As promised, here’s my blog giveaway for ALL my readers! It doesn’t matter where you’re from, anyone can join! Mechanics are the same as the previous big blog giveaway I just posted. But nevertheless, here they are again:
- Follow me on Twitter and on BlogLovin’.
- Like the Facebook pages and follow the Twitter accounts of ALL the brands listed below, regardless of the prize you want to win. Remember, you have to have a Twitter account to qualify.
- Leave a comment below with your name, Twitter name and preferred giveaway number prize/s.
- Tweet this: “OMG! has a big blog giveaway for international readers! I want to win! #ItsCamilleCoGiveaways” No need to mention/tag me.
Deadline for entries is on April 24, 11:59 PM. No multiple entries please! Winners will be announced via my Twitter.
Again, good luck to all of you!
Giveaway #11: 3 winners. Each will get an item from Berrybow’s spring collection, specially handpicked by the Berrybow team.
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Follow Berrybow on Twitter[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like Berrybow on Facebook[/button]
Giveaway #12: 2 winners. Each will get $80 worth of Romwe goodies.
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Follow Romwe on Twitter[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like Romwe on Facebook[/button]
Grand Prize: 1 winner of a 3days, 2 nights accommodation for 2 at Floral Shire Resort, Bangkok, Thailand, inclusive of daily breakfast and airport transfers.
[button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Follow Ticketport on Twitter[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”#e5b3b9″ window=”yes”]Like Ticketport on Facebook[/button]
Name: Giovanna Liotti
Twitter : @RawrWarbler
I really love your blog!
Hiii!! I love your blog and your style. I would very much like to win the prize so I could visit Thailand. I´ve heard is such a wonderful country.
My email is [email protected] and my twitter name is @mhapi
any <3 I just graduated. pls pls pls :')
I’m a gay and i like you sooo much! sana makita kita or sana mag pa picture sayo ok na ako :”>
I want to be like you :)) kasi you’re STUNNING :)) and PRETTY
Hai Miss camille I liked #12 and the Grand Price :)
Thank you :D
Miss camille idol po kita :”>> i like love your look in LOOK BOOK :)) sana makita kita someday :”>
#12 :DD
Name: Camille Pascasio
Twitter: camillealmighty
Giveaway 11, 12, or the grandprize :)
Name: Camille Pascasio
Twiiter: camillealmighty
Giveaway #11, #12, and the Grandprize :)
Hoping for giveaway #11 or #12 but really want the grand prize! Thanks ever fabulous classy girl! Tc
Twitter: @MaxMaraBee
Name: Maria Godesa F. Refuerzo
Twitter name: @desarefuerzo
Preferred prizes: Grand prize, 11, 12
Mabel Bernales
Twitter: Mimabelita
Giveaway # 11, Giveaway #12
name: Jennifer Chandra
twitter: @jennyfernovia
i’d like to choose the prize(s) #11 and #12 :)
princess aguilar
prizes 11, 12 and grand prize!! ^_^
Carla Cruz
I’d love the Grand Prize/11/12 in that order, I suppose. :D Hope you’re doing well!
Name: Aivi Cruz
Twitter: aivicruz
Giveaway: #11, #12 or the grand prize :)
Name: Judith Pesimo
Twitter: deedeith
did all! (crossed fingers) hope to win !! :)) good luck to all :))
any prize will do for me :))
Carol Abedania
Twitter: @carolabedania
Giveaway #11
Name: Ann Lao
Twitter: oh_annieee
Preferred prize/s: I haven’t won a prize yet so any of these fabulous ones will be great! So I choose: #11, #12, & of course, the Grand Prize! :)
*crossing my fingers*
Twitter: jobellealzate
preferred #12 and the Grand prize! :)
Clara Jiménez
#12 :)
Name: Shaira Gonzales
Twitter: @Kristine114
Giveaway #11, #12 and Grand Prize :)
Name: Bianca
Twitter: mugglenomore
11 or 12
jamie kris mendoza
twitter: @eimaj_kris
Giveaway #’s 11 & 12 :)
Name: Jody Caitlin Dizon Morales
twitter: @jodycaitlin
grand prize
Name: Agatha Bongosia
Twitter: @LadyAgaaa
#11 and #12 :)
Patricia Ison
#11, Grand prize
PS: In case my entry was doubled, forgive me! After I clicked the “Submit Comment” button, the power went out, and so is my internet connection. I didn’t get to see any notification whether my comment is already posted or there is a need for a moderator to approve it. Thanks! :)
PPS: I’m really sorry! This is my third try :(
When the power came back, our connection is really messed up. It always gives me a “The webpage cannot be displayed” message.
Please still consider my entry.
Hoping for your understanding. Thank you very much!
Name: China Yap
Twitter name: chinarella
Preferred giveaways: #11, #12, GRAND PRIZE :)
Apryl A.
Twitter: Apryl A (@apryl_A)
I should like to win Giveaway #12 from ROMWE! Thanks!
camille quiambao
twitter: kwaisy
i want romwe and berrybow
Vanessa Darantinao
Twitter: @essadara
Giveaway 11 or 12 :)
Mia Durano
11, 12 and the GRAND prize
FB Name: Aira Mercado
Twitter: @aiiraamae
Giveaway #11, #12 or the GRAND PRICE.
Name: Jessmer Abing
twitter: cantsleepjujeje
preferred: #11 and grand prize
maryflor recla
twitter username: @itsmargrex
email: [email protected]
any prize will do for me :)) good luck :))
ame: Ivana Riel
Twitter Name: @vanleriel
I have choosen Grand Prize, #12, # 11, #5, and #2
Name: Tatjana Anne Perez
Twitter: @misstatj
Preferred prize: I’d love to win giveaways # 11 and # 12 :)
Twitername: @emtiemism
I would love to win either #6,#9,#11 or #12
You’re my biggest fashion inspiration !!! =]
Name: Shanekia Jordan
Twitter: @perfect_pitched
I never win anything, so I would be grateful for any prize if I win :)
Name: Alexandrine Delfin
Twitter: @iamalexdelfin
I really really like the GRAND PRIZE!! or #12 :)
THANKS A BUNCH! Hope I’ll win :”)
Either #11, #12 or the Grand Prize. All are fab finds, thanks Camille!
Hi Camillie, I just got aware of my mistake. Please consider, here’s my details:
Lora Maria Teresa Esguerra
Thank you!
Name: Shannon Chen
Twitter: shannybx
I would love any of these prizes :) so #1 & #11 & #12
Thanks !! :)
Celine Lorielle Gamboa
Twitter: @celinelorielle
Giveaway #12 and Grandprize
Name: Joie Fe Daos
Twitter: @cherish0908
Prize: # 11 and grand prize
Jeemah Villaverde
Twitter: @jem_villaverde
Grandprice or Number 11!! :)
NAME: Jea Marjori Calingo
TWITTER: Hernameismarj
Grace Saluya
preferred prize: 11,12
Jerrielle Bautista
twitter @rielleloveswhat
#12 and Grand Prize
Name: Sue Ellen Suanco
Twitter: @sueeeshi
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #11, #12 and grand prize!
Mary Michelle Tugbo
Twitter: @marytgb
#11 or 12.
Name:Cherys Jen-Ahne Lagda
twitter naME:@lajcherrylove
#11, #12 and Grand Prize Ü
Lyssa Nicole H. Dicen
Giveaway 11, 12 and grand prize :)
Tricia Farin
Name: Moriela Morandarte
Twitter Name: @Charmed_MoMo
Preferred prize: grand prize, #11 or #12! :))
So sweet! Nice giveaway!
Name: Ivana Riel
Twitter Name: @vanleriel
I have choosen Grand Prize, #12, # 11, #5, #2 and #1
Name: Beatrice Anne Malveda
Twitter: @BMalveda
Facebook: Bea Malveda
#11, #12, and Grand Prize. :D
grandprize :)
meryll santos
twitter @chuchaow1234565
11 or 12
Name : Stephanie Kay Suyo
Twiiter Name : @Phipaysuyo
I prefer all :) Just one of these will be amazing!
Alyssa Batuhan
Giveaway #11, Giveaway #12 or Grand Prize!
Actually, anything will be greatly appreciated! Thanks Camille! :D
Name: AngelAmhiere
Twitter: @Angelamhiere
Hmmm… any of the three: 11, 12 or Grand prize!!! ^__^
Alyssa Batuhan
Giveaway #11, Giveaway #12 or Grand Prize!
Actually anything will be greatly appreciated! Thanks Camille! :D
Name:Ann Jillian Pasigue
twitter name:@jillianpunzalan
preffered giveaways: #11 and #12
facebook: Christine Toring
twitter: @HubberTors
Giveaway #11
name: Alyssa Villacete
twitter name: @lysalysly
preffered giveaway: #11 or #12
sienna jumagdao
Name: Stefphanie Arreza
Twitter: steffySPEAKS
#12 or the grand prize :D
Name: Andrea Ramos
Twitter: AndreaaRamos
Preferred giveaway prizes: #11, #12 and grandprize :)
Name: Paullette Flores
Twitter: @pauuuuu_
giveaways #11, 12 and the Grand Prize :)
Trisha Tanghal
love to win #11, #12 or grabd prize ;)
Name: Novi Riandini
Twitter: @novirindi
I’d love to win the #11 and the grand prize :D
Name: Sarah Remsky
Twitter: lifeSTYLEjungle
preferred giveaway: #12
Name: Nica ALmirez
Twitter: itsmenicaohgosh
Preferred Prize: Geez all! Hihi. 11, 12 or the grand prize!:)
Name: girlie kilario
Twitter: @ghirlieee
grandprize :)
name: Jessica Carla Tayag
twitter: @Jessie_Tayag
preferred: giveaway #12
Name: Junie Anne Tabangco
Twitter: @juniebebe
#12 & grandprize
Annie Grace Lorete
twitter: @Xyrine16
I love love ti win the Grand Prize, it will be the best advance Mother’s day gift tat i can give to my mom ^_^
Joanna Patricia Panagdato
Twitter: @Turaaacy
Preferred giveaway #: 11, 12 and the Grand Prize
Thank you Camille!
More power!
Name: Dobbe Sumalinog
Twitter: @iamdobbe
Preferred giveaway number: #11 & #12
Name: Christine Joy See
Twitter: @ceazane
Preferred giveaway: #11 & #12
Thank you!
Name: Yya Trinidad
Twitter: @YyaTrinidad
Preferred giveaway: #11 & #12
Martha Nacario
twitter @marshmallowee
I prefer giveaway prize #11 :)
Rovie Divinagracia
Any of the prizes, but of course the grand prize is still awesome :)
Twitter: @RichMixStylist
Preferred giveaway: #11 and #12
Name: Vaughane Deira
Twitter: @bellabunnyears
Perferred Giveaway: #11 or #12 (:
Elaine Dela Peña
Grand prize, #11 and #12
Carmina Chu
#11, 12 & Grand Price! :)
Judith Gregorio
Twitter: @pitpeg07
Grand prize and #12
Name: Lovely Go
Twitter Name: @labligo
Preferred Prizes: 11,12,& Grand Prize
Twitter: Dioana de Mesa (@drdemesa)
Name: Dioanaros de Mesa
email: iyodemesa at yahoo dot com
prizes: 11, 12
Lucia Anne Sacro
Twitter Username: @itsluciaanne
Preferred Giveaways: #11, #12, and of course Grand Prize :)
Happy New Blog Theme Launching :)
Jasmin Calma
Name: dale butardo
Twitter Name: dhaletotbutardo
Preferred: Anything! 11 and grand prize :D
Name: Pamela Kathrine Ang
Twitter: pinkpampher
Grand Prize! :D 11 or 12
Name: janine audrey macmang
Twitter name: @NinaMacky
Preferred giveaway: 11, 12 and Grand Prize
nag error po kasi and I dont know if na post yung comment ko kanina.
Precious Ann Arias
Twitter: TseToyou
FB: Precious Ann Arias
I want to win the Grand Prize: 1 winner of a 3days, 2 nights accommodation for 2 at Floral Shire Resort, Bangkok, Thailand
keeping my fingers crossed!
Hi Miss Camille Co! I’ve always been a fan of your fashion statement, blogging abilities and camera projection (on pictures)!! God bless! More poses! Ayt! :)
name: katrina alcazar
twitter: @theonlykatrina
preferred giveaway number prize/s:
#11 and #12
Amira Venida
11,12, grand prize
Jessica P. Reyes
twitter: jessicar209
#11 #12 Grand Prize
Geraldine Antonette Katigbak
Prize #11, #12, Grand Prize :)
Name: Eliza Chona P. Dayanghirang
Twitter name: saidayanghirang
Preferred giveaway: #11, #12, grandprize
hi pls disregard the first post, i forgot the preferred the preferred prize, thanks po!
Rosana S. Nieva
prize #11, #12, grand prize
name: Jaina Decena
Twittername: @thatgirlgracey
preferred prize: GRAND PRIZE
Name: Daphne Collantes
Twitter: daphnecee
Preferred giveaway: #12 and grand prize
Name: Natasha Valerie
Twitter: @natashavaleriee
Preferred prize: #11, #12
Name: Princess Allapitan
Twitter: @cess_allapitan
preferrred prize: 11, 12 or grandprize
hope to win these prizes <3
Therese Agbisit
Name: Hanniel Eugenio
twitter name: @hannieleugenio
preferred giveaway number: #11 or #12
Ycee Caparoso
Twitter : Superycee
I would love #11 #12 and the Grandprize :)
Name: Mary Grace Garcia
Twitter: @chiecky14
Preferred giveaways: #11, #12 OR the grandprize
twitter: @deyyr
Hiyaa would like the prizes #11, #12 and the grand prize thank you so much ;)
Alecs Alovera
Twitter Name: iLecs82395
Preferred Giveaway Number Prize/s: #11, #12
Bien Santos
Twitter name: @ByengSantos (!/ByengSantos)
I would love to have any of those amazing prizes. But, if I would have to choose one, I would choose prize #12.
