Second Skin


Doesn’t my outfit look like a dress? It’s actually a top and skirt that I paired together. Both are in lace but they’re not the same kind. I like pairing different laces together. The different textures make for an interesting match.


Lace on lace looks so romantic and feminine, even more so in this neutral color palette of cream, blush and nude. Usually, with such a safe and conservative palette like this, you can accessorize all you want because there’s plenty of room to style. For this outfit, however, I didn’t really have to accessorize much. My top already had embellishments on its collar so I decided to leave it the way it is. I just kept my hair in a loose ponytail to show my neck off and elongate it more by wearing drop earrings. Turtlenecks are so tricky to wear. You should always find ways to elongate your neck when you’re wearing one.


[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look on here[/button]


Goody elastic (hair)


Rustan’s earrings


Fantasia lace top


Yellopant skirt


SM Accessories ring


Topshop pumps

150 Responses to “Second Skin”
  1. Maui

    Very elegant! I hope I can find similar pieces, I want this to be my dress for my civil wedding!:)
    Thanks for the inspiration! Keep up the good work.:)

  2. Kay

    Hello Camille,

    Is this appropriate for an office attire? or is it too much? :)) I’m also a fan of laces! I love the whole outfit! <3

  3. Isa Reynoso

    Lovely styling! <3 I honestly thought it was a dress! Very beautiful! Love how you paired nude pumps with the outfit. Very classy <3

  4. Kim

    Simple make-up really suits you! Pretty! :) Btw, I’ll be attending at my bf’s graduation. Can you pls give me a suggestion what to wear?? Thanks :)

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Kim! Something appropriate, conservative and sophisticated because I’m sure the parents will be there! :) How about a nice pencil cut dress? Nothing strapless. :)

  5. Katee

    Hi Camille!

    Little favor lang. A big fan of yours is in need of your help! hehe:) I’m graduating next week and I’m having a hard time thinking what shoes to wear with this red/eggplant color lace dress..


    I hope you can help me .. :D

    Thanks a lot! God bless!

    • itscamilleco

      It doesn’t appear on the link :) But anyway, black is always a safe bet :)

  6. Ginny

    Wow, camilleco, ur soooooooooo pretty. Love ur skirt verrrrry much. Where could I find it >.<. I try to search on Google, but there's no result.

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Ginny! I don’t think the online store is still operational :)

  7. Gladys

    Napansin ko, your outfit is so simple. But your look in here is equivalent to those looks na bongga talaga. I mean, so elegantly beautiful with just a simple chuchu. Is that because of the lace?!

    • itscamilleco

      MUst be because of the lace and the accessories :) Thanks Gladys!

  8. Ana

    Do you have any idea for pregnant women? Like what’s hot… :D I’m currently pregnant but I still want to maintain hip and trendy. :P

  9. Maine

    I’ve been following your blog for several months now and this is my very first comment ever :)) Every night I visit your blog before I log in and I just can’t help it .. The first time I saw you was on Kris TV with Patricia Prieto and I was like “Ohemgeeeee!! I need to check her blogsite !!!” Funny but it’s true hahahaha .. Enough of my so called SONA :p Oh well, I think this is the perfect moment to comment on these lovely photos !!! You look like a goddess in this outfit !!! More power and God bless you ! <3

  10. Driely Rodrigues

    Olá Camille, faz um tempo que não comento aqui no seu blog, mas esse look não poderia deixar passar.
    Adoro um look romântico e bem feminino, minha primeira reação ao ver esse post foi; “Caramba… Amei!”
    Para mim, você é uma pura fonte de inspiração, adoro o seu blog e a cada dia me encanto mais!
    Bju Bju

    • itscamilleco

      Thank you Driely! :) Yes, it’s been a long time since you last left a comment (which means it’s a long time since I had to use Google Translate again haha!)

  11. jojie jumawan

    classic: simple yet elegant.,.the top and skirt they just perfectly match . love it the way you wore them.

  12. Cazzy

    Another classic idea! I’ll try this one with our next shoot (^_^)v Ate Camille (or not? 1989 din ako eh), hopefully you can help us with our blog teehee d(^_^)b Like tips on how to make an amazing fashion blog like yours ~(^_^~) – we had a summer + floral shoot

    • itscamilleco

      I’m ’88 :) Hmm, try investing in a nice camera since you’re blog is photo-heavy :)

      • Cazzy

        Yes hehehe I work as a photographer din :) 7D na gamit ko but then 50mm and kit lens gamit… :) Thanks sa tip Ms. Camille!

