Show Me Some Skin

Whenever I go to the beach, my mom would ALWAYS (without fail) call me just to remind me to take care of my skin and to NOT get a tan. She’s the typical Chinese mom who thinks fair skin is might. Of course, I’m the typical daughter who thinks tanned is sexy. But at the end of the day, I do understand where she’s coming from. Not that I don’t think morena girls are equally beautiful, but I do get why so many girls, especially here in our country, long to be fair-skinned. If you’re one of them, then this entry is for you!

If you want to lighten your skin or just maintain it, I say go for soaps like Palmolive Naturals White & Moisture. This gentle soap has a formula infused with 100% natural Papaya and Songyi Mushroom Extracts that promise whiter skin in one week ( when used twice daily, based on mexameter instrumental reading). Using soaps like this is so much safer than popping pills or injecting stuff into your system.

Once you’ve successfully achieved that fair radiance you’re longing for, it’s time to show it off! If you’ve got a party to attend, highlight your fair skin even more by wearing clothes that provide great contrast against your skin tone. In my case, I’ve been fair all my life so wearing black really makes my skin color stand out. Plus, black is one of the easiest go-to colors for night outs. It’s practically a no-brainer!

I always say, show that radiantly fair skin off but don’t show it ALL off. Subtlety is key! Here’s where the cut and silhouette of your clothing comes in. Cut-outs placed on strategic areas are always welcome. They provide a certain sexiness to your look. No “free for all” sign here. Tasting portions only, no buffet! Haha!

Of course, I’m sure you want to stand out from the crowd too, right? So in a sea of girls in micro-minis and bodycons, why not go for a mullet or high-low cut to show those legs off while adding a little drama? We’ve been seeing a lot of this silhouette lately and I don’t see any signs of it going away any time soon so you’re definitely on trend!

Don’t forget to strap on a pair of sexy heels to best show off some leg.

[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Hype this look on[/button]

The Closet Goddess dress

Zara necklace

Mango heels

There you have it! My tips for showing off radiantly fair skin in evening wear. If you think you’ve got all my tips down, why don’t you join Palmolive’s White & Style contest? The winner gets Palmolive gift packs AND a PhP 5000 worth of shopping spree to be spent on a shopping date with ME! To join, just follow the mechanics below:

  1. Like Palmolive Naturals on Facebook.
  2. Snap a photo of yourself following my tips above for the best evening wear for fair skin.
  3. Send your photo to [email protected] with your name, age, home address, email address, and telephone/mobile number.

The contest is open to all female residents of the Philippines. You can submit as my any entries as you want provided there is no duplication of entries, meaning you have to be in different outfits. Deadline for entries is on June 19, 2012, 11:59 PM. The winner will be chosen by Palmolive and I so put your best foot forward! I’ll be blogging about our shopping date too! Can’t wait to see all your entries!

Good luck!

***This post is brought to you by Palmolive Naturals***

117 Responses to “Show Me Some Skin”
  1. nica ligera

    hi camille…ur so pretty…wish to achieve that beautiful skin…

    • itscamilleco

      Oh hey! Cool! I don’t follow it religiously but I do watch it when I get the chance :)

  2. Maria

    I read all the comments here~~ as well as your patient replies.
    High five for you!
    ~ for keeping your feet still on the ground~~
    I was awed by your replies.

  3. stef

    Hi Camille! :) I was able to send a late entry to Palmolive last June 24. Don’t really know what happened with it since I didn’t receive any reply hehe. Well anyway, I still had fun taking your styling tips! Here’s my entry, hope you can check it out and tell me what you think! ^_^ Palmolive White and Style Entry

  4. Shopha

    You have your personal photographer? Or u took it yourself with self timer? Nice shots!

  5. stef

    i just saw this… and it’s already june 22!!! gaaaahhh!!!! pwede pa bang late entry? T___T

      • stef

        i check your blog almost everyday and i don’t know whyyy i missed thisss!!! T______T i sent them my entry even though it’s late. just hoping for the best. *crosses fingers*

  6. Trisha

    Hi, I received an email from [email protected] only today that I need to submit a parents consent before submitting any photo and wouldn’t be considered submitted, but the contest submission ended already… :((

    • itscamilleco

      Hi Trisha! I guess you can email them the consent letter as pahabol :) Better late than never! :)

  7. Tasha D.

    I love your necklace! How much is it? And to which Zara branch did you buy it from? I’m planning to get myself one eh :) By the way you look gorgeous especially in the 1st shot! :D

    • itscamilleco

      Thanks Tasha! I’ve forgotten how much it is. I got it from Barcelona but I think I saw it in Rockwell too. :)

  8. Pris

    You really have a beautiful skin. May i know what soap and lotion do you really use? Just curious:)

    • itscamilleco

      I’m not really particular and use whatever we have at home so it changes all the time! :)

  9. Toni

    Miss Camille, how do you achieve the light skin tone and lose all the tan lines easily?