P.S: I hope you’ll pick me! I love reading your blog camille co! :)
Name : Jolina Sioting
Twitter : @momaisiomai
preferred giveaway number prize/s : #12
Name: Kriztja Marae G. Labrador
Twitter Name: kriztjamarae (!/kriztjamarae)
Preferred prize: #11 & #12
X^_^X wish me luck! :) Thanks Camille! :)
Name: Gelline Suderio
Twitter: @gellinesuderio
# 11, 12 and the grand prize :)) crossing my fingers for this give away as well. :)
I wanna win! Thanks in advance Ms. Camille! :)
Name: Ezra Barbara M. Balasa
Twitter: @ezrabarbara
Preferred prize: Giveaway #s 11 & 12.
Simple joys :)
Name: Siena Cajilig
Twitter: SieCajilig
Preffered Giveaway: #11, #12
Name: Kayley Anne P. See
Twitter Name: msZEEtweetsOut
Preferred Giveaway Prizes: 11, 12, Grand Prize!!!
Name: Sie Cajilig
Twitter: SieCajilig
Preffered Giveaways: #11. #12
Name: Romina Fiel Tan
Twitter: TanMinaFiel
Preferred Giveaways: #11. #12
Wow! I would love to win the grand prize! Oh my, a vacation T^T
Name: Hui Lin
Twitter: @lacelilies
Name: Ariane Mangiliman
Twitter Name: @eypiem
# 11 and grand prize
Name: Hazel Suico
Twitter: ithinkimhungry
Preferred prize: #12
xx :)
Name : Ollyvia Laura Arnold
Twitter : @ollyvialauraa
#11 #12 and grandprize
TWITTER NAME: erikaaauy
Aiza Jasmin Campos
Name: Shiela apalis
Twitter: @maerish
Preferred prizes: #11, #12, GRAND prize :)
More power to you, Ms. Camille!
Name : Fan Nee
Twitter name : @FanNeeL
Preferred giveaway : Grand Prize :)
Name: Cutesy Alayon
Twitter: @cutieCuteCute19
Preferred giveaway prizes: 11 and 12
Happy Birthday Ms. Camille! More blessings and More Birthdays to Come.
love and happiness!:)
xoxo. :]]]
Andrea Zacarias
Twitter: @anieonymous
Giveaway # 11 ♥♥♥
name: Catherine Kate R. Rabino
twitter name: @iamkrazykitty
preferred giveaway number prize/s: #11 #12 Grand Prize
Name: Czarina Callanta
Twitter Name: czacee
#12, Grand Prize. :)
Name: Gretel C. Bato-on
Twitter: @sixteengee02
preferred prize: # 11 and the Grand Prize! :))
Name: Barbara Anne Arguelles
Twitter name: @babajie
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: Grandprize, #12, and #11
Twittter Name: Danica Mae Iversen
preferred giveaway #11, #13 , Grand Prize
all is cool that’s why I choose all :)
Mich Wong
11 or 12 please!
Hi Cams!
Name: Charmaine Joy Diloy
Twitter: xanejoi
Preferred giveaway: #11 or #12
Name: Deranee G.
Twitter Name: deyrr
Preferred Giveaway Number Of Prizes: #11, #12 and Grand prize
Name: Charmaine Gan
Twitter name: charmaine__g
Preferred giveaway prizes: #11,12,and grand prize :)
Name: Tamara
Twitter: @lovetamaraxo
I would love to win them all #11 #12 and Grand prize, but I think my first choice would have to be #12
Great giveaway, love the new blog layout! Oh & Happy Birthday!
Loves, Txo
Preferred Giveaways: #11, #12 & the Grandprize!
It’s actually my first time to join a contest like this… I’m not really lucky but I’m hoping to get the grand prize as this will be the best gift my mom could ever receive. So i-share ko na, I planned a vacation getaway for my mom and myself on here 50th bday this June. Kaya lang i was diagnosed with a tumour on my uterus. So, all my savings will go to my operation and recovery in Manila. So if I win this I can still fulfill my promise…. No more drama!
Happy Birthday Camille!
I super love your blog!
I’ll always be your no.1 fan in Dubai!
Name: Airi Shibayama
Twitter: @xairixx
Preferred prize: Grand prize
Giveaway #11, #12, Grand Prize:)
Name: Ralph Joshua A. Arambulo
Twitter: @joshuaarambulo
Preferred Prizes: #12 and #GrandPrize
Happy Birthday Ms. Camille Co and more power to your blog! :)
Name: Jeniffer Gangan
Twitter Name: @jenyOnDBlock
Preferred Prizes: Number 12 and the GRAND PRIZE:)
More power!
Mariel Charmaine Tanteras
Twitter: quiateeyam
I would love to win Prizes #11, #12 and Grand Prize
Thanks :D
NAME: Kristine Miranda
TWITTER NAME: tineeepie
Iman R.
Twitter: ImanImani255
Prize #2
Name: Via CadelinaT
Twitter name: viacadelinatoo
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #11, #12, Grand prize
twitter: @tiuwang
preferred giveaway: #11, #12, Grand Prize,thx^^
Name: Natasha Palis
Twitter: @tashpalis
Preferred giveaway number: #12
Sherlyn Lim Chai Yun
Twitter: Sherlyn_cylim
Preffered Giveaways :#11, #12, grand prize
Name: Angela Dimaculangan
Twitter: hairgelz
Giveaway #11 or #12
Michelle Guiritan
I prefer #11 & #12 :)
Name: Marinelle Buenafe
Twitter name: @maneliestar
Giveaway #: 11, 12, Grand Prize
Name: Omi Ibatuan
twitter: ohhhmmmiiiii
preferred giveaway number: giveaway #12 and grand prize:))
Name: Sheila Tan
Twitter: @corset_black
Preferred giveaways: #11 and #12
name: Adelyssa Santos
Twitter name: @adelyssasantos
preferred giveaway number prize/s: #12 and the GRAND PRIZE!! :D
Name: Lalaina Acop
Twitter name: lalainaafrvr21
Giveaway number 11 ☺
Shanan Hinds
Twitter: @truequeeninc
These are amazing prizes but I love ROMWE so definitely #12
Name: Stephanie Martinez
Twitter: stephjeanm
Preferred Giveaway: 11, 12, and Grand Prize
Name: Roxanne E. garcia
Twitter: @roxanneeg
Preferred prize: I’d love to win 11 or the grand prize <3
Yna Olejniczak
Preferred: 11, 12 & Grand Prize!!! :3
name: Irra Mae Lyssa Mariñas
twitter: @irramaemarinas
numbers 12,Grand Prize.
name: Nichole Anjelica P. Ogacion
twitter: @nickszaay
preferred prize: Grand Prize! its for my mom. ;)
Twiter account: @regin1Dgreat
Giveaway #11 and Giveaway #12
Preferred giveaway: #12 or grand prize
I’ve followed and liked everything!
[email protected]
Name: Jo Anna Marie Macaspac
Twitter Name: @JoAnnaMacaspac
Preferred Giveaway: #11 and #12
any of # 11 and # 12 is good enough, but Grand prize is the best! IF I get the Grand Prizeit’s gonna be my first out of the country trip.
Normi Alawi
Twitter : imknowrmi
Giveaways: 12 and ze Grand Prize. <3
More power to your revamped blog. Much love.
XXO. :)
Name: Grace Ann Mamiit
Twitter: grace_ann_010
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: # 11, 12 and the grand prize! :)
NAME: Jane Frances M. Sevilla
TWITTER: @luvkocjeng
preffered giveaway: #11 
your name, Twitter name and preferred giveaway number prize/s.
NAME: Jane Frances M. Sevilla
TWITTER: @luvkocjeng
preffered giveaway: #11  :)
# 11, #12 and the grand prize :D
Name: Katherine Austria
Twitter Username: ineesays
Preffered Giveaway: #12
Name: Pauline Galang
Twitter: @paueeanne
giveaway #12! :)
Wow, very royal giveaway to your readers! You’re so kind :)
Twitter name: @Adlineadlin
I prefer giveaway romwe #12 and giveaway 11# Berrybow
Name: Aletha Jane Infante
twitter name: altainfante
giveaway #11, 12 and of course grand prize!! :)
Bancy Ricafrente
I want to win the GRAND PRIZE!! But if it’s not meant for me then I’m okay with GIVEAWAY # 11 or 12! :))
Keanna Magracia
[email protected]
Grand prize please pick me I want to go in bangkok it’s my dream!
Name: Carmi Zate
Twitter: happy_cee
#12 and grand prize
Thanks Camille! :D
Name: Nikki dela Cruz
Twitter name: @ThisIsMeNikkiD
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: No. 11, 12 or the Grand Prize! ;)
Name – Cheyenne Wan Yi Ning
Twitter – @CheyenneWYN
#11 or #12 :)
name: Harlene Shio
twitter: @lyndt2
giveaways 11,12 & grandprize ^.^
Name: Francielyn Dacumos
Twitter: @mariafrancielyn
Preferred giveaway number: #11 and #12
Juncelle Resurreccion
@Juncelle R.
#12 or Grand Price :P <3
Twitter: @Juncelle
I would love the #12 or the Grand Prize
Sorry for Repeating :))
I got my twitter username wrong :)
Name: Shigemi Muramatsu
Twitter ID: museofthetoast
Preferred Giveaway: the grand prize! :”)
Keanna Nicole Magracia
[email protected]
name: Ivy Jane Sumabong
Twitter name: _biang_
preferred giveaway number prize/s: 11, 12 and the grand prize :)
Thanks Ms. Camille! :)
Marian Plaza
# 11 or 12 :)
kayra magracia
Grand prize
NAME: Janina Cinco
TWITTER ID: cheapestxstuff
# 12 & grand prize :)
your new blog appearance is amazing!!
name: Sevvy Fitriana
twitter: @sevvysamantha
preferred giveaway prize: #11 and #12
Andrea Ivy Dy
#12 please :)
Name: Tine Rosal
TwitterID: shejeey
#11 / #12
Name: percel espina
Twitter name: @fashionkhalessi
Preferred giveaway prizes: 11, 12 and the grand prize of course!
Happy Birthday Ms. Camille! More blessings. love and happiness!:)
Jennifer Torculas
11 and 12 :)
Name: Kimberly Dy
Twitter: kimmiieekimkim
12 and Grand prize :D
Name: Erica Bianca Lucas
Twitter Name: ecabianca
#11 / #12 / Grand Prize
Thea Denesse Fernandez
Twitter: iamtheadenesse
Giveaway #12, grand prize
name: marie rivera
twitter: mangonango
Done! All of the above steps…incredible prizes Camille!
Julie Khuu
twitter: hautekhuuture
email: [email protected]
Since I’m nowhere near Thailand, I’d love to win #12 first and #11 second!
Patrycja Åšwiergiel
Twitter : @PatrycjaQueen
Number #11
Name: Janice Doloeras
Twitter: @nikayiandjuana
Preferred giveaway: Grand Prize :DDDD
thank’s a lot! fingers crossed *
Name:Dane Cruz
Preferred Prizes: 11 and 12
Marcy Miniano
#1 and 2
name: johara bayabao
twittername: @jewelyjhea
preffered giveaway : #11 & #12
Name : Imma Shanta M. Cruz
Twitter : immabeeeeeeeee
i want the grand prize please. even though you didn’t ask why.., i gonna tell it. cause i think my mom would need a vacation and we can’t afford to travel abroad cause of our crisis… she never went outside the country and so do i… i’m wishing you pick me.. a little hope you pick me… please…
or the giveaway 11 =) is it okay to pick two?
Bea Marin
#11, 12, 13
katherine joy baldovino
twitter name: @mallowkatz10
hi camille!
first i just wanna say your really an inspiration..i really want to get the freebies from romwe,but the grand prize is very inviting (laughs) i wanna win it for my parents. I just want to give them something in return for all the things they have done for me, i’m a fresh board passer you see so i don’t have a job yet. I’ve been meaning to give them something really special a gift of appreciation, so this would be more than perfect if ever i get chosen!!
lots of love!-kathy:)
Name: Leah Jane Mendoza
Twitter name: @thisisleahjane
Preferred giveaway: 11, 12 and Grand Prize ;))
it’s a jaw-dropping prizes. but my jaw will drop to hell and teeth will break into pieces when i win anything on my preferred giveaway.
showerin’ love,
Queen Elizabeth Tupas!/quenelizabeth
numbers 11 and 12.
Roxanne Salas
Grand Prize
Name: Kristine Chong
Twitter: kristinechong
#12 and Grand Prize
Name : Jamille Carabeo
Twitter: @JamilleCarabeo
i prefer #11, 12 and especially the grand prize!!!
Hi I’m Vassy Milliscent Yap :D
FB Username: Vassy Milliscent Yap
Twitter Id: @oreocheesecake
Email: [email protected]
I want to win the GRAND PRIZE and Giveaway #12! Yeyness! :) Hope to meet you soonest Camille! :D
Marianne Catbagan
Any of the three! 11, 12 or Grand Prize! :D
Advance Happy Happy Happy Blogniversary and Birthday Ms Camille! May you have more more blessings to come and more girls to inspire. Stay nice Ms Camille! :D God Bless.
