Silver Swirls


If a dress is fully printed in silver, I think it’s safe to say there isn’t any need for a lot of styling. It can stand on it’s own without the need for statement accessories and attention-grabbing shoes. In styling dresses like this, sometimes, it’s best to keep it simple.


It’s easy to fall in love with dresses like this. They make dressing up so much easier. However, there are some people who avoid them. They think striking dresses tend to be too memorable so it’s hard to wear them more than once. I beg to differ. There are plenty of ways to make the most out of dresses like this.  Why not wear them with a skirt or a pair of shorts? Or wear a sweater over it and make it seem like you’re wearing a skirt instead of a dress? I actually wore this to a casual day at the mall and paired it with black high-waist shorts and boots.  It’s now one of my favorite dresses to mix with casual bottoms. Give dresses like this a second chance why don’t you?


[button link=”″ size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look at here[/button]


Lannel Boutique MAC Ruby Woo lipstick 


Romwe hat


Urban Dressing dress


Givenchy bag


SM Accessories ring | Mia Casa love bracelet


Call It Spring pumps

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183 Responses to “Silver Swirls”
  1. Tricia

    Did you lose some serious amount of weight at this time? Or is it just the dress?Anyway the dress looks perfect on you!

  2. Sherill

    Hi Camille. I really like your style. I love your dress and I’m wondering if there’s a store where I can buy a dress like this. Thank you

  3. Kim Capeña

    waaa! THE DRESS! nabibigyan talaga ng pansin yung curves. :D i wish meron akong talent sa fashion like you. i’m so (boo) in styling. :(

  4. Dheya Suzuki

    3rd to the last picture = WIN!!! loving your patent pumps so much. <3

  5. jhevy

    hi ms. camille…i’m so inlove with ur styles..i so love ’em…plus ur an amazing model :)

    • itscamilleco

      Wala eh. Haha! Even my friends are wondering where all the food I eat go, sa balakang lang yata LOL

  6. Bonnie Ang

    pretty as usual, camille. love your dress and ruby woo really looks good on you. love it

  7. Charisse Roa

    OMG!! That dress is super love! If you want your lipstick, hair color and curves to be noticed, this is the sure way to do it! :) The moment I saw these photos, I went straight to your *beautiful* face, that’s how powerful it is. Good job to the person who took these photos too! They’re really balanced! :)

  8. Gladys

    Almost everyone here really commented about your CURVES!

    Now, I am more than doubtful doon sa mga statements mo before na hindi ka sexy and you don’t have that coca-cola bod…
    Tingnan mo nga, balakang mo, waistline ko na.. :D

    PS: i happen to visit ms. Kryz Uy’s blog and I saw your boracay trip. . . was it last year? Sexy mo dun Miss…:)) First time kong makakita ng pic mo na naka.swimwear ka…:)))

    • itscamilleco

      Balakang lang ang meron ako haha! :) Meron akong nakaswimwear doon? Oh noes!!!

      • Gladys

        hehehe…Yes you have. Dami nga nung photos mo, eh…Is three already considered marami??

        You really got nice curves. Next to my agenda after the one drum of pampatangkad: MAGPAPAPAYAT at magpapaBALAKANG! hahahaha

  9. elaine g.

    I AGREE! that is one thing i learned from following blogs, that there are plenty ways pairing printed dress (specially the bodycon dresses)

  10. Coleen

    Please don’t display your legs like that, Ate Camille. Nasasaktan ako tuwing nakikita ko yang mga magaganda at mahahaba mong legs! Actually, there’s so many things to love about you, Ate Camille. Your body figure, your long loonngggg, and very white legs, your eyes, your lips and the list goes oooonnn and onnnnnnnnn. Oh, I also love that little brown thing on your right eye. It’s cute (you’re also cute). :)

    • itscamilleco

      Oh no, I’m so sorry if I hurt you in any way. Chos! Thanks Coleen! The little brown thing is not cute haha!