  13. Chiqui

    Good job Camille! I love the styling and everything is so matchy matchy, in a good way – the earrings and the shoes, and your ring and the beaded top! You look like a winter doll lost in the tropics! haha

  14. jouseign

    This is the one you’re wearing when we saw you in our office in Robinsons. You were so pretty but I wasn’t able to take a picture with you but my friends ran out just to catch you. Good to see you though :)

    • itscamilleco

      Some what? Sexiness? I barely have any so I have to save them for myself LOL

  15. JaneyJane07

    Love it! Ganda mo Camille n napaka elegante ng outfit hehe :)

  16. Colt Nava

    I love it when you tie your hair loosely like this, Camile, makes you look so sophisticated :D then you matched it with a super to the nth power sophisticated dress! This is totally gorgeous <3

  17. Lauren

    Haha, it does look like a dress! I love the slightly different colours, and different style of lace. You look so elegant and pretty


  18. abee

    it`s fabulous… I want ask u couple Q…first : What the color of your hair?
    and I wanna know if the color of U R close will fix with darker skin !

  19. Farah

    Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow!!!! My mouth was wide open when I saw that dress. So intricate, so luxurious!! Beautiful, beautiful dress. Loving how you complemented the look with a statement jewelry. Hats off, sweetheart.

  20. judy

    You’re like a princess to that lovely like dress. Perfectly paired together.

  21. ORANGE

    Love those pumps but I know they’re expensive :( !!!!! Anyways,can u do a blog about what to wear and hairstyles for graduation?I’ll be graduating in April and I just thought all graduating students might find it useful,Thanks Camille! :)

  22. Anhy

    WOW I really thought it’s a dress at first *_* I love lace and nude it one of the big trends this spring, so I think this outfit is perfect! Urfortunately I can never rock a turtleneck but it looks good on you. ^-^

    • itscamilleco

      LOL it’s called the V. Beckham ponytail now? :) Haha! Thank you Tasha!

  23. Kanu Sharma

    This dress is made for you :). You carry this so well, there is something special in this look and I don’t know what??? Maybe you look gentle n feminine :). I am still trying to figure out… :).

  24. Mommae

    I also wanna wear laces! Kaya lang, lagi lang ako sa bahay, walang ibang pinupuntahan. Dahil mommy na ‘ko, I’m afraid I would like magni-ninang sa kasal if I wear one! Haha! Bagay na bagay sa’yo Ms. Camille!

    • itscamilleco

      No naman, it depends how you style it. I’m sure you can pull it off! :)

  25. Dan Urmaza

    There have been a lot of people commenting on your look on Lookbook which says that this is a lovely dress! I wanted to tell them that “No, it’s a separate top and skirt!” I would want to know how their reaction goes like if they knew it wasn’t a dress afterall. Haha. SUPRAMAZING COMBINATION!

  26. lorns

    Nice combination!!! good inspiration for employees like me :) great one Ms Camille. when i 1st saw it it makes me say WOW..
    Speaking of near vacation where are you heading to??

  27. Sephie Rojas

    You’re definitely channeling Royalty and Class in that outfit of yours! The lace with lace is really romantic. It reminds me of what Juliette would wear if she were born in the modern times and would be working in the corporate world, hahaha! And her Romeo would prolly wear a sleek suit and tie to match her style ;)

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Ericka! :) Get nude pumps, you’ll wear them often :)

  28. Trisha

    Wow, that’s hot and it does look like it’s kinda “warm”. HAHA

  29. marie

    I really love your choice of pieces, styling, matching of items, and of course just the way you wear them. Superb! Be it elegant, avantgarde, casual or any other styles. You’re my fave. :))

  30. karen jamito

    kahit anong isuot mo miss camille, bagay sa ‘yo..ang dmit kasi, depende sa nagsusuot..i am your new fan. =) you’re so pretty.

  31. Kaye

    Hi! This outfit on you is just “wow.” It’s breathtaking! I want to get the same skirt. Where is yellopant if you don’t mind ms camille.. Thank you.

    • itscamilleco

      They’re an online store based in Korea. I don’t think the website still works :)

  32. Princess

    Classic. I love it! I love that head shot of you showing a fierce face. :D

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