

      Thank you Bianca! I think I remember! Too bad we’re focusing on MTO and formal wear already. :) I wore a nude strapless bra :)

  3. shupei

    HI =) I tried the skirt. but seems quite low and loose.
    i tried on size 6 and doesnt ook as high waisted as yours.
    Did you alter your skirt??


  4. ed

    omg. PAG IBIG! my sis often visits your site. i always get to see your site kc every time she borrows my laptop. hope to meet you in person. i’ll be the dude in glasses that will call you pag ibig.=)

  5. jhay-cee

    I love both looks, its so girly yet so corporate and stunning. btw, i love the shoes. :)

  6. Kim Capeña

    HELLO ATE CAMILLE! :D na miss ko tong blog mo! heheh! kc nag vacation ako sa leyte walay internet connection. :( this outfit is super girlyyyy! especially the yellow skirt! i super duper love! heheheh! nice one! :D <3

  7. Jeeninha

    Miss Camille, you’re always at High street. I hope I bumped into you there, one day. And I love your yellow skirt by the way ;)

  8. Trisha

    Omg the first look totally transformed when you put on the denim jacket! I’m so in love with it. <3
    I love your makeup here too, and your skin is flawless! What's your secret??? :)

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Trisha! :) It’s probably just the way the sun hits my face. :)

  9. Danna Cuba

    You always look effortlessly beautiful! And thank you so much Camille for posting working girl outfits also! I’m a fresh grad who’ll be starting work next week and I’m finding it hard to mix and match corporate clothes! Thank you so much for the help, now I have some pegs. haha! Btw, a lot of comments here are from your international followers! Abot ang kagandahan mo worldwide! :)))

  10. Kyla Tan

    I love it when you play it sweet. You look so cute and young! I love this look Ms. camille! Especially when you smile! You make it seem like the heat these days is still bearable. =))

  11. Genevieve Estrada

    I really love how you combine colors ms. cc, you always gives me that “wowwwww! effect! I never get bored nor “nasasawa” to your style. You are really an inspiration! Can I say that that I REALLY LOVE YOU??hahahaha.. anyways, big hugzzz and kepp rockin!!:-)

  12. Colt Nava

    Waaa my comment didn’t go through! Something kinda happened to your site yesterday, 1 minute it was ok, the next I cant retrieve it. Anywayz, when you said you’ll have 3 looks for this blog post, I was thinking what could possibly outshine the 1st look, it was so fresh and sweet and all things nice! BUT then I saw the 3rd look and I was like ahhhh gorgeous alert! Beautiful? Check! Dainty? Check! Sophisticated? Check! I’m lost for words? Check! lol

  13. Liezel Aldecoa

    OhMyG ate camille! ang presko nung outfit mo. :’> bagay na bagay ngayon summer! and the shot is very nice talaga.. what slr do use po ? and eni’edit niyo pa rin po ba yun sa photoshop to have the right brightness or its natural na talaga sa slr? thankyou ate camille! :)))

  14. belle

    perfect combination! ur so pretty ms.camille<3 simple yet very classy:)

  15. Kwitstayo

    If you can be a fashionista, please be a fashionista with a heart! Please do not support products that has animal-cruelty issues (genuine leather, fur, stingray bangles, etc., make-up products with animal cruelty)

    Kindly watch this video to see how animals are suffering for the sake of fashion and experiments. Kindly spread the word. Thank you, in behalf of the animals!


  16. Pris

    Your look is so refresssshing! You’re so pretty as always!! I wonder why you’re still single. Are you kind of keen with guys? Hihi.

  17. Mayzin

    You look lovely, as always :) How I wish it was as warm and hot in England as it is in the Philippines! It’s so cold over here! Still in the single digits D:

    Also, may I use some of your photos for an article I’m writing? :)

    • itscamilleco

      Really? That must be uncomfortable! Please do credit my photos with URL please :)

      • Mayzin

        It is :(
        I will do :) if I put this: “All photos are from mbrjlmcn.top and copyright of Camille Co.” – will that be enough? :)

  18. Iza Fugen

    Hey Cams! I am such a huuuuuuge fan of yours here in Toronto! I love how you dress, so fashionable yet classy and totally chic! xx

  19. Vanna

    I just wonder why you smile like that. :) Did you undergo a surgery? Haven’t seen you in a big laugh. Hehehe! Love you Ms.CC !!!

    • itscamilleco

      Bawal pasweet lang? Or maybe shy? There a few big laughs here. You just have to scroll through the posts :)

  20. Graciela Torres

    Hi camille! Really love your style and it only gets better and better! I wish you can do posts about online shopping from international websites since.. That would be a great help to recommend websites that has great selection of clothes, unique and most of all stylish! Thanks and stay pretty!

    • itscamilleco

      I will! :) Thanks Graciela! In the meantime, try the ones I feature the most like Romwe, She Inside, Market HQ, Choies, MotelRocks, etc :)

  21. Christine Koay

    I love love love the casual look! You look so sweet, Ms Camille! such a simple yet chic look! the skirt is perfect for short girl like me! =D and I can feel the heat just by looking at the picture.. but it’s been rainy day here in Malaysia.. weather rant again.. haha..

