Ready For New Year


We’ve already welcomed 2013 but it’s only about to arrive this weekend based on the Lunar calendar. With Chinese New Year just around the corner, I figured I’ll wear something inspired by the occasion to help you decide what to wear come February 10. Polka dots–lots of them! They’re shaped like coins which is why the Chinese believe they bring in good luck for the New Year. It’s like you’re wishing for lots of money and success for the year ahead. I got my polka dot top from My Everyday Fashion, a local online store that I recently discovered. They have so much polka dot tops and more!


Red is also believed to be a color that brings in luck so I made use of the color as well. Not only are my shoes, bag and lipstick red but so is my hair! DUN DUN DUN. (That’s my lame attempt at making some sort of sound effect. Please accept me for who I am. LOL.) My red hair has finally made its official debut on my blog! Woot!


My Everyday Fashion polka dot top | Forever 21 skirt (old)


MAC ProLongwear Prolong lipcreme


Aldo necklace (old)


Celine bag


Crocs ballet flats

Now whoever said Crocs can’t make cute flats must’ve never seen these.


[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look on here[/button]


P.S. Since we’re already talking about the Chinese New Year, if you have nothing to do on the 9th, drop by Lucky Chinatown Mall. I helped my dad’s association with their Chinese New Year festivities in partnership with Lucky Chinatown Mall. My friend Haze and I styled a short fashion show that starts at 7pm. You can walk around and enjoy the other activities and booths set up there as well!

167 Responses to “Ready For New Year”
  1. Amira Salta

    Super love the crocs! I’m planning to buy them soon! :) Loveee the outfit.

  2. GraceEnjambre

    i so envy you ^^ – my god that face, that body and that extremely surprising fashion is incredibly giving me goosebumps ^^

  3. Raxelle

    hi Camille, i’ve been checking out your outfit posts daily since i subscribed to, but i seldom leave comments/compliments here at your blog..please know though that i am always/daily impressed and inspired by your posts! :) i super love your style..i’ve been wanting to ask you what do you say is your style? what influences your planned outfit for the day? of course, sometimes the occasion calls for a particular damit.. but your day to day outfit, how do you plan it? dami ko bang tanong? hahaha.. pasensya na po.. juz really wanna know some insights from one style icon i truly admire. :)

    oh by the way, thanks for replying to my email.. thanks for your advice, i appreciate it much that you replied :) yes i wore a black dress at that friend’s 25th wedding anniversary and yeah, i was stunning ( they said) hahahaha!.. my apprehension vanished when i saw the wife ( couple celebrating wedding anniversary) wearing ALSO a black dress! hahaha!

    sorry for taking much space here, thanks again! =) keep inspiring people not only with your fashion but most of all your kind heart. God bless you in every way. :)

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Raxelle! :) I appreciate it! :) Hmm I always say I try to keep my style versatile but always put-together :) Sometimes, I dress depending on my mood, or who I’m meeting during the day or whatever I need to blog about :)

  4. Armine

    Redheaded Camille is absolutely gorg! Getting my hair done with the same color on summer, hope it will be as fab as yours! :)

  5. Tricia G. Ladiana

    CAMSSSSSS I miss you!My gosh more than a week ako di naka visit sa blog mO!!Sorry for that!hehe.chos.I like your skirt girl.And the red hair PAK na PAK ! :) Camssssss , I have my business online na……. can you pls give me shout-out?kahit “FIGHTING” lang! hehe. I want to be your model.Can I give you something from my shop??Kung pwdelang namn.hehe.i’m sorry im so madaldal,namiss lang kita girl <3 :)))

  6. Marian

    Happy Chinese New Year! Love your look – as always. :) This reminds me – a bit – of Jap fashion. Maybe someday you could post something like the photos in this site — I’m just really curious to see your take on Tokyo street fashion (I mean, the really out-there kind).

    Thanks and have a nice day!

  7. Dana Alulod

    You look very pretty here :D Dalagang dalaga ka na ohh :D with matching RED hair and lipstick :DD Pretty much !