OMG Goodluck in choosing/entering our names! It’s almost or already 1K! :D
Name: Patricia Sy
twitter: @sypatricia
Preferred giveaway: #11, #12, and the grand prize! :)
marlyn magsino
giveaway # 1 and 2 and 3….hahaha ^_^
giveaway # 11 and 12 and grand prize pla….hahaha ^_^
# 12 and GRAND PRIZE
leilani sonza
twitter: lilaec
Preferred giveaway number: #12
TWITTER: steenaG
Twitter: mimicamzfierce
prize: 11 and 12
Name: Kaira Nicart
Twitter: kkaaiirra
preferrred prize: giveaway 11, 12 and grandprize
I want the grandprize or #12
and my twittername is ishikinsdoll =)
Sophie Ramos
Preferred giveaway: Grand Prize :)
Name: Lorise Marie R. Escalona
Twitter name: @lorisemarie
Preferred giveaway number: #11, #12 and Grand Prize!
name: hannah diaz
Twitter: diaz_leeteuk
#11 , #12 and grand prize!
Name: Angel diaz
twittername: @heyangeldiaz
#11 #12 and Grand prize!
Name- Marenille King
Twitter – @chich33
Preferred: Grand Prize
I’m Stephanie Reloj
Giveaway #12 or #11
Name: Agnes Dela Cruz
twitter : @magz_dc
i like #11 and #12 :)!/magz_dc/status/193230432165310464
Melody Co
12 and Grand Prize!!!
Name: Lizelle Te
Twitter: @fragiliztic
11, 12, grand prize
Nadine Frisnedi
Giveaway #11,12 and Grand Prize
Bettina Quiambao
11, 12, grand prize
Name: KC Borja
Twitter: @itskcborja
#11, #12 :D
Warlou Joyce Antonio
[email protected]
#11 and #12 Yay! :))
Name: Jypsy Borja
Twitter: @siscyborja
I preferred giveaway number: #12
Najja Hao
twitter: najjahao
# 12 please :D
hi, Ms. Camille, i read your blog, actually, i tried so many times to imitate your looks, but i simply don’t succeed most of the time, nevertheless, i enjoyed it and learn many tricks (if that is what you call em) in fashion.
i would love to win the giveaway # 11 and 12!
thank you very much
Elaine Mae Galeon / @elainegaleon / i prefer the GRAND PRIZE :)
Name: Shella Mae Amante
Twitter name: @shenghymz22
preferred giveaway number prize/s: # 11 and #12
Name: Mariel Castillo
Twitter: marielccastillo
Giveaway #12
Name: Camille Franchesca C. Go
Twitter Name: @camsgo
Preferred Giveaways: Numbers 11, 12, and Grandprize :)
Name: Lorna
Twitter: LornaBB
Preferred prizes: #11 and 12
Name: Xaviera Zoe Balares
Twitter Name: imxaviera
Prize: Anything please :3
Hi Ms. Camille :D
Jane Arquillo
Grand prize
Name: Michelle Mutave
Hi Camille:)
I really like the new facelift on your blog.
I prefer prizes #11 and #12
keep up with the good Blogging.
Regards Michelle <3
Charmaine Basubas
12, Grand Prize
Name: Stephanie Choi
Twitter: @dwitanic
Preferred giveaway: Grand prize
Name: Katrina San Juan
Twitter: @Bakaonnadesu
Giveaway #11 and #12
Hope I win. I’ll be crossing my fingers! ♥
name: Jean Gargoles
twitter: mar1e9
#11, #12, #13 all three of them hehe :)
name:Samreen Salim
fb name:Samreen Salim
tweet link:!/SamreenSalim/status/192974054590910464
preferred giveawai is 12, 11 and grand prize
I am sorry if i commneted twice.actually my electricity went out when i was writing frirst comment
your name: Kelly
Twitter name: Kellyheartsyou
preferred giveaway: #12
Myla Enriquez
Twitter: Mylalalove
TWITTER: @Shpvintagefinds
name: zeilina tandoc
twitter: zeilina_tandoc
#11, #12, grandprize
Erika Iwakawa
I would love to win prizes #11, 12, & the Grand Prize!
Name : Donna Unidad
Twitter: donnaunidad
i prefer #12 &11.
My birthday is on April 23, If your still on boracay, we will celebrate our birthday there! I really want to see you in person. And im always updated to your tweets,blog,intagram. Hehe. Actually im planning to visit the coexcist shop in makati. :) Stalker? :) hehe I love you camille co! :)
Warm Regards,
Donna Unidad
Carla May Alcantara
12 and Grand prize! :) Yayy
11, 12, 13 :)
Name: Mariel Angelica Santos Perez
Twitter name: @anjeyica
Preferred giveaway number: #11, #12 and Grand Prize!
Name: Mercedita Abing
Twitter Name: @MercyAbing
Preferred: #12 and grand prize!
Name: Janine Khouri Elias
Twitter: @ninejake
Prizes number 11, 12 and the grand prize :) Hope I win! :)
Name: Christina Fuster
Twitter: @ChrisFuster
Preferred giveaway number: 11 and 12
Jonna Marie Ibuna
Twitter name: IamJunanaks
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 1,2,3
Jonna Marie Ibuna
Twitter name: IamJunanaks
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 11,12, & Grand prize! :))
Name: Karen Laurrie Mendoza
Twitter name: TS13_World
Preffered Giveaway: #12 and the GrandPrize <3
Name: Amelia Alegria
Twitter: @cheairgela
Preferred giveaway number: #12 and the Grand Prize :)
I’m still hoping to win the grand prize, :D <3
I love you Camille :) Thanks for this opportunity to have this! Love love love!
Twitter username : honeyyssi
I’m still hoping to win the grand prize, :D <3
I love you Camille :) Thanks for this opportunity to have this! Love love love!
Twitter : honeyyssi!/honeyyssi
Name: Joyce de Leon
Twitter name: @asdfghjkl060394
Preferred Prize/s: 12 and/or Grand Prize
*fingers crossed ^-^*
Name: Lya Ivana Sayson
Twitter: Lya__
# 11, 12, grand prize
Name: Jolienne Villaruel
Twitter: JolienneV
I prefer #12, #11
Name: Evelyn Tirza
Twitter: @velynlyn
Preferd giveaway number: #11 #12
name:Evelyn Tirza
Twitter name: @velynlyn
preferred giveaway number prize: #11 #12
Name: Isabel Bernardo
Preferred giveaway number: 12
Name: Alaine Chelsea S. Nagamos
Twitter: @chelSSeah
#12 <3
Name: Carmela Vinzon
Twitter: iammaputi
11, 12
Thank you so so much! :)
NAME: Nicolette Anne Yambao
TWITTER: @aioi_yambao
GIVEAWAYS # 11 and 12
Thank you! :)
Name: Camille Figueroa
Twitter: @camilfigueroa
Preferred Giveaway: #11, #12 and Grand Prize :)
Charmaine G. Gesmundo
Preferred to win #11, #12 and GRAND PRIZE
Name: Marese Coco
Twitter account: @Gelamarieee
giveaway: #11, #12, and the grand prize :)
Name: Ma. Sofia Blanca D. Trinidad
Twitter: sooofianca
Preferred giveaways: 11, 12, & Grand Prize! :)
Name: Bettina Elaine Macan
Twitter name: @bettinaelaine
Preferred giveaway: 11, 12, grand prize
Name: Maricar Mabulac
Twitter: Tangerine Tango
Giveaway# 11 & Grand Prize
Name: Abbey Jimenez
Twitter: @abjmnz
#11 & #12
Name: Fanny Tan
Twitter: fannehsm
Prizes: ALL OF THEM! #11, #12, and Grand Prize, please!
Thank you, Camille!~
Name: Nikki Loren S. Libunao
Twitter: @nikkilibs
Preferred Prize: Everything! Pero most yung GRAND PRIZE. :””>
Fiona Cheng
Preferred giveaway: #11, #12 and grand prize
thank you xoxo
Name: Regine Salumbre
Twitter: @reginethepotato
Preferred Prize: 11, 12 and the Grand Prize :-)
Name: Michelle Andrea E. Laurio
Twitter Name: @lalalalaurio
# 11 and 12 :)
Name: Catherine Duong
Twiitter: @Catduong
Preferred prizes: Grand prize and # 12.
name: Via G. Conda
twitter: vee_conda
preferred prize/s: #12 and Grand Prize
Justine Anne Sangil
Twitter: @jatstylebreaker
Preferred giveaway: #11 #12 and the Grand Prize please! :)
I really want to go to Thailand. So please please pick me! :)
Name: Lara Macrohon
Twitter: abracalara
Preferred giveaway number: #11,#12 :)
Name: Reina Margarette de Guzman
Twitter Name: Mynameisreign
Preferred Prize: 11 and 12 :)
Name: Zenith Capinpin
Twitter: Zenith Capinpin
#11, 12 or grand prize. :)
more powers cutie <3
Name: Ma. Clarize Battad
Twitter Name: itsclarizE
Prizes: # 11, # 12 and Grand Prize
marie josephine camacho
twitter: majojocamacho
prize: 12 and grand prize :)
Congrats to your blog!!! More power and continue inspiring us :))
Name: Sheila Tan
Twitter: black
Preferred giveaways: #11 and #12
Name: Marie Rodelle Hatulan
Twitter name: SushMrie718
Preferred prize: #12 and Grand Prize <3
Name: Christine Lavarias
twitter name: @chrstnkh
Preferred prizes: #12 and Grand Prize!!
celine ong
#s 11, 12 and grand giveaway
Name: Genevieve C. Catacutan
Twitter: @Sikolohista1
Preferred giveaway number: Grand Prize
Name: Manjila Nakarmi
Twitter: desTnationheart
prize 11,12 and grand prize
Lorra Angbue-Te
#11, #12, and the Grand Prize! :)
Name: Anthonette E. Santos
Twitter name: @anthnttesntos
Preferred giveaway number prize/s : #11 & 12
NAME: Felisa May Tan
Twitter: @felisamay
Preferred Giveaway prizes: ALL. 11, 12 & Grand Prize <3
Name: Zherlyn Eve Bacomo
Twitter Name: @zheve ; Zherlyn Bacomo
#4 SM Accessories. Pretty please;)))
cristina chiriac
twitter: christina356
i would like #11 or #12
Name: Keith dela Cruz
Twitter Name: @keithdelacruz
Preferred giveaway number: 11 and 12.
Janelle Kow
Twitter: @vodkastain
Preferred prizes: #12, Grand prize
Ayesha Alonto Mambuay
preferred giveaway: #11, #12, Grand Prize
Name: Jennifer Joyce Yap
Twitter: @shobitchyap
Number 11 and 12 pretty please :D ♥
Name: Sheilah Marie Velasco
Twitter: @sheilahmv
I prefer prizes 11,12 and the grand prize :)
Name: Luis Lobaton
Twitter: @MrCarbs3
Ze preferred giveaways are Giveaway #11, #12 and ze Grand Prize. :D
Ana Pamintuan
Preferred giveaways: ALL (#11, #12 or Grand Prize)
I love the blog layout btw. :)
Name: Rika Jane Tano
Twitter name: superkane_
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #11, #12, Grand Prize ;)
Name: Alyssa Mae Malacad
Twitter name: ilovemalacad
preferred giveaway number prize/s : ALL 11, 12, and Grand Prize Hopefully :)
Name: Polly Policarpio
Twitter: pollypolicarpio
preferrred prize: 11, 12 and grand prize =)
Joyce Realon
Twitter name: @MSJYC
Preferred giveaway number: 11 and 12
Name: Kate Cabalitan
Twitter name: @itsmekeightie
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 11, 12 and the grand prize
Maple Palacio
12, Grand Prize
Shaira Liezel Landicho
11,12, Grand Prize
Name: Maria Cristina P. Meriales
Twitter name:Maria
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: GRAND PRIZE!!! :))
~~crossing my fingers :)
Name: Roxanne Limpante
twiiter: @speakingofroxan
preferred give away: #12 and grand prize ;)
thanks Camille! :)
Carla L. Alferez
twitter: @carlaswaggg
Grand prize
Thank you and God bless! :)
Name: Ella Marie M. Cayao
Twitter Name: eiramalle
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: # 11 and grand prize :)
Shania Marce Rose C. Carbon
Twitter: iamshaniacarbon
Prizes: 12 and Grand Prize
Name: Jenna Rose Lansangan
twitter name: jennalansangan
Preferred giveaway: 11
Name: Junelie Tabangco
Twitter: @itsMeLiecious
#12 & grand prize ♥
name: jen lapis
Twitter name: michmichelene
preferred giveaway number prize/s: #12
Name: Astley Golosinda
Twitter: @Lallehloo
Prize #s: 11 & 12
Mimi Magsino
twitter: michaaan28
preferred give away #11 and #12 :)
Name: Anna Fatima Salas
Twitter: TimmySalas
11,12, Grand Prize!! =)
charmaine Montes
giveaway num: 11,12,grand prize
name: tinny
Twitter: tinny0_o
preffer giveaway 12
Ericka Angeles
twitter: meerichan
Grand Prize
Name: Jasmine Yongque
Twitter username: @gimmemygumibear
Preferred prizes: #’s 11, 12 and the Grand Prize
Name: cassandra camua
Twitter: cassandracamua
Preferred giveaway: #11, grand prize
Jayme del Rosario
Name: Paula Palo Panlaqui
twitter: paularoyale
preferred prizes: # 12 and grand prize
<3 <3 <3!!!