  22. Sharraine Ann

    Hello Ms. Camille! I super love the outfit! =) May I ask how do you dress up when you were still studying in Ateneo? What do you usually wear? I’ll be having my summer class in there this coming 15. Thank you! =)

    • itscamilleco

      During my latter years, I usually wore Sunday dresses with cardigans :)

  23. Rose Cruz

    You really are a certified Mango It Girl! Love the casual and office look. You are so fab and gorgeous Camille! Keep inspiring us! :)

  24. Erika Enriquez

    I love your outfits. :'( haha. they all perfectly matched. so well balanced. :’)

  25. Raxelle

    when i saw this at lookbook.nu talagang napa “WOW” ako..super jaw-dropping talaga this outfit camille! :D .this would be my top on the list, 2nd nalang ang Mega Woman sa mga looks mo :) you’re really a style icon..isuper love your style – clean, simple and with so much elegance. ang sarap talaga sa paningin mga looks mo..superfan na talaga ako! :D

  26. Angielene Cabasag

    I love this look! Soooo pretttttty and elegant!

    Can this type of skirt look good for large frame girls like me? :/

  27. frances

    superbigmegatotally LIKE IT!!!!:)dapat ang title ng blog na to is SWEET MANGO.hehehe

  28. Ericka Garcia

    You’ve always been my style inspiration especially on corporate looks. As a law student, I can’t just be on a casual attire anytime and always.

    Thank you for posting this Miss Camille! I love it; I love you and I love Mango! <3

    Ericka of http://behappyblue.blogspot.com

  29. JaneJane07

    Idol talaga kita Camille sa pananamit. I just love your fashion taste :)

  30. Ava

    Everything’s adoarble, Ms. Camille! :) Haaaay I want to wear your first top kaso my back is not that kinis! I have acne marks kasi sa likod. Huhuhu! :'(

  31. judy

    Fantastic Ms. CC! Very refreshing, pretty and nice. 3in1 ang peg! clap clap clap:) You’re the best!

  32. Reena

    such a pretty skirt!!!!!…..it looks more prettier because of you….!!!!

  33. Ren

    Isn’t almost everything from Mango? I’ve noticed that when your wearing pastels, your skin is looking more younger or shall we say youthful! Have you noticed that too? And when I saw you wearing this outfit, it helped me forget about the hot summer and just feel breezy.

    • itscamilleco

      Yes! Mango everything :)

      And yeah, I do notice it. Pastels can really do that to fair skin :) Thanks Ren!

  34. Marie

    You’re simply fabulous! Anyway what’s your exact hair color? :)

  35. Vina Guerrero

    omg i love everything!! i really love your style camille! #fanmode

  36. audrey

    sooooo spring! i love pastel and u make me jealous of all pastels collection you had.
    i really wanna see your closet (it must be so full), if you mind ;)

  37. Kat

    Wow! You look divine! Super bagay sayo yang “summery top” na yan! Looooveeeeettttt….

  38. Dhes

    Ganda! tama ka lakas maka girl!,,the fabric were very refreshing nafefeel ko..love that ensemble, nice hairdo, the poses and your pretty face God bless po

  39. kathleen vila

    Why do Mango designs are so unique? and so beautiful of course?! I just love their collections! Ü

  40. beatrice gases

    omeghessshhh call me a feeler but I think this was made for me ahaha thank you Camille :D
    LOVE the color of the blouse as much as i love you :D

  41. myca

    I love the last photo, you look like you’re walking away or leaving, so dramatic. Anyways love the look!! :D

  42. Katrin Tuaño

    PASTELS! I loved how you styled in different ways this yellow skirt! Clap Clap! Master stylist ka na talaga lol.
    Braided hair looks very good on you <3

    • itscamilleco

      Bow! Haha! Thanks Katrin! :) I’ll make my assistant kulit to teach me how she does this!

  43. Marichelle R. Sayaang

    WOW! Super duper Like!!!!! :) Thank you for always sharing brilliant ideas in dressing specially always considering the different type of people such as the conservative types and not..^^. you are always balanced Ms. Camille.

  44. Jen

    Hi Camille! I love this outfit! By the way, what camera did you use for these pictures? I’m just curious because i wanna buy a new camera for a summer get away. TIA! :)

    • itscamilleco

      Nikon D7000 :) But it’s quite heavy and dangerous to use at the beach haha! :) Try a lighter camera

      • Jen

        Oh i see! thanks for the tip! I’m so sorry i just have to ask again, hahah! what camera could you suggest? TIA!

  45. Kirsten Ramos

    Hi, Ms Camille! One of your petite readers here :))))

    Your outfits are always simple yet beautiful. They’re easy to get inspiration from, too!

    I hope I get to finally meet you. My friend had the awesome opportunity already eh and I’m jealous :”( :))

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Kirsten! I have a few events lined up in the coming months so drop by! :)

  46. Sephie Rojas

    Ang lakas talaga maka-girl, haha! That top = must-have closet staple. I’m so glad denim jackets are coming back on trend! :)

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