  8. eunice

    OMG!!! I super love your red hair — made you look more fierce yet sultry plus ++++ elegant pa lalo! anyways – nobody mentioned about how great your lipstick color is here. it complements your mane very well. you should wear more reds, coz i isually see you in pink or peachy lippies. BTW, what brand and lipshade are you using here?

  9. Patrice Aliman

    I’ve been waiting for your red hair! Finally. :) You look beautiful. And i love your outfit.

  10. Reena

    I knew it was Crocs because of the holes sa side! Gone are the days of ugly duck style crocs and Hello to the more stylish ones! I got a really nice pair in HK… ;) Anyways, ay nakoooh I love your haaair!

  11. maris

    Hi Camille! I would like to ask you something but it’s not related to this post. Hope you don’t mind. I read about your post regarding the creams that you use on your pimples and the Vitacreme B12 miracle product. You mentioned that it can be bought at watsons right? Watsons hongkong only or is it also available in the phils? Thanks :)

  12. Christine Koay

    Yay!! I’ve been waiting for your red hair!!! you look gorgeous with your red hair, Ms Camille!! <3 I think i might dye hair red too! but not now.. and I love that polka dot top! I I recently also bought a polka dot peter pan collar tee!! and I'll wear it on the first day of Chinese new year for Mass! =) but I bought it because it's cute! cuz I don't really know the meaning of what represent what.. haha.. so much for being half Chinese.. haha.. and also the red ballet flats are adorable! I didn't know it's from Crocs..
    and I would like to wish you Happy Chinese New Year in advance! May God bless you & family with good health, wealth, and prosperity! and wish you have more new reader in 2013! May all your dream come true!
    Lots of Love! <3

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Christine! At least now you know why polka dots are considered lucky :) Happy Chinese New Year to you too! Best wishes! :)

  13. Iola Sabio

    I love your hair!!!! It makes you stand out more! :) If I may ask what specific shade of red is that? Hihi. :) Love it so much! :)

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Iola! I don’t know what the specific shade is though. So sorry! :)

  14. Steffi Romero

    I love your outfit especially the skirt! I must try this out :)) thank you Miss Camille for this outfit suggestion. yay!

  15. wav

    Hi camille! Where did you had your hair dyed? What shade? hehe I just love your color! DIE!!!!!!!

  16. abi

    now i am surfing the net looking for that crocs flats!! i bet it’s very matibay. HYPED na camille! :)

  17. Gladys

    Lalong na emphasize ang pagiging Chinese mo Miss with your make-up..:) And as always, you’re so pretty.

    Me reading ur blog:
    ‘Crocs ballet flats’. (moved on) ‘Now whoever’…(wide-eyed) WHAT? THAT WAS FROM CROCS?

    Talagang sinipat kong mabuti if crocs nga ba. In all fairness, OA ang pagkagulat ko.:D

    • itscamilleco

      Hahahaha I can feel you pagkagulat! :) Diba, kaya rin ng Crocs yan! :)

  18. Anj

    i love your hair! also your top, shoes, skirt…but i love your hair more! lol kung hei fat choi ms camille! sana i’ll get to see you on the 9th! :)

  19. tin

    hi may i ask if you use liquid foundations or bbcreams? And how do you deal with break outs

  20. Jevey Anne R. Resco

    Ang bonnga ng hair hahaha!! Advance Happy Chinese new year ate camille!! Btw, Pwede ba namin magamit yung CoExist para gawan ng website? For project purposes only! Please please!! Thank you!! ;)

  21. KK

    Hi Camille! Quick question. What to wear to a semi formal event? It’s a dinner with my scholarship benefactors hosted by the school. Please give suggestions. :)

  22. ed

    wow. what’s your nickname po? dapat your nickname is “pag-ibig.” more power and success this coming Chinese new year po.