  11. Marielle

    aaah! those legs! to die for! i saw you at Baseline last Sinulog, and aaah! it’s a shame i didn’t get the chance to have a picture taken with you! The crowd was so wild it’s impossible to go near you. I love you! So pretty and down to earth :) stay awesome ate Camille :)

  12. Rose Cruz

    Hi Camille! Buti na lang hindi ka binigyan ni Lord ng Super Boobs, kasi kung nagkataon baka you’re the hottest/sexiest blogger alive na. :) So envy of your hips, ang payat ko kasi and we have the same height yet hindi ko tinataglay ang curves mo. Huhuhu

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Rose! Hindi naman! I just dress for my body kasi, natatago ang flaws :)

  13. maebs

    this outfit is definitely AWESOME :) it is really beautiful!!!! I’d downloaded it, ate Camille and made it my wallpaper :)

  14. Georgina Sasha

    Just so you know, I visit your blog everyday to check on your new post and this is the only time I will post a comment. Hehe. I’m not a stalker ha. I just find this post stunning and elegant! I adore your looks and yes, everyone’s right about your hair color (they’re lovely on you!). Was this taken at BGC? Just noticed you like doing photoshoot on there. I used to work in HSBC just a few blocks away from here (I think) hehe. I wonder how tall are you? You seem to be the tallest of all the top bloggers out here. Also, would love to give you one of my hand-painted clutch bags and wonder how you would pull them off? Hehe. Keep on bloggin and inspiring more people! I like how you remain grounded in spite of your achievements. God bless you Camille! :)

    • itscamilleco

      People who leave comments here are not stalkers haha! :) Thank you Georgina! I’m 5’7″ :) I like taking photos at BGC because there’s a lot of spots with no people around to judge me haha!

  15. Kanu Sharma

    Camille, What shld I say…. No Words, you are looking so pretty n sexy in this look. Have you lost weight you are looking so delicate so perfect in this look :). This is gonna be one of my favorite look :).

    • itscamilleco

      Thank you Kanu! I don’t think I lost weight but a lot of you have been saying that on this post :)

      • Kanu Sharma

        OK Great be like what you are :), I think its all in genes :) and this look so very awesome, no words can describe it. Lots of Love :). Kanu

  16. Hannah

    waaah, your curves! :) haha, you’re sooo lovely, as usual! how much is your weight if u don’t mind? x

  17. Janell

    Your body is to die for miss camille! Those curves…. I think it’s safe to say there’ll be less rice to eat. Loooove the your dress! More power cams. ;)

  18. Elle

    you look drop-dead gorgeous in this dress Ms.Camille~!!!!! as in nung binuksan ko to and i saw u, napa WOW talaga ako no joke! to think my student ako sa harapan ko…hahaha….

  19. rose

    Your outfit here is simple yet striking. One of my many favorite outfit post in your blog. BTW, i saw a picture of your group at the swedish house mafia tour at lissa’s blog. Are you going to do an outfit post to what you wore that night?? Hehe. just curious. Mwah

  20. Erika Enriquez

    why are u so skinny? D:< *jealous* and have curves?!
    u seem skinnier in this post for some reason :o even tho ur wearing a tight dress and its silver :O
    hays~ as usual, i love your outfit combo. :')

  21. abi

    nice dress and love bracelet is so cute! sm accessories din yung 2 bracelets? :)

    • itscamilleco

      Nope! :) I blogged about them before na. I have to search for the posts again to remember where I got them :)

  22. karen lambino

    hi i like your dress simple bout classy , btw
    just want to ask bout your hair .. is it a hair color or cellophane? :))

  23. Dannah

    I love your dress pretty Camille! Copper looks good on you, as in much better!

  24. Lyra

    stunning as ever.. i just love the fit of the dress and the print.. wish to have a body like you.. hihihihi..