Name: Mariel Jane D. Reyes
twitter: @Yelifeaholic
I would love #11 or #12
Thanks and more power Ms.Camille. :)
Name: Crinezza Mendoza
Twitter: @crinetza
Preferred giveaways : 11 or 12
Katherine Sates
Twitter name: kathrinx
preferred giveaways: 11,12, and grand prize.
name: Ma.Colleen Q. Bernardo
giveaway #11,12
Name: Charlote Gail Ventosa
Twitter: @CharloteVentosa
Preffered giveaways: #11, #12 and Grand Prize. :D
name : Rea Angela Agustin
Twitter: @helloimrea
Give aways #11 #12 and #13
Charlene Lee
numbers 11 or 12
Name: Goey Besinio
Twitter Name: @goey3besinio
Preferred giveaway number: #11, #12, and of course, the grand prize!! hahaha
I am really really having fun browsing all of your looks! You are a great inspiration and a great artist! Your style is so chic, classy, and timeless! You are a great art! I am a BIG fan!! Thank you! :D
btw.. it’s my parents 20th wedding anniversary tomorrow.. It would be a great gift for them if ever I won the grand price. They are always on work and they barely have a break. It would be really really wonderful if they would have some time to relax and enjoy. thank you! :D
Kathryn Joyce Andrada
Twitter name: kathrynjoyceA
preffered giveaway : number 11 :)
Nicole Beatriz Cruz
Twitter: @ohmybeatrix
I prefer #11 or #12! Btw, thanks! :)
Name: Marga Alcantara
Twitter: @IAMyouaholic
I would prefer #11, #12, and of course the grand prize :) Thank you Camille! More Power and God Bless! <3
Name: Sheena L
Twitter: @sheena092096
prize: 11, 12, grand prize :)
thank you :)
i’m Chang Ngah Xin, twitter acc: ngahxin ;!/ngahxin
i prefer Giveaway #12
much <3 <3 <3 !!!
My name is Bea Almeida.
Twitter name is @beialmeida.
Preferred prizes are numbers 11, 12 and the grand prize.
Thank you!
Name: Chayenne Saul
Twitter: Bloggerwannabe
Preferred giveaways : 11,12 & Grand prize :)
Name: Michaela Juanson
Twitter: michaelajuanson
Preffered giveaway: 11, 12 and the grand prize :)
preffered giveaways: 11 & 12
twitter: @imvernice
Name: Fatima Galdones
Twitter: itsmeFJ
Preferred #: 11 or 12
Name: Katrine Lao
Twitter: @katriniszm
Prizes # 11,12, Grand Prize
Thank You!! :)
Name: Marianne Jane Navarro
twitter: @yannelovesyou
preferred prizes: #11,#12.Grand prize
Julie Cu Siy
Twitter name: jhosiy
#11, #12, grand prize
My name is Nia Sonko
Twitter @pockyandstuffs
Preferred prize give away – #11 from Berry Bow and #12 Romwe
Name: Aimee Luciano
Twitter: @aim_lucy
Prefers: #11 or Grand Prize
Jasmin Nain
#11, #12 & #13
Jenica Bardos
Twitter: @j0hanina
nos. 11, 12 and Grand Prize
Name: Kristel Marie Navarro
twitter: @tin_marie110820
Preferred prizes: #11, #12, grand prize
btw, i love your blog Ms. Camille! I’m only 11 years old and i want to be like you when i grow up.
Margret Meara Semana
Grand Prize! :)
name: Jemlynn carabeo
Twitter name: @jemmcarabeo
preferred giveaway number prize/s: #12
Name: Kristine Tuazon
Twitter name: KrisMyFeet
Preferred prices: I would want to try to win number 11 & the grand prize!
I love your blog and this layout is chic! Continue spreading the fashion fever!
Imma Galima
twitter: @oddIMMAgination
preferred giveaway nos 11 & 12!! :D
Name: Kat Aquino
Twitter: @asdfghjkat28
Preferred Giveaway Number/s: 11, 12
Twitter:!/unicahijamei or @unicahijamei
I’m Meizuari M. Novenario, I prefer Giveaways #1, #2 and #9 and the Grand prize please :)
Thanks Camille :)
Name: Camille Salazar
Twitter: Camille Salazar/ @camssalazar
Preferred prizes: Giveaway #12 and Grand Prize :)
Name: Shiny Bliss Ortilano
Twitter: @seventhbliss
preferred giveaway: #12 and the grand prize!
thank you Camille
its my first time to join miss camille co’s give away .. Im not lucky so i know i wont win too bad but i’ll still join :)
name :armin espiritu
twitter name : @iwanttobehera
i would like to win #12 and the grand prize if im lucky
Mai Yang
twitter: bombmin
Prefer: Prize #12
Hi! I entered! Lovely contest!
Name: Tiffany Kang
twitter: jynxypanda
Giveaways #11 or 12 or 13!
12 & grandprize
Trixy Rañon
twitter: ninchiong
prizes: 11,12, and grand prize!
Name: Danielle Ann del Fierro
Twitter: @danadelfierro
Preferred: giveaway #11 and #12 :)
twitter: @princessjelai
i love #11.. but am crossing mah fingers with the grand prize. woOOt!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Name: Megan Yeu
Twitter: @yeunicorn
Preferred giveaway number: #11 & #12
name: Hope San Pedro
Twitter name: endearinghope
Preferred giveaway numbers: 11, 12, Grand prize :)
Name: Arianne Lucena
Twitter: @ariannelucena
Preferred Giveaway: #11, #12 and Grand Prize!! :D
Name: Tiara Marie Leopoldo
Twitter Name: madmoiselle_T
#’s: #1, #4, #12
Twitter Name: @zarajanesy
Preferred Prize: 11, 12 OR GRAND PRIZE.
Any of this prizes will do. :) I hope I’ll win… *fingers crossed*
Name: Marites Pesare
Twitter: @MaritesPesare
Preferred prizes: 11, 12 and the Grand prize =)
Name: Yssa Cardona
Twitter: @ayeitshazza
Giveaways: #11, 12
Michelle Katherine Tan
Grand prize & 12 :)
Name: Cherry Dizon
Twitter: @cherrydizon_12
prizes: grand prize, #12
Name: Kimberly Pesare
Twitter: @kimpesare13
Preferred prizes: 11, 12 and the Grand prize =)
Name: Alyssa Albaira
Twitter name: chochoigeng
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: 11,12, and the Grand Prize~
Makie Bautista
Preferred giveaway: #11, #12 and grand prize
Leah Osayta
I prefer giveaways #11, 12, and grand prize :)
Name: Aiza Bautista
Twitter: aysabau
Givaway#s: 1,4,6,9,12
I really love this blog!!! Aside from enjoying Camille’s blog posts and photos she really makes her followers to be getting excited and more excited in what’s new to her blog site. Yay! I really getting addicted reading blogs much more with surprising giveaways. Haha! God bless and more and more power for this blog ate Camille! :D
Name: Vanessa Jane E. Castillo
Twitter: @cassie_vjc
I preffer all of it. Haha.. Giveaway #11, #12 and the grandprize :D
I’m not sure if I already submitted a comment so I’m sorry if I commented twice. :)
Name: Geela Garcia
Twitter: @geelagarcia
Giveaway #11 and #12
Name: Erika Iwakawa
Twitter Name: @etyiwakawa
I wanna win giveaways # 11, 12, & the Grand Prize!
Name: Coleen Korina Q. Estoque
Twitter: coleens2k
Prizes: Giveaway #12, Grand Prize
Jen Cruz
ilovejenna02 – twitter
Preferred giveaway – 12 or the grand prize :)
Name: Joanne Zemmyo
Twitter: hikarihajimari
preferred prize: Grand Prize
Name: Jeka dela Rosa
Twitter: @ohmyjeka
Preferred giveaway number: #12 & Grand Prize
Name: Angelika Aquino
Twitter name: @angelika2696
Preferred giveaway: # 11 and 12
Name: Zoe Tan
Twitter name: @intoxicidepink
Preferred Giveaway Number Prizes: #11, #12 and Grand Prize!!!
twitter: @Misskatryn
preferred giveaway: #11 and 12 but im hoping also for a grand prize for my mom. :)
Name: Valerie Fay Remorosa
twitter name:val_remorosa
prizes: 11, 12, and grand prize. :))
name: Paola Elaine B. Lee
twitter name: PaolaElaine :) / @payelaine
preferred prizes: 11, 12, grand prize :)
Maria Cristina Acedo
Numbers 11, 12 and Grand prize <3
name: Jessamer Abing
Twitter name: †@jexxaaaaaa
#12 and Grand prize!!! :)))
Twitter name: milkysantiago
prizes: 11 & grand prize
Twitter acct: @missbeeel
Preferred prizes: Giveaway #11, #12 and also the Grand Prize :)
Followed you on Bloglovin’
name: Karen Claire Grafia
Twitter name: @kaigrafia
preferred giveaway number prize/s: 11, 12 and grand prize!
Name: Kathrine Tan
Twitter: @katrintan
Giveaway number: 11, 12 and the grand prize! :))
Name: Patricia Tan
Twitter: @PattyTan27
number 11 or 12 or the Grand Prizeeee :D
Name: Rayne A. Flor
Twitter: @rainebums
preferred prizes: 11, 12 & grand prize :)
thanks camille! :D
Name: Ruby Valerie Tagoon
Twitter:@ rubyvalerie
Preferred giveaway: #11, #12 and grand prize
Name: Mica Ella P. de Jesus
FB: [email protected]
Twitter: @micaloveirish
Preferred Giveaway: Giveaway#12 and grand prize
Christianne Narisma Patay
#12 and Grand Prize
Name: Carolyn Ong
Twitter Name: @OngCarolyn
Preferred Giveaway: Grand Prize
Name: Denise Recomono
Twitter: @recomonsters
Preferred Prize: 11 or 12
Name: Mary Ann Isidro
Twitter name: lian06is
Preferred prizes: give away #11 &. #12
Name:Rigel Ciubal
Twitter:@13isforever Giveaway #12 and Grandprize
Name: Ericka Juanson
Twitter Name: erickajuanson
giveaway #11, 12 and the grand prize
name: Svetlani Santiago
Twitter name: svetlanisophy
preferred giveaway number prize/s.: Giveaway 12 or the Gran prize! :)
Michelle Hung
11, 12 :)
Name: Maria Pauline Evangelista
Twitter: popoyen
Preferred giveaway: #11, #12, and grand prize
Name: Liz Distor
Twitter: @lizdistor
Preferred giveaway number: ANY ;)
Name: Tara Pelayo
Twitter Name: @taranoia
Preferred: 12 and grand prize
Jewel Ann N. Garcia
Preferred Prizes: 12 and Grand Prize
Name: Chrizzy Zacarias
Twitter: @chrizzyforyou
Preferred giveaways: 12 and grand prize! :)))
Name: Arra Abella
Twitter: @arraabella
Preferred Giveaway: #11, #12, GRAND PRIZE
Dana Rosella Tolentino
Twitter: @little_duchess
Would love either 11 or 12 :> Thank youu~ <3
[email protected]
anything :) pleasee
Name: Pia Ylisa Alday
Twitter: itspiapie
Preferred giveaway: #12! =D
Name: Marilou Olaso
twitter: @iem_ashley
preferred giveaway #11
Whoaa! Any of these goodies would be great! =)
Free accommodations to Thailand would be puurrfect. Plannin’ to go with my hubby this Oct. for our 2nd anniversary. Hopefully lady luck is smiling down on me. =)
Name: Teohara S.Yorong
Twitter: chosarsaba
Name : Inès Sandjong
twitter: @nessylou18
giveaway #12
thanks Camille Xoxo
name: Lilli Abatayo
twitter: @LilliAbatayo
prefered prizes: #11 and 12 :)
Twitter: @tinloz
Preferred prize: Definitely the grand prize!
Name: Silvia Dessì
Twitter: @Palmips
Grand prize, #12 and then #11 :) Grand prize is so cool!
Happy 1st blog anniversary and happy birthday!
Preferred Give Away:#11 and #12
Twitter: @kerukeru28
ahhh they’re all so amazing :0
I think I would..prefer 12, or grand prize, .. or 11 actually o_O
Christin Marian Rocillo
I want all!!
name: Monika
Twitter: @peniamm (tweet:!/Peniamm/status/192336066445967361)
#12 :)
thank you
My name is Amanda Davis
My twitter is @primandpropah
I would love 11 or 12!
im Sydney Guerrero
i want 11 or 12
Name: Emma Aleli Alonday
Twitter: @Lili09D
Preferred giveaways: 11 and 12! :)
Mara Medalle
11, 12, Grand Prize
Weronika Szufranowicz- name
Preferred giveaway number: #12 and #11
name: Crystal L.
twitter: @crystalle4
prefer grand prize :)
Name: maria alyssa martinez
Twitter: @ItsMariaAlyssa
I like the giveaway #12 and the grand prize of course! :D BTW I love the new lay out, much easier to navigate and there’s a banner too! <3
Name: Gail Te
Twitter name: zeerzoid
Preferred prices: giveaways 11 and grand prize!
Anna Alexis Palaspas
Prizes 11, 12 and GRAND Prize! :D
Name : Michelle Mutave
Twitter: @MichelleMutave
I like the new facelift on your blog and the many inspirartion to fashion.
I kindly would like numner 11 and 12.