  23. Emmrose Villasfer

    yey, red! hahaha
    bakit lahat nalang bagay sayo? :D
    happy chinese new year. :)

  24. Sara

    You look sexier with the red hair!! :D scorching hot red!! Haha

    Love lots :*

  25. Elle

    Wow!!!! tha HAIR~!!!! it’s RED! if some people look pretty in pink, you look beautiful in RED Camille! :D lalo syang lumitaw sa suot mo… :)

  26. Dannah Rafols

    very fabulous Camille… reading your blog everyday is like the famous line “YOU COMPLETE ME” =)

  27. nelayish

    May the red hair bring you good luck this year Ms. Camille :) Happy Chinese New Year in advance! I love your flats!

    • itscamilleco

      By the power of my red hair! Haha! Thanks Nelayish! Happy Chinese New Year!

  28. Colt Nava

    That’s 1 super cute flouncy skirt! And for a second there I thought you were wearing a toe cap with bow flats from H&M [I’m wearing mine right now] but when you credited crocs, I was like WOAH! For real?? Crocs have cutie shoes too? I think crocs products are comfy and adorable, but they’re too manly for my taste, but this 1 is a shocker haha… hmmmm maybe I should get my hands on these babies too..

    • itscamilleco

      Yes you should! Crocs have so many new designs! So different from when they first came out :)

  29. Ohms Emocling

    as pretty as always, I wonder if how many clothes and shoes in your room and how it is associated.hihi i like how you match your crocs to your girly outfit.:)tehee

  30. AC

    You’re like a sophisticated seductress… Especially on the 2nd photo… Tyra Banks would be PROUD~ your pullin’ off that Smize… (was that the right spelling? Hehehe) anyways… I’m babbling… U just LURV your style!! XD

  31. ish

    love it !! your hair is amazing and adore that skirt dear
    xx ish

  32. Clarizza Fay Cua

    Wow!!! You remind me of Veronica here from Archie’s comics! :) Your red hair looooks great on you! I love the look super sagad! :)

  33. Dolly

    Amaaaaazing hair!! I think you look really great with it and the red lips just perfects it! :D

    I must say I’m in love with this look. The Aldo necklace is my favorite piece!

  34. Lauren

    Gorgeous unfit, I love the polka dots and the blue skirt is amazing, I want it :) love your hair, the colour is gorgeous and really suits you


  35. Eileen

    I Love this Look and youre new hair collor, because I have a similar hair colllor ;D

  36. Lisa R

    Hello Camille!
    Happy Chinese New Year, soon :p
    and you always stunning as usual..
    May I know are you a half chinese? =)

  37. Sephie Rojas

    In my head, when I saw a no longer copper haired Camille Co I’ve been expecting, it took me like, 10 seconds just to realize “OH MY — This is the red hair she was talking about all this time!!” @_@ Then the next thought that came to my mind after that was “SCARLETT JOHANSSON! Black Widow from The Avengers, and former Vogue cover girl, ScarJo!! @o@ OMG!” (Yes, that stament deserved to have all caps, haha!) Your skin looks fairer with the redder hair though. But I’m pretty sure you’re still gonna kick butt in the fashion scene with red hair as you did with copper hair. Kick butt like Scarlett Johansson ;)

    • itscamilleco

      Haha thanks Sephie! My sister actually said I look like a superhero with my hair hahaha! :) Scarjo!! :)

  38. maebs

    wow! you look like a teen. :) i love you’re red hair it suits you so well and when I read your post I am singing Taylor Swift’s Red :) “burning red” :)

  39. Kathy

    Hi, Camille! I really love reading your blog also I really like your fashion sense. :) by the way, will you be at the Lucky Chinatown Mall on 9th? Cause I wanna have a picture with you. :D Thanks!

    • itscamilleco

      I’m not sure what time I will be able to return to Lucky Chinatown Mall but I’ll be there in the morning :)

  40. Trisha

    Is your air getting red-er every time I visit your blog? =)))) Soooo cool! Like Emma Stone! Sooo pretty!

  41. barbie

    you look so stunning with your red hair!!! :D well, you already were, but the red hair definitely suits you!! why are you so beautiful? haha :D

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