  25. KRisZy

    Simple yet eye-catching… i liked how you emphasized the dress with minimal accessories… your hair color matches the dress too! =)

  26. Ava

    OH-EM-GEE the waist line, Ms. Camille!! O_o parang isang dangkal ko lang bewang mo! haha! On a serious note, I will surely take your advise on how to style dresses like this. Thanks for the tip ;)

    Do you know which specific body type/shape you are (i.e., hourglass, spoon, etc)? I bet you’re an hourglass ;) let me just share this site I found, haha! I don’t know how accurate this is though – I know you don’t need the fashion tips provided there cause you look good on anything! :)

    • itscamilleco

      Hindi naman! It’s not that small haha :) I don’t know eh, maybe pear? Because I don’t have boobs really LOL :)

  27. Jam

    Hi Camille,
    You are so pretty! <3 Do you wear earrings? I haven't noticed you wearing earrings. Is it too much to wear a dangling earrings with a dress like the one above?

    Thank you! :)


  28. Carrizza

    You always stand out with kind of dresses like that! Seemed like twas specifically made just for you and you only! And the leeeeeegggssssss… killer!! I adore you madame Camille. You already :)) Good JOB!! :DD

  29. Akoyi

    Hello Camille,
    I sent you and email in regard to getting a custom made piece from CoExist piece. I was just wondering did you receive it?
    Cheers! :)

  30. barbie

    did you become thinner? anyway, you look so good in this ensemble (of course, you always do :D) definitely one of my favorites (from my long list of favorites) haha!! :D

  31. My Darling

    Is that the final color of your hair Camille? Or is that a temporary one. Coz I remember you said that it’s supposed to be red. I also thought that the dress is white until I saw the close up pic of it. I think I read somewhere that your new Co-Exist office is somewhere in the Scout area near Morato. I’m wondering if I can drop by to say hi and have a pic with you?? *kilig*

    • itscamilleco

      Temporary :) I really want red. :) My new shop is still in Makati though :)

  32. ish

    love the look, the dress is amazing, can totaly see this as a festival outfit with some dr. martens underneath and a leather jacket <3 love it, with the heels it's also amazing.
    adore the hat and in LOVE with the bag
    xx ish

  33. judy

    I have song for you and it’s a kid song, but I just emphasized the song that perfectly describes you and how I love your blog and how you dress fashionably. A-you’re ADORABLE B- you’re so BEAUTIFUL C- you’re a CUTIE full of CHARMS D- you’re a DARLING …and jump to I—you’re the one I IDOLIZE. :p Hahaha. Hope you’ll liked it.

  34. Tricia G. Ladiana

    Wapak ang dress,kitang kita ang curve mo SO SEXY!! :) I really nice the print of the dress!Nako kung may ganito kong dress ang sexy ko din!HAHA :)) (confident lang) :))

    • itscamilleco

      Hahaha that’s the spirit! Confidence is key LOL :) Thanks Tricia!

  35. Tasha D.

    Kaloka! Di mo na nga gaano shinowcase pero napansin ko parin ang bumper mo! haha! Best ASSet mo talaga yan! Sana you’ll show us na din different hairstyles you can do with your new hair! Para magka-idea ang mga babaeitang kasing haba ng hairette mo! ;)

  36. Sephie Rojas

    You look so happy in that dress, you’re definitely outshining it’s silver shining ability, haha! :D I like how the dress isn’t too shiny that it might have Disco Ball tendencies that might suddenly blind people as soon as light hits its surface :P Yet it’s still so bright, it looks White at first glance making it look elegant and classy at the same time. heehee :) And the Ruby Woo seems to be the cherry on top of everything too! Love! ❤

    • itscamilleco

      I agree with how you described the dress :) So true! :) Thanks Sephie!

  37. Kei Carlos

    Love everything you’re wearing, Ms. Camille! By the way, what’s the color of your hair? x

  38. Katrin

    that looks awesome!!! i really like it:)

    we just released our very first issue of our online magazine titled ‘urban rebl’. if you have time to read it we would be super happy :) just check xx

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