        • itscamilleco

          A lot! :) I change from time to time. :) I use Palmolive too!

          • Toni

            Can you name the most effective ones? Kahit one lotion and one soap lang. :) I badly need skin lightening products due to my weird tan lines. :))

            • itscamilleco

              Palmolive is a good soap. As for whitening lotions, I haven’t used any! :)

          • Toni

            Sorry for lots of questions. :)) Can you give a specific kind of Palmolive soap? Like the whole name of the soap? :)

  10. Mauriciostian

    Hi Camille, it is really funny that some people in asia wants to be fair, but here in Norway everyone tries to get tan. :-)

    Have a good day

    • itscamilleco

      I know! I think we all want what we don’t have. I try my hardest to get a tan whenever I’m at the beach! :)

  11. vina guerrero

    if one day i will see you in a commercial, hindi na ko magugulat :) super nice ng skin mo!! :)

  12. Leya Natividad

    Ah! So nice to know that there are people like you who have great taste when it comes to shoes :)

  13. xxxkatxxx

    you always pull off any outfit flawlessly..ikaw na camille! or can i call you cams? :) i am always as in always in awe on how you managed to put pretty looks even with just clothes of simple designs. i also admired the attitude that goes with it, that is, being down to earth despite all the blessings that comes your way. hoping for more blessings cams! (nag-assume na ako na puwede kitang tawaging cams..hahaha! :) )

  14. KC Cabrera

    You gave the dress justice…XD I really find the dress sexy but elegant.

  15. cath ocampo

    Yay! It’s official. Camille Co makes me want to turn into a guy *blush*..You should be the next tv commercial model of palmolive just like anne curtis :”> Flawless from head to toe.

  16. Anj

    Injecting or popping metathione pills is completely safe too, actually. Healthy, even, since Metathione is an anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidants are produced by our body naturally. They inhibit oxidation of molecules thereby minimizing the death of cells in our body. (Whew!) The whitening is really only a side effect. :) But that’s just Metathione, I have no idea about other injectible stuff. Haha!

  17. KC

    You say you “don’t think morena girls are equally beautiful, but I do get why so many girls, especially here in our country, long to be fair-skinned.” Can you elaborate on that? What “exactly do you “get about why girls want to lighten their skin? and how the media might contribute to the general trend?

    • itscamilleco

      I said “NOT that I don’t think morena girls are equally beautiful”–meaning


      . Please read carefully. As for your other question, I get why some girls, even when they are perfectly beautiful with their morena skin long to be white. It can be because of the media, or other influences from their environment. Or maybe because they like to emulate their favorite artists. Or simply because they feel that certain colors go better with fair skin and they like these colors more than those that go well with morena skin. Same goes for fair-skinned girls who long for tanned skin. It’s really a lot of factors. It’s not about which is more beautiful, it’s not about that at all.

  18. Daniellé

    I think, apart from beauty, it’s just healthier to maintain the skin you were born with (as in, less sun exposure but also no bleaching/trying to make it fairer). My mom wears sunscreen everyday, even on cloudy and cold days, and her skin looks like the day she was born, still :) It’s important to be natural and not change the way you were meant to be! haha~ anyway, lovely outfit as always!

    enter my free charm giveaway?

    • itscamilleco

      I believe so too! But if you can do it in a natural way and it’ll make you happier, then I have nothing against that as well. :) Thanks Danielle!

  19. Sharey

    Love your outfit!! (: <3 How can United States residents get this soap? ):

  20. Sara

    Wow!!! I hope I can see you one day in a Palmolive commercial haha you’re so gorgeous kasi e

  21. Mark U

    My mum saw you when you were shooting this last week! Thought you were a Korean tourist. XD

    • itscamilleco

      Haha sometimes I pretend I am so that it would make sense to people why I’m posing my ass off! :) Haha!

  22. Lea Bernardino

    OMG! Those heels are to die forrrr… >^< and shopping spree with ate camille? Aaaaa.. that would be a dream come true! <3 i am so going to join this giveaway even if i'm morena. Muhahaha. :D

    • itscamilleco

      Haha! Or you can “bribe” her into taking them too! :)

  23. Dheya Suzuki

    OMG. I wanna join. but, my sched is too busy. :( btw, you`re so flawless, Ate Camille. =))

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