Thanx Camille :)
Name: Marie Margaret Marquez
twitter: @garrieflysohigh
preffered prizes: 12 & Grand prize
thank you :)
Donna Joyce de Belen
Twitter: donnadebelen
Preffered giveaway no.: GRAND PRIZE :D
Name:alonica abad
Prizes: #11,#12 & Grand Prize
Thanks for this opportunity Ms.Camille Co! =D
Name: Monica Hiceta
twitter: @Moooniiicaaa13
Preferred prizes: # 12 and Grand Prize. :)
Name: Bea Lynor Tan Barros
Twitter name: bealynor
Preferred prices: giveaways 11, 12 or grand prize!:)
Name: Carvey Samonte
Twitter: carvey_sam
Preferred giveaway number: #11 #12
Name: Kamilah Chua
Twitter: Kamilah Chua / @kkyc
Giveaway: 11, 12
name: Milafe Maranon
twitter name: milafesays
preferred giveaways: 12 and grand prize :))
Name: Christian Raymarc Wigan
twitter: @SiIstanAko
i want all the prizes! :))
Marie Lyn Vina Yabut
Twitter: @vinayabut
12 and grand prize
Name: Ginger Manansala
Twitter: GingeManansala
Preferred Giveaway: #12 and the Grand Prize <3
Name: Valerie Claise Fermo
Twitter: valclaise
11,12, grandprize
Name: Lai Joey
Twitter name: @JoeyyLai
Preferred giveaways no.: #12
Name: Gidjette Arguelles
Twitter: hellogidjette
Preferred Prizes: 11 and 12 :)
name: Shashee Cosca
twitter: shasheecosca
preferred prizes: # 12 or the rand prize!hehe<3
Name: Maria Eleazar
Preferred giveaway no: 12 and grandprize
Hey Camille :)) I’m a regular reader of your blog… you never fail to amaze and inspire me with your style!
Name: Gizzelle Peregrin
Twitter: @owmygesh
Preferred givaway: Number 12
Regina Grace B. Mateo
giveaway # 11, 12 & grand prize
Name: Giacca Tugob
Twitter: Gia Tugob (giaccalee)
Preferred prize/s: #12 and the grand prize of course! :)
Congrats on everything Camille! :) Happy birthday month to you!
Name: Ricka Puspita Atmadja
Twitter: @rickaicka
Preferred giveaway number: #12 and Grand Prize ♥
Name: Nina Morfe
Twitter: @akasupernini
Prizes# 11, 12 and the grand prize
Name: Amy Ho
Twitter: @amenatics
Fb: Amyhwm
Preferred prize : #12 and Grand prize.
Thanks Camille!
Name: Danie Ballais
Twitter: @tvxqilove
Preferred giveaway: #12 and grand prize
Name: Natalie
Twitter: @limbiizkit
Preferred prizes: 12, Grand Prize
Love the new blog layout :)
Jamie Dy
i would like 12 and grand prize, but if only one then #12 please! :)
hope i win!
Name: Amy Ho
Twitter: @amenatics
Fb: Amyhwm
Thanks camille!
Name: Amy Ho
Twitter: @amenatics
FB: Amyhwm
Preferred prize: #12 and Grand Prize.
Thanks Camille!
Name: Chelsea Paterno
Twitter name: @chelsea_paterno
Giveaway #11 :)
Gemma Andrea Javier
twitter: gemmajavier
preferred: #12, grand prize
Name: Rochelle Alejandria
Twitter: chelalejandria
#11, #12
Marie Danicia Castro
Name: Sheila Lu
Twitter Name: @MrsLovettesPies
Preferred Prizes: 11, 12 and Grand Prize
twitter: maggiepandemic
#11 and grand prize
Mika Barrios
Preferred giveaway: Grand prize and #12
Leave a comment below with your name, Twitter name and preferred giveaway number prize/s.
joining ♥♥♥
twitter: @sombrito
prizes: 11,12,13 :)
name: Ernestine Ricardo
twitter: @iamtinricardo
preferred : #11, Grand Prize
Janine Avenido
#11, #12 & Grand Prize!
Name: Hananiah T. Sollesta
Twitter: @htsollesta
Preferred giveaway number: #12, grandprize and #11
Name: Pauline Vernice Garcia
Twitter name: @pvvg
Preferred prices: giveaways 10,11, 12 and grand prize!
Name: Ernestine M. Ricardo
Twitter: @iamtinricardo
preferred: giveaway 11, 12 and GRAND PRIZE:D
Carlislei Aurea
– Grand prize :)
Kaye Ann Enriquez
Preferred giveaway number: #12 and Grand Prize
Twitter: @kayeaenriquez
Name: Meryll Faith Ablong
Twitter: @meryllfaith_08
Preferred Giveaway: #11 #12 #GRAND PRIZE
Name: Chedimae Escala Sabueto
Twitter Name: @chidimuy
Preferred Prizes: #12 & Grand Prize! =)
Therese Chua
Giveaway #12 and Grand Prize :)
Name: Derya Kırsever
Twitter: @drykrsvr
Preferred giveaway number: #11 and #12
Thanks, Camille..:)
Joerey Rose Antipino
#11 and Grand Prize :)
Thanks for throwing this huge giveaway Camille!! <3
Name : Valencia
Twitter : cuppycakecia
Preffered : #12 and Grand Prize!!
name: Kathleen Cedeno
twitter: @kaakaaT
i want to win the GRAND PRIZE for my mom… its her birthday on April 24th. *fingers crossed*
preferred giveaway: #11, #12, and Grand Prize
preferred giveaway: #11, #12, and Grand Prize
Name: Fenella Samano
Twitter Name: fenellasamano
Preffered Giveaway: #12 and Grand Prize
Valerie Natalie Itom
#11, 12 and the Grand Prize :)
Twitter: chrstnetweets
Giveaway: I love the granprize! c:)
great giveaway!
NAME: Samantha Stroud
TWITTER: @_samzyy
EMAIL: [email protected]
Twitter: @jomatichio
Preferred prizes: 11, 12, and grand prize
Name: Pia San Felipe
Twitter: piattoes
Preferred prize numbers: #11 and the grand prize
Name: Joerey Rose Antipino
Twitter: @callmerosey
Prize 11 and Grand Prize
Frances Carolyn Tan
Giveaway #11 and 12
Fritzie Castro Yabut
#11, #12, and grand prize!
great giveaway!
Name: Samantha Stroud
Twitter name: @_samzyy
Preferred giveaway: #11, #12 & Grand Prize
Angela Beatriz S. de la Vega
#11, #12 and grandprize :)
Name: Francin Cruz
Twitter: francincruz
preferrred prize:12 or grandprize
Name: Mae Viñas
twitter: MaeVinas
Giveaway no: 12
Name: Katherine M. Fernandez
Twitter: @kathfernandez
Preferred Giveaway: #1 and #2
Thank you again, Camile! Heaps of Love!♥♥
#11 and #12
Name: Therese Ramos
Preferred prices: giveaways 11, 12 and grand prize!
Veronica L. Grospe
Twitter name: Veronica Grospe
Giveaway #11
Name: Charmaine Manlangit
twitter: @secretcharmm
Prizes: #11, #12 or Grand Prize
hoping to win this giveaways..
name: Ann kimberly manalili
twitter: kimberlyMD
preffered: #11, #12 or the grand prize
Marie Coleen Mabitad
Twitter: coleenspeaks
#12 :)
name: Margarida Cruz
twitter: @MargaridaCruz5
Karla Marie Cardones
# 12 and Grand Prize
name: Trixia Mae Cruz
twitter: @trixxuhh
preferred giveaway: #11, #12 and grandprize :)
really want Giveaway #11, but still hoping for Grand Prize
name: krisler piodos
twitter: KPiodos
preferred prize : any of #12, 11, and grand prize :)
Name: Jessica Hazel Brito
Twitter: @jesshazelbrito
Preferred giveaway: 11 and 12 :)
Name: Rochelle S. Ostonal
twitter: @superOche09
#12 and Grand Prize
Name: Al Franz Monasterial
Twitter: @alfranzM
Giveaways: #5 and Grandprize
Name: Francin Cruz
Twitter name: francincruz
Preferred prices: giveaways 12 and grand prize!
Name: Meryl Estares
Twittername: meryl13
Preferred Giveaway Prize number: #12
Daphne Benosa
Giveaway #11 or Grand Prize :)
Name: Thalia Rulla
Twitter: @ayapotchie
Preferred giveaway number: 11 & 12 :)
Name:noemi ignacio
Twitter: noemiignacio
Preferred giveaway number: #12, GRAND PRIZE
Daphne Siy
Twitter name: daphnesiy
11, 12, grand prize
Name: Lea Aranjuez
Twitter Name: LeaAranjuez
Preferred giveaway number: 11, 12
name: Ma. Lillibeth Ruiz
twitter: mmikaeR
preffered giveaway number prizes: #11, #12 and the grand prize!
Name: Iny Montallana
Twitter Name: @inymontallana
Prefered Prizes: #11, #12 and the Grand Prize :D
Essa Polanco
#11 #12 Grand Prize
Name: Ivy Torres
Twitter: [email protected]
Name: Daryl Angela Ygnacio
Twitter name: darylangela
Preferred prices: 11 and 12
Name: Thea Castillo
Twitter: @limechartreuse
Preferred prize/s: #12 and grand prize, of course! :)
Name: Erika Mae B. Hapitan
Twitter: ereekamii
Preferred giveaway: #11, #12 and the grand prize
Name: Ledie Xandra Jumuad
Twitter: superxxan
Giveaways: 11, 12 & Grand Price
Name: Vilde
Twitter: @vforvilde
I prefer giveaway #12 and grand prize!
Mia Sara Villanueva
give away #11
Name: Kisty Mea
Twitter: @Kisty
Preferred giveaway number: #12
I like all of them! Also, your new theme is so pretty. I love it!
Jo-anafelle Quingua
#11 and #12!
Paola Kathrina Marpuri
Twitter: @paolamarpuri
Giveaway #11 or #12
Name: Jaz Lozano
Twitter: jazthewayyouare
preferrred prize:11 or 12
Name: Roxanne Fajardo
Twitter: @missavondale
Giveaway #11, #12 and the Grand Prize! :)
NAME: Aleriz Chang
TWITTER: alerizchang
GIVEAWAY: #11, #12, Grand prize
Name: Joyce Ann G. Castisimo
Twitter: aztannah
Giveaway 11, 12:), Grand Priiize =D =D
twitter: @emarteja
giveaway #11 & 12 :))
twittername: @risingstarscats
preffered prize 11,12 or grand prize =)
Name: Rachelle Joy Gamboa
Twitter: @joygamboa
Preferred giveaway: #11 #12 and the Grand prize
*fingers crossed*
twittername: @risingstarscats
preffered prize 11,12 or grand prize =)
name: kathleen candis yu
twitter name:@kathleencandisy
Preferred prices: giveaways 11, 12 and grand prize!
Yna Trajano
#12 and grand prize!!
Wally Ann Yumul
Twitter ID: @yumulwally
Preferred Prizes: #11 and GRAND PRIZE!!!
Thanks for these opportunities :-D
Name: Diana Lung
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @RockandRoses20
FB: Dianne Long
I want to win giveaway numbers #11, #12 and the Grand Prize
Name: Mariel Mangubat
twitter: @ayenahmariel
i want all:)haha
but the grand prize was awesome.
chey jose
#12 and grand prize :)
Name: Trisha Janine Caranto
Twitter name: miiss_triish
Preferred prices: giveaways 11, 12 and grand prize! ♥
Name: Meinell Victoria V. Dela Criz
twitter: minnymein
Preferred prized: #11 and #12
Name: Kathlynn Gan
Twitter: @katchoygan
Numbers 11 and 12! :)
Name: Cillalois Marie Famero
Twitter: @Blairful
Preferred prizes: #11, #12 and GrandPrize
Name: Rachel Canales
Twitter: @rachelchi_beybe
Preferred giveaway number: #12
Rovi-an D. Causing
twitter: @viacausing
Preferred giveaway number: # 11, # 12
Name: Sheilou Zaragoza
Twitter: @sheilouzaragoza
Preferred giveaway number: #11 and #12
Chax Lukban
12 and grand prize! :)
Sheilou Zaragoza
Twitter: @sheilouzaragoza
#11 and #12
Twitter: @sheilouzaragoza
#11 and #12 <3
#11 and #12
Name: Veronica Perote
Twitter: MVPerote
Giveways #11, #12 and Grand Prize :)
Name: Isobelle
Twitter: xtinisobelle
Preferred giveaway #11 and #13
Irina Gorceac
twitter: GorceacIrina
giveaway #11
NAME: Rose Samson
Twitter: @sammiisamson
Preferred Number of Giveaway: 11, 12 or Grand Prize! ;)
Name: Lyniel Ava Sy
Giveaway # 12 and The Grand Prize
Twitter: @coleentalla
Preferred Giveaway Number: 11 and 12 :)
Nadine Co
#11 and 12 please :)
Name: Aljean Basuel
twitter: @aaaljean
Preferred Giveaway: #11 #12 and grand prize
Name: leah mae de vera
Twitter: @imacutestranger
preferred giveaway prize: giveaway #11, #12 or grandprize
name: Jeffrey John Imutan
twitter: iamjimutan
11, 12 and Grand prize!/iamjimutan/status/192209336146202624
Gellie Balbuena
[email protected]
Of course I wanna win the Grand Prize!!! hahaha. and # 12 too :)
oopppsss… Twitter ID is @GellieBalbuena
Name: Joharra Nicole C. Agdigos
Twitter: @harranicks
Preferred giveaway number: #11, #12,Grand Prize
#12 and grand prize
Shalimar Guerlain Diago
Giveaway #11 #12 Grand Prize
Trisha Sto. Domingo
Twitter Name: @triiiiisha
Giveaway: #11 and #12
Mary Grace dumdum
Twitter: itsmeBettinaa
Numbers 11, 12 and the grand prize!
Mary Grace Dumdum
Twitter name: itsmeBettinaa
Numbers 1,2 and 3!!!
Name: Myna Katrina Calangi
Twitter: @ktrnacal
Preferred giveaway number: No. 11 and Grandprize
Name: Farrah Garcia
twitter: @farrahgarcia
Preferred giveaway: 11, 12, grand prize!!! :)
email [email protected]
twitter @lisaandherworld
I prefer 11 and 12! I hope I can win :)
Name: Amae Guerrero (Airamae Algentera Guerrero)
Twitter: @amaeguerrero
Preferred prizes: #11 and 12
Name: Princess Jessiee
Twitter: @LoveSiee
Preferred giveaway number: #11 and #12
Jill Roque
I want #12 & Grand Prize :)
Name: Hannah Lee
Twitter: @leesuyen
Preffered giveaway: anything! 11, 12, or grand prize :)
Name: Hannah Lee
Twitter: @leesuyen
Preffered giveaway: Anything! 11, 12, or grand prize.
Chezka Vidal
Twitter name: Faithhopechezka
Preferred prize: Giveaway #11
Allyssa Clutario
Twitter: allyssaclute
Giveaway #11, 12 & GRAND PRIZE!!! :D
Name: Hannah Ramos
Twitter: HanaJRamos
Preferred Giveaway Prizes: Giveaway #12 and Grand Prize
Name: Cai Entereso
Twitter name: caidiva
Preferred prices: giveaways 11 ormgrand prize!
Andrea Comia
twitter: @andicomia
Preferred giveaway prizes: #12 and grand prize! :D
Name: Mary Beatrice Tuason
Twitter: @BeatriceTuason
I really, really, REALLY want to win #12 and the Grand Prize!
wish me luck!
Name: Maria Isabella Militante
Twitter: bookequalslove
Preferred Prize: #11, #12
Name: Patricia April Hisugan
Twitter: @kikaypatchicha
Preferred Prize: # 12 or GRAND PRIZE <3
Abigail Ann Gonzales
Twitter: abbygonzales22
Preferred: giveaway #12 or the GRAND PRIZE
Name: Jessiemer Abing
twitter: @JessieDCa
Preferred giveaway number: #12 and grand prize
name : Claire Baldueza
twitter : @ClaireBaldueza
giveaway# 11 and 12 :)
Name: Yumi C. Ida
twitter: yumiixoxo
i want to win giveaway #11. #12 and the grand prize
stay gorgeous camiile. :*
Edrelyn Santos
Twitter: edrelyns
11, 12 or grand prize :)
preferred prize: any of the three! 11, 12 and the grand prize! :D
Marnelli Jauregui
twitter: @MarnelliJ
giveaway #11 and #12 please :)
Janine Alicia Lucero
Preferred prizes: #11 and #12
Name: Ia Erika Caira Tabotabo
Twitter: @iaerikacaira
GIVEAWAY #12!!! :)
Ikaw na talaga Camiiiiiiiiiille! :)
Eden Cagas
#11, 12 and grand prize
Name: Lea Bernardino
Twitter: leabernardino
Giveaway #11, #12, grand prize ♥♥
Name: Nia Sugianto So
Twitter: @Nia_So
preferred giveaway number prizes: #11 and #12
Thanks a bunch!
Maryss Ong
Twitter: maryssonggoy
11, 12 and grand prize
name: Katarina Bernatovic
e-mail: [email protected]
twitter: @k_nora5453
Giveaway #12 !
I love #12 and grand prize of ItsCamilleCoGiveaways!!!
Twitter: abyvalentos
twitter: syiobe (!/syiobe)
Preferred: LAHAT:) #11, #12 and the Grand Prize
Name : Catherine Cueto
Twitter: @catherinecueto
Preffered : 11,12 and GRAND PRIZE! Hihihih.♥
GIVE AWAY #11 or 12
name: sienny
email: [email protected]
i would like the #12 givaway
thank you
Joined! :)
Name: Marie Lyzette Cuenca
Twitter name: @zeticuenca
Preferred prizes: #11, #12, and grand prize!
Name: Lexi Tiutan
Twitter username: fLEXIngbiceps
Prizes: 11, 12, Grand prize
Name: Bianca Lorraine Sing
Twitter: @singbianca
Giveaway Number: 12 and 13
Name: Janine Armie F. Palomo
Twitter name: janinearmie
Preferred prices: giveaways 11, 12 and grand prize!
Name : Lorena Paulyn F. Agbisit
Twitter : @MsPoleenFermin
#11 or #12
I love you ate Camille !! <3
Name: Kris Angela S. Datiles
Twitter Name: krisrafkhalil
Preferred Prize/s:
#11, #12 and Grand Prize
Name: Jhunalyn Modesto
Twitter Name: iamwallaby
Prize: Giveaway 11 and 12 and Grandprize
twitter: @ChristinaFoka
Preferred giveaway number: #12
Name: Kathleen G. Mendoza
Twitter: @itskathmendoza
Preferred giveaway prize number: #11 & #12 :)
Name : Brenda Leong
twitter: brenda_leong
preferred giveaway number 12! <3
Daphne Manaog
#1, #2 and the GRAND PRIZE!!!
what a giveaway!!
preferred giveaway #11 and #12
twitter: @vikavinessa
Rowena Marie Tolin
#11, #12 and GRAND PRICE ;)) ♥
Name: Aieleen Denise Tecson
Twitter: aieleentecson
# 12
Name: Roszannee Irish Donasco
Twitter name: @LoveIrishe
Preferred giveaway: #11,12, and the Grand Prize :))
Name: Frances Diomano
Twitter name: frncskadiomano
Preferred prices: giveaways 11, 12 and grand prize!
Twitter: @mariatheresaso
# 12 amd Grand Prize! :)
Name: Pearl Aton
Twitter: @lestarfreak
I want to win giveaway numbers #11, #12 and the Grand Prize :D
Thank you again for this opportunity, Ms. Camille :) Continue to be awesome \m/
Ella Gener
#11 and #12
Name: Julie Irish S. Apacible
Twitter: @ayisssh
I wanna win Giveaway #12 and the Grand Prize :)
Nice blog, btw :D
Name: Charlene Elio
Twitter: @charleneelio
#12, Grand Prize
Leave a comment below with your name, Twitter name and preferred giveaway number prize/s
Liza Dinopol
twitter: cucuface
giveaway #11 and grand prize
Name: Gabrielle Quek
Twitter: @resistanze
Preferred Giveaway: #12 and Grand Prize!
Name: Bettina Malveda
Twitter: @bettinamalveda
Giveaway# 12 and Grand Prize
Name: Kara Amanda C. Macadangdang
Twitter name: kararrific
Preferred giveaway number: 11, 12 and the Grand Prize! :)
name: bernice gayle tanlo
twitter name: bernicegayle
preferred price, #11 #12 and the grand prize!! :) *giddy*
Name: sharee mendoza
Twitter Name: @shareemendoza
Preferred: 12 and grand prize
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway
angel charm
followed on
Facebook jenna sara
Twitter @angelcharm1
i prefer to win Giveaway #12
Twitter : ima_lil_teacup
the Grand prize please =)
L♥ve your new blog by the way! Inspired more! ✿◕‿◕✿
Twitter: @maureenlacuesta
FB: Maureen Anthea Lacuesta
#11, #12, Grand Prize!
Twitter: @justineurbano
Preferred Giveaway: 11!
Edilyth Maribojoc
Twitter: @DilMari2
Preferred: Giveaway #12 and Grand Prize
Name: Penny Leong
Twitter: spizyness
Giveaway: 11, 12 and grand prize
Erika Enriquez
twitter: @xshestaysclassy
preferred giveaway #11, #12
Name: Lindi Slabbert
Twitter: @s_LindiS
Preferred giveaway number: #12
Thank you for the consideration!! x
Patty Balquiedra
Twitter: PattyB00
Any of the 3 prizes :)
Name: Vrea Enriquez
twitter: @vreareyenriquez
preferred giveaway number: #12 and Grand Prize
Name: Isabel Tan
Twitter: @aeyiu
#12 or grand prize
name:Phylicia Pineda
Twitter name @phyaboo
preferred giveaway number prize/s : Grand Prize!, #12
camille rentoy
preferred : 11, 12 and grand prize :) i adore all of them !
Name: Isabel Tan
Twitter: @aeyiu
#12 and Grand prize
Name: Carole Kaye Malenab
Twitter: @carolekaye
Preferred giveaway #: #11, #12, Grand Prize
Name: Hanna Dee Yoon
Twitter: @itsHannaYoon
Preferred Prizes: #12 and Grandprize! ;>
Thank you Ms. Camille for these awesome big giveaways!
I hope I’ll win! ;>
Name: Melissa
Twitter: @melissa_dy
I prefer no 11 and 12 :D
Thank you :)
Name: AC Macatangay
Twitter: @acMzeta
Preferred giveaway: any of the prizes will do! :)
Krizia Lorraine D. Acevedo
Preferred: 12 and the Grand Prize! :)
Name: Mariz Echavez
Twitter name: rizhush
Everythin :D Happy birthday!
Name : Kristine Angeline Villaflor
twitter name : @kristineaov14
Preferred Prize #11 or the Grand Prize
Name: Billet Sangalang
Twitter Name: billetski
Preferred prize: GRAND PRIZE!!!!
hahahaha! i hope i win!!! :))
Name: Kathlyn Gutierrez
Twitter: @itsmekathyg
Preferred prize: Giveaway #12 or GRAND PRIZE! :)
Name: Frances Ong
Twitter Name: fffrancess
Preferred giveaways: 11 and 12 :)
Name : Kristine Angeline Villaflor
Twitter : @kristineaov14
Preferred Prize : #12 and the Grand Prize
Name: Paulina Paras
Twitter Username: pauliiinaaa
Giveaway Numbers: 11, 12, Grand Prize
Fate Natividad
12 & Grand Prize
Name: Nadine Macandog
Twitter: @nadinemacandog
Preferred prize: Grand prize!!!
Name: Nicole Luzuriaga
Twitter: @nicluzuriaga
Preferred giveaway: #12 :)
Hi Camille! My Twitter is on private. Do I have to change it to public for this? By the way, love your new blog! Totally worth the wait :)
No need :)
name: Alleyson Laurice R. Rabino
twitter name: @alleysonlaurice
preferred giveaway number prizes: #11 #12 and grand prize
Jem Vergel de Dios
Twitter: JemVdd
#12 and Grand Prize!:)
Name: Paulene Lim
Twitter: paushi
Giveaway: #12, Grand prize
Name: Briana Camille Bondoc
Twitter: caamzy
prize: 12 and grand prize! :)
Name: Tan Yeen Yi
Twitter Name: verenetan
Preferred Gift: Grand Prize or #12
I type a wrong twitter name on the previous one ><
*crossing fingers* :)
Preferred giveaway number : #11, #12 and the Grand Prize :D
Name: Anjelie Dawn mendoza
Twitter handle: @csanders12
I’d really like to win the Grand prize and number 12!
name: franchesca yna rita ysabell g. ramos
twitter name: @yna_ramos04
giveaway # 11 / 12 / GRAND PRIZE! :)
Name: Nadine Agoncillo
Twitter: nadineagncl
Preferred giveaway number: #11 or #12
Name: Bai Ashrafia Aymee A. Biruar
Twitter username: The_TOIE_Story
Preferred prize: The Grand Prize! :)
Sorry Camille! I’ve put the wrong details. Kindly disregard the other one. Here are the correct details:
TWITTER: @golebiral
Preferred Giveaway: #11, #12 & Grand prize
Name: Tan Yeen Yi
Twitter Name: Verene Tan Yeen Yi
Preferred Gift: Grand Prize or #12
Janice Pinto
#11, #12, Grand Prize =)
Name: Geela Garcia
Twitter: @geelagarcia
Giveaway #11, #12
Name: Azmarrah Biruar
Twitter: @azmarrahb
Preffered giveaway: GRAND PRIZE
Name: Katherine Michelle Co
Twitter Name: KadieCo
Prize: Grand Prize!:)
Name: Patricia Gonzalo
Twitter: HOTteaPAT
Preferred Giveaway Numbers: 11, 12, grand prize!
Caroline Susanto
Twitter : @CarolineSiao
Preffered : #12 and grand prize! :D
Thanks for the awesome giveaway ^^
Name: jennifer villanueva
Twitter: jennifrrrrrrrrr
#11#12 and Grand prize
name: Mary Jane Gumabay
twitter: @blackpetalsMJ
preferred giveaway number: #12 and grand price
Valentine A. Gonzaga
twitter: @ValleeGonzaga
giveaway prize #12
Name: Patricia Marie de Leon
Twitter Name: @ish_ish723
Preferred Giveaway number: 11, 12
Name: Bonna Crisostomo
Twitter Name: @bonnacrisostomo
11, 12 & Grand Prize :)
@rockmydeejay (maan aquino)
#11, #12, Grand Prize
Name: Beia Policarpio
Twitter: BeiaPolicarpio
preferrred prize: 11, 12 and grand prize =)
Name: Belinda Santos
Twitter: @hxppyB
Preferred prize: Giveaway # 12
Twitter: kk_sher
Prize 11,12, grandprize.
Ps: I followed your bloglovin with another email, does it matters?
Twitter: @matetsy
Preferred Giveaway #12
Name: Darren Mae M. de Torres
Twitter: Darren Mae de Torres @darrendetorres_
Preferred giveaway prizes: #11, #12, grand prize
Name: Katherine Te
Twitter: @katkatkatkaaat
Giveaway number 11 & 12 :)
Name: Kim Yap
Twitter: @lontre
I want to win any of the prizes but of course, the grand prize is the best!! #12!!!!
Danielle Mari A. Quico (@danichuuable)
#11, and Grand Prize
Name: Yvette Marie Fernandez
Twitter username: @imyvettemarie
Preferred giveaway number prize: #11, #12
Ely Vien Asuncion
twitter name: @vienasuncion
# 11, 12 and the grandprize
name: Rowena Joy Cutangco
twitter: rycutangco
I want the GRAND PRIZE! :)
Name: Abigail Joy S. Perez
Twitter: @puffingclouds
Preferred giveaway: #11, 12 and Grand Prize :)
Name: Angelique Anne Alba (Gelianne Alba)
Twitter: @StatuesqueAngel
Preferred Prize: #12 ROMWE
elisa marie opena
give away # 11, 12 and grandprize
your name, Twitter name and preferred giveaway number prize/
NAME: Steffi Marilao
TWITTER: @steffimarilao
Giveaway: GRANDPRIZE :)))
Rowena Marie Samares
@tawengmd on twitter
#11 giveaway
Name: Mariam Yousuf
Twitter name: MariamYousuf23
Preferred giveaway: no. 12 romwe
Preferred the Grand Prize
Stephany La Guardia
Twitter: imstephany
Thank you for the great prizes to win!
Name: Kristine Villano
Twitter: @kweshiedoodles
Preferred prizes: 11, 12, Grand Prize!!! :D
Li Han Lim
Twitter: @Lim Li Han
Hope to win #12 !!!
Name: Jessieca Sy
Twitter: jessiecasy
Preferred Giveaway Number: The Grand Prize (Trip to Bangkok, Thailand) would be a great present to my parents! But honestly, either one of those three would be prefect! Thank you, Ms. Camille!
Name: Rue Rae Villegas
Twitter: @raeville
Preferred: Grand Prize
Name: Geneva Garcia
Twitter: @thegenevagarcia
Preferred giveaways: #s 11, 12 and the grand prize
name: Herlene Joy Galampanao
twitter: joyamig
11, 12
Christianne Enriquez
Preferred Price : #’s 11, 12 and the GRAND PRICE. :-) <3
Name: Patricia Hernandez
twitter: @tuhrishhh
preferred giveaway number: #12
Name: Grace Siy
Twitter: siygrace11
#11,#12 and Grand Prize
name: stephanie suarez chu
twitter name: @stephanieschu
prize: giveaway #11/ #12
Name: Jenny Chua
Twitter: @chuajenny
Preferred giveaway: #6, #11, #12.
have a nice day :)
Kristin Mendoza
12, Grand Prize! :)
Name: Hui Ann
twitter: @hoohuiann
preferred giveaway number: #12
Twitter: @ciaooobella
Giveaways: 11, 12 :)
I prefer anything and of course the grand prize! :)
jamie tan
twitter: mie_bubbly
Name: Angelie May M. Ballon
Twitter: angeliemayyy
Preferred giveaway: #12 & grand prize
Jen Dee
Grandprize <3
i would love to win the Grand Prize or any of #11 or #12. Thanks Ms. Camille
my twitter name: @maldita012
Name: Karmel Fatima Ticman
Twitter: @atomende
Giveaways #11 & #12
Giveaway #12 or Grand Prize!
Name: Trisha Duncan
Twitter: @trishaduncan
Preferred giveaway: #12 please :D
Name: Tina Abelita
Twitter: @winawobelituh
Preferred giveaway numbers: #11 and #12
Enrica Lagon
#12 or #11 :)
Kimberly Anne Capeding
Giveaway # 11, 12 and Grand Prize! :)
Name: Rianna Custodio
Twitter: RIANNAninjapwet
Giveaway #11 and #12
Name: Rianna Custodio
Twitter: RIANNAninjapwet
Name: Hosanna Angela C. Jarmin
Twitter: @hannaner
Preferred giveaway number/s: #11, #12, Grand Prize.
Name: Aljane
Twitter: @Porcelaindoll03 (that’s zero-three)^^
I want to win! I love fashion and travelling. #11,#12, and the grand prize! haha
Name: Pia Romilda T. Cayetano
Twitter: @Piaa77
Preferred giveaway number: #11,#12 and the grand Prize ( Either of the three, if what destiny will bring, then go! :D)
Name: Katrina Munoz
Twitter: @katmunozz
Preferred giveaway number: 12, grand prize
Name: Reina Cecilia Tee
Twitter: myreindrops
Prizes 11, 12, grand prize. <3
Hi Camille! Since my Twitter account @myreindrops is currently suspended, I used another account to follow again the sponsors.
Twitter: daintyhues
Thanks! :)
Name: Angelica Kristine
Twitter: @eyndyelika
Preferred Prize: GIveaways #4, #6, #9 and the Grand Prize!:))
THanks, Camille!:)
twitter username: BYEjes
I prefer #s: 3, 6, 9 , 11 or 12. :D
Name: Tanya Mallillin
Twitter: @tanyamallillin
Preferred: #11 and #12
Name: Pia Rodrigo
Twitter: @piuuuuhh
Preferred giveaway number: 11 and 12 :-)
Name:Rachel Anne C. Francisco
Twitter: @rainfrancisco
Preferred prize:Grand Prize :D
Name: Michelle Estrada
Twitter: @xmiiich
Grand prize, Giveaway #11 and #12
Name: Lovely Go
Twitter: @labliann
Preferred Prizes: 11 & Grand Prize! :)
Name: Chingkiat, Dianne Camille
Twitter: diannechingkiat
Preferred Prize : Giveaway 11 and 12 :)
Name: Arcee Grande
Twitter: @arceeeeeeeeeee
Preferred Giveaways: 11, GRAND PRIZE :)))
i would love to win the Grand Prize or The Romwe giveaways! Nice Blog Camille.. keep inspiring us!
Name: Moses Fetalvero
Twitter: mosesfetalvero
Preferred giveaway no: Grand Prize, #12
NAME: Jayr Gutierrez
twitter name: iamjrgutierrez
preferred prize: GRAND PRIZE
Name: Shannen Goco
Twitter Name: @ShannenGoco
Preferred prizes: #11 & #12
Twitter: @meglovestotweet
Giveaways: #12 and Grandprize
Twitter: @meglovestotweet
#12 and grand prize.
Name: Neilma Francia
Twitter: @neilmafrancia
Giveaway #s 11, 12 and Grand Prize
Name: Kezia Faith S. Rabaya
Twitter Account: @eia8
Preferred giveaway: Grand Prize
Name: Alyssa A. Daguro
Twitter: AlyssaDaguro
#11, #12 and Grand Prize :)
I want #12 or #11 *fingerscrossed til the 24th*
Elaine Jacinto
Name: Jennibeth G. Ubas
Twitter: mEjJeNnu
My preferred Giveaway numbers Ms.Camille Co are: #1,3,9,5,6,11,12
Name: Isabella Baquial
Twitter: @mixingmelodies
giveaway #12 please :)
Name : Elise Cai
Twitter username : elisecathlene
Preferred Giveaway #s: 11, 12, and maybe the grand prize.
Happy birthday in advance!!!
name: treshia jean tan
twitter name: @eeshiajean
Preferred giveaway: grand prize is <3
Name: Shamsa Bacugan
Twitter name: @5ham5a
Preferred Giveaway: # 11 and Grand Prize :)))
Name: Yeda Pauline DC. Palaypayon
Twitter Name: YedaPauline
Giveaway #11, #12 and #13
Name: Patrice Gallardo
I’d like to win #11 or #12 please!
Alyson Ting
Giveaway #11 and #12
Facebook: Hope Alimboyong
Twitter: @hopeealimboyong
Giveaway: 11, 12 and GRAND PRIZE!
Name: Eileen Siriban
Twitter: @eieesiriban
Preferred giveaway: 11 / 12 / grand prize
Name : Germaine Low Ee Ling
Twitter name :@germaine Low
preffered giveaway: GRAND PRIZE !!!!!
LOVE UR BLOG and view since years ago :)
Twitter: shequimosing
Preferred Giveaway: 12
Name: Ysabel Piela DC. Palaypayon
Twitter Name: HugsForDaniel
Giveaway: #11, #12 and #13
Name: Cindy Galotera
Twitter name: @cindehlala
Prize: #12 and Grand Pize
Name: Maria Rufina V. Nachor
Twitter: @imninaccent
Preferred Giveaways: #s 11, 12 and the Grand Prize..^_^
Name: Anna
Twitter: @taiko1426
Preferred giveaway: the Grand Prize =)
Charmaine Eunice Beros
Twitter: bchrmne
Preferred: #11 #12
Twitter: @eeunieq
#12 and Grand Prize
name: Raden Ayu
Twiter: imaginaryMI
Preferred : #12
Rhea Suzette Mocorro
11, 12 and the Grand Prize
Name: Alessandra Sabrina M. Pinili
Twitter Name: @RAYAbuwaya
Preferred Prizes: 11,12,Grand Prize
Hope I win!
Name: Jovelyn B. Mateo
twitter: @jovelyn831
Giveaway #4,5,6
Name: Vennetia Manlapaz
Twitter Name: HelloVennetia
Preferred Giveaway Number: #11 and #12
Amanda Paredes
#11, #12 and #Grand Prize :D
Danielle Mari A. Quico (@danichuuable)
#11, and Grand Prize
(Should my comment repeat, I apologize. The internet is choppy here right now. :( )
Sorry! its the GRAND PRIZE pala. Not Prize #3. Sorry!(:
Name: Daniel Kaity Mercado
Twitter: @danielk8y
Deniece Liza
name: Zyra Daoang
Twitter: @itsmezyramae
Preferred give-away: #12 and grandprize! :)
Happy Birthday to us!!!! ^__^
Kumiko Mae Yasuda
Kumiko Mae
Either prizes would be wonderful but omg to the TRIPpy prize! haha Of course im aiming for the grand one! Best of luck to everyone and i just love your blog (so much) so im so psyched to see your lovely new layout
Name: Danielle Mari A. Quico
Twitter: @danichuuable
Entries to: #11 and Grand Prize! *u*
Name: Flamae Faye Uong
Twitter: @flalalala
Giveaway: Grand prize
NAME: Maria Fe Estrella
TWITTER: marifela14
giveaways 11,12,13
Kryzel Saldua
twitter: kryzsaldua
Preferred giveaway: Grand Prize! :)
Name: Ma. Franchezca F. Dayrit
Twitter name: franzdayrit
Preferred Giveaway 11, 12 oe grand prize!
Name: Lia Carmela Y. Delfin
Twitter: meladelfin
Preferred prizes: #11,12, and the grand prize
Thank you so much for this opportunity! You are an inspiration. More power :D
Name: Yna Pamela DC. Palaypayon
Twitter Name: @YnaPamela
Giveaway #11 & #12 & #13
Name: Kamelle Reigh Etang
Twitter: @thisiskamrei
I would love to win 11, 12 and Grand Prize!
Name: Monique Florendo
Twitter name: munikflorendo
Preferred Giveaway #12
Name: Genereve Jireh D. Villafania
Twitter Name: @jhairaV
Preferred Give Away: #12
Name: Kimberly Bautista
Twitter: @kiannbautista
Preffered giveaway: # 12 or grandprize :)
Twitter name: Hanz L (@iamhanzlibato)
prize: 12, and grand prize
Twitter: isaiiabustan
#’s 11, 12 and the grand prize
Name: Germaine Marie Pariña
Twitter Name: @geeparina
Preferred Prize: #12 or Grand Prize
Name: Germaine Marie Pariña
Twitter Name: geeparina
Preferred Prize: #12 | Grand Prize
Name: Cathleen Joy Cuerdo
Twitter: @caaathleeeeen
Preferred giveaway number: #12, Grand Prize.
Name: Rialyn Marie T. dela cruz
Twitter: IyahTrinidad
Preferred giveaways: 11, 12 or GRANDPRIZE!! ^^
PLeassseeee.. <3
Thankyou Ms. CamilleCo.
Name: Diana Samson
Twitter Name: @heiress_10
I’d like to receive Giveaway #11 or 12
Darlene Anne Armada
11, 12, grand prize
Congratulations on your new blog!
Name: Gizel Honeylette Menor
Twitter: thegorgeousGZL!/thegorgeousGZL
Grand Prize. Please? <3
Name: Jade Amen
Twitter: superjadee_
Preferred: grand prize
name: katherine rose pablo
preferred prizes: #12 or grandprize!
Thank you! ^_^
Name: Shelly Crisostomo
Twitter name: shlykn
Giveaway #12 OR Grand Prize please! :)) More fashion blogs pleasee :DD
Name: Marry Suan
Preferred giveaway: #11 or GRAND PRIZE :)
Name: Farrah Jean R. Espina Twitter: farrahespina Preferred prize: #12 :D
hi camille! happy anniversary n happy birthday!
name: suzie yu
twitter name: suzie
preferred giveaway: # 11 or sm gc’s
Name: Mariel Arboleda
Twitter Name: @_wonderpants
Preferred Giveaway Number: #11, #12, and Grand Prize
Name: Natasha Pauline Go
Twitter: TaaashGo
Preferred Giveaway: #s 11, 12 and Grand Prize.
Name: Jocelyn Co
twitter: joy_co
preferred giveaways: 11, 12, grand prize
Name: Gemnikka Alcantara
Twitter: icraveforbliss
Preferred giveaway: #12
Name: Ulla Sy
Twitter: ullasy
Preferred Giveaway: 11, 12, grandprize:)
Name: Genevieve Anne E. Diocos
Twittername: genbibanne
Preffered giveaway no. 12
Name: Bianca Ke
Twitter: HEYA_itsbianca
Preferred giveaway: #12 or grand prize
Name:Tristan John D. de la Cruz
Twitter Name: THE3stan
Name : J-Mea Catrina Callet
Twitter Username : @jmeac
Giveaway Prize # 11, #12 & Grand Price
Name: Jeline Catacutan
Twitter name: jelinecatacutan
Giveaway #11 and 12
Shaine Madrigal
#11, 12, Grand Prize
Name: Gabrielle Ann Reyes
Twitter: @reyesgabrielle
Preferred giveaway: #12 / Grand Prize
Name: Shaine Madrigal
Twitter: @shainemadrigal
Preferred Giveaway: #11, #12, Grand Prize
FB Name: Bebegems Tadefa
Twitter: @iheartGEM
preferred giveaway: #12 and #12
I join this contest for a surprise bday gift for my lady, she surely loved to own one.
Arabelle Morcen
Bangkok, Thailand trip!
name:freidalyn matibag
any of the 3prizes…a treat for my bday 2days from nowî–
Rachel Chan
Name: Darleen Atienza
Twitter: darleenatienza
Preffered giveaways: 11, 12 and Grand Prize
Name: Anna Kattrina A. Merro
Twitter: @nikkamerro
Preferred prize: #11 and #12
Name: Ivana Arcillas
Twitter: arcillasivana
Preferred Giveaways: Giveaway #s 11, 12, and the Grand Prize
Geraldyne R Vinas
Twitter: @GeryVinas
FB profile link:
Tweet link:!/GeryVinas/status/192037590327758849
Preferred giveaway prize: #11 #12 & The Grand Prize! pls ;-)
Name: Christine Pigtain
Twitter: @AllieFerown
Preferred giveaway #12 & Grandprize
Name: Angelica Monique Mamalio
Twitter: @ickangmamalio
Preferred prize: Grand prize, giveaway numbers 11 & 12
Name: Stefani Marie
Twitter: stefpanyang
Preferred Giveaway prize: Grand Prize
Name: Amy Feliciano
Twitter : @Itseyymeh
Preferred: Grand prize, 12, 11
Name: Lei Angelique Cruz
Twitter: lei_angelique
Preferred giveaway numbers: 11, 12 and the Grand Prize! :)
Diana Catampongan
giveaway #11 or 12 :)
Joining again!
Name: Tina Elaine Resuello
Twitter name: tinaelainer
Giveaway number: #12 or the Grand Prize :))
Camille Julia S. Baluyut
twitter: coolcamz18
I prefer Giveaway #12 and the Grand Prize!
Alyssa Gabriela L. Quina
Giveaway #11/Giveaway #12
Name: Kathreen Mae Cascabel
Twitter: @mimimalik1D
Giveaway #12
Name : Habiba Halilovic
Twitter : @habibahalilovic
Preferred giveaway number : #12
Glenda B. Mantaring
11, 12 & grandprize!
Name: Jaynie
Twitter: jaaaynieee
Prizes: I would love to win any of the three prizes above! Thank you so much!
Twitter : @joycemalazarte
Preferred giveaway number: #11 and 12 and grand prize :)
name: Karishma Rai
Twitter: @samyang14
Name: Cecily June De Jesus
Twitter: @c1ndy13!/c1ndy13
Preferred Giveaway: #11 or #12
Name: eirini tsirvouli
Twitter: @rinarinaki_7/eirini tsirvouli
Prize #11,#12
Name: Cecily June De Jesus
Twitter Name: @c1ndy13!/c1ndy13
Preferred Giveaway: #11 or #12
Name: Lara Mae Delos Santos
Twitter: @laramaeds
preferred giveaway: 11, 12 and grand prize! :-)
Name: Lara Mae Delos Santos
Twitter: @laramaeds
Preffered giveaway: 11, 12 and grand prize! :-)
Thank you for this opportunity!!! *.*
twitter name: @samanthatedesco
mail: [email protected]
FB: Samantha Tedesco
I prefer the Giveaway: #12
Evgeniya Bukhadeeva
Name: Larissa Manguba
Twitter: @larissamanguba
Preferred Giveaway: # 12
Name: Michelle Jan Bacolod
Twitter: @MishelJan
Preferred giveaway: ROMWE! #12
Regine Therese I. Batol
#12 or grand prize
name: Bernadin Magbiray
twitter: nadinmagbiray
preferred: 11,12 and grand prize
Name: Joyce Ann Bognot
Twitter name: joyceannb
preferred giveaway number prize: grand prize! :)
Name: Virginia Pes
Twitter: Nahrji
Preferred giveaway: #12 :)
Name : Ghina Aulia
Twitter : @_Ghinaaulia
Preferred giveaway : Giveaway # 11 from Berrybow, Giveaway #12 from Romwe, and Grand Prize from Ticketport
Done with the rules! ^^
Anyway, Happy 1st blog Anniversarry and Happy Birthday to you, Camille!
May God always bless youâ¤
Name: Jaszel Hernando
Twitter: @ninjahtertel
Preferred giveaway number: #11, #12 and Grand prize
Fb name: Jaszel Styles
Name: Christine Diane Reyes
Twitter: @_dianereyes
Preferred giveaway number: Grand Prize :)
Camille Joy R. Magnanao
#’s 11 , 12 & GRANDPRIZE
name: Mitzi
Twitter name: mitzi_pie
Preferred giveaway number prize: 12, Grand Prize
Name: Clairebel Sabejon
Twitter: @cfsabejon
preffered #12
Name: Kaye Galang
Twitter: kayegalang
Grand prize, 11, 12 :)
Binky Pitogo
all of the above 11,12,13 :D
Name: Melissa Floro
Twitter: igetmisty
Preferred Giveaway: Grand Prize
Name: Katherine May Caballero
Twitter: @KOTHintheact
Prefered giveaway number: Grandprize :)
Name: Liljanah Wong
Twitter: @liljanahchrissi
preferred prize: grand prize, 12
Grandprize :)))
Name: Felicity Sutton
Twitter: @rubianh
Preferred Giveaway: #12, #11
Name: Chealsy Allen G. Dale
Twitter: @thecrazychealsy
Preference: Numbers 11, 12, and the Grand Freaking Prize!!!
Livia Węzik
twitter -> sachi_kim
name: Jacklyn Rachelle Pelayo
twitter: jacklynpelayo
#’s 11 and 12 :)
Patricia dela Cruz
Hi Miss Camille! I’m Stephanie Co :)
any of the prizes
Happy 1st blog anniversary!
god bless! xoxo ♥
Sho Orbida; Giveaway #12
name: Naama
Twitter name: @Naamaaha
preferred giveaway: #12
Jen Destura
#11, 12
Name: Mariel Anne Pardo
Twitter: xomai18
#11, #12, Grand Prize :D
Gillian Nicole N. Liboon
#s 11, 12, GRAND PRIZE <3
Maika Lalaine Manuel
Twitter Name: maikalalaine
Giveaway #s 11, 12
Khai esteban
Twitter: @khaiesteban
I want the grand prize!! Please :D
Lea Audrey Laano
Twitter name: goofus4gucci
Preferred Giveaway: give away 11, 12 and grand prize :)
Name : john rio pria
Twitter name : @itspriaaaa
Prefer giveaway : Giveaway #12 and 3. Grand prize
name: Jazmine Manzon
twitter: @jazminemanzon
11, 12 and grand prize
Maria Christine U. Parong
Any of the three giveaways will be SO MUCH appreciated if I’ve to win it so I choose numbers 11, 12, 13. :) More power to Ms.Camille Co and the sponsors of this giveaway. GOD BLESS! <3
Name: Francine Figueroa
Twitter: @francefigueroa
Preferred giveaway number: #12 and the grand price :)
Name: Marianne Joyce Sarsonas
Twitter name: marianneejoycee
Preferred giveaway: GRAND PRIZE =)
Name : Jen Ching
Twitter Name : @jenching_
Preferred Giveaway :# 12
Name: Adrie Cu
Twitter: Adriemer
Inna Isabel M. Gaerlan
11 12
Name: Angelique Ann Inguillo
Twitter Name: superangetots
Preferred giveaway: 12
trishie dela Cruz
@trishiedc -twitter
#11. #12 or Grand Prize!
Name: Amy Feliciano
Twitter name: @Itseyymeh
Preferred prize/s: Grand Prize (1st choice), 12 or 11
Name: Kirstine Louise G. Isaac
Twitter: @kiirrsss
Preferred giveaway: #11, #12, Grand Price
tia hipona
twitter: teeeahipona
preferred giveaway: 11, 12 and grandprize.:)
thank u!!
Name: Flerika Vei Villagracia
Twitter name: @flerikavei
Preferred giveaway: Grand Prize ;)
Name: Naomi G.
Twitter: @naohms
Giveaway: #11, #12 or GRAND PRIZE
Name: Johanna Bilgera
Twitter name: johannabilgera
Preferred giveaway number prize/s: #11, #12
Sorry for this. I thought the numbers of these prizes restarted at 1. I prefer nos. 12 and the grand prize. Thanks, Camille! :)
Bianca Rae Danao
Twitter: raepop
Name: Nicole Abalena
Twitter: @itsnicoolio
Preferred Giveaway Number: #11 and #12
Name: Alyssa Krista D. Laguitan
Twitter: @imyourAKDL
preferred giveaway number: 11, 12, grand prize
Name: Victoria Ysabel Ramos
Twitter: @BieberandOneD
Number: #11 #12 and #13
Name: Bea De Guzman
Twitter: @exquisitelybei
Giveaway #11 and #12 <3
I’d love to win the Romwe freebies (#12) Thanks!
[email protected]
Thanks, Camille! <3
giveaway #12.
Name: Eirelle Casiguran
Twitter name: Eirelle Casiguran / @eirellesienna
Name: Katrina Sunday Ruiz-Banzon
Twitter: MrsKatB
Preferred Giveaway: 11,12,grand prize
I prefer giveaway number #12
Twitter: @hazirahnaomi
Giveaway #12 (:
NAME: Jen Mataya
PREFERRED GIVEAWAY: #s 11, 12, or Grand Prize
name: karen carabali
twitter : @karenkatherin
giveaway : #12 romwe
Kevin Clint P. Lagura/ @kevinlagura /Grand Prize: 1 winner of a 3days, 2 nights accommodation for 2 at Floral Shire Resort, Bangkok, Thailand, inclusive of daily breakfast and airport transfers.
Name: Jamie Isabelle Arellano
Twitter: isabellekhan
Preferred giveaway number: 12 or grand prize. :)
Name: Sam Reboja
twitter: samreboja
#s: 11, 12 and grand prize! :)
Name: Tan Ying Jun
Twitter name: @GlenneTan
Preferred giveaway number: #12 and Grand Prize!
Kristin Mendoza
2, 3
Alyssa Verano
#11 #12 and the GRAND PRIZE pls ;_;
Name: Michelle Christie Lim
Twitter Name: christielim
#2 or #3
Jane Justine
preferred number giveaway prizes: 11, 12
zeng daria
grand prize! ♥
Leslie Kho
Twitter name: leslievaline
Preferred giveaway : grand prize
Twitter: @JULIEliciousss!/JULIEliciousss
Giveaways: 1,3,4,6,11,12,13
Name: Danna Shane Cuba
Twitter Username: @fashyonslave
Preferred Giveaways: Giveaway # 11 from Berrybow, Giveaway #12 from Romwe, and Grand Prize from Ticketport :)
Name : elwiana monica
Twitter name : @elwianamonica
Prefer giveaway : 1.giveaway #11 , 2. Giveaway #12 and 3. Grand prize
Done with all of you rules !
Thx camille <3
i wish to win this givewayyyâ¤
name: Katrina De Jesus
twitter: @katrinadejesus4
numbers 11, 12 and the GRAND PRIZE! =D
Name: Noelle Maxine Lee
Twitter: @noweemowee!/noweemowee
Giveaway #11 & Giveaway #12
Twitter: PA @itsPAofficial
Grand Prize & 12 & 11
1. Following you on Twitter & Bloglovin’
Twitter username: @geetiful
2. Alredy liked the FB fanpages and following the twitter of all the sponsors.
FB profile link:
3. Preferred giveaway prize: #11 #12 & The Grand Prize! hehehe.
4. Tweet link:!/geetiful/status/191928815881158657
Happy 1st blog anniversary! Happy Birthday Miss Camille! & Happy blog launching!
More power & God Bless! :)
i wish i would win⤠i love your new bloooog
Name: Katrina Sunday Ruiz-Banzon
Twitter: MrsKatB
Preferred Giveaway: 1,2,3
hey …. i’m karen carabali, my twitter account is @karenkatherin.. my favorite giveaway was romwe #12 ” $80 worth of Romwe goodies” love it ….
Name: Shanen Mah
Twitter: @SMahonia
Giveaway #11 and Giveaway #12
Name: Samantha Ramos
Twitter: @lovegenevie
Preferred giveaways: 11, 12
Name: Joanne Olaes
Twitter: @JoanneOlaes
Preferred Prize: Number 12, I love the grand prize so much but unluckily I don’t have a passport yet so if ever I win that prize I can’t use it so I’ll just pick the Romwe prize :)
Name: Rizza Joy Vista
Twittername: @tweetniisang
I really want Giveaway #11, but still hoping for Grand Prize :)
Jessa Marie T. Lacadin
twitter: @iamjellyyy
preferred giveaway: #11, #12, Grand Prize
Name: Angel Feliciano
Twitter: axleismymaster
preferrred prize:12 or grandprize
Lorraine Carla Laplap
#11,12, and 13
Name: Iola Katrina Sabio
Twitter Name: iola0923
Preferred: Anything! 11 , 12 and grand prize
Name: Evelyn Lee
Twitter: @missbunnyeve
Preferred giveaway